Kiahlemau replied at 7-4-2019 11:31 PM
Berapa umur pokcik....kak kiah tgk nick mcm budak2 hipster gitew
Pokchik 2 tawun lagik Jubli Emas...
noraidil_06 replied at 8-4-2019 12:00 AM
Muda rumaja lg tu. Rambut pun penuh pomade
Syyyyy...Pomade pinjam anak bujang punya daaa..

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Post time 8-4-2019 08:51 AM
From the mobile phone
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PristineOne replied at 8-4-2019 02:51 AM
Syyyyy...Pomade pinjam anak bujang punya daaa..
Hi pok cik yg dirindui. Kohkohkoh |
Teringat sejarah 9-11. Masa tu visit Melbourne. Tengah cerita cerita dekat kawan, tiba tiba tengok live satu lagi tower tu kena langgar. Seram jugak. The world is never the same after that. Pegi airport pun search gila gila. Muslim worlds were not looked at with the same respects anymore. Everything changed. It is history. Lepas tu ikut lah perkembangan pencarian Osama Ben Ladin. Was he a hero or a terorist?
Ni bukak thread Osama pun bagus ni orang kata dia masih hidup?
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Post time 8-4-2019 11:41 AM
From the mobile phone
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nurrlisa replied at 8-4-2019 11:29 AM
Teringat sejarah 9-11. Masa tu visit Melbourne. Tengah cerita cerita dekat kawan, tiba tiba tengok l ...
Thread 9/11 i dh buka. Osama tatau la ade ke tak |
Oh yer ke? Thanks for that. Nanti nak baca. Saya baca sana sikit sini sikit. Tak sempat. Semua thread saya berminat dan jadi gelojoh. Ni pun sibuk tapi thread you menggamit I. Saya ingat say hello first so that you can have a good week ahead. 
I better get back to my work!
And oh, thank you for the credits! I think I'm now at access 7, thanks to your support. Much love. 
pasal kejadian terputus bekalan letrik kt loji Paka tu la wujud IPP (Penjana Tenaga Bebas).
selain tu jd plot dalam movie XX Ray 3.  |
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lepas Kuala Kedah, Penang kena efek tsunami dari lautan hindi...baru masyarakat amik tau apa itu tsunami..selama ni takder nak amik tau sgt |
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Post time 9-4-2019 02:14 PM
From the mobile phone
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palmolive replied at 9-4-2019 01:55 PM
lepas Kuala Kedah, Penang kena efek tsunami dari lautan hindi...baru masyarakat amik tau apa itu tsu ...
I first time dengar word tsunami |
palmolive replied at 9-4-2019 01:42 PM
pasal kejadian terputus bekalan letrik kt loji Paka tu la wujud IPP (Penjana Tenaga Bebas).
selai ...
Xxray 3 available kat iflix skrg |
Tak ingt tahun, tp masa ru sekolah rendah. Should be around 92-97. Masa tangki simpanan minyak terbakar dan meletup kt port klang. Masa tu tengah main lompat2 atas katil sambil family lain tengok game bola. Tetiba rasa bergegar. Takut. Dah la tkde access to info segera masa zaman tu. Jarak rumah ktrg dr tempat tu mmg jauh. Tesco jln kuching to psr borong slyg? Tk pasti plak kalau ikut garis lurus dkt ke jauh. Tp kalau ikut jalan kreta jauh la. Tingkap kuarters yg dekat2 tmpat kejadian pecah2 siap kena kosongkan lg sbb mcm tk selamat |
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Satu lagi banjir masa 2017. Dok baca yg lain kata banjir besar 2014, masa tu i kat U lg. Tk dpt info sgt. But thn 2017 tu, baru start kerja and waktu tu ada event di pahang. Masa kat sana lah yg pihak hotel pun maklumkan jalan kt LPT tutup utk balik KL. Kena lalu jln dalam. Bengkang bengkuk lg. Siap ada kena brenti tepi, muntah. Masa kat hotel, hari2 hujan. Hari2 breakfast nasi lemak. Sampai masa hari last tu siap melawak, kalau kte tak lepas balik KL hr ni, esok kena makan nasi lemak lagi. Haha |
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aku tgk striming kt web apa ntah..kualiti tahap drama jek dibuat filem
Sis Mod Nora, apa kata bukak satu thread untuk Marie Curie, iaitu the first woman ever to receive the nobel prize. In fact she is the first to receive multiple nobel prizes. We must celebrate women that have great achievements like this. Macam recently katie Bouman who formulated the algoritham for the black hole image, Joan of Arc. History is written by men, and mostly women are forgotten. It is our reponsibility to remember them. 
I malas bukak, akak la bukak.

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Post time 15-4-2019 12:30 PM
From the mobile phone
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nurrlisa replied at 15-4-2019 12:17 PM
Sis Mod Nora, apa kata bukak satu thread untuk Marie Curie, iaitu the first woman ever to receive ...
Mujurlah i ni mod plg rajin abada ini:rolling eyes:
I will. She deserve a place in this board. |
Thank you sis.
I'm always amazed by this woman. She discovered radioactivity and now medical world is fully indebted to her. The X-ray, fight against cancer. Untuk ketika early 20th century, tidak mudah wanita menjadi saintis. Jadi kejayaan dia sangat besar.
I drive a Peugeot and I namakan Peugeot I the Curie. She is sofisticated, classy, sturdy.
Tapi yg sedihnya sampai skrag tak dpt cari pembunuh dia.
Wow this one fact is so cool. Good one syd.
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