Edinburg, Scotland ada snow tak skang?
By the way, mak aku tak bagi travel ke tempat2 yang ada masalah bencana alam ni... Kalau kat Scotland, ada ke bencana alam. Paling kurang, mesti ada berapa RM sebelum boleh spend masa kat sana dan biasanya, berapa hari diambil untuk cover kesemua tempat di Scotland tu? |
Originally posted by monik at 4-12-2008 05:00 PM 
sbb dah booking hotel for 3 nights...mmg hajat di hati nak spent night kat paris...tapi psl booking at least 3 nights br dpt diskaun...so nanti masa kat london br nak tanya leh tak kitaorg transf ...
oooo gitu...takpe...enjoy yr trip.....i dok hotel kat area Gare d nord (train station) lam 100m gitu nama dia The L Europe. euro50 per nite....kalau u rajin jln2 dulu cari yg berkenan...tak silap i pernah baca ada forummer yg dok area LaFayette dpt lagi murah dlm euro40....budget hotel kat sama bersih giler...n staf dia siap bg u gi tgk bilik dulu...kalau kenan baru check in |
Originally posted by kicaptamin575 at 11-12-2008 06:40 PM 
betul cakap monik tu.... jom la kita pi sama2 nanti kak zie. kicap ni pun pegi nanti rasa tak cukup pulak duk london. kalau kira, cuma 5 malam 6 hari je kat london. cik abang ajak jugak pi bath ...
kicap...rumah felda tu camana eh? mmg boleh sewa ke? |
Reply #1744 amsterdam's post
hotel tu 50 euro satu malam utk sorang ke utk satu bilik? |
Reply #1731 tobby's post
betul..york mmg best..york ni terkenal dgn viking (kdg2 ada pertunjukkan viking berlawan pedang) dekat dalam bandar, lepas tu mcm tobby kata ada York castle (naik atas boleh tgk permandangan york), rumah hantu, ada satu ruins berdekatan ada wall (mcm great wall of china tapi kecil jer..), the Shambles (old city) etc. |
Reply #1740 nobara01's post
kena la international driving license. Masa aku pi keje sana 2006 aku apply international license. Pi JPJ wangsa maju, bayar RM150 je valid utk 1 year. |
Reply #1741 Iman_Baby's post
nak gi sana 23 april - 15 may tahun depan. So sekarang ni dok buat research lah skit. Actually, dah pernah gi sana masa study kat US dulu tapi tak leh gi mana sbb arwah mak & arwah makcik ada kat sana masa tu tak bagi I jalan sorang2. ... ... . |
nape tak ada orang jawab post aku pasal Edinburg ni.... |
Reply #1750 eastrun's post
sbb ni thread pasal london. .
aku pun tak dpt nak menjawab soalan ko tu east, aku pernah pi skali je Edinburg ni, tu pun waktu summer. Tp walaupun summer, stll lg cooling la edinburgh ni. |
Originally posted by eastrun at 14-12-2008 12:09 PM 
Edinburg, Scotland ada snow tak skang?
By the way, mak aku tak bagi travel ke tempat2 yang ada masalah bencana alam ni... Kalau kat Scotland, ada ke bencana alam. Paling kurang, mesti ada bera ...
In scotland heavy snow slalu end of january until late february.For now most probably frosty and windy.a bit of rain as well.But even in summer the temperature is less than 20 degrees.Not like london.
So if first time travel to scotland, just bring a warm jacket, dah sampai nak beli lelebih lagi pun boleh ikut stail skarang.but i prefer wearing layers rather than thick jacket,coz in UK you do a lot of walking, unlike USA.It'll warm u up.Plus great for shaping legs..hihi..
happy travelling! |
one more thing, bencana alam mcm flood or fire slalu in outskirt area of scotland and london je.do visit Edinburgh really nice,take the day tour bus, pilih a good tour guide,they will entertain you with lots of interesting history.my dad enjoyed it very much when i took him there. |
Balas #1745 amsterdam\ catat
tak sure la ams, rasa2 nya untuk orang yang kerja FELDA je kot... nanti kicap check |
nak tanya lah..
agak2 boleh tak tido kat stesen eurostar?
kalo tido kat epot tu boleh kan? |
Reply #1756 kicaptamin575's post
wahhh..bestnyer lagi 2 hari nak pergi..mesti hati dah ke sana cuma badan masih kat sini..kalau Cuplah kan mmg takde mood nak keje.. |
Reply #1756 kicaptamin575's post
kicap....nanti jaga diri bebaik...since u preggy kan...kena take good care...and yg plg penting enjouy urself..
betul ckp cup, kalo monik la...dah xde hati nak keje dah....asik ingat nak trobang jer  |
Balas #1756 kicaptamin575\ catat

Jaga diri baik baik... |
Reply #1756 kicaptamin575's post
untung pegi time ni. Pound sterling tgh jatuh... |
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