SungKyunKwan Scandal ~ House 2 - congrats Yoochun & director! ^^ @pg79
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asyik terlelap jer nie.....
semua gie Mount Wachol dan diketuai oleh YHa. ...
nightwinkle Post at 30-11-2010 10:38 
ntah ler. konpius aku, kemain duk concentrate, alih2 terlelap lak. aisyhhh!
semalam sempat tgk epi malam ni. nampak cam SJ gaduh lagi ngan JS pasal port tido dalam bilik derang. siap tolak2 tu. muahahaha... mesti best ni!!
psstt.. YS tau tak JS ngan SJ dah tau dia tu pompuan? iskkk.. tak sabar nak tgk adegan chentan chintun derang |
adoi bestnye......... me skang dengan gigihnye sedut drama ni.. malas nk tunggu s ...
Hana_Hirokawa Post at 30-11-2010 11:44 
weh... lepas sedut pass kat aku sekali. kena buat revision balik kekdah nyer aishhh! |
pe maksud pass kat ko? ko nk copy ka? humm berjanggut ler tunggu sub goess ahaha.. |
adoi bestnye......... me skang dengan gigihnye sedut drama ni.. malas nk tunggu s ...
Hana_Hirokawa Post at 30-11-2010 11:44 
ekek supplier lambat.... bek dnlot sndiri...
goess nye sub mmg berjanggut le nk tgu.... entah bila leh complete tu..
jgn tetiba dorg drop dh le....
hmm ko x amik kt yellowcinema ke... diorg smua amik kt situ jek sub die... |
Post Last Edit by moondance at 30-11-2010 13:34
aku peras giler time tuh, sbb sedar2 time SJ dah jumpa YS. uwaaa... tension mak!
tak sempat tgk ...
EXLESSIA Post at 30-11-2010 12:13 
best woo scene beramas mesra tu.... JS siap tiup agik potato tu sblom kasi YS...
panas kekdahnya... br siap bako.... YS mkn mulut die lak comot... JS nk tlg lap le hehe...
gile JS segan time tu... sengih2 jek die keke...
ko harus tgk repeat ahad ni...
scene tido sebilik ngan SJ tu mlm ni keke... ko lom terlps lg..
YS cuma tau SJ tau die pmpuan... konpem le YS tau kalo dh die sedo...
tgk2 baju die terbukak n muka SJ terkedu kt situ...
ekek principal tu sker sgt tepuk2 montot YHa muahah.. |
[size=+1]Jalgeum Four Interview
An exclusive interview with the Jalgeum Four
SungkyunkwanScandal has ended. Although its ratings percentages never left theteens, it was so popular [among its viewers] that it became known formaking ‘SKKS victims.’ We met the main reasons for the drama’ssuccess–the Jalgeum Four.

A perfect transformation into a dashing student and prickly little prince
JYJ’sPark Yoochun (Micky Yoochun) has overcome the hazing [of publicopinion] to emerge as a successful actor. It’s true that many peopleexpressed concerns about his casting, he who had absolutely noexperience in acting. But he portrayed the role of the dashing andprickly student perfectly, wonderfully putting to rest the worries andfears of many people. In fact, Park Yoochun had dreamed of actingsince DBSK’s second album activities, and he underwent intensive actingtraining beginning three months before filming began to stronglybuild the basics of acting. There are also behind-the-scenes storiesrevealing that on set, he never lost his rookie heart, and always madean effort to learn [from those around him]. He, who showed his fierydetermination to act even though he was twice taken to the hospital with an IV in his vein, said, “Though it was hard, it was a truly happy time.”
“Itwould be a lie if I said I wasn’t nervous about acting before the dramabegan. More than anything else, I was nervous because it was a projectthat was important to me in its timing [T/N: He means its timing in hislife and/or career]. That’s how much love I poured into this project.”
Whenhe couldn’t participate in the final episode party event because ofJYJ’s schedule, he expressed his regret through Twitter.
“Thoughit’s only a 20-page book, it is overflowing with more warm memories andlove than any other book. Inside this car that’s flying at 100km perhour, I am still looking at this book. I love you, and I’m thankful to , which I love. Bye!”
If there is a point of regret, it would be that he was so busy with filming that hewasn’t able to take very much care of his ill father. Due to differingopinions, they lived apart for 10 years, and more than anything, hisheart is apologetic. He said that when he acted with his father inthe drama, played by Kim Kab Soo, he thought even more earnestly abouthis own father.
A son with strong filial piety and talentedsinger of JYJ, Park Yoochun. We look forward to seeing you use thesuccess of this drama as a foundation for becoming a truly impressiveactor.
[Red type under the picture]
I like you. Kim Yoon Shik. I, who
would not travel without a path,
who would not go if it wasn’t according to a principle, I who thought
propriety and law was all there was to life,
I’m telling you
I’ve come to like you, a man. That’s the reason
I can’t remain your friend or roommate.

The woman disguised as a man who confidently entered Sungkyunkwan, a place off-limits to women
A worn out-looking Park Minyoung, who lost 4kg during 5 months of filming, entered.
“Itseems like just yesterday that I was fighting with the hot sun on set,but suddenly winter has arrived. I’ve suffered a bit because of thewinter cold that came suddenly without autumn in between. It wasdifficult because my body had a tough time, but I learned a hugeamount. Because I gave everything I had and did my best during filming,I have no regrets. If I have a daughter later, it’s a drama I would definitely want to show her.”
ParkYoochun and Yoo Ah In are, along with the object of their love trianglePark Minyoung, all the same age as 1986-ers. In spending a long timestuck together, the three of them have become very close friends. Theyare as comfortable with each other to the point where they don’t seeone another as members of the opposite sex, and whenever there was amoment of rest on set, they would get together and talk. Might thatbe why? For a little while, there were rumors that Park Minyoung had ascandal with her loveline partner, Park Yoochun.
“I guess it’sbecause we were deeply absorbed in our acting. It’s probably because weget along really well. Don’t misunderstand! Haha. Actually, Yoochun-ssijokes around a lot and is really fun. When he starts acting, he triesvery hard and gives everything he has. Though it’s his first actingchallenge, he was prepared and had received solid training.”
On the other hand, her thoughts on Yoo Ah In are a bit different.
“Hehas a unique worldview. There’s a side to him that’s more sincere anddeeper [than others]. If the others are like friends, then Ah In-ssifeels more like an older brother, maybe?”
Yoonhee, whosewill is stronger than her delicate looks would betray, is a person withpride and tenacity inferior to no man. Park Minyoung said that Yoonheehad so many similarities to her own self that she felt like her otherhalf.
“Like Yoonhee, I’m also strong and positive in allcircumstances. I do my best even when things are difficult and hard. Ina way, I feel like Park Minyoung has entered Sungkyunkwan as an actor. I’mnot complacent, thinking I’ve become popular, and I will become anactor who does not forget her original purpose and works harder thanever.”
Though, excepting just one episode, she has wornmen’s clothes throughout the entire drama, she is not sad. She remarkedthat strangely, she hasn’t had many roles where she could wear lots ofpretty clothes, and laughed as she said that she would also be wearingaverage and ordinary clothes in her next project, a movie titled "Cat".
“Iwant critics to say, ‘Now she seems like a true actress.’ I would likepeople who felt Yoonhee’s sincere heart to know that I, Park Minyoung,was acting with a sincere heart. Please expect many things from me [inthe future].”
[Red type under the picture]
Please give me a chance.
It’s the first time in my life.
The first time I have met someone
who acknowledges my ability,
the first time I have met someone
who takes my side.
Please give me this chance.
Please allow me to
throw questions to this world.
Please give me the permission
to have the chance to dream of a new world.
cont.. |

The ‘babo’ beastly man who becomes gentle before the woman he loves
Throughthis drama, a different kind of attractiveness of Yoo Ah In wasdiscovered. Though he is a macho man whose roughness can be matched byno one, before the woman he loves, he becomes a meek, hiccuping man. Heis a man so pure he says whatever he feels, and moves according towhatever he thinks, but he also protects and watches over Yoonheewithout a word—-our beastly man, Jaeshin. Many women are still cryingout for Guh-roh sahyung, afflicted with ‘Guh-roh ache.’
“Jaeshinwas just like me, Um Hong Sik (Yoo Ah In’s real name). Jaeshin’stemperament and thoughts were really very similar to my own.Occasionally, I also acted aspects [of Jaeshin] that I didn’t havewithin myself. Shouting suddenly and hiccuping in front of womenare [two things that are] actually very different from myself. It wasso awkward I thought I would die. (Laughter)”
In reality,Yoo Ah In has a ‘strong’ style when it comes to women. That’s why healso acted roughly toward his co-star Park Minyoung. Jaeshin had totreat Yoonshik like he was really a man, which is why he actedruthlessly in putting [Yoonshik] in headlocks or physically fightingwith him. Excepting that one point, Yoo Ah In and Guh-roh are 99%alike. Yoo Ah In also spoke of his character’s strong [capacity for]love.
“During school, I was also a rebellious kid. So Icouldn’t attend school for a long time, and I couldn’t get along withlife [society] very well. Jaeshin’s efforts to meet with hisSungkyunkwan friends, adapt to life, and reform the problems of societyseemed beautiful to me.”
In 2003, Yoo Ah In debuted through thecoming-of-age drama Banolim. In the movie Antique Bakery, he played thepretty pâtissière apprentice Kibum, and in the drama The Man Who Can’tMarry, he played the role of Park Hyunkyu, the fresh youth who dreamsof loving freely to perfection, steadily improving his acting [witheach role]. It took, it seems, eight years after his debut to meet hisrepresentative role, and one feels it came somewhat late. In oneinterview, he revealed his feelings on this, saying, “Every time I say it’s been eight years since I’ve been an actor, I’m embarrassed.”
“If I had listened to my manager, I probably would have made more money and earned more popularity, butwhen I decided something wasn’t right for me, I resolutely gave it up,and I have followed my convictions in choosing projects. That’s why I was able to take on a role as good as this one [in SKKS].”
Ratherthan happiness at finishing a drama successfully, he feels more regret.Asked about his future plans, he said that he will start by shaving hisfacial hair.
“This is the first time I’ve grown out my facialhair. It was unfamiliar because it was the first time, but it seemed tofit me well, so I was happy. Now that filming is over, I’m wonderingwhether I should cut it or not. Should I just completely shave myhead one morning, while I’m at it? Ah! (Song) Joong Ki said that mymost attractive point was my lips. I’m also planning on takingconsistent care of my lips. Haha.”
[Red type under the picture]
You’d better stay right under my eyes.
I thought I was going crazy!
Those obvious lies.
If you keep saying them, it’ll become a habit.

With his flower-like looks, the love shaman who completely steals women’s hearts
“I’m Gu Yong Ha.”
Thisman has stolen women’s hearts in one move with his clever eloquence andwinks. Yongha goes around the market streets as if he has not a care atall for worldly matters and worries—-but those who think of him as ascrew-up who only cares about women and playing make a seriousmiscalculation. The scenes where he cares for his childhood friendJaeshin as though his own body was hurt reveals a deep friendship and apenetrating insight into the ways of life. Through his portrayal ofYongha in this drama, Song Joong Ki has definitely confirmed his placeas an actor.
“He’s really an attractive character. Yongha does everything ‘behind the scenes.’He doesn’t have any special romance in the drama, and he doesn’t have apolitical goal, but he is a very fun friend. I think many people haveshown interest and love in him because he’s a character you don’t oftensee in historical dramas.”
Except for Yongha, the rest of theJalgeum Four students (Sunjoon, Jaeshin, Yoonshik) are entangled in alove triangle. Yongha realized this earlier than the others and watchedover the situation with a knowing eye. But might he have any regretsfor not having a romance himself?
“I’m sad about it. Afterfinishing the drama, I thought there wouldn’t be any big aftereffect,but that wasn’t the case. As I’m the only one without a loveline, anaftereffect was created. [T/N: That is, he feels like someting isunfinished.] In my next project, I also want a role where I can love someone like crazy.”
The most memorable line in the script can be said without any hesitation: “I’m Gu Yongha.”
“Afterthe line became a hot topic, things changed. When we would haveunofficial bets for fun, people would divide into sides, but when Iwould say, ‘I’m Gu Yongha,’ no one would bet against my words.(Laughter)”
Song Joong Ki, who debuted through the movie AFrozen Flower, has been a vivid presence on the acting scene since. Inthe movie Five Senses, he plays a high school student with anill-mannered love [story]; a talented ice skater in the drama ;and a cute hospital resident in the drama OB/GYN, showing his actingskills. Though he began acting at a relatively late age, his efforts atlearning and studying harder than everyone else allowed him to shine asthe clever Yeorim.
“Filming was happy and fun. More thananything else, I’m really happy to have met good friends like Yoochunand Ah In. In the future, I want to participate in diverse projects without consideration of nationality or genre. Please look forward to a growing and improving actor Song Joong Ki!”
[Red type under the picture]
The reason I’m not worthy
is not because I’m a joongin [middle caste].
It’s because I
was embarrassed of myself.
So from here on out
I won’t live that way!
Because this is Sungkyunkwan,
and I’m Gu Yongha!
Purpledoll3′s Naver blog
translated by Jaeshinah@YAIHaven
x tau dh ad ke x...
tp hubby ai pnye interview x leh blah..
ak ske part
The reason I’m not worthy
is not because I’m a joongin [middle caste].
It’s because I
was embarrassed of myself.
So from here on out
I won’t live that way!
Because this is Sungkyunkwan,
and I’m Gu Yongha!
kyaaaaaaaaaa.... |
Reply 1701# EXLESSIA
JS org yg first tau YHee ialah pompuan.dia dpt tau masa kat bilik ritual tu.SJ baru skg tau yg YHee ialah pompuan.tp Yhee tak tau yg JS tau shes a girl...
mlm nanti kimbap roll....hehehe |
Reply 1706# moondance
moon,i cuma tak sabar nk tgk scene kimbap tu jer...ekkeke
gaduh nk tido ngan Yhee |
moon ... adehh yellowcinema.. ade ek wat sub? |
Reply 1711# Hana_Hirokawa
yap yellowcinema de wat softsub hehe...
sub dr viikii n soompi... leh sedut kt situ... dorg pnye dh lama complete dh keke
goess tu je yg x gerak2 agik ... ni mau msk thn br sub x setel lg...  |
Reply 1713# moondance
spoil btul plak rasa nyer si YHa nie... |
Reply 1709# nightwinkle
bukan Yeorim ker tahu YH ni pompuan dulu...
Because this is Sungkyunkwan,
and I’m Gu Yongha! |
aku tak berjaya mencari link sedut sub kat yellowcinema.. |
Reply 1715# PrincessFiona
Yeorim nyer instict dpt feel dia pompuan...in the end he simpan himself |
aku tak berjaya mencari link sedut sub kat yellowcinema..
Hana_Hirokawa Post at 30-11-2010 14:49 
ko dh register lom???
kene register dlu br nmpak link dnlot heehe.... x silap MU daa link die |
JS org yg first tau YHee ialah pompuan.dia dpt tau masa kat bilik ritual t ...
nightwinkle Post at 30-11-2010 13:26 
JS tau YS pompuan tu...aku tau la....
ooo..YS tatau la yang JS dah tau dia tu pompuan. mmg cover line la dia cakap YS jatuh hati kat CS tu.
patut la concern giler kat YS semenjak 2 menjak ni.
mintak2 malam ni aku tak terlelap lagi...!!  |
| |