++ Thread Borak Warga Bod Mawi 12 ++ : Today Topik : Dino yg lembab
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Reply #1684 dino's post
kind of non nutrious food...mkn la pisang free mlm jemahat ni kat mesjid |
Reply #1691 houdini's post
kak yang x suka tgk muka nuar zen tu....:@
semacam jo.... |
Reply #1693 kak_yang's post
nampak sangat kegersangan... |
Reply #1695 houdini's post
BENCI TAU DINI.....:@ :@
harap2 dini x mcm nuar zeng... |
Reply #1697 chami's post
kiranye berselindung disebalik tirai la ye chami? |
okalha.. kakyang nak LO dulu...
nak ambik anak2 kat kg jap...
esok ada family day belah hb...
hancus lagi diet ku ini... |
1. What are the three types of sword used in fencing ?
foil epee sabre - noneng
2. Name The Artist: The House of Blue Lights
chuck miller - chekshu
3. Where in Britain did the legendary 1lth century King Orry rule
the isle of man - kazz
4. name the artist: a love so fine ?
the chiffons - chekshu
5. in 1901 __________ _________, first to go over niagara falls in a barrel and live ?
anna taylor - chekshu
6. In 1958, the Americans launched their first satellite. What was it called
explorer 1 - kazz
7.classical music: who was credited with completing mozart's last work, the requiem ?
his pupil - kazz
8. Which English composer was born near Worcester in 1857 and died in 1934
edward elgar - kazz
9. American Cartoonists: Cartoon created by Art Sansom
born loser - noneng
10. unscramble this word: n o n t i i u s
unionist - syd
11. Films: "Poland, the doormat of Europe. Everybody steps on us."
to be or no to be - kazz
12. In 1984 ---------- ----------- completes first solo balloon crossing of Atlantic.
joe kittinger - chekshu
13. Canadian Music : This inspirational song by Gene MacLelland was a hit for Anne Murray
in 1970.
put your hand in the hand - chekshu
14. which us president was known as "the rail splitter" ?
abraham lincoln - noneng
15. music: lynyrd skynyrd wrote "sweet home alabama" in answer to what song by neil young?
southern man - kazz
16. what hobby was developed by the palmer paint company of detriot ?
panting by numbers - chekshu
17. Serious opera and opposite of opera buffa. This term is especially applied to the
flourishing 18th century style as used by Rossini. Characterised by the use of castrato
singers, heroic or mythological plots, Italian libretti and formality in the music and
opera seria - kazz
18. This Elvis Song Title: An evening ------
prayer - kazz
19. Whose patron is St Lucy
eyes - chekshu
20 bonus 30 Credit : Nama anak Encik Eric yang datang kerja kat Malaysia.
sony - kazz
participation (5 credits)
houdini (walaupun bagi jawapan macam kambeng)
kazz 70 + 5 = 75 credits
chekshu 35 + 5 = 35 credits
noneng 15 + 5 = 20 credits
syd 5 + 5 = 10 credits
sribayu = 5 credits
houdini = 5 credits
tikusmondok = 5 credits
[ Last edited by dexa at 5-6-2008 07:06 PM ] |
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Reply #1704 dexa's post
tahneah kazz, pulun kredit nampak...  |
Reply #1704 dexa's post
den pung participate xder kacang ke? |
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