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Post time 10-2-2022 11:01 PM | Show all posts
TNI AL Perkuat Kapal-Kapal Perang TNI AL Dengan Rudal 250 KM - NAVAL STRIKE MISSILE
Naval Strike Missile bisa diujicobakan ke KRI Golok di Laut China Selatan dengan jarak sasaran 250 km

TNI AL berencana akan memperkuat armada tempurnya dengan Rudal (Peluru Kendali) Naval Strike Missile yang sangat cocok untuk kapal-kapal perang milik TNI AL karena memiliki daya tembak sejauh 250 km.

Hal ini terungkap saat Kepala Staf Angkatan Laut Laksamana TNI Yudo Margono mengadakan rapat paparan dengan PT. Lundin Industries Invest, Kongsberg Deffence & Aerospace AS dan PT. Datareka Integrasia di Wisma Elang Laut (WEL) Jl Diponegoro, Menteng, Jakarta Pusat. Rabu (9/2)

Rapat yang memaparkan tentang Naval Strike Missile, Upgrade KRI Golok dan pengadaan Fast Missile Boat tersebut dihadiri oleh John Lundin (Presdir PT.Lundin), Lizza Lundin (Direktur PT.Lundin), Cecilia Siby (Presdir PT.Datareka Integrasia), Diny Rosyada (Managing Director PT.Datareka Integrasia), Coster Bjorn Verner (Managing Director-Kongsberg) dari Norwegia, dan Skorge Arild (Business Development Manager-Kongsberg) Norwegia.

Di hadapan Kasal, Wakasal, Aslog Kasal, Kadisadal dan Koorsmin Kasal yang hadir dalam rapat tersebut, Mr. Arild menjelaskan bahwa spesifikasi Naval Strike Missile sangat cocok untuk TNI AL karena bisa mencakup daya tembak 250 km, mudah digerakan ke tempat terkecil yang tidak terlihat dan misilnya dikendalikan dari kapal utama.

Misil-misil tersebut akan dibawa dengan Fast Missile Boat yang berukuran kecil, memiliki panjang 19 meter, lebar 4 meter dengan kecepatan 55 Knot sehingga lebih efektif jika digunakan dalam pertempuran karena kecil, taktis, sulit dideteksi musuh dan sulit diserang rudal exocet namun sangat mematikan. Fast Missile Boat yang memiliki bobot 33 ton tersebut berkemampuan layar 500 miles dengan 6 awak kapal dan bekal selama 2 minggu. Hebatnya lagi, Fast Missile Boat tidak bersuara, tidak terdeteksi radar dan mampu bergerak cepat.

Sedangkan cara mengoperasikan rudal tersebut adalah dengan terlebih dahulu mengambil foto target dan lokasinya menggunakan infra merah, kemudian data infra merah tersebut dimasukan dalam data sistem persenjataan, lalu eksekusi penembakan dilaksanakan dari komando yang berasal dari kapal utama. Fast Missile Boat tersebut bisa dimuatkan ke dalam kapal utama sejumlah 6 boat atau dapat berlayar secara mandiri.

Naval Strike Missile ini sudah digunakan oleh Amerika Serikat di Laut Cina Selatan dan selalu efektif mengenai sasaran tanpa bisa dicounter.

Kemenhan RI sangat tertarik dengan Fast Missile Boat ini dan berencana akan pengadaan sebanyak 120 Fast Missile Boat untuk TNI AL. Terkait hal itu, Kasal akan mengikuti arahan Kemenhan dalam pengadaan Fast Missile Boat tersebut.

Untuk menguji kemampuannya, Kasal berkeinginan agar Naval Strike Missile bisa diujicobakan ke KRI Golok di Laut China Selatan dengan jarak sasaran 250 km sesuai spesifikasi misil tersebut. TNI AL akan membantu fasilitas pengamanan dan target sasaran penembakan dalam rangka latihan, sementara dari pihak PT Kongsberg menyediakan misil yang akan dites dan sistem penembakannya.

Oleh karena sistem persenjataan Fast Missile Boat ini belum pernah digunakan oleh TNI AL, maka Kasal meminta perwakilan PT Kongsberg dari Norwegia tersebut melaksanakan paparan kembali di hadapan Pangkoarmada RI, Pangkoarmada I, II dan III serta para Komandan Kapal pada esok hari (10/02) di tempat yang sama. Hal tersebut diperlukan agar para generasi penerus, Pangkoarmada RI, Pangkoarmada I, II dan III serta para Komandan KRI dan perwira staf terkait dapat memberikan kritik dan masukan.

Demikian berita Dinas Penerangan Angkatan Laut.,-RUDAL-BERDAYA-TEMBAK-250-KM-AKAN-PERKUAT-KAPAL-KAPAL-PERANG-TNI-AL/


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Post time 10-2-2022 11:07 PM | Show all posts

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Post time 10-2-2022 11:12 PM | Show all posts
The Dassault Aviation Rafale lands in Indonesia

Indonesia bought six Rafale. Waiting for better. Florence Parly's visit on Wednesday and Thursday could be an opportunity to complete the future Rafale fleet of the Indonesian Air Force.

Michael Cabirol 08 Feb 2022, 17:15 2 mins

New export success for the Rafale. According to corroborating sources, Dassault Aviation has signed an order with Indonesia for the sale of six Rafales. While waiting for better... The Minister of the Armed Forces, who will be in Indonesia on Wednesday and Thursday after having postponed her visit in January, could obtain a new, more substantial order (between 30 and 36 aircraft). This first order is certainly modest but it is important for the aircraft manufacturer: it put a foot in the door in a country, which had never bought combat aircraft from France. It is also the assurance not of guaranteed success for a future order but of solid and serious consideration on the part of Indonesia.

It is therefore a major success for the CEO of Dassault Aviation Eric Trappier, who has set himself the objective of selling the Rafale in a new country after filling up on the countries that use the Mirage 2000 (Egypt, Qatar, India, UAE and Greece), with the exception of course of Taiwan but also of Peru. It should be noted that Croatia, which had never owned tricolor fighter planes, offered itself twelve second-hand Rafales, a contract carried by the General Directorate of Armaments (DGA).

A budget taken from the Sukhoi

The contract for the six Rafales was probably financed by the Indonesian Ministry of Defence from a budget earmarked for the purchase of Sukhoi 35s (nearly 600 million dollars). The Americans strongly advised the Indonesians against signing a contract with the Russians, as they could have been sanctioned under the CAATSA (Countering America's Adversaries Through Sanctions Act), which punishes countries that buy arms from Russia. This cash therefore enabled Prabowo Subianto to buy his first six Rafales.

For the past two years, the Indonesian minister has also wanted to buy about 24 F-15 EXs from Boeing. Just as he wants to complete the Rafale fleet with about thirty additional aircraft from Dassault Aviation. Florence Parly's visit will be decisive for this new order. ... donesie-903640.html

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Post time 10-2-2022 11:14 PM | Show all posts
On the front page of your eco daily newspaper - Dassault Aviation places the #Rafale in Indonesia


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Post time 10-2-2022 11:16 PM | Show all posts
Naval Group delegates including its CEO visited PT PAL Indonesia to discuss cooperation in submarine production.


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Post time 10-2-2022 11:17 PM | Show all posts
Indonesia purchases 42 the Rafale

In the presence of the French Minister of the Armed Forces, Florence Parly, and the Indonesian Minister of Defence, Prabowo Subianto, the Chairman and CEO of Dassault Aviation, Eric Trappier, and the Air Vice Marshal Yusuf Jauhari, Head of Defence Facilities Agency of the Indonesian Ministry of Defence, signed the contract for the acquisition by ...

(Saint-Cloud, France, February 10, 2022) – In the presence of the French Minister of the Armed Forces, Florence Parly, and the Indonesian Minister of Defence, Prabowo Subianto, the Chairman and CEO of Dassault Aviation, Eric Trappier, and the Air Vice Marshal Yusuf Jauhari, Head of Defence Facilities Agency of the Indonesian Ministry of Defence, signed the contract for the acquisition by Indonesia of 42 latest-generation Rafale aircraft, at a ceremony held today in Jakarta.

The Rafale acquisition for the Tentara Nasional Indonesia Angkatan Udara (Indonesian National Army Air Force) includes a complete turnkey solution, with a comprehensive package that covers aircrew training, logistical support for several Indonesian air bases, and a training center with two full-mission simulators.

The Rafale’s unique “omnirole” capability will provide Indonesia with a tool for sovereignty and operational independence, reinforcing its role as a major regional power.

Indonesian industry will benefit from a substantial industrial return, not only in the aeronautical sector, but also in all the other major areas of cooperation relating to the broad portfolio of dual technologies mastered by Dassault Aviation and its industrial partners, Safran Aircraft Engines and Thales.

“It is a great honor for Dassault Aviation to see the Rafale join the highly prestigious Tentara Nasional Indonesia Angkatan Udara air force, and I would like to thank the Indonesian authorities for the trust they have placed in us. This contract marks the start of a long-term partnership that will see Dassault Aviation rapidly step up its presence in the country. It also demonstrates the strong bond between Indonesia and France and reinforces the position of the world’s largest archipelago as a key power on the international stage. I am confident that the Rafale will meet the operational needs of the Indonesian Air Force, actively contributing to the defence and sovereignty of the Republic of Indonesia”, said Eric Trappier on this occasion.

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Post time 10-2-2022 11:19 PM | Show all posts
Congratulations to the Indonesian National Army Air Force and @Dassault_OnAir
on the acquisition of #Rafale powered by our #M88 engine. We are proud to power and support your future fleet. @_TNIAU


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Post time 10-2-2022 11:23 PM | Show all posts
Indonesia and France officially signed: 4 Poin
1.Contract for 6 Rafale (will be followed by another procurement of 36 additional aircraft)

2.MoU for 2 Scorpene Submarines - PT PAL

3.MoU on Defence Satellite - PT LEN

4.MoU on ammunition production  - PT PINDAD


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Post time 10-2-2022 11:28 PM | Show all posts
Edited by rifa at 11-2-2022 09:05 PM

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Post time 10-2-2022 11:41 PM | Show all posts
Edited by rifa at 10-2-2022 11:42 PM

Transfer Of Technology Nexter Ke PT PINDAD

Produksi peluru berbagai kaliber dari Nexter

120mm (untuk MBT),105mm (untuk amunisi harimau hitam),30mm dan 20mm

- 120mm terbaru Dari Nexter yaitu 120mm SHARD peluru yang sama dipakai oleh MBT Lecrec.  Performa dipastikan setara dengan DM-63

- Dan 105mm harimau kita kemungkinan akan mendapat M1060A2 atau M1060A3 dengan penetrasi 440mm Dan 500mm+ dari 2Km 60°

MKS dan MKB yang akan dilaksanakan meliputi munisi kal. 120 mm Main Battle Tank (MBT) , munisi kal. 105 mm medium tank Harimau, munisi kal. 20 mm Vector GI-2, munisi kal. 30 mm Rafale Gun dan munisi kal. 30 mm 6 & 7 barrel.


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Post time 10-2-2022 11:47 PM | Show all posts
Release Resmi CNN : Tanda Tangan 4 Poin Kerjasama Pertahanan


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Post time 11-2-2022 09:52 AM | Show all posts
Breaking News : Deplu AS setujui rencana pembelian F-15EX oleh Indonesia

Sumber Airspace Review di Jakarta mengatakan, Departemen Luar Negeri Amerika Serikat (Deplu AS) telah menyetujui rencana pembelian jet tempur Boeing F-15EX Eagle II oleh pemerintah Indonesia.

Pada hari ini Kamis, 10 Februari 2022 siang waktu Amerika Serikat (malam hari waktu Indonesia), persetujuan tersebut rencananya akan disampaikan oleh Deplu AS kepada Badan Kerjasama Pertahanan Keamanan (DSCA) untuk dibuatkan nofitikasinya kepada Kongres Amerika Serikat.

Diperkirakan, pada minggu ini atau paling lambat minggu depan, DSCA akan mengumumkan hal tersebut di lamannya.

Sebelumnya, Kementerian Pertahanan Republik Indonesia telah menyatakan bahwa Jakarta memilih untuk mengakuisisi jet tempur Rafale dari Perancis dan F-15EX dari Amerika Serikat.

Pada 20 Januari lalu saat ditanya oleh wartawan usai Rapat Pimpinan (Rapim) Kemhan, Menteri Pertahanan RI Prabowo Subianto mengatakan, perkembangan akuisisi jet Rafale dari Perancis sudah mengalami kemajuan dan tinggal mengaktifkan kontraknya saja. Sementara untuk F-15EX masih dalam tahap negosiasi.

Hari ini di Jakarta (10/2/2022), dalam pertemuan antara Menteri Angkatan Bersenjata Perancis Florence Parly dengan Prabowo Subianto, pemerintah Indonesia telah menandatangani pembelian 42 unit Rafale buatan Dassault Aviation.

Penandatanganan kontrak dilakukan oleh Chairman dan CEO Dassault Aviation Eric Trappier dengan Kepala Badan Sarana Pertahanan (Kabaranahan) Kemhan Marsekal Muda TNI Yusuf Jauhari disaksikan oleh Florence Parly dan Prabowo Subianto.

Menurut data dari sumber, sebelumnya Kementerian Pertahanan RI telah mengajukan rencana pembelian 24 F-15EX kepada Kementerian Perencanaan Pembangunan Nasional/Bappenas.

Namun berapa jumlah pasti yang diajukan oleh Indonesia ke pemerintah AS untuk dibeli, sumber AR belum mengetahui secara pasti.

Berita baiknya adalah, bila saja akhirnya Jakarta benar diberikan izin oleh AS untuk mengakuisisi F-15EX, maka Indonesia akan menjadi negara pengguna pertama F-15EX di luar Amerika Serikat.


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Post time 11-2-2022 09:55 AM | Show all posts

WASHINGTON, February 10, 2022 - The State Department has made a determination approving a possible Foreign Military Sale to the Government of Indonesia of F-15ID Aircraft and related equipment for an estimated cost of $13.9 billion. The Defense Security Cooperation Agency delivered the required certification notifying Congress of this possible sale today.

The Government of Indonesia has requested to buy up to thirty-six (36) F-15ID aircraft; eighty-seven (87) F110-GE-129 or F100-PW-229 engines (72 installed, 15 spares); forty-five (45) AN/APG-82(v)1 Advanced Electronically Scanned Array (AESA) Radars (36 installed, 9 spares); forty-five (45) AN/ALQ-250 Eagle Passive Active Warning Survivability Systems (EPAWSS) (36 installed, 9 spares); forty-eight (48) Advanced Display Core Processor (ADCP) II digital computers (36 installed, 12 spares); eighty (80) Joint Helmet Mounted Cueing Systems (JHMCS) (72 installed, 8 spares); ninety-two (92) Embedded Global Positioning Systems (GPS)/Inertial Navigation System (EGI) security devices; forty (40) AN/AAQ-13 LANTIRN navigation pods (36 installed, 4 spares); forty (40) AN/AAQ-33 Sniper Advanced Targeting Pods (ATP) (36 installed, 4 spares); one hundred fifty-six (156) LAU-128 launchers (144 installed, 12 spares); and forty (40) M61A “Vulcan” gun systems (36 installed, 4 spares). Also included are Air Combat Maneuvering Instrumentation (ACMI) (P5 CTS) training pods and support equipment; MS-110 Recce Pods; AN/ASG-34 Infrared Search and Track International; AN/ALE-47 counter-measures dispenser; AN/PYQ Simple Key Loaders; additional precision navigation, secure communications and cryptographic equipment; Electronic Combat International Security Assistance Program (ECISAP) support; Joint Mission Planning Systems (JMPS); Night Vision Goggles (NVG) and support equipment and spares; conformal fuel tanks; chaff and flares; aircraft and personnel support and test equipment; pylons, launcher adaptors, weapons interfaces, fuel tanks, and attached hardware; travel pods, precision measurement equipment laboratory, calibration, and simulators; spare and repair parts, repair and return services; maps, publications, and technical documentation; studies and surveys; classified/unclassified software and software support; personnel training and training equipment; facilities and facility management, design and/or construction services; U.S. Government and contractor engineering, technical and logistics support services; and other related elements of logistical and program support. The estimated total cost is $13.9 billion.

This proposed sale will support the foreign policy goals and national security objectives of the United States by improving the security of an important regional partner that is a force for political stability, and economic progress in the Asia-Pacific region. It is vital to U.S. national interest to assist Indonesia in developing and maintaining a strong and effective self-defense capability.

The proposed sale will improve Indonesia’s capability to meet current and future threats by enabling it to provide increased deterrence and air defense coverage across a very complex air and maritime domain. Indonesia will have no difficulty absorbing these aircraft and equipment into its armed forces.

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Post time 11-2-2022 09:56 AM | Show all posts
State Department approves $13B F-15EX sale to Indonesia, on heels of Rafale deal

An F-15EX fighter jet taxis to its parking spot at Wright-Patterson Air Force Base, Ohio, Nov. 8, 2021. (U.S. Air Force photo/Jaima Fogg)

Indonesian Defence Minister Prabowo Subianto had previously indicated that Indonesia was interested in buying both Rafales and the F-15EX, as part of a major defense spending increase planned for the coming decades.

By   VALERIE INSINNAon February 10, 2022 at 4:57 PM

WASHINGTON: The US State Department has cleared Indonesia to buy up to 36 Boeing F-15EX aircraft as part of an estimated $13.9 billion deal, just hours after Indonesia announced another major investment in the French-made Dassault Rafale.

“We agreed on the purchase of 42 Rafale. The contract signed today is for the first six, which will be followed by 36 others,” Indonesian Defence Minister Prabowo Subianto said today, according to France 24.

Prabowo had previously indicated that Indonesia was interested in buying both Rafales and the F-15EX, as part of a major defense spending increase planned for the coming decades. By approving the sale, the US State Department may be leaving the door open for Indonesia to split its buy between the Rafale and an Indonesian variant F-15EX, which would be known as the F-15ID.

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Post time 11-2-2022 02:25 PM | Show all posts
Edited by rifa at 11-2-2022 02:29 PM

Contract Naval Grup dan PT PAL - indonesia Buy 2 submarine naval grup

Upgrade Scorpene Riachuelo Class dengan desain X Rudder AIP FC2G dan Rudal NSM  


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Post time 11-2-2022 07:24 PM | Show all posts


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Post time 11-2-2022 07:27 PM | Show all posts
PT PAL’s RFI for a Submarine lift​

PT PAL 3D illustration of the ship lift and the transfer system

In addition, local shipbuilder PT PAL issued earlier this month a request for information (RFI) “to propose to provide Ship Lift – Design & Build Scheme solution(s)” .

The documentation clearly shows the aim of this ship lift will be to support PT PAL’s future submarine production activities. What’s more: The dimensions appear to match those of the Brazilian Scorpene type submarine known as the Riachuelo-class.

“The estimated particular of the submarine is given as follows:

∙ LOA = 72 m

∙ Width = 8 m

∙ Draught = 6 m

∙ Height (including sail) = 13 m

∙ Weight = 2,000 ton“

Riachuelo-class submarine specification are as following: 71.2m-long with a beam of 6.2 meters and a draught of 5.5 meters.


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Post time 11-2-2022 09:33 PM | Show all posts


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Post time 14-2-2022 12:58 PM | Show all posts

Korea's New Hunting Hawk Readies for First Flight

This year will likely prove critical for the Korea Aerospace Industries (KAI) KF-21 Boramae, Korea’s new indigenous fighter, as its manufacturer prepares for a maiden flight scheduled for July. The KF-21 is KAI’s most advanced aircraft program to date, and although the Korean Defense Acquisition Program Administration (DAPA) classes the KF-21 as a 4.5-generation fighter because it lacks internal weapons carriage, it reportedly plans a more stealthy variant.

Despite its lack of true low-observable capability, many analysts believe that the KF-21 will enjoy a very low frontal radar cross-section and good electronic warfare capabilities, ensuring a high level of survivability. It also will likely fly higher and faster than the F-35, while carrying a formidable weapons load, particularly for air-to-air missions.

The KF-21 Boramae—whose name derives from the historical term describing one-year-old hunting hawks specifically trained for traditional falconry—is the product of an extremely ambitious program that aims to produce an aircraft that will form the future backbone of the Republic of Korea Air Force (ROKAF) and, indeed, of the Indonesian air force (TNI-AU). The program involves a joint venture between South Korea and Indonesia, with an 80:20 split between Seoul and Jakarta.

In April 2021 the KF-21 prototype rolled out at the KAI factory in Sacheon, and the six flying prototypes—including two two-seat trainers, the first of them being aircraft number 4—and two non-flying test articles have undergone rigorous ground testing since then. Pilot evaluation and interior and exterior lighting ground tests took place using the third prototype.

Plans call for testing to last until about 2026, after which mass production of the KF-21 will begin. The program aims to deploy 40 aircraft by 2028 and 120 by 2032. The new fighter initially would replace South Korea's F-4Es and F-5Es and it could also eventually replace the ROKAF's fourth-generation F-16s and F-15Ks. The TNI-AU expects to take delivery of some 50 under current plans.

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Post time 14-2-2022 01:17 PM | Show all posts
Joint research and development Naval Grup dan PT PAL Untuk Kapal Selam Scorpene AIP (Air-independent Propulsion) TNI AL.

Pemerintah Republik Indonesia akan membeli dua kapal selam Scorpene buatan Naval Group.

Pembelian itu merupakan satu dari empat penandatanganan nota kesepahaman (MoU) yang ditandatangani dalam pertemuan antara Menteri Pertahanan RI Letnan Jenderal TNI (Purn.) Prabowo Subianto dan Menteri Angkatan Bersenjata Prancis Florence Parly di kantor pusat Kemhan RI, Jakarta, Kamis (10/2/2022).

"MoU kerja sama di bidang research and development antara PT PAL dengan Naval Group untuk pembelian dua kapal selam Scorpene dengan AIP (Air-independent Propulsion) beserta persenjataan dan suku cadang serta latihan," ujar Prabowo dalam keterangan pers.

Kontrak kapal selam Angkatan Laut Indonesia yang baru diharapkan akan diberikan pada H1 2022.

A new Indonesian Navy submarine contract is expected to be awarded in H1 2022.

Indonesia's naval shipbuilder PT PAL and France's Naval Group signed a preliminary agreement on 10 February to collaborate on the construction of two Scorpène submarines for the Indonesian Navy (Tentara Nasional Indonesia – Angkatan Laut: TNI-AL).

The memorandum of understanding (MoU) – which is not yet supported through a formal contract – was announced a few hours after the Indonesian government agreed to procure 42 Dassault Rafale fighter aircraft from the European country.

In a statement, PT PAL and Naval Group said the MoU will “seek to leverage the capabilities of both partners to meet the growing requirements of the Indonesian Navy”. The agreement will also facilitate the establishment of a jointly run research and development facility in Indonesia.

Florence Parly, France's Minister of the Armed Forces, who is visiting Jakarta, confirmed in a tweet that the MoU relates to Naval Group's diesel-electric Scorpène platform. “Indonesia has announced an intention to purchase two French-made Scorpène submarines,” she said.

Florence Parly, France's Minister of the Armed Forces, who is visiting Jakarta, confirmed in a tweet that the MoU relates to Naval Group's diesel-electric Scorpène platform. “Indonesia has announced an intention to purchase two French-made Scorpène submarines,” she said.

Janes understands that the two sides aim to finalise a purchase contract before mid-2022. This contract – unlike the newly signed MoU – is expected to facilitate the integration of weapons and systems onboard the submarines and the provision training for operation, construction, and sustainment.

It is understood that the pending contract could provide the opportunity for a follow-on deal of an additional two Scorpène submarines to be constructed in Indonesia.

A spokesperson from Naval Group told Janes




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