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Author: dani-rox

Tom Hiddleston - Premiere, Promo & Press Con Photos (post#1335-1346)

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 Author| Post time 19-2-2014 04:44 PM | Show all posts
yatt_takez posted on 19-2-2014 10:43 AM
Tom Hiddleston wins ELLE Man Of The Year 2014

tahniah abam tom
cian abang... masih berplaster dahinye


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 Author| Post time 19-2-2014 04:59 PM | Show all posts
Tom Hiddleston for Elle UK March 2014


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Post time 19-2-2014 09:36 PM | Show all posts
dani-rox posted on 19-2-2014 04:59 PM
Tom Hiddleston for Elle UK March 2014

abam tom

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Post time 19-2-2014 09:40 PM | Show all posts
akhirnya terjawab pasai plaster kat dahi abam tom

However, the question people are asking is: why does Tom Hiddleston have a plaster on his head? So here are some options

a) We beat Tom around the head with a sterling silver candlestick to make him say nice things about ELLE?

b) Sex game gone wrong?

c) Sex game gone right?

d) Having completed the Donmar theatre Coriolanus run – during which he was suspended upside down and has his throat slit – without suffering bodily harm, he was bending over to pick up his bag and someone opened a door on his head.

e) tershave skali dgn dahi

f) terlebih sikat cc @dani-rox

The answer: Sadly not c) Or even b) for that matter. It is d)

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 Author| Post time 19-2-2014 11:19 PM | Show all posts
yatt_takez posted on 19-2-2014 09:40 PM
akhirnya terjawab pasai plaster kat dahi abam tom

However, the question people are asking  ...

oh terkena pintu ropa2nya

cisss... ini mesti konspirasi pihak yg mencemburui kekachakan abang tom    *tetibe

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Post time 21-2-2014 10:23 AM | Show all posts


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 Author| Post time 21-2-2014 01:48 PM | Show all posts
yatt_takez posted on 21-2-2014 10:23 AM

aik, plaster pon ade peminat...


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Post time 21-2-2014 02:16 PM | Show all posts
dani-rox posted on 21-2-2014 01:48 PM
aik, plaster pon ade peminat...

bukan takat plaster, sweater ngan spek mata pon ada pemenat. ehehehehehe


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Post time 21-2-2014 07:55 PM | Show all posts
ekceli nampak sgt die terkejut menang elle man of the year tu kan?   smpi speechless tak tau nak ckp ape

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 Author| Post time 22-2-2014 12:40 AM | Show all posts
yatt_takez posted on 21-2-2014 02:16 PM
bukan takat plaster, sweater ngan spek mata pon ada pemenat. ehehehehehe

pergh! dahsyat... dr ujung rambut sampai ujung kaki semuanya ada pemenat lol

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 Author| Post time 22-2-2014 12:41 AM | Show all posts
annehuda posted on 21-2-2014 07:55 PM
ekceli nampak sgt die terkejut menang elle man of the year tu kan?   smpi speechless tak tau na ...

heols very the humble one

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 Author| Post time 22-2-2014 11:27 PM | Show all posts

tak paham french tp gigeh tengok betapa dreamy nya habang tom

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 Author| Post time 22-2-2014 11:31 PM | Show all posts

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Post time 23-2-2014 08:36 PM | Show all posts
abam tom nyanyi lam Tinker Bell and The Pirate Fairy

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Post time 23-2-2014 08:37 PM | Show all posts
dani-rox posted on 22-2-2014 11:27 PM
tak paham french tp gigeh tengok betapa dreamy nya habang tom

abam tom mohon belajaq bahsa melayu sama

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Post time 23-2-2014 08:41 PM | Show all posts


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Post time 23-2-2014 09:48 PM | Show all posts
Thor: The Dark World Featurette - Loki: The God of Mischief

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Post time 23-2-2014 10:03 PM | Show all posts
bayangkan itu tangan anda versi tak letak lotion


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Post time 23-2-2014 10:11 PM | Show all posts
6 Terrific Tom Hiddleston Performances (*That Aren’t Loki)
God of Mischief and actor of substance…

At his current trajectory, there's no doubt that Thomas William Hiddleston is on course for greatness, awards and probably medals from nations far and wide. If he goes on to become a knight of the realm and a demigod to a tribe of discerning cineastes, we certainly won’t begrudge him it. His wildly fun turn as Loki in Thor saw him mischief his way to prominence, earning him Avengers MVP status, alongside franchise lodestar Robert Downey Jr.. But it’s not just his Marvel work or – sorry Tom! – his Empire Sexiest list prominence that’s notable about him. With Jim Jarmusch's Only Lovers Left Alive offering a walk on the wan side, here’s our pick of his other roles to date.


When people talk about manners being painful, Unrelated is what they mean. Joanna Hogg, beginning a three-film (to date) partnership with Tom Hiddleston, has an acute ear as much for what goes unsaid in middle-class mingling, as she does for the occasional explosions of angry shouting that bring them to a head. Hiddleston plays Oakley, the well-to-do scion of a holiday family, as virile and confident as the group’s 40-something guest Anna (Kathryn Worth) is brittle and conflicted. There’s sexual tension – most of it coming from her – a painful misunderstanding, a car crash, a huge slanging match and some mild drug abuse, but as ever with Team Hoggleston, it’s in the stillness and understatement that the film lands its real punches.


Hiddleston has taken on musing duties for Joanna Hogg with great effect, especially in this, the Empire Strikes Back of their trilogy of movies together. There are no wampas or AT-ATs – you don’t get many in the Scilly Isles – but there is still plenty of strife and an absentee dad. The latter, unseen throughout, overshadows a small family gathering that would have been fraught with undercurrents even without an unreliable paterfamilias. Deliberately paced to mirror life’s natural cadences and unafraid to linger in some uncomfortable corners of family interaction (witness its supremely agonising restaurant sequence), it’s a terrific showcase of the actor’s flair for naturalism.


Should Hollywood make an F. Scott Fitzgerald biopic (and it should because his life was movie catnip) Hiddleston would do a mighty job of filling the literary giant's handmade brogues. We know this because he's already done it once, in Woody Allen’s hit time-travel-romance-comedy. Allen did a fine job with the story - finally, someone prepared to make Paris look romantic! – but Hiddo brought refinement and dash to the secretly bruised writer. His disintegrating marriage to Zelda (Alison Pill) is subsidiary in the movie, but was made a lot more, er, sidiary by the actor’s charm and depth.


The Hiddler has done plenty of stage work – most recently as a barnstorming Coriolanus at the Donmar Warehouse – so the theatrical elegance of Terence Davies’s Rattigan adaptation must have suited him down to its Blitz-rubble-strewn ground. With typical nuance, he plays Freddie Page, an ex-RAF man and Battle of Britain survivor whose raffish confidence masks deeper turmoil. Page is a callow man torn between his desire for a desirable but married woman (Rachel Weisz) and an impulse to run like hell from the first sign of commitment. This film features icy reserve, reckless indifference to his lover’s predicament and scenes of mild golf. If you come for the super-sharks, you’ll been disappointed.


It’s not just about movies, theatre and teaching Cookie Monster the concept of patience with To-Hi – he also gives tremendous TV. In the BBC’s Henry IV Part I and II and Henry V, he made an acclaimed Prince Hal, a role he couldn’t have been more born to play if he’d been christened ‘Hal’, his dad was king and his hair naturally grew in a saucer shape. Of course, none of that applies – his dad is a scientist and he has excellent hair – but he does effortless communicate the rare mix of noblisse oblige and warrior spirit demanded by Shakespeare’s warring royal. Producer Sam Mendes tapped him for the role and his Thor boss Kenneth Branagh (himself a former Henry V) emailed him encouragement beforehand, gestures that show the esteem in which he’s held by even hallowed stage and screen veterans.


Hiddleston is creatively encamped with Joanna Hogg – there’s a “Hogg-tied” joke here we’re not making – and their work together goes from strength to strength. Early word on this London-set slice of housing bubble realism, which arrives in April, is equally positive. T-Hiddy plays air-dried estate agent Jamie Macmillan, a man so immersed in the matter-of-factness of his trade he’d probably redevelop his own granny given the chance. It’s a lengthy cameo that showcases the less Loki-fied end of his range. We’d like to think that his realtor and the God of Mischief might share the same universe – Macmillan could show him a nice glass-encased pied à terre in an up-and-coming part of Migard – just to see Loki unleash the Chitauri on a random gazumper.

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Post time 23-2-2014 10:20 PM | Show all posts
Tom Hiddleston Interview - Première Magazine February 2014 (French)

It appears you speak French better than Bradley Cooper. Is it true?
Really? [In French] It’s up to you! I learnt your language in school in England, from 10 to 16 years old. Then I worked in France in a theatre company and, most recently, I shot Midnight in Paris in your area under the direction of Woody Allen. I try not to become rusty.

Last May, Only Lovers Left Alive was presented in Cannes competition. It was your first time on the Croisette and you almost didn’t come…
Don’t remind it to me, this has been an epic travel! The day before the film screening, I had to take the plane in London, but the airport closed in front of my nose at 22pm because the engine of a plane was on fire and an emergency landing procedure had to be setting. In short, my flight has been cancelled and because there was no Eurostar left, I made hitch-hiking and I took a taxi to go to Douvre. It was raining cats and dogs, I was soaking wet.  So at 2am,  I found myself in a boat ; at 5am I landed at Calais and I jumped in another taxi to join Paris ; at 8.30am I was at Orly Airport : at 9.30am in a plane to Nice ; and at 2.30pm I arrived  exactly for the press conference!

It’s funny; you travelled by night by sea and land, like Nosferatu. You were in the character…
Absolutely! But I survived the sun rising…

Is it Loki, the gloomy super-villain character you played in Thor and The Avengers, who gave to Jim Jarmusch the idea of choosing you for the role of a vampire?
No, he has not seen those films! I simply showed to Jim a photo of me in The Avengers so that he could be aware of how I look like with black hair. Because I am naturally blond, he was afraid it would appear weird, but he was relieved.

We imagine your meeting at dusk in a Detroit local bar…
[Laughs] Absolutely not! We met each other for a cup of tea in a very cozy cafe in Manhattan. I was promoting War Horse and was on the verge of starting Henry V, a BBC series adapted from the Shakespeare play. He asked me not to read the scenario and described me the character like an “Hamlet who would be played by Syd Barrett”!  That was enough to convince me. In any case, I love Down by Law, Dead Man and Night on Earth so much that I was already conquered.

Were you looking for an independent project to stretch your legs between two blockbusters?
I don’t think like that. I don’t tell myself:”Well, I am going to alternate big productions and little independent projects.” I chose what motivates me when the things occur. In order to be in good shape you have to eat everything.  The combined diet is healthier than protein-enriched diet. And it works also for the cinema. I already played a certain number of soldiers and super-heroes. Here, Jim allowed me to personify romanticism and melancholy. Adam, my character, is a talented musician et a brilliant engineer. Music fascinates him as much as science. He likes resonating particles, whether it is string instruments or stars in the outer space. As a member of the audience I want also to eat everything: a romantic comedy like The Proposal with Sandra Bullock, and Lars von Trier’s Antichrist.

Adam has an amazing quickdraw, midway between the vampire and rock star. Who have you inspired?
We studied pictures of rock stars of the 60s as Syd Barrett, Mick Jagger - at the time of Performance (Nicolas Roeg and Donald of Cammell) - or Keith Richards. Adam has to be elegant, sophisticated, and at the same time he is wearing vintage clothing that Lord Byron would not have disowned. As Jim wanted to give a rock look to the film, it was also mentioned Tom Waits, Iggy Pop, Brian Eno, Jimi Hendrix, Bach … In short, people imbued with this spirit. And then with Tilda (Swinton, his partner in the film), it was agreed that Adam and Eve were like wolves. They are following their animal instinct of wild creatures. Despite their erudition, they are not brain but react in a physical way and are capable of appetites, in every sense of the word.

We finally see them as specimens of a species endangered that we would like to save.
Absolutely. Adam is fragile and delicate, he may be dying. Moreover, it is possible that he has no more reasons to live. Hamlet by his side, he has a tendency to melancholy and considers suicide as a possible loophole. Eve, she is there to protect him. This is also what interested me: translate a relationship in the context of immortality. This eternity is it a blessing or a curse? And finally, what is an “old” couple?

The duo that you form with Tilda Swinton tackiness all old school bloodsuckers. Robert Pattinson is sent back to the stone age …
This is a film by Jim Jarmusch and therefore, inevitably, it is not conventional. The fact that the characters are vampires is almost secondary. These are primarily musicians, poets and exiles. Tilda has a very interesting theory about Jim. She believes that one way or another, all his films are films of vampires. I think she’s right.

Between Thor and Avengers sequels, you’ll be busy during the next five years. Are you apprehensive of?
Let me be clear: I love playing Loki. It is an extraordinary character who is highly intelligent and emotionally very complex. He is evil but at the same time, his eyes sparkle and we guess a lot of suffering in him. Whenever I re-enter his skin, I try to play him differently, to make him evolve. Loki is a god, he does not age. Like Adam, who lives for centuries. He has a rich past and this amazing memory he lugs around with him is fascinating to embody. Now that I know I’ll be Loki for five or six months a year, I must make sure to choose different roles in the meantime, and budget film has nothing to do with it. Acting, it’s like the piano. 88 keys allow you to create a multitude of different melodies. Some players rather to play one air throughout their career and may even excel in this exercise. Me, I want to try all the keyboard, even if I crash!

If you were a vampire, who would you want to bite?
Ah, I love this question! Wait, I have to think … It would have to be someone who has poetry because it is a quality that is lost. Someone who wants to continue to learn and improve himself throughout his life and uses the immortality responsibly, but is not afraid to enjoy it. Tom Yorke (lead singer of Radiohead). David Bowie. And then a woman, of course: Tilda!

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