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Author: hyie

Edisi Konsert: CT Live In KLCC - Where The Heart Is [Single R&B: p. 7, #152]

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Post time 8-2-2014 02:20 AM | Show all posts
Thank you dauwsq for the mention...hehe..lama tak balik sini....
Tgh listen full audio yg aku rekod tadi...nanti bagi review juga...

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Post time 8-2-2014 03:14 AM | Show all posts
(Kalau nak surprise, jgn baca tau; kalau tak pergi konsert langsung, nak tau, baru baca, hehe, anyway aku ni tak pandai review, jenis Chinese fanatic jer)

Gold seat, pretty nice view.
It's almost 9pm, hall was almost fully-packed. "Dim the lights, and here we go..."

1. Siti Situ Sana Sini + Jalinan Cinta
Started off with epic stage effects. Siti, with black-orange outfit, appeared from the middle of the hall and greeted VIPs on her way to stage. Audiences sang along "Hey Yeah" during intermission, but when Siti belted a high note, crowd went silent a bit, haha!

2. Kesilapanku Keegoanmu

Most requested song on Twitter/Instagram, Siti performed this for the first time (I think so) in a live show.

Siti introduced few artists who attended the show: Shila Amzah (pretty shy but cute), Ziana Zain (Funny imitation by Siti), Erra Fazira (gorgeous), Ezlynn (The HI HI BYE BYE ezlynn?), Faradhiya, Aishah AF, many more...Wonder why Ziana and Erra sit so far away from the VIP though.

3. Purnama Merindu + Nian Di Hati
Obviously the crowd favorites, scream! Purest vocal, just like studio recording, or even better, bonus for the fans!

Time for the band and musicians to expose themselves a while. Jamie Wilson, still playing for the team. Pat Ibrahim, the choreographer. Aubrey Suwito, my ALL-TIME favorite music arranger.

4. My Story (Medley)

Using few of her notable songs to introduce her 'story' in music career. Jerat Percintaan, her first single off her career after winning Bintang HMI RTM, again another vocal powerhouse. Next, her journey from KL to KL aka Kuala Lipis to Kuala Lumpur, she recorded this song straight after listening to the demo, Kau Mawarku. Love that Kau~Kau~Kau moment. A very short Aku Cinta Padumu followed by Percayalah. Then her love story began with Bukan Cinta Biasa, one of my all time favorite ballad. Kau Kekasihku, freaking good rocky melody, even better than the Royal Albert Hall version, listening to this live was just amazing! Seindah Biasa, little creative in the music arrangement, with some dancing, superb! Followed by Ku Mahu...Whatever challenges faced, Siti is still Siti, no one can deny her, that's Pendirianku. Siti was still pitch perfect, after such a long medley.

Break...not for long, probably just 1-2 minutes.

5. Sekian Lama
Now with green (her favorite colour) outfit, This song wasn't released as single years ago, but as an album track, it's awesome. And to have the privilege to listen to this live, what can i say?!

6. Muara Hati
Theme song for Adam & Hawa drama. It's solo, yeah without HAFIZ, no 'disturbance' haha! Crystal clear voice, Imma love you forever! Demi cinta, dalam hatimu, my favorite part. Siti inivited a guy to sing Hafiz's part during second chorus, not bad! Not forgetting the epic climax.

Q&A Session

Prince Aha Aha (name given by Siti, lol) asked: I'm sure you have been preparing a lot since the announcement of this concert. How do you maintain your stamina, I see lots of photos in Instagram...Standard answer from siti of course.

Jue & Ruby (they shouted a lot during concert, bahaha, somehow they became shy, and eventually asked no question, lol) Siti just sang Di Sini Ku Berjanji a little, 2 lines!!!

And guess what? They won themselves a lamp and a bag.Funnier thing: Prince Aha Aha, BRAVELY, in front of DATUK K said: With this lamp, I'm gonna dream of CT tonight when I sleep! And the crowd went wild! Probably one of the highlights of the evening. Jue & Ruby (the merajuk girl, lol) each asked for a selfie pic on stage.

7. Tanpa Kalian + Intrig Cinta
Ah, Tanpa Kalian my favorite song! Pretty surprised with Intrig Cinta too. Loved the stripped off version in the beginning. Still the captivating voice, I just melted...Intrig Cinta LIVE was good!

8. Stand Up + Remember You
Not gonna lie, better than studio version. Or was it the sound system too good? Just love everything going on so far. Glad that Stand Up was chosen over I Cry, cuz the former was the better track obviously. Was wondering if someone's gonna pop put and rap in Remember You. lol.

9. Just Give Me A Reason
YAY. Siti's favorite, so am I. And Hazama was the Asia's Nate Ruess. Bridge and Final chorus = good ending. Have to mention Aubrey Suwito again, he's just unbelievable.

Hazama to perform 1 song, not forget to mention, a pretty good Ramli Sarip imitator too. haha

10. Cindai + Nirmala
There came my favorite arrangement again from verse to chorus. America, hire Aubrey (and the team of course)! Nirmala has to be my all time favorite traditional track. I don't mind Siti bringing 2 traditional songs only, after all she has too many big hits.

Acknowledged the entertainment media URTV, Media Hiburan, Mangga, Hi! and bloggers Budi, Nurul etc...

11. New song (unknown title, not revealed)
A slightly dark song. Datuk K must be paying attention to the lyrics since it's related to him. Radio-friendly for sure, and a potential single. Yes I want the studio version now! This song will be included in her next album, scheduled to be released in mid year.

12. Biarlah Rahsia
Yeah Beb, the rock version! Heard this many times, and things get even better, better than ever, ROCK FEVER! Ku putuskannnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn.......Biarlah RAHSIAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!

Going to end, one last appreciation to sponsors, attendees...

13. Lebih Indah
The final, none other than the latest single. Dancers wearing Japanese costumes, if not mistaken, ideal for a music video I'd say.

A kiss from Siti to Datuk K, last goodbye wave from Siti...wrapped...bye! (Rushed to train station and headed home...)

**It's not just a charity concert...That's what I thought...Siti, I can't wait for your next album, come faster!!!

Add aku yeh kat facebook & twitter: Last edited by i_know_you_wont on 8-2-2014 03:19 AM



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Post time 8-2-2014 04:15 AM | Show all posts
September14 posted on 8-2-2014 02:14 AM
Rasa x puas hati dgn konsert ni, ct mcm x focus... Time kesilapanku keegoanmu lupa lirik yg sgt keta ...

aku rasa boleh dimaafkan utk kes kesilapanku keegoaanmu sbb lagu tu pun kali pertama dinyanyikan live stlh demand bertahun2 oleh peminat ct..
tgk gaya ct lupa disini ku berjanji, pun dh tau dia mmg jenis susah nak hafal lagu ballad yg dia pernah rakam sblm ni kecuali yg selalu dinyanyikan...

berbeza ngan konsert tradisional aritu mmg flawless gak dia hafal even lagu2 yg kurang popular (cth sulam sembilan, damak) pun dia dpt hafal ngan baik...
mgkn sbb passion ct betul2 pd lagu2 berentak tradisional/etnik...


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Post time 8-2-2014 05:05 AM | Show all posts
Bila check balik....Kesilapanku Keegoanmu takde potong pun...aku yg salah...hehehe
Apapun paling ketara salah lirik ketika rangkap ke-2.

Besar kesilapanku besar lagi kesilapanmu
Hampa yang kau rasakan hampa lagi perasaanku
Kau cuba menyatakan aku
Menbuat kesilapan
Yang tak mungkin kau maafkan lagi
Ku tak mungkin kau perlu di sisi

Besar kesalahanku besar lagi keegoanmu
- masa nie siti nyanyi kesilapanmu macam rangkap pertama
Berkali ku beri alasan berkali-kali kau menolaknya
Kau ingin ku menyatakan
Diri ini bagai lilin
Dan terbakar oleh perbuatanmu

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Post time 8-2-2014 09:46 AM | Show all posts
wahh.. seronoknya baca review

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Post time 8-2-2014 11:07 AM | Show all posts
ColbyRaikkonen posted on 8-2-2014 05:05 AM
Bila check balik....Kesilapanku Keegoanmu takde potong pun...aku yg salah...hehehe
Apapun paling ke ...

ramai org dtg tgk x?hall penuh ke?
kat dlm situ leh gamba sewenangwenangnya x macam kat IB ek?
jeans,sneakers mmg cnfirm lepas kan..tshirt leh pakai x

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Post time 8-2-2014 12:41 PM | Show all posts
apang posted on 8-2-2014 11:07 AM
ramai org dtg tgk x?hall penuh ke?
kat dlm situ leh gamba sewenangwenangnya x macam kat IB ek?
j ...

Hall penuh gak...xder la byk sgt kosong yg paling kelakar memula semua kuarkn kamera.....pastu staff pancar ngn laser then x jln bukak spolight lak kt mn2 yg degil.....but still degil lg tuh.....trus dtg kerusi ke kerusi......last2 staf pun da mls sbb rmai giler on camera termasuklah aku.....abis2 pun pakat gelak jer.....erm tp kali ni audience x sehebat kat IB arituh......xder havoc sgt......xpueh tgk konser ni......btw xleh tido mlm rasanya bila dpt face to face ngn ct.....masa nk kuar dr hall tgn mengeletar giler hilang focus time amik pic terkedu siot.....aura siti kuat giler.....

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Post time 8-2-2014 12:43 PM | Show all posts
ColbyRaikkonen posted on 8-2-2014 01:38 AM
Best...dan memang best...Sempat jugak ambik video Kesilapanku Keegoaanmu, Give Me A Reason dan Lagu  ...

Bila lak ader gelaran Agong kat situ tuh....mrh agong sedia ada

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Post time 8-2-2014 01:09 PM | Show all posts
wizardLy_boy posted on 8-2-2014 12:41 PM
Hall penuh gak...xder la byk sgt kosong yg paling kelakar memula semua kuarkn kamera.....p ...

ade sesi otograf n bergambar bagai ke lps show?
konsert start and habis pkl bape?

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Post time 8-2-2014 08:46 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Antara konsert ni dengan philharmonik,dan lantera timur mana lagi best?

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Post time 8-2-2014 09:25 PM | Show all posts
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Post time 8-2-2014 10:35 PM | Show all posts
ColbyRaikkonen posted on 8-2-2014 09:25 PM

Kesilapanku Keegoanmu

Lagu Baru



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Post time 8-2-2014 11:22 PM | Show all posts
aku dh dgr kesilapanku keegoanmu...aku rase kesalahan tu boleh dimaafkan..

kalau aku karaoke sorg2 pun tanpa lirik selalu sangkut kt rangkap ke-2 tu...
sbb rentaknye mmg nak dekat2 sama

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Post time 8-2-2014 11:23 PM | Show all posts
ColbyRaikkonen posted on 8-2-2014 10:35 PM
Kesilapanku Keegoanmu

sekian lama ade tak colby?


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Post time 8-2-2014 11:26 PM | Show all posts
NyuNyu posted on 8-2-2014 08:46 PM
Antara konsert ni dengan philharmonik,dan lantera timur mana lagi best?

antara philharmonik & LT, aku rase feel lagik LT...

yg ni tak leh nak bandingkan, sbb aku tak pi konsertnya hehe

tp berdasarkan review kwn2 forum kt sini, rmi macam tak berapa suka jek

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Post time 8-2-2014 11:29 PM | Show all posts
ColbyRaikkonen posted on 8-2-2014 10:35 PM
Kesilapanku Keegoanmu

musical arragement guna r&b style...melodinya nampak cam sedap jek...
aku rase boleh laku kt radio kalau dipromosikan secara besar-besaran...


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Post time 8-2-2014 11:38 PM | Show all posts
bila ct nyanyi lagu r&b ni, teringat lagu x-tina Sing For Me...

dh lame mengidam ct buat lagu camni, akhirnya tercapai jugak

jemput komen lagu terbaru ct ni hehe

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Post time 8-2-2014 11:47 PM | Show all posts
ColbyRaikkonen posted on 8-2-2014 10:35 PM
Kesilapanku Keegoanmu

aku suka new song tu!...

btw, ko guna kamera apa ye cocobi?

clear la video!

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Post time 8-2-2014 11:53 PM | Show all posts
OMG i loveeeee this r&b song so much....................

susah nak digambarkan perasaan suka single terbaru ct ni sejak ku percaya ada cinta...

plissss make it to anugerah juara lagu

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Post time 9-2-2014 12:24 AM | Show all posts
Hi.. Baru jer balik dri tgk konsert siti nurhaliza..
Mmg superbbb especially suara siti tetap power..
Walaupun ada lagu yg lupa lirik.. Dan Siti beri ucapan tq to group peminat Siti dari japan yg hadir beri sokongan selain Indonesia n singapore.. Lepas tgk konsert ni dah mula sayang balik kat Siti.. Aura Siti mmg kuat dan terbukti malam ni dewan hampir penuh ..

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