Reply #143 khaly's post
oleh kerana kita bakal berhadapan dgn krisis kenaikan harga minyak tahun depan....aku suggest hang amik..SAVVY.... ........jimat dan bertenaga.......setendet pun leh bawak sampai 170kmh.......tapi jgn laju2 le...nak ke mana.??? ke kubur boleh le.........
lagi pun space lebih kurang jek tiga2 keta yg hang pening kepala nak pilih tuh.........
[ Last edited by spirkaklampuru at 18-11-2007 10:29 AM ] |
Originally posted by khaly at 18-11-2007 09:11 AM 
sowi aa kalau aku masuk salah tmpt...
kalau korang boleh tolong, tolonglah yek...
aku cadang nak beli keta, yg ada dalam pala otak aku ni myvi, savvy n satria neo...bila aku baca balik kome ...
kalau ko jenis suka ikut orang.. ikut jiran/mak sedara /pak sedara ko... ko beli la myvi.. no 1 dimalaysia tau
kalau ko suka ikut org.. ko dgr la ERA.. radio no.1 di mesia tau
kalau ko suka ikut org.. ko pangkah la UMNO.. parti no.1 dimalaysia tau
kalau ko suka ikut org.. ko beli la album mawi.. mesti best.. no.1 dimalaysia
[ Last edited by peYno at 18-11-2007 06:57 PM ] |
aku bawak savvy baru yg launch 2007 punye version... aku tgk manufacturing date April07....okay je bak kata org sedap bawak....minyak pun jimat......plus ....dh laaa beli ade less RM3,000..rear spoiler dh ada, yg lain2 std laa power window & stereng...radioCD...sport rim..tp aku teringin nak pasang skirt...mau lg cun kete aku .yg aku plg suka manual dia mcm semiauto.....senang idup aku nak bawak kt KL ni...klau auto aku jarang guna sbb tk best sgt..overall pueh hati la aku beli..monthly aku bayar RM530 dp RM4700..7 thn. |
Reply #141 spirkaklampuru's post
cun ar kete tu spirkaklampuru....kete u ke???
chelita,nuhha pun cm trigin je psg skirting...smart sket..
tp byk ke uwit nk kne spend ek?... |
korang, aku bcadang nk amek kete...
nak amek Viva or Savvy ek?? sejak savvy mura nihh.. aku da pening... |
amek savvy la shanew3stgalz ...best wooo..cam bwk sport car..  |
Originally posted by shanew3stgalz at 21-11-2007 10:35 AM 
korang, aku bcadang nk amek kete...
nak amek Viva or Savvy ek?? sejak savvy mura nihh.. aku da pening...
bg aku laaa viva tu mahal laaa..dh tu ketot jeee....lebar dia besar kancil je cuma dia panjang skit dr kancil....savvy ni minyak pun jimat...klau dh kt jln..especially kt hiway..pecut pun tk rasa...bg aku la kannn...sbg owner savvy:re: |
mana posting aku nihhhh |
reply khaly's #145 post
Savvy cute. Dgr nye, "spender" yg kat blkg savvy tu diorang dh ilangkan ke?
Myvi ni...erm, abah aku baru je sambar satu.
Tp ramai yg ckp dia ni underpower sbb cc 1.3, body lak bosar.
Apa kata u tunggu awl thn dpn. Pennganti Iswara akn dilancarkan. Lawa jugak tu dr gossiip2 yg memberitahu.
compare savvy dengan myvi aku pilih myvi punya~~~ |
Originally posted by de?erci at 24-11-2007 07:03 PM 
compare savvy dengan myvi aku pilih myvi punya~~~
sedari ni perempuan kan...:re: |
Originally posted by edmundo at 23-11-2007 05:42 PM 
Savvy cute. Dgr nye, "spender" yg kat blkg savvy tu diorang dh ilangkan ke?
Myvi ni...erm, abah aku baru je sambar satu.
Tp ramai yg ckp dia ni underpower sbb cc 1.3, body lak bosar.
Apa kat ...
spender?..hahahhahaaa ..betullll kete savvy baru akuu mmg tk pakai spender..tp bg aku cute perr modified design yg baru nie |
bila masa savvy pkai spender plak ni..... |
haa...nuhha pun x pasan...bile mase ek savvy pkai spender? |
rasanya sbb savvy lama kan ade mcm line tirus mcm huruf V yg ade lambang proton kat belakang bontot tuu.....yg baru kan belakang dh tkde mcm V dah |
savvy ni sedap bawak, handling mmg best, part tu aku bekenan pada savvy ni, tp bentuk out la..mcm jamban pun ader... |
Originally posted by Kezman at 30-11-2007 09:23 PM 
savvy ni sedap bawak, handling mmg best, part tu aku bekenan pada savvy ni, tp bentuk out la..mcm jamban pun ader...
kat negara2 dunia ketiga jer nampak cam toilet tuh sbb tak biasa... tp kat europe.. it's call clamshell
[quote]Snarled up in traffic trying to get into Chichester last Saturday morning, I spotted the rear of a snappy-looking supermini in the queue ahead that, for a few seconds, I couldn't put a name to. I抎 seen a press release about it, but just couldn抰 place it.
I liked what I saw, though. Flared arches, clamshell bonnet, tidy lights, stepped glasshouse, central exhaust pipe. All very distinctive. But then I glimpsed the badge. It was a Proton Savvy. Almost immediately I caught myself thinking, 'Oh God, it's a Proton. It抣l be a right spudder'. Like a first-class badge snob, I抎 junked my positive first opinion the moment I saw the car抯 badge. So much for an impartial, experienced and unbiased journalist.
Unfortunately, the Savvy conforms to the norm and is decidedly average to drive. It will remain a small seller and deservedly so. But I walked right into its visual snare. It's easily done though, isn't it? It's simple to write off a car because its badge isn't up to scratch, no matter how good it looks. And for a long time now - too long, perhaps - the good old badge-ometer was a pretty accurate measure of a car's worth. Premium car makers made good-looking cars and, by and large, the mainstream manufacturers produced dross.
Now we have a market turned on its head by cool-looking Kia Cee'ds, funky Skoda Roomsters, slick Ford Mondeos and edgy Vauxhall Astras taking on drab-looking BMW 325is, stomach-churningly ugly Porsche Cayennes, breeze-block Audi Q7s and Ferraris 612s best viewed in dark metallics at night. So the question is this: on a pure design level, would you rather drive a sharp-suited model with a common-as-muck badge, or a visual dullard with a pay-through-your-nose logo?
Yes, of course, style and design are hugely personal choices, and plenty of you reading this will disagree with my shortlist of uglies and beauties. But am I wrong to think that exclusive and expensive no longer have the monopoly on motorway eye candy? The next time you抮e drawn in by a car抯 looks |
Aku semenjak pakai savvy ni dah ade dapat surat saman. Dulu takdela plak..... So, jangan beli savvy, nanti kena speed trap.. |
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