ni cadangan boocik la... travel dalam UK dulu baru keluar ke amsterdam/brussels bagai.
kalau na ...
boocik04 Post at 26-1-2011 08:40
good planning. clap...clap...clap |
Reply 1586# boocik04
haaaaaa....tenang sikit bila i tengok itenary Boocik propose ni...ingat nak amik ubat migraine dah tadi bila tengok original itenary waterlily....tapi tak per....you dah consult the expert, the final say is yours..... |
Post Last Edit by boocik04 at 26-1-2011 10:35
ha ha ha... expert ke? takde la expert mana pun.
cuma bila tengok original itinerary tu macam penat semacam.
sebabnya, ada satu2 tempat tu tak sampai satu malam duduknya..
penat tau nak rushing2 ni. cuma boocik kena ingatkan waterlily, make sure ada plan B.
kalau2 ter'miss' bas ke, train ke. accommodation fully book ke...
ni semua kena amik kira jugak. |
bagus punyer plan boocik bagi hehe |
Reply 1586# boocik04
Alhamdulillah!! tq kak..baru lah nmpk make sense sket perjalanan hidup saya kat sana ni...Allah je balas budi baik akak. Terima kasih byk2 kak...
p/s: nampak ada tulis THE END tu, takut plak nak tanya lelebih pasni.. |
Reply 1591# waterlily8475
hahaha...the end tu sekadar the end of the journey kut, bukan the end of your questions.
i believe boocik is ok if you shoot her with more questions. Soklan2 silly milly dari i pun tak pernah nya dia tak jawab.... and cara bagi jawapan pun memang nampak ikhlas nak tolong... |
Reply 1591# waterlily8475
eh, takde la the end you nak tanya soalan...
the end of your journey la, like cn7 cakap tu |
bagus punyer plan boocik bagi hehe |
ada sesape ke london pada 18 or 19 Feb ni tak? |
bagus punyer plan boocik bagi hehe
_ina_ Post at 26/1/2011 15:37
ha ha ha ha... pandai2 je boocik buatkan plan holiday orang, ek? |
kawan..esp kak boocik, kak min, cn7, _ina_ etc,
baru dpt news..kawan yg kat nottingham tu x dpt join plak...aduuuuussss kena reshuffle lg le jwbnya plan...esok ada adhoc meeting nmpknya...ini lah concept, manusia hanya merancang, Allah menentukan... most probably, base kat london je laa..x pyh nk gi nottingham...ntah lah, masih blur coz ala2 terkejut badak .. |
just nak share this mornign joke with u all. kita kuor topic sat ek.
this morning i wanted to make scramble eggs for my daughter's breakfast. cari eggs merata2 dlm fridge tak jumpa n i also cari eggs in the fridge of my wet kitchen. waa....milk, butter, pepper n salt sumer dah masukkan dlm saucepan tapi eggs tak jumpa.
lo n behold! guess where my fresh eggs yg baru i beli monday aritu. it was in the freezer. uwaa......tak tau nak marah, nangis or ketawa. when baraka came down n i told her tt the eggs are all frozen, she broke into a hysterical laughs.
hahaha.....we ends up laughing all the way to school. baraka makan cereal jer instead with melted cheese s/wich in her lunchbox.
aritu ku suroh boiled carrots, dia g fried carrots! ada maid nie tak tau ler, menyenangkan or menyusahkan:re: |
just nak share this mornign joke with u all. kita kuor topic sat ek.
this morning i wanted to ma ...
minahsaudi Post at 27-1-2011 08:47
aii maid akak tu tak pernah jumpa telor ke? |
ha ha ha ha... pandai2 je boocik buatkan plan holiday orang, ek?
boocik04 Post at 26-1-2011 16:11
boocik.... leh la buat parttime jadi travel planner |
aii maid akak tu tak pernah jumpa telor ke?
Delifrance Post at 27-1-2011 09:01
dia selalu jer jumpa telor but tak pernah tengok fridge 2 doors. hahaha....akak baru hire dia 2 weeks ago menggantikan my previous maid yg balik kampong. hahaha.......pening lah this maid nie. common sense zero! |
boocik.... leh la buat parttime jadi travel planner
Delifrance Post at 27-1-2011 09:01
agreed 100%. she can make a very good travel planner. |
dia selalu jer jumpa telor but tak pernah tengok fridge 2 doors. hahaha....akak baru hire dia 2 ...
minahsaudi Post at 27-1-2011 09:04
le baru 2 pintu ... belum jumpa peti 4 pintu ke 6 pintu ke... |
le baru 2 pintu ... belum jumpa peti 4 pintu ke 6 pintu ke...
Delifrance Post at 27-1-2011 09:14
hahaha......kalo lebih dari 2 pintu i think dia letak baju dlm tu kot! wakakaka |
salam semua.. saya nak tanya tentang FlyKingFisher Airline, ade tak melakukan penerbangan ke Malaysia? Ade kawan yg kata nak dtg dari London menaiki pesawat FlyKingFisher. Bila saya check web sitenya, tak de penerbangan ke Malaysia, saya tak nak la tunggu kat airport cam org bodoh |
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