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Author: PrincessFiona

GOONG/PRINCESS HOURS~(updated : page 1 link hardsub/megaupload pg248

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Post time 16-3-2006 12:17 PM | Show all posts
eyka ...kalau kau dapat nengok flash ep20 citer2 lah kat sini ye.....

aku rasa nanti baru cg tahu yg shin sayangkan dia lepas pemergian hyorin kot...

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Post time 16-3-2006 12:24 PM | Show all posts
nie aku ambil dari hype yg eyka letak kat sana...jadi kiranya gambar yg princess tunjukkan yg hyorin kat airport tu betullah hyorin keluar negara

Episode 20:
After seeing Hyorin fufilling her dream of being a dancer, Shin gains more self confidence to his own and sees the hopes to his and cg's future. To his crowned prince position, he tries his best to secure it. To his thoughts on his marriage, he openly expresses them to the public.

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Post time 16-3-2006 12:34 PM | Show all posts

Reply #1562 babyface76's post

tp jas rasa musti hyorin balik masa season kedua..tunjuk dlm manga si hyorin tu ada penyakit sbnrnya!! sakit kanser kerr ape???

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Post time 16-3-2006 12:50 PM | Show all posts
aik jas...iya ke hyorin akan balik semula...tapi dari artikel sebelum nie kata hyorin tak dapat terlibat tuk season 2 kan....

eh jas ada nengok manga korea punya...ada tak yg lebih kurang sama ngan adegan tuk hari nie?
rasa2 shin sakit lepas pemergian hyorin ke??...dan lepas tahu perkara sebenar cg maafkan shin??

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Post time 16-3-2006 02:01 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by babyface76 at 16-3-2006 12:24 PM
To his thoughts on his marriage, he openly expresses them to the public.

ayat ni paling best.... kissing tgh jalan ke??? :cak:

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Post time 16-3-2006 02:04 PM | Show all posts
hahah kau kena nengok eyka malam nie...mana tahu cg baik semula ngan shin dan ada aksi2 menarik...(p/s...hari tu kata 6 ep nie hanya tuk 15 thn keatas)....heheh takde apa2 yg berlaku pun......

nanti jgn lupa ye wat spoiler kat hype...dapat nengok pun lunch time....

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Post time 16-3-2006 02:37 PM | Show all posts
eee..tak sabarnya nk tunggu ep. seterusnya. katak tgk guna lambat skit..but still berbaloi..huhuhu

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Post time 16-3-2006 02:40 PM | Show all posts'll be my collection thou...

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Post time 16-3-2006 08:32 PM | Show all posts
Wah Eyka. Kat Soompi ko post ...I Quote' Dose of depression, 'Sweet Moment Dose'..He He HE!  Mcm doktor lak.

Lepas tengok Ep 19 aku demam lak hari ni.  Tapi dah mlm ni bila teringat nak tengok Goong, dah kebah lak..

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Post time 16-3-2006 08:43 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by hhhhh at 16-3-2006 08:32 PM
Wah Eyka. Kat Soompi ko post ...I Quote' Dose of depression, 'Sweet Moment Dose'..He He HE!  Mcm doktor lak.

Lepas tengok Ep 19 aku demam lak hari ni.  Tapi dah mlm ni bila teringat nak tengok G ...


kenapa tak leh bukak channel MBC ni??? isk dari tadi try...

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Post time 16-3-2006 08:48 PM | Show all posts
Aku pun dah try, X leh jugak.  Last2  bukak Wmp pakai link yg ni

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Post time 17-3-2006 07:37 AM | Show all posts
tak dak ke link ep.19 n 20 .:cak:

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Post time 17-3-2006 08:26 AM | Show all posts
Akhirnya shin sebut gak tiga perkataan ajaib tu..:love::love::love:
Tapi geram lah smlm, bnyk lak babak CG dgn Yul.. Dah tu Yul sempat tepon CG masa nak interview dpn tv. Dierr remind CG psl perceraian tu..Si yul ni dah jd mcm mak dierr pulak..

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Post time 17-3-2006 08:28 AM | Show all posts
huhuhu sunyi sepi je thread nie?? apa berlaku arr tuk ep malam tadi??

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Post time 17-3-2006 08:35 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by jasmine at 17-3-2006 08:26 AM
Akhirnya shin sebut gak tiga perkataan ajaib tu..:love::love::love:
Tapi geram lah smlm, bnyk lak babak CG dgn Yul.. Dah tu Yul sempat tepon CG masa nak interview dpn tv. Dierr remind CG psl perce ...

jas betul ke shin dah sebut perkataan i love you pada cg?
waktu bila nie??
masa interview tu adakah sama dgn gambar yg princess post sebelum nie??
cg beritahu ke pasal nak bercerai masa interview tu?

jas citelah jas.........sikit sangat yg kau cite nie...huhhu tak puas??

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Post time 17-3-2006 08:35 AM | Show all posts

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Post time 17-3-2006 08:36 AM | Show all posts
ni summary utk epi 20 (amik dr soompi)

Breaking news and new storm in the Goong, some articles were published, photos of Yul kissing CG, i think this pic was taken during Yul's party ! Shin is very pissed off and asked for some explanations (but i couldn't get what they said -____-)
of course, just after CG was scolded by the queen and the great Queen about her behavious, Shin was scolded by his dad and Yul by his mum, the elders are very upset about that, and Yul's mum even fainted (im actually quite happy about that lool)
but apart from the great Queen, Shin's mum went to CG place and gave her a very harsh scold, she was shaking and was very afraid of her .. i was quite impressed by Shin's character coz if you remember well, when Shin's dad scolded at him for Hyorin and her suicide his wife asked him to not shout but now ... when she's angry she shows it !!! omg it was scary >< but im quite happy she did it, CG have to realise what is going on !!!!
sometimes i really pity Shin coz today you can see that he tries to do all he can, he wants to confort his wife but it looks like he doesn't dare to  babo Shin !!! Man wake up, and go confort your wife !!! what r u doing??????!!!!!!

so far today the only character who didn't get on my nerves was Hyorin !!! yeah Hyorin !!!  i found her very well today, she ended up to be friend with CG, well she accepted to be CG's friend when this last one asked her at school and at the airport when she saw Shin she was smilling at him and behave well (no kiss this time loool) and she gave him her farewell, a farewell to the "Prince Shin" ----> sign of the end of her story with him

back to the palace Yul's mum was waiting for Shin, i dont know what he told her but she got really pissed off : she slapped him !!!!!!! woaw can she do that???????  loooool can she hit the crown prince???? maybe he told her, not in a direct way, that she knows what is happening behind him and for the affair she had with his dad !!! ^^
talking about his dad, arf i dont know what i should think about him coz im very disapointed about him, arf how come the King can't trust his own son !!!! i swear if he could he will switch his son for Yul !!  at first i like him coz he was supporting CG and all .... pffff

Yul and his mum get very evil now, he was totally brainwashed by his evil mum, by mo^toot2 lool and now he tries to do the same thing to CG !! (wake up girl !!!!!!) by keeping on telling her that she should announce her will to divorce during that interview and it looks like she trusts more Yul than Shin  
Yul has a great power on her now coz as u have seen at the end, when he was calling her she changed of room and was listening to her even if she wasn't convived by what he said ^^
during this scene i really like the way Shin took her phone when he realised that it was Yul on the line ^^ GO GO SHIN !!!! and when he pushed her (softly) against the wall it was  hihihi trying to get closer to her but he wasn't very happy when u look at his face  
oo and when they were 2 cm far from each other have u seen how the bodyguards were embarrased??? hahahaha it was funny, looks like they were in the middle of an intimate scene loool

and of course the last scene : Shin's declaration !!!!!! huhuh
i couldn't believe that, CG was about to say something, probably about the divorce thing and then Shin said in front of everybody that HE LOVES HER !!!!!!!! ^________^

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Post time 17-3-2006 08:37 AM | Show all posts
benci betul aku ngan yul sekarang nie...seboleh2 nak rampas cg dari shin...padahal dia tahu cg memang sayangkan shin...dia ingat kalau cg bercerai cg nak dekat dia agaknya??

camne ye cg dah tahu ke pasal pemergian hyorin ke luar negara dan juga hubungan yg berakhir antara shin ngan hyorin??

shin ngan cg dah berbaik ye??

post2lah gambar kalau ada

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Post time 17-3-2006 08:41 AM | Show all posts


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Post time 17-3-2006 08:43 AM | Show all posts


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