Istana Bawang 7 (Meghan Vs British Royal Family) Summary baby bump post#568, Te
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Anonymous asked:
If Markle isn't supposed to be there,why is she?Don't understand how she gets away with this.Whomever is responsible for driving her around needs to get their ass kicked.Dragging a newborn out in the sun?Really?Really?
She was told not to go…she wanted to go….she is under watchful eyes….LG likes it when she goes out….he gives her more rope….she wasn’t there for more than apparently…. |
you all bc kat link ni..mamat yg halau meggot dr keta. dia ni kwn Harry.. dia la org paling up close n personel tengok dedek archie ..
modelling vs. mothering..
bengong je mm kan.. hahaha.. kate buat x tau je 
eva replied at 11-7-2019 11:01 PM
you all bc kat link ni..mamat yg halau meggot dr keta. dia ni kwn Harry.. dia la org paling up close ...
sebenarnya iols tersgt la pelik, biasa nya budak2 besar lottie and george mesti suka kat baby, and they will respect their elders, however , they seems like mm and archie is invisible to them
“This is as close as PG came to them but he’s not engaging either one…even MM doesn’t turn that into an opportunity for her like she tried during TTC and PG ignored her. Then there’s the baby’s feet. Nothing matches…“ |
uols, nak tanya ig royalteawithjam tu dulu bukan ke tak suka meggot? tp skrg mcm suka pulak...?
i is confused.. |
eva replied at 11-7-2019 10:56 PM
from tumblr
Anonymous asked:
tak tahan nak tanya sbb x sempat hbs beklog, LG ni sapo? stands for what?
tia chuols |
eva replied at 11-7-2019 11:08 PM
modelling vs. mothering..
bengong je mm kan.. hahaha.. kate buat x tau je
how playful is kate and lou , and how noob/arrogant is mm
tu la sapa suh buat perangai
masih lagi nak rasa diri tu bagus dari kate ?
sila berangan tak sudah |
Edited by eva at 12-7-2019 12:26 AM
video kat polo match tu.. mmg org x peduli meggot pon n archie static je
https://mobile.twitter.com/wizkid101UK/status/1149188428745101313 |
dineo replied at 11-7-2019 11:14 PM
sebenarnya iols tersgt la pelik, biasa nya budak2 besar lottie and george mesti suka kat baby, a ...
dia dah bg tapak tangan dia kat meggot
makcik nila yg ckp mcm2 abt the cambridge mmg patut PG blank dia je  |
mrsjones replied at 11-7-2019 11:18 PM
tak tahan nak tanya sbb x sempat hbs beklog, LG ni sapo? stands for what?
tia chuols
Lord Christopher Geidt, the real ketua 007 or M16, unit perisikan UK.Dlu dia ketua setiausaha QEII yg paling QE trust.. muka dia cam ala ala muka Putin |
dineo replied at 11-7-2019 11:44 PM
how playful is kate and lou , and how noob/arrogant is mm
tu la sapa suh buat perangai
Dia buat keluarga Cambridge huru hara ngan konon2 ada affair ngan Rose bff Kate tu.. pdn muka meggot.. semua org nampak how bad she is.. x sapa nak tegur. bila dia nampak camera, terus dia seolah2 berckp dgn pompuan kat brlakang dia ala2 mesra |
eva replied at 11-7-2019 11:47 PM
dia dah bg tapak tangan dia kat meggot
makcik nila yg ckp mcm2 abt the cambridge mmg patut PG ...
hahaha ...
tapi mmg pelik weii kids besar tu pon ignore dia
eva replied at 11-7-2019 11:45 PM
video kat poli match tu.. mmg org x peduli meggot pon n archie static je
https://mobile.twitter.c ...
wooooo , kate bend down entertaining lou ..
while mm non stop looking at camera
suddenly turn around talk to lady in pink (not kate) telling them there’s a pap
but she’s nit quitting looking at the cam |
dineo replied at 12-7-2019 12:01 AM
hahaha ...
tapi mmg pelik weii kids besar tu pon ignore dia
agaknya Lottie citer kat George masa dia kena marah oleh meggot masa fitting baju flower girls tu hingga Kate nangis. George nie sensitip.. mesti dia x suka. Dia pun dha boleh membc, mesti dia terbc apa meggot kata abt his parents kat press ka ... haaaa itulah jd nya |
eva replied at 11-7-2019 11:51 PM
Dia buat keluarga Cambridge huru hara ngan konon2 ada affair ngan Rose bff Kate tu.. pdn muka megg ...
yg tu mmg haru weiii
tup tup will and kate and kids make appearance like happy family kat garden yg kate design
gigih dia ,
macam fan indon komen kat ig bandelbanget
mm ugut kate sampai bercucuran la airmata kawan tu |
dineo replied at 12-7-2019 12:09 AM
wooooo , kate bend down entertaining lou ..
while mm non stop looking at camera
suddenly turn a ...
dia yg cari paps tu.. bukan paps tu cari dia pastu dia punya senggih.. boleh tahan |
eva replied at 12-7-2019 12:11 AM
dia yg cari paps tu.. bukan paps tu cari dia pastu dia punya senggih.. boleh tahan
keeepppp smiling
dgn tak pakai beltnya
dgn rambut serabainya
dia ingat dia lawa dari kate kot
kate wpun rambut lepas
still nampak regal |
now now.. dah masuk paper you all.. komen berapi tauu 
Edited by eva at 12-7-2019 12:23 AM
dineo replied at 12-7-2019 12:11 AM
yg tu mmg haru weiii
tup tup will and kate and kids make appearance like happy family kat garden ...
tak malu kan.. dah la nak bermusuh dgn bakal queen.
ramai speku, aim sebenar meggot adalah utk kick kate, so dia buat ala ala doe eyes kat PW.. sedangkan org tu x layan pon.
tengok mcmana the whole cambridge boycott dia.. nampak sgt x suka kan..
and yeah antara semua.. P.Louis la paling berani sticking his tongue out kat Meggot .. kalau dia kenal meggot tu sapa like zara or makcik2 yg lain dia x akan buat cheeky act mcm tu  |
dineo replied at 12-7-2019 12:13 AM
keeepppp smiling
I think tujuan utama utk overshadow the cambridge esp P.Louis yg comey dan aktif itu.. mcmana pon dia muncul.. dedek kwaci x boleh la nak celen P.Louis yg super aktif tu.. nnt I kasi link lagi.. link P.Louis berlari ke arah kuda yg tgh berehat
https://hunnymae.tumblr.com/post/186211170315/the-sun-have-the-video#notes |
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