Johnny's Entertainment (02-06): Tackey&Tsubasa, Kanjani8, KAT-TUN House 4
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pics: Kanjani8
screencaps from Kicyu PV with voices from Yokoyama Yu & Yasuda Shota...

[ Last edited by whitedove at 28-4-2009 11:57 ] |
PV yg tak nampak muka penyanyi2 nya  |
Takki will have his national solo tour by the end of June....
hepi dgr news nih, tp kesian lak kat unit fans... makin terseksa derang... tp terpakse ah timer, thn nih t&t byk aktiviti solo, lgpun mmg dari sedekad yg lampau lagik johnny-san nk takki pursue solo, wlau skrg nih mcm dh terlmbt sgt... well, mcm biase org akn slhkan takki, but since oktober last year, tsu yg selalu ambik solo projects dulu, most of the time takki tpaksa accommodate jadual solo tsu. so what to do, takkan takki nk lenggang kangkung time tsu busy ngan concert, world wing tour n nnti stageplay die... tak tahu nk ckp ape kat unit fans, melainkan bersabar jer la... lgpun nih last enbujou, biarla takki berkabung tuk baby die tuh kejap, mesti die sedih giler sbb terpakse tinggalkan enbujou... |
Reply #1535 whitedove's post
a'ah... tp kreatif...  |
Reply #1537 Kittie's post
lagu pun syok dengar...talented abis si Yasu dah la solo song dia pun penuh dengan dynamic instrumental... |
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