1466# emmo
Emmo...dlm ramai2 otai tuh...takde ke sorang boleh breaking the codes utk buat ai heli tuh vertical takeoff? aku dah try pakai heli traffic...tak best la..kalo nak tengok ai heli tuh berterbangan kena run dia punye software tuh....pastuh dia akan auto detect kesemua model helikopter yg ada kat dlm FS tuh...mmg hampeh la....lain heli yg kite tunggu lain heli lak yg dtg....harap2 satu hari nnt dpt ler kite tengok ai heli takeoff secara normal....
Bagi aku FS9 adalah yg terbaik berbanding dgn FSX....skrg nih dah byk addons boleh buat FS9 lagi bagus drpd FSX....setakat nih aku masih berpuas hati lagi dgn performance FS9 aku...sedap mata memandang....emmo..memandang nko aktif balik sehari dua nih...aku nak tanye nko ler...kenape ekk aku punye FlyTampa Hong Kong jadik CTD ye?...maksud aku...bile aku terbang drpd airport baru Hong Kong ke Kai Tak...terus FS aku crash...kalo aku run terus drpd Kai Tak pun sama...FS aku terus restart...seblm nih aku takde masalah nak terbang dari atau ke sana...sama gak dgn kes Samsoft Singapore aku..dah pening aku cari solutions utk ini....diharap pak pawang dapat membantu menyembuhkan penyakit FS hamba ini... |
Post Last Edit by emmo at 26-9-2009 19:30
1466# emmo
Emmo...dlm ramai2 otai tuh...takde ke sorang boleh breaking the codes utk buat ai heli tuh vertical takeoff? aku dah try pakai heli traffic...tak best la..kalo nak tengok ai heli tuh ...
tossee Post at 8-9-2009 12:30
sorry bro hari tuh aku terus menghilangkan diri...
tulah suasana yg tgh aku tempuh skrang nih, bz n tight schedule x menentu... that is my life..:kant:
ok... good question tossee!
aku x berani nk kate none of them xleh breaking the code tang AI-heli nih... but all i know topik AI dlm FS nih jugak is a different story, secara umumnya aku berani kate AI feature dlm FS nih is totally NOT part of flight simulation, merely it is more to fantasy n fulfillments, if u can recall my remark tang X-plane dulu, i have said tujuan MS designed FS nih sbnrnya as part of a 'simulation game' NOT 'real simulation' sedihnyer xbyk simmers dpt terima kenyataan ini...
now back to AI-heli...
so far aku x jumpa sebarang topik tang AI dlm usenet discussion group n jauh sekali dorg nk bincang tang AI-heli, probably dorg x minat sgt bincang tang topik AI nih as i said earlier, it is not part of flight simulation.. tp itu tak bermakna kite terus berhenti mengharap!
now cite tang FS9 & FSX nih, aku nk share my advice...
achieving realism is what it is all about, but there are still trade-offs to make with the current state of technology... the most important point to realize is that u have to set priorities... just like in every aspect of life, if u go for the best of everything, you’ll find yourself forever dissatisfied even with the latest and most expensive hardware and software... upgrading ur PC is not always the best solution... many people simply have false expectations of what simulation can and should do... the more addons u get, the more complicated ur system becomes, the more chances there are for conflicts and crashes... unlike most PC games, every flight simulation setup is essentially unique... think carefully about what u want, and it’s not just about money... u can buy every addon out there and still be unhappy with ur FS experience!
and pasal CTD...
Tossee crash in FS comes in two flavors, satu yg biasa kite sebut... CTD (Crash to Desktop) and secondly CTM (Crash to Message)...
FS crash simply... it is disappears without an error message and u end up on the desktop or with the PC restarting, n crashes with an error message generated by the FS itself...
CTM-Crash to Message
CTM are almost always related to one of two things: a badly written add-on (remove it and see if the crashes persist) or a bad texture on the ground (again, remove the scenery u installed n see if u can land now)... there are also some valuable tools out there to check for duplicate AFCAD files, bad aircraft installations, errors in the scenery configuration etc..etc... always back up ur system before installing new textures (like GE, VOZ, etc.)
CTD -Crash to Desktop
CTD usually is related to faulty installation of graphic drivers, faulty memory chips, or double scratch files (virtual memory settings – make sure u have one AND ONLY ONE pagefile.sys on ur computer).
Tossee... aku rasa ur problem nih is related to CTM, kt atas tuh ada panduan ttg ur problem nih... tp aku nk tambah sket, FlyTampa Hong Kong n Samsoft Singapore both are installed in my FS, rite now aku tadak problem dgn kedua2 scenery nih, yeah both are heavy scenery esp Samsoft Singapore!... dulu masa memula install samsoft singapore i have experienced with CTD or CTM thingy nih, bila aku dpt info n ikut panduan yg kt atas tuh everything seem ok!
I would suggests u check for all duplicate AFCAD files n addons textures, make sure bila u test balik ur FS, set ur AI traffic at minimum (0%), kalu problem tuh still exist try to load the default flight at Seattle Tacoma International Airport (KSEA) or at Chicago's Merrill C. Meigs Field... pastuh baru lah u buat flight kt HK atau Singapore... but if the problem prevail, move all ur addon aircrafts (flyable & AI) away dari aircraft folder but always leave the FS default aircraft (Cessna c172 & c182) to their original folder, importantly start your flight using any of these default Cessna or load any of the two default flights..
in most case CTM is caused by addon aircraft esp numerous of AI Traffics, I consider airports in HK or Singapore is one of the densely n heavily populous airport with full of AI traffics..
n my last advice, if u ever encounter CTM or CTD phenomenon in FS.. always back to FS basic, at least start ur FS using the default flight!
I hope that cud give u some ideas on how to handle ur problem..
happy landing...
MO |
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Post Last Edit by emmo at 6-10-2009 15:57
1472# aku_EnSeM
bro.. apa jenama JS set ko tu? |
Post Last Edit by aku_EnSeM at 6-10-2009 16:02
1473# emmo
brand... thrustmaster kot.. tu yg die tulis kt throttle ngan kotak die huk3...
dlu gune logitech model ni, tp dh rosak... xtwist pun, rudder jalan...
Post Last Edit by aku_EnSeM at 6-10-2009 16:02
1473# emmo
brand... thrustmaster kot.. tu yg die tulis kt throttle ngan kotak die huk3...
dlu gune logitech model ni, tp dh rosak... xtwist p ...
aku_EnSeM Post at 6-10-2009 16:00
i see... i tot model dari saitek..
btw.. nape u tak guna flight control... rather than joystick? |
utk FS9 aku guna yg nih mainly for helicopter..
FSX aku guna yg nih (PMDG)
future plan... insyaAllah
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