anna-zara posted on 25-12-2013 11:02 AM 
itu lah pasal....tapi kan....cancer ni ada salah sape2 ke???
biasanya cancer ni benign cell tu mm ...
Macam Eva kata, cancer can be hereditary....but still kena ada trigger for the inherited mutated gene to cause cancer. and the percentage of cancer caused by the inherited gene is low..much lower compare to cancer that is caused by environmental effect..
certain types of cancer seem to run in some familiesthe cancer is caused by an abnormal gene that is being passed along from generation to generation. Although this is often referred to as inherited cancer, what is inherited is the abnormal gene that can lead to cancer, not the cancer itself. Only about 5% to 10% of all cancers are inherited – resulting directly from gene defects (called mutations) inherited from a parent.
Even if you were born with healthy genes, some of them can become changed (mutated) over the course of your life. These mutations are known as sporadic or somatic, meaning they are not inherited. Sporadic mutations cause most cases of cancer. These mutations may be caused by things that we are exposed to in our environment, including cigarette smoke, radiation, hormones, and diet (although in many cases there is no obvious cause). More gene mutations build up as we get older, leading to a higher risk of cancer.
Last edited by Elle_mujigae on 26-12-2013 10:08 PM
Eva_yy_Ellin posted on 26-12-2013 09:41 PM
Yup. Haruslah balik Johor.
Tak pernah pergi lak legoland. Tunggu dua tiga tahun lagi
Iols pn nah g legoland lg.. spore da selalu pg ke |
so tak patut rasanya nak salahkan individu as the caused of cancer to her/his baby..
Eva_yy_Ellin posted on 26-12-2013 09:41 PM 
Better lepak kat rumah jelah, layan konsert kat tv je.
Tapi dari rumah anna mesti nampak bunga a ...
tu la lepak rumah je senang...
aha mana eva tau ni??hehe...rumah mak nampak...riana green pun nampak...
selalu tengok dari tingkap je la....or balcony...

but still... sejuk la lately...don;t function so well in cold weather.... =/
Elle_mujigae posted on 26-12-2013 10:07 PM 
Macam Eva kata, cancer can be hereditary....but still kena ada trigger for the inherited mutated g ...
betul la tu elle....tapi kalau sebab environment pun xkan la nak menyalahkan penjaganya pulak kan...
Elle_mujigae posted on 26-12-2013 09:44 PM 
Adik Eva pernah kena kanser kulit ke..?...
Dak eh. Saya tak pasti namanya tapi kanser kat dalam perut, ada ketumbuhan dalam perut dan satu ovari dia kena buang
anna-zara posted on 26-12-2013 10:17 PM 
tu la lepak rumah je senang...
aha mana eva tau ni??hehe...rumah mak nampak...riana green pun nam ...
Ahaha...dah kawasan kita sama.
Dari rumah saya tak nampak, kena turun kat bawah baru nampak kot 
Kita tengok bunga api dari rumah tahun ni
Eva_yy_Ellin posted on 26-12-2013 10:24 PM 
Ahaha...dah kawasan kita sama.
Dari rumah saya tak nampak, kena turun kat bawah baru nampak kot : ...
haha assignment kalau x keluar malam new year....sila post gambar bunga api dari rumah masing2
anna-zara posted on 26-12-2013 10:27 PM 
haha assignment kalau x keluar malam new year....sila post gambar bunga api dari rumah masing2
Wah. Menarik. Menarik.
Boleh buat aktiviti malam tahun baru. Sapa post gambar saya bagi kredit 
anna-zara posted on 26-12-2013 10:18 PM 
betul la tu elle....tapi kalau sebab environment pun xkan la nak menyalahkan penjaganya pulak kan. ...
yes...kesian la si ibu yang terpaksa coping with the stress of her child having cancer and also the blame fromothers that she received...
but thinking again, maybe the MIL so frustrated and sad her grandchildren ada cancer...to see the suffering is unbearable so she find escapism by blaming someone for it..... haih...things people say when they are sad can be mean sometimes... i can just hope the kakak be strong with all this...
that;s why there is a saying that when a child have cancer,whole family will get the cancer too... as in not getting the cancer per se but the emotional distress that come with the cancer......
Eva_yy_Ellin posted on 26-12-2013 10:22 PM 
Dak eh. Saya tak pasti namanya tapi kanser kat dalam perut, ada ketumbuhan dalam perut dan satu ov ...
oh okay..ingatkan cancer kulit sbb eva cakap pasal penggunaan bedak.....ketumbuhan dlm perut ye...is she okay right now?
anna-zara posted on 26-12-2013 10:27 PM 
haha assignment kalau x keluar malam new year....sila post gambar bunga api dari rumah masing2
so cool....i tak sure akan ada jiran bakar bunga api or not this coming new year eve ....kalau ada nanti i ambil gambar..

if anything bad happens,it;s not my fault.it is fate.
haha...>.< Last edited by Elle_mujigae on 26-12-2013 10:42 PM
Elle_mujigae posted on 26-12-2013 10:36 PM 
so cool....i tak sure akan ada jiran bakar bunga api or not this coming new year eve ....kalau ada ...
haha.....xde kerja kan....tapi nice kan tengok bunga api from different angle n view
晚 安。。。。。
Eva_yy_Ellin posted on 26-12-2013 10:29 PM 
Wah. Menarik. Menarik.
Boleh buat aktiviti malam tahun baru. Sapa post gambar saya bagi kredit ; ...
hehehe.....yeah boleh dapat kedit....gambar last year pakai fon lama gambar x cantik...
harap x sia2lah zam belikan fon baru untuk anna ni....
kot dapat amek gambar lawa sikit....memang dia carikkan yang camera lawa sikit....
sebab kataya gambar pakai fon lama x lawa...
Elle_mujigae posted on 26-12-2013 10:32 PM 
yes...kesian la si ibu yang terpaksa coping with the stress of her child having cancer and also th ...
betul tu elle....
tapi bila emosi menguasai....akal jadi kabur.....
bila our love one sakit keperitan dirasa bersama....
p/s: sejak2 rajin berborak kat gpr n lmh ni maafkan bahasa berbunga2 saya
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