++ Thread Borak Warga Bod Mawi 12 ++ : Today Topik : Dino yg lembab
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saya akan post soalan kat sini ye...
jap tengah buat draft akhir..... |
A. Jawapan akan dikira pada waktu post tu even numbers...
contoh 12.02
any jawapan yang betul (walaupun jawapan yang pertama)
tapi post odd numbers tidak dikira
contoh 12.03
Ada 20 Soalan...
B. Setiap jawapan pertama yang betul akan diberi 5 credit.
melainkan soalan bonus
C. Trivia tutup pukul 3pm...
D. Boleh pilih mana2 soalan yang nak jawab dulu tapi
credit akan diberi based on rule A and B
Awex akan beri credit malam ni -
2. Name The Artist: The House of Blue Lights
3. Where in Britain did the legendary 11th century King Orry rule
4. name the artist: a love so fine ?
5. in 1901 __________ _________, first to go over niagara falls in a barrel and live ?
7.classical music: who was credited with completing mozart's last work, the requiem ?
8. Which English composer was born near Worcester in 1857 and died in 1934
10. unscramble this word: n o n t i i u s
11. Films: "Poland, the doormat of Europe. Everybody steps on us."
12. In 1984 ---------- ----------- completes first solo balloon crossing of Atlantic.
13. Canadian Music : This inspirational song by Gene MacLelland was a hit for Anne Murray
in 1970.
16. what hobby was developed by the palmer paint company of detriot ?
17. Serious opera and opposite of opera buffa. This term is especially applied to the
flourishing 18th century style as used by Rossini. Characterised by the use of castrato
singers, heroic or mythological plots, Italian libretti and formality in the music and
19. Whose patron is St Lucy
[ Last edited by dexa at 5-6-2008 12:40 PM ] |
Tak jadi la tu
Reply #1404 cloudnine_mm's post
meh meng-gugel...  |
2. Don Covay & the Jefferson Lemon Blues Band |
Reply #1406 noneng's post
alamak... post odd number ke?
susah la macam ni...  |
tampal lagik
2. Don Covay & the Jefferson Lemon Blues Band |
Reply #1408 chami's post
ni baru la mencabar minda chami.. exercise otak sket.  |
1. Foil & 蓀閑 & Sabre
please la even time..  |
Reply #1402 dexa's post
aisehh dex mcm ada aku sorang je neh...  |
Reply #1402 dexa's post
byk nya soklan
post even time....  |
Originally posted by noneng at 5-6-2008 12:14 PM 
tampal lagik
2. Don Covay & the Jefferson Lemon Blues Band
cari lagi... yang lain punya artist - |
45. "Southern Man" and "Alabama" |
Reply #1416 kazz's post
yang mana ni kazz....
satu aje.. dan soalan berapa tu...?? |
Reply #1417 dexa's post
silap tu...
15. Southern Man |
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