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solstice posted on 23-3-2014 05:57 PM 
Kita bayar gaji & letak best people utk tadbir keselamatan negara & depa claim depa the best tadbi ...
bila jadi kejadian spt lahad datu,MH370 ni, baru lah kita nampak pentadbiran depa macam mana..tapi rakyat marhaen ni apa mampu buat. sekadar mengundi, ermmm..tak memberikan kesan sgt pun.
vespa_oren posted on 23-3-2014 09:54 PM 
Sbb tu aku malas nk bukak biarpun rmai tagged nma aku suro bukak
dh mcm thread borak lak,
aku pon dah mls nk join sgt sbb merapu smpai ke pili air la..ape lah..lgsg tak relevan..
KUALA LUMPUR/PERTH (Reuters) - New French satellite images show possible debris from a missing Malaysian airliner deep in the southern Indian Ocean, Malaysia said on Sunday, adding to growing signs that the plane may have gone down in remote seas off Australia.
The latest lead comes as the international search for Malaysian Airlines Flight MH370 entered its third week, with still no confirmed trace of the Boeing 777 that vanished with 239 people on board.
"This morning, Malaysia received new satellite images from the French authorities showing potential objects in the vicinity of the southern corridor," the Malaysian Transport Ministry said in a statement. "Malaysia immediately relayed these images to the Australian rescue co-ordination center."
The statement gave no details as to whether the objects were in the same vicinity as the other possible finds in a vast swathe of some of the most inhospitable sea territory on Earth.
Australian Prime Minister Tony Abbott said there was "increasing hope" of a breakthrough in the hunt for the plane on the strength of Chinese and Australian satellite images of possible large debris from the plane in the southern search area.
Flight MH370 vanished from civilian radar screens early on March 8, less than an hour after taking off from Kuala Lumpur on a scheduled flight to Beijing.
An international force resumed its search efforts on Sunday, zeroing in on two areas some 2,500 km (1,500 miles) southwest of Perth in an effort to find the object identified by China and other small debris including a wooden pallet spotted by a search plane on Saturday.
"The weather in the southern Indian Ocean is much clearer today than the past couple days, allowing for the full spectrum electronic and visual of search capability," Commander William J. Marks, spokesman for the U.S. 7th Fleet, said in an email.
The Chinese discovery was dramatically announced by Malaysia's acting transport minister, Hishammuddin Hussein on Saturday, after he was handed a note with details during a news conference in Kuala Lumpur.
China said the object was 22 meters long (74ft) and 13 meters (43ft) wide, and spotted around 120 km (75 miles) "south by west" of potential debris reported by Australia off its west coast.
It could not easily be determined from the blurred images whether the objects were the same as those detected by Australia, but the Chinese photograph could depict a cluster of smaller objects, said a senior military officer from one of the 26 nations involved in the search for the plane.
The wing of a Boeing 777-200ER is approximately 27 meters long and 14 meters wide at its base, according to estimates derived from publicly available scale drawings. Its fuselage is 63.7 meters long by 6.2 meters wide.
Investigators believe someone on the flight shut off the plane's communications systems, and partial military radar tracking showed it turning west and re-crossing the Malay Peninsula, apparently under the control of a skilled pilot.
That has led them to focus on hijacking or sabotage, but they have not ruled out technical problems. Faint electronic "pings" detected by a commercial satellite suggested it flew for another six hours or so, but could do no better than place its final signal on one of two vast arcs.
While the southern arc is now the main focus of the search, Malaysia says the search will continue in both corridors until confirmed debris is found.
"Hopefully we will eventually provide some sort of closure or at least understanding of what happened on board Malaysian Airlines Flight MA370," Australian Deputy Prime Minister Warren Truss said. "The search will continue and will continue as long as there's hope."
The Australian Maritime Safety Authority (AMSA) said eight aircraft scoured two areas covering 59,000 sq km (23,000 sq miles) on Sunday, following news of the Chinese discovery.
Also of interest was a wooden pallet with various strapping belts that was seen by a civilian jet on Saturday. |
lorelai posted on 23-3-2014 09:50 PM 
kikiki.. i kawan keduanya ok..
korang bila nak shake hands
Jumpa pun xpernah apatah lgi shake hands 
setakat nie penah jumpa face2face forumer gegurl jer
vespa_oren posted on 23-3-2014 09:44 PM 
@bharianmy: Pesawat MAS dirempuh burung, penumpang terselamat http://t.co/Z4MxC5oddN
ok tq for the info
vespa_oren posted on 23-3-2014 09:56 PM 
Jumpa pun xpernah apatah lgi shake hands
setakat nie penah jumpa face2face forumer gegurl je ...
so ko ni gurl lah??
hari2 boleh nampak pakcik selamat di lobi
I can say dia nak publisiti
tapi, bagus ada org mcm ni sbb org nampak kesedihan n kesungguhan dia
so org x fikir families x sedih. sbb family lain xmo media coverage..biarlah pakcik selamat begitu... |
rospinki posted on 23-3-2014 04:52 PM 
Korg ni astro betul la..sian senah typo..org lain pun typo gk tpi takdela jdi bahan..blackbelt tu ...
ada sahaja yang jadi bahan selain beliyau, contohnya kegen stule |
tinker_bell posted on 23-3-2014 09:58 PM 
so ko ni gurl lah??
Jika aku gegurl dh lama adam bipolar tu p.m mintak no tepon 
Teori hijack boleh pkai lgi ke uollss..lma nau hijacker pkir nk mtk apa |
vespa_oren posted on 23-3-2014 01:54 PM 
Sbb tu aku malas nk bukak biarpun rmai tagged nma aku suro bukak
dh mcm thread borak lak,
ye ye je ko kan..
walhal ko terlewat selalu
tapibukanaku posted on 23-3-2014 01:53 PM 
yeay..go for KJ
kj for presidenttttt
Muntz posted on 23-3-2014 05:32 PM 
Russia, China dgn US tu walaupun masing2 tak sebulu, tapi apa2 pun masalah diorg tak sampai nak be ...
semendjak tertubuhnya Pertubuhan Bangsa-Bangsa Bersatu (UN) ditambah pula semua kuasa besar ada senjata nuklear, akak tak yakin akan berlakunya perang dunia ketiga, paling dahsyat pun seperti felem GI Joe Retaliation di mana semua negara besar kena kelengtong dengan USA suruh letupkan senjata nuklear sendiri, dan dunia bebas 100% daripada senjata nuklear sebab semua sudah berjaya dihapuskan. |
Australian search teams look for wooden pallet, other objects of MH370
Now, to the search for missing Malaysia Airlines flight MH370. Australia’s Maritime Safety Authority held a press conference this afternoon, in Canberra, on the latest attempts to locate floating debris seen in satellite images. Officials say a wooden pallet was spotted by a civilian search aircraft on Saturday, surrounded by several other objects. A New Zealand military plane was sent to look for it, but failed to find the debris. Planes and a merchant ship are now in the area, as the search in the Southern Indian Ocean reaches day four.
"So China has offered the two Ilyushin 76 aircraft. There are a number of warships on the way to the area. The Chinese polar research and supply ship Xue Long (Snow Dragon), which we worked with in an incident in January in the Antarctic, is now on the way to the search area, so China is very focused on assisting with this search," John Young from Australian Maritime Safety Authority said.
"Part of the description was a wooden pallet, and a number of other items which were nondescript around it, and some belts of different colours around it as well, strapping belts, of different lengths. The use of wooden pallets is quite common in the industry. So it’s a possible lead, but we will need to be very certain that this is a pallet, because pallets are used in the shipping industry as well," Michael Barton, rescue coordinator of Australian Maritime Safety Authority, said.
"So the search will continue, it will continue as long as there's hope, and I hope that we will find a time soon when we're able to conclusively say once and for all that we are close to finding where this plane may now be located and that there can be some kind of closure for families," Warren Truss, Australian Deputy Prime Minister, said. |
@bharianmy: Kapal pemecah ais, Xuelong dijangka tiba Selasa depan di kawasan SAR #MH370hilang http://t.co/o7YwuvCT5g |
vespa_oren posted on 23-3-2014 09:42 PM
So contohnterbaik mencapub adalam @AdamBillionaire bipolar k?
Alahai..kesiannya budak merapu... |
MelahJanda posted on 23-3-2014 09:58 PM 
hari2 boleh nampak pakcik selamat di lobi
I can say dia nak publisiti
tapi, bagus ada org mcm ni s ...
kak @MelahJanda da masukk da...macam mana kerja kak kat hotel tu? waris semua ok?
bosannn.. bukak tibi sumer pasal undi... aku nak tgk imej satelit yang latest... ada sesapa yg dapat..? |
vespa_oren posted on 23-3-2014 10:00 PM
Jika aku gegurl dh lama adam bipolar tu p.m mintak no tepon
Jenis attention seeker meroyan kt thread Adam... |
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