KIM JONG KOOK (김종국)~LoVeAbLe FrOm HeAd tO ToE~4th HAVEN~
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cik_ted143 posted on 17-5-2014 08:35 PM 
MV yg last tu utk lagu Byul kan?aku sampai sekarang tak jumpa2 yg full MV punya..ke memang tak kel ...
rasanyer macam teaser jer untuk promo lagu KJK 'Men are Like That' & Byul 'You're So Bad'. idea HAHA untuk gabungkan sebab dia kata dua lagu tu macam related(?)
ps: sampai sekarang tak paham aper yang sebenarnyer cuba disampaikan dalam lagu Men are Like That tu ekeke. Last edited by kaz2y5 on 17-5-2014 09:23 PM
Bila baca komen2 kat youtube tu, ramai jugak yg tak paham lirik ni...aku pun!  saemilin
1 month ago
What is this song about? Can someone explain to me? He says that it's not because he doesn't love her, but that all guys are like that...like what?
shay yahalomi
1 month ago
i would say(from what i understood from the video) that they get tired of things quickly, in the video he starts with an airplane then gets a guitar and forgets about the airplane, then he gets a camera and forgets about the guitar then he gets her and leaves that as well but then he gets a job and she's just another thing he discards.
hope that help in some way ^^
ina ali
2 days ago (edited)
For me, KJK speak about relationship between man and woman. I think of 'Man are from Mars and Woman are from Venus' when I heard this song from the first time. For me, man and woman character/action are similar when they in love, but the interpretation between man and woman quite different such as like when the b/friend very busy with work and don't have time to meet, the g/friend think that the b/friend didn't love her anymore. Because KJK is a man, so he speak for men in general. May be, if there is any problem in relationship, do woman need think what man suppose to think?
For me, the video shows good and bad character of people. Where the boy love his toy, then he leave it when he got a new things. It is similar character when he has a girlfriend. But the girl still hope and think that he will never leave her. Sad story, right.
p/s: sape la yang buat lirik lagu ni?
Last edited by cik_ted143 on 17-5-2014 10:14 PM
cik_ted143 posted on 17-5-2014 10:05 PM 
Bila baca komen2 kat youtube tu, ramai jugak yg tak paham lirik ni...aku pun! p/s: sape ...
121110 YHY's Sketchbook Interview Cut ~KJKGlobal fb
aha ini masa promotion 7th album. ada cerita pasal lagu Men All Like That ni (yup! dia yang tulis lirik lagu ni, dan 4 lagu lain lagi ekeke) kelakar tengok cara dia explain pasal lirik dalam lagu tu
ps: delete previous reply sebab rasa macam panjang sangat me merapu hahaha tempek video lagi senang
Last edited by kaz2y5 on 18-5-2014 01:11 AM
cik_ted143 posted on 17-5-2014 03:19 PM 
Ooo..ni Taecyeon!
ni pun baru betul2 kenal dia lepas tgk We Got Married Global aritu..
cik_ted143 posted on 17-5-2014 10:05 PM 
Bila baca komen2 kat youtube tu, ramai jugak yg tak paham lirik ni...aku pun! p/s: sape ...
aku suka dgr lagu ni part yg JK buat "ahhh"...seksi 
kaz2y5 posted on 18-5-2014 01:01 AM 
121110 YHY's Sketchbook Interview Cut ~KJKGlobal fb
Aiyoo..KJK yg tulis lirik. abai je la lirik tu janji lagu ni sedap..ekeke
nota kaki: @kaz2y5 , ko ambik video ni kat mana? Kat FB KJKGlobal ke? aku nak tgk kat hp..laju sikit! kat lappy lembab mcm siput!
cik_ted143 posted on 18-5-2014 12:27 PM 
Aiyoo..KJK yg tulis lirik. abai je la lirik tu janji lagu ni sedap..ekeke
masa dia explain macam make sense. tapi bila tengok lirik balik macam hikhik. maybe tajuk dia lagu tu misleading kot. ni memang antara lagu favorite yang me selalu dengar asalkan tak tengok lirik ekeke
ps: ni link kat KJKGlobal FB {x}
ladygempak posted on 18-5-2014 10:41 AM 
sila2...tepek jer kalau terjumpa yg berkaitan..
ulang tepek yg penah ada kat rumah lama pun bol ...
teringat dia pernah cakap ada dapat offer jadi polis (masa dolu2 tak tau zaman turbo atau zaman kegemilangan Han Namja) tapi cha tae hyun cakap jangan ambik role tu just fokus kat nyanyian jer ekeke
teaser untuk promotion lagu diaorang memang pendek macam tu agaknyer. dalam MV sebenar lagu Byul 'You are so Bad' tu dia pakai pelakon lain.
kaz2y5 posted on 18-5-2014 02:15 PM 
teringat dia pernah cakap ada dapat offer jadi polis (masa dolu2 tak tau zaman turbo atau zaman ke ...
oo dia penah dpt offer jadi polis....terbalik la plk sbb dia penah gak dpt offer jadi gangster...hehehe
camne la rupanya tu kalau skang JK jadi polis...tp mesti pegawai tinggi kan sbb beliau ada master...agaknya laa.. |
[EngSub] 081103 Come To Play
part 01 { x}
part 02 { x}
part 03 { x}
part 04 { x}
credit wondersubbers
Last edited by kaz2y5 on 18-5-2014 03:36 PM
ladygempak posted on 18-5-2014 02:36 PM 
oo dia penah dpt offer jadi polis....terbalik la plk sbb dia penah gak dpt offer jadi gangster.. ...
errr offer berlakon jadi polis bukan jadi polis betol-betol huhu... tapi lepas tu YJS usik macam mana agaknyer dia bila jerit freeze! dengan suara high tone dia tu 
Last edited by kaz2y5 on 18-5-2014 02:41 PM
kaz2y5 posted on 18-5-2014 02:06 PM 
masa dia explain macam make sense. tapi bila tengok lirik balik macam hikhik. maybe tajuk ...
kamsahamnida , kaz!
KJE's Chocolate
081203 w/ Mikey {vimeo}
- promotion for Mikey's single 'All For You'
100207 w/ Cha Tae Hyun & Hong Kyung Min {youtube}
- Dragon Brothers special(?)
101010 w/ Gary
Part 01 {fb}
Part 02 {fb}
- promotion for Remake album
Intimate Note
100326 w/ Hong Kyung Min {dailymotion}
all credit goes to KJKGlobal
Last edited by kaz2y5 on 18-5-2014 03:44 PM
Jgn lupa tonton RM Ep 93 di TV2 hari ni ye!
Part yg paling best...epik! 
Last edited by cik_ted143 on 18-5-2014 03:50 PM
cik_ted143 posted on 18-5-2014 03:36 PM 
Jgn lupa tonton RM Ep 193 di TV2 hari ni ye!
waaaah TQ sebab ingatkan. dah hampir terlupa. lepas tu pukul 5 dok mengadap ari ni punyer episode pulak. hope KJK menang lagi ahaks walaupun rasa macam semua member akan gang up nak outkan dia jer macam selalu 
ps: RM dah sampai ep 193? ekeke Last edited by kaz2y5 on 18-5-2014 03:40 PM
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