[MBC] Jung Yi, The Goddess of Fire ~ Moon Geun Young, Lee Sang Yoon
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hero kurang ensem.. hehehe |
limau posted on 2-7-2013 12:08 PM 
ahak.....dh terbayang ler..muka Jung Woo Sung...
mushroomsup posted on 2-7-2013 12:09 PM 
hero kurang ensem.. hehehe
tk per...kurang hensem...
tp cite menarik kot..sbb rating naik mencanak ni..
ni yg tk sabar nk tggu sub 
ayushuhada04 posted on 2-7-2013 12:12 PM 
tk per...kurang hensem...
tp cite menarik kot..sbb rating naik mencanak ni..
ni yg tk sabar nk t ...
harapnya begitulah.. hehehe
moga citer beslah
banyak beno drama
citer mandate of heaven n shark pon mushroom tk dpt tgk lg
mushroomsup posted on 2-7-2013 12:17 PM 
harapnya begitulah.. hehehe
moga citer beslah
banyak beno drama
ayu suka dgn heroin cite ni..
juga nk tgk Kwang Soo lak...sbb watak dia jahat...
tu le pasal..byk sgt drama baru..
Mandate of Heaven ayu dh habis tgk..
Shark mmg ayu tgh follow...now ep 11 dh ada sub...
tunggu masa je nk tgk ni...
cite ni lak lum kuar sub lg...so mana yg kuar dlu sub..tu yg ayu tgk dlu
ayushuhada04 posted on 2-7-2013 12:11 PM 
ahak.....dh terbayang ler..muka Jung Woo Sung...
keke..kiutttt..tp nerd2...mungkin x biasa
limau posted on 2-7-2013 02:40 PM 
keke..kiutttt..tp nerd2...mungkin x biasa
aahkan...sbb dia 1st time ler dlm variety show ni..
kak ayu tgk dia agak berisi ler...tp masih maintain...
ayushuhada04 posted on 2-7-2013 02:42 PM 
aahkan...sbb dia 1st time ler dlm variety show ni..
kak ayu tgk dia agak berisi ler...tp masih ma ...
a'ah...sweet ja..
limau posted on 2-7-2013 02:44 PM 
a'ah...sweet ja..
kak ayu tergoda dgn senyuman dia ler..
ermm...nape cite ni masih lum ada sub
YoonArang posted on 2-7-2013 04:35 PM 
da dpt ke tgk cite ni?
sub lum ada lagi.......
limau posted on 2-7-2013 11:28 AM 
kalo da ada kak letak kat fb ye..sebab limau on jaa sampai balik..hehe
nk layan Running man jap ...
nak tanya RM yg ep avengers tu tak kuar tibi lagi ek?
ke aine yg terlepas pandang?
mushroomsup posted on 2-7-2013 12:09 PM 
hero kurang ensem.. hehehe
kureng ek?....aine tengok cam ok lah pulak
sebab ada lesung pipit tu hehehe......
tapi dia ni berlakun cite ape?
aine kadang tu dah tengok tapi tak pasan sapa pelakun

WeAiNe posted on 2-7-2013 10:50 PM 
kureng ek?....aine tengok cam ok lah pulak
sebab ada lesung pipit tu hehehe......
tapi dia ni be ...
mungkin sebab tak biasa tgk kot..
kalo dah tgk baru kuar keenseman tu.. hehe |
mushroomsup posted on 2-7-2013 10:55 PM 
mungkin sebab tak biasa tgk kot..
kalo dah tgk baru kuar keenseman tu.. hehe
amboi...ibarat tak kenal maka tak cintalah ye.....hehehehe..... 
eddlisa_uyuk posted on 2-7-2013 10:17 PM 
best ke citer nih
kena tunggu 2 lagi epi baru leh decide
First Impressions: Goddess of Fire Jung-yi
There’s a new set of dramas that just premiered, so I thought I’d weigh in with some very brief first impressions after catching the opening episodes of each. The ratings landscape has pretty much evened out across the three Monday-Tuesday dramas: MBC’s Goddess of Fire Jung-yi came in with a marginal first-place lead at 10.7% for its premiere. KBS’s Shark followed with 9.4%, and SBS’s Empire of Gold premiered at 8.5%.
Goddess and Empire had two totally opposite types of premieres, which I’ll get to. But neither really grabbed me entirely from the get-go, so while they both have potential, I’m not terribly excited about either new show. I won’t be recapping either series, but since I watched the premieres, I thought I’d share.
!!!!!Spoiler Warning!!!!! I talk about the plot points in the first episode of each show, so don’t read if you don’t want to know what happens.
Goddess of Fire Jung-yi
Visually, this show looks good – it’s crisp and colorful. It isn’t quite The Moon That Embraces the Sun, but it’s definitely trying to be that kind of drama. It’s not as loose, in that this story is based on real historical figures, but it’s quite liberal with its fusion take on Joseon. My main gripe with the premiere is that it takes 35 minutes for something interesting to happen. That’s a really long time to wade through uninteresting backstory about the parents, which (a) I don’t care about and (b) was written to be a series of Very Important Events that lead to our heroine’s birth… but feel very cursory and are difficult to take seriously.
The key things we need to know about our heroine: her mother was a gifted potter who wasn’t recognized for her talent because she’s a woman, her biological father is Jealous Second Fiddle Potter, and the dad who raised her is Wronged Genius Potter. Oh, and wait for it… she was born IN A KILN.
So yeah, destined for pottery. Got it.
That takes more than half the hour to get through, and I laughed out loud at some of the dramatics. But the good news is that once the teenagers show up about 35 minutes in, things get a little more interesting.
We can already see the outlines of the main love triangle start to form. Jung-yi (Jin Ji-hee, later to be played by Moon Geun-young) is bold and frank, and clumsy with the pottery wheel. She prefers to go hunting and learn to fight from the neighbor oraboni Tae-do (Park Gun-tae, later Kim Bum) and is always getting into trouble for breaking more pottery than she makes.
She then happens to meet a young Gwanghaegun, or Yi Hon as he’s called at this point in his life (Noh Young-hak, later Lee Sang-yoon) when he falls into the boar trap she’s set with Tae-do. So basically the meet-cute is that she falls on top of a prince in a hole six feet deep. Look, no one said it was realistic.

The teenage chemistry is cute—he’s on his princely high horse, and she thinks he’s full of crap, so she talks down to him and the bickering works. The instant attraction, not so much, only because they lay it on really thick with two accidental falls (at least they take turns falling on top of each other?) and a moment of fluttery heart palpitations, where she literally has to ask him what he’s done to her and what it means. But his answer is pretty funny: “You’ve fallen for me,” he says in all seriousness. I guess when you’re actual royalty, the ego comes with?
If I had to say it in a nutshell, everything about this show is predictable. It’s been done a thousand times before, and the premiere feels very paint-by-numbers. I do see potential in the three leads, because I trust the characterization to be carried through by the adult players, so I don’t think you’d be wrong to choose to watch this drama for the love triangle alone.
I couldn’t be paid to care a lick about pottery though, so every time they stop to give great importance to the pottery parts, I just zone out. It doesn’t help that the drama chooses to portray it like a modern-day dramaland shoe designer rivalry, which I fully expect them to continue tonally for the rest of the show.
It isn’t going to be a must-watch drama for me, but I expect you’ll get exactly what you go into it for—palace romance and an underdog success story for the heroine. Oh, and lots and lots of pottery.
masih lum ada sub lagi....
stress dibuatnya....... |
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