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Author: lovewife

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Post time 19-8-2011 03:33 PM | Show all posts

kakitangan KERAJAAN tengok sini>>>MBSB LOAN kat sini!!!

Pakej Pinjaman dari MBSB Terkini         Julai 2011

  • Kadar MBSB 4.9% - 5.2% setahun
  • Maximal Pinjaman RM250,000
  • Maximal Tempoh 25 Tahun
  • Payout 94% - 96.7%
  • Process Kelulusan 7 - 12 Hari Berkerja
  • Kelayakan Pinjaman 60% - 80% (Pakej Waslah)
  • Sesuai untuk Overlap Pinjaman sedia ada
  • Tiada yuran bulanan dan caj tersembunyi

Pinjaman MBSB menawarkan pembiayaan peribadi sehingga RM 300,000.00 dengan tempoh bayaran balik dipanjangkan sehingga 25 tahun. Pakej pinjaman peribadi MBSB tanpa penjamin ini adalah khas untuk kakitangan kerajaan, badan berkanun, polis diraja Malaysia serta syarikat berkaitan Kerajaan (GLC).Mulai 15 Disember  2010, kadar baru bagi pembiayaan adalah mengikut pakej yang diperkenalkan MBSB iaitu PAKEJ VAGANZA, PAKEJ WASLAH dan PAKEJ EXEC-i.

PAKEJ VAGANZA – Promosi Pinjaman dan Menang

  • Berjawatan tetap dan gaji pokok termasuk elaun tetap minimum RM700.00
  • Terbuka kepada semua kakitangan kerajaan badan berkanun, polis diraja Malaysia serta syarikat berkaitan Kerajaan (GLC)
  • Pembiayaan sehingga RM200,000 / 20 tahun
  • Kiraan kelayakan pembiayaan sehinga 60% dari gaji kasar
  • Kadar rata dan tetap - 4.90% hingga 5.20%
  • Bayaran balik pembiayaan wajib melalui Biro Angkasa
  • Tanpa penjamin. CTOS / CCRISS boleh memohon

PAKEJ WASLAH – Promosi Pakej Waslah Terkini

  • Berjawatan tetap dan gaji pokok termasuk elaun tetap RM700.00
  • Terbuka kepada semua kakitangan kerajaan badan berkanun, polis diraja Malaysia serta syarikat berkaitan Kerajaan (GLC).
  • Pembiayaan Sehingga RM200,000 / 20 Tahun
  • Kiraan kelayakan pembiayaan sehinga 75% dari gaji kasar (Mengikut syarat dan terma yang ditetapkan oleh MBSB – semak kelayakan mbsb anda sekarang)
  • Kadar rata dan tetap - 5.50%
  • Bayaran balik pembiayaan wajib melalui Biro Angkasa
  • Tanpa penjamin. CTOS / CCRISS boleh memohon


  • Berjawatan sembilan dan contract boleh memohon
  • Berumuh 19 tahun dan tidak melebihi 58 semasa tamat pembiayaan
  • Terbuka kepada semua kakitangan kerajaan badan berkanun, polis diraja Malaysia serta syarikat berkaitan Kerajaan (GLC)
  • Berjawatan tetap dan gaji pokok termasuk elaun tetap RM3,000.00
  • Pembiayaan Sehingga RM300,000 / 25Tahun
  • Potongan Sehinga 60% & Layak Memohon (OVERLAP)
  • Kadar serendah 3.50% hingga 5.20%
  • Bayaran balik pembiayaan wajib melalui Biro Angkasa
  • Tanpa penjamin. CTOS / CCRISS boleh memohon

Syarat & Kelayakan MBSB

  • Pinjaman Peribadi MBSB terbuka kepada kakitangan KERAJAAN dan BADAN BERKANUN terpilih sahaja
  • Berumur 19 tahun ke atas & tidak melebihi 58 tahun semasa tamat pinjaman.
  • Berjawatan TETAP dan gaji pokok + elaun tetap serendah RM700.
  • Bayaran balik melalui BIRO POTONGAN ANGKASA.

Dokumen yang Diperlukan

  • 2 salinan kad pengenalan, (Disahkan Majikan)
  • 2 salinan kad kuasa polis (kakitangan PDRM)
  • 1 bulan slip gaji asal terkini beserta 2 salinan (Salinan perlu pengesahan majikan)
  • 2 salinan slip gaji 2 bulan terkini selain slip gaji di atas (dokumen perlu pengesahan majikan)
  • Bil utiliti seperti bil air, bil telefon, bil elektrik dan lain lainl
  • 2 Salinan depan buku akaun bank
  • Penyata Penyelesaian awal “Redemption Statement” jika perlu
  • Surat option pencen 58 tahun, (dokumen perlu pengesahan majikan) jika perlu

Di bawah adalah jadual bayaran pinjaman mbsb terkini untuk 2011. Sila semak kelayakan anda sekarang dan ianya tanggung jawab kami untuk mengkhidmati anda sebaik mungkin.

Jadual    5 Thn    10 Thn    11 Thn    12 Thn    17 Thn    18 Thn    19 Thn    20 Thn  
RM 10K20812411711092908785
RM 20K415248233221185179174170
RM 30K623372350331277269262255
RM 40K830497466441369359349340
RM 50K1038621583552462448436425
RM 60K1245745700662554538523510
RM 70K1453869816772646628610595
RM 80K1660993933882739717698680
RM 90K186811171049993831807785765
RM 100K2075124211661103924897872850
RM 110K22831366128312131016986959935
RM 120K24901490139913241108107610461020
RM 130K26981614151614341201116611341105
RM 140K29051738163215441293125512211190
RM 150K31131862174916551385134513081275
RM 160K33201987186617651478143413951360
RM 170K35282111198218751570152414831445
RM 180K37352235209919851662161415701530
RM 190K39432359221520961755170316571615
RM 200K41502483233222061847179317441700

  / sms : 012 - 3988416 or 019 - 6689895
email      : [email protected] (email payslip yang terbaru supaya dapat kira loan yang tepat kepada anda <lebih jimat masa dan cepat>

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Post time 20-8-2011 12:08 PM | Show all posts
- T-shirt tok majlis2 kahwin..
- hari Keluarga
- Aktiviti berkumpulan
- Souvenir(pen,diary,key chain,eco bag dan lain2...

Use magic Report

Post time 27-8-2011 10:15 AM | Show all posts

baju terpakai..

Kepada mereka yg masih mempunyai baju2 lama yg xpakai tue bolehlah di dermakan kepada mereka yg memerlukan seperti keluarga ibu tunggal, keluarga miskin dan mereka yg x berkemampuan membeli baju.. ini adalah sukarela... baju dewasa, baju kanak2, bayi, atau barang keperluan rumah seperti barang elektrik,perabot... mengikut keihklasan anda... pm saya ok..

Use magic Report

Post time 16-9-2011 12:42 AM | Show all posts

saya nak jual laptop tosihba m30

Intel Pentium M 1.60Ghz
Hardisk 40GB

Come with original windows xp home license

lain semua tu ok............
hanya keyboard tu masalah.tapi,boleh guna keyboard usb yg dibagi olh saya.senang di bawa dan diguna.(boleh tengok gambar)

battery dan speaker juga rosak

kalau nak buat paper work boleh pakai utk office

utk maklumat yg lanjut sila hubungi saya
Ads in the shop: 12


laptop toshiba m30 terpakai

Intel Pentium M 1.60Ghz
Hardisk 40GB

Come with original windows xp home license

lain semua tu ok............
hanya keyboard tu masalah.tapi,boleh guna keyboard usb yg dibagi olh saya.senang di bawa dan diguna.(boleh tengok gambar)

battery dan speaker juga rosak

kalau nak buat paper work boleh pakai utk office

utk maklumat yg lanjut sila hubungi saya

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Intel Pentium M 1.60Ghz
Hardisk 40GB

Come with original windows xp home license

lain semua tu ok............
hanya keyboard tu masalah.tapi,boleh guna keyboard usb yg dibagi olh saya.senang di bawa dan diguna.(boleh tengok gambar)

battery dan speaker juga rosak

kalau nak buat paper work boleh pakai utk office

utk maklumat yg lanjut sila hubungi saya
Ads in the shop: 12


  Send email to advertiser
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    Only replies to the ad is allowed. Hanya balasan kepada iklan dibenarkan. Advertising and such is forbidden and will be traced. Pemasaran dan lain-lain adalah dilarang dan akan dijejak.
  • NEVER pay in advance to a seller you don't know. JANGAN membuat bayaran pendahuluan kepada pengiklan yang anda tidak kenal.

Your e-mail:
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Send a copy to me

Use magic Report

Post time 6-10-2011 01:45 PM | Show all posts





Use magic Report

Post time 7-10-2011 12:46 AM | Show all posts

TerMurah beli secara pukal...

akhirnya Melaka daoat nikmati makan ,minum, ... enjoy 50- 80 %..
dulu pandang aja,

sekarang betul betul dapat bau...

Use magic Report

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Post time 7-10-2011 03:35 AM | Show all posts
tt tlg jelaskn dgn lebih lanjut ape yg nk dismpaikan...
kalau tak thread ni akan ditutup..

Use magic Report

Post time 7-10-2011 10:58 AM | Show all posts
Reply 2# midory

group buying di Melaka.

kita dapat lebih jimat...

lebih 50 %.

Use magic Report


Post time 8-10-2011 09:29 PM | Show all posts

Melaka DIYers Club

Assalammualaikum para DIYers...

Thread ini dibuka untuk para DIYers berkongsi idea & maklumat
tentang projek DIY yang sedang dijalankan agar dapat mengembangkan
teknologi di Malaysia.

Sebarang idea yang menarik boleh dibincangkan agar sama-sama dapat
menambah ilmu pengetahuan.


Panduan Membuat Mesin CNC

Use magic Report

Post time 8-10-2011 09:46 PM | Show all posts
advertisement sila masuk thread adv ...thread closed

Use magic Report

Post time 15-10-2011 09:00 AM | Show all posts Melaka

hello u twu anda msti prlukn duit..btol x?tmbh2 tgh2 bulan neh..nak tggu gaji hjung bln plak tu..trok an..lau anda join bisnes neh..tiap2 mggu anda dpt..anda untung sbb:-

-100% komisyen dibayar terus keakaun anda

-Web promosi

-Xperlu tggu gaji hjung bulan

-kerja boleh santai je..sambil tgok astro ngn fmly..

-xperlu jual produk dan nak jln sana sini..dok kt rmah juz promote website jer..

-dan yg paling best boleh shopping hari2 wooo..

Anda xperlu bhnti keja sbb neh juz smpingan je utk anda..boley buat lpaz blek keja, juz amek mse 2 jam shari..snang kn?anda xmahu ke snang mcm org laen..

anda xprcya??knpe??sbb anda hnya dgr dr kwn2 yg bisnes internet xley prcye..knpe anda xjoin sndri..??xprlu dgr dr org laen..sbb dgr dr org laen la anda xkaya2 smpai skrg..cube anda join dr dlu..msti anda sudah jutawan skrg..

anda juga akn dpt E-book yg brnilai RM1000..anda xmahu ke..??cube la…



Use magic Report

Post time 16-10-2011 06:50 PM | Show all posts
Post Last Edit by sueria_azlee at 16-10-2011 18:51

salam semua..
sue nak share satu produk yang sangat bagus dan diakui oleh customer2 sue iaitu SOFTFEA ORANGE FIBER DRINK...

softfea orange fiber drink bertindak dengan :-
1.mengawal selera makan
2.menghalang pembentukan lemak baru
3.meningkatkan kadar metabolisma
4.menukarkan karbohidrat kepasa tenaga

sangat efektif bagi :-
1.membakar lemak dan menurunkan berat badan
2.melancarkan usus sekaligus membantu masalah sembelit
3.membuang toksid dan angin dalam badan
4.membantu merawat masalah susah tidur dan murung
5.membantu masalah gastrik
6.melicin dan mencantikkan struktur kulit
7.sesuai untuk pengidap diabetis dan darah tinggi

kebaikkan softfea orange fiber drink :-
1.rasa oren yang fresh dan sedap ( mmg besh rasa dier )
2.mudah,berkesan,selamat dan halal
3.tak rasa lapar dan sakit
4.tidak perlu bersenam
5.bertenaga dan cergas

testimonial bergambar boleh lihat kat sini dan cari label SLIMMING PRODUCT

harga sekotak RM49.90 untuk kegunaan selama 10 hari..nak dapatkan harga best..PM ajer..


sila lawat http://beli-beli-online.blogspot untuk lain2 barangan yang mungkin menarik minat anda..

Use magic Report

Post time 20-10-2011 02:24 AM | Show all posts

Swiss E-learning Institute

1. Swiss Management Center (SMC)
  • Founded in 1985 in Zug, Switzerland
  • 2006, obtains accreditation from the "European Council for Business Education (ECBE)"
  • 2007, obtains accreditation from the "Accreditation Council for Business Schools and Programs (ACBSP)",a specialized programmatic accreditation body for Business Education recognized by the Council for Higher Education Accreditation (CHEA) in the United States
  • Member of the Academic Council of the United Nations Systems and Swiss Federation for Adult Learning (SVEB)
  • Sponsoring high performance sporting operations, including the Marussia Virgin Racing Formula 1 Team and Nordic Skier Gianluca Cologna
  • Ranked 1st in Switzerland, 5th in Europe and 15th in the world by the Financial Times Online MBA Rankings

2. Swiss E-learning Institute
  • Series of flexible, online learning programmed for busy people
  • Perfect solution for those wishing to improve themselves and stay ahead in their business
  • A way to boost your potential and take part in interesting, well developed courses
  • Created a modular mentor-ship concept that will pave the way for sustainable pursuit of your goals
  • Flexible schedule which arrange by yourself
  • A comfort learning environment of your own home
  • Certificate of completion will be given once finish your course
  • Available courses:-
  • Marketing 2011
  • Art of Management -  winning concepts and strategies
  • Presentation and Communication Skills
  • Career Design

Marketing 2011
  • Designed for entrepreneurs who are ready to reach out to new audiences and market.
  • Created a highly practical and accurate course that covers the most important aspects of the trade: identifying, building and managing customer relations, building and managing a strong brand, and effectively utilizing Web 2.0 marketing means
  • Throughout the course, a broad scope of core concepts as well as the latest major trends will be covered, reflecting the forces that are impacting this ever-changing field – leaving you with the key tools to succeed at what you do best
  • Topic covered:-
  • Introduction to customer segmentation
  • Basics of consumer behavior
  • Mastering the four "P": Product, Price, Place, Promotion
  • Online Marketing
  • Viral / Social Media Marketing

Art of Management - winning concepts and strategies
  • Created for those seeking profound managerial insight and understanding.
  • Created together with leading academic and professional management experts, the course puts a strong emphasis on building and strengthening your very own potential
  • All topics covered throughout the modular course are related to the daily challenges in the life of an entrepreneur, ensuring that those winning concepts and strategies immediately apply
  • Geared towards building experience and skills to support your management needs, which can be applied very well to your own network           
  • Topic covered:-
  • Risk management
  • Personal management
  • Strategic management concepts
  • Financial management
  • Operations management

Presentation and Communication Skills
  • Introduces aspiring leaders and entrepreneurs to their most important companion on their road to success: effective communication
  • The mastery of interpersonal communication is a prerequisite to any favorable business interaction
  • Every single working day holds challenges that imply influencing others' thinking and actions – moments that demand special skills and consideration
  • Based on a modular design provided by leading communication experts and trainers, each unit provides key concepts using a fresh, practical approach highly adaptable to individual needs
  • Topic covered:-
  • The nature of communication
  • Key elements of communication
  • Internal VS External
  • Oral and written communication secrets
  • successful communication in terms

Career Design
  • Offers vital support to those who have arrived at decision points in their professional life
  • Personal crossroads, desire for new challenges, emerging entrepreneurial spirit, or additional education have one thing in common: the need for careful planning and consideration
  • Created a modular mentor-ship concept that will pave the way for sustainable pursuit of your goals together with leading executive coaches and personal trainers
  • Will help participants master their personal change and overcome fears, identify untapped potential, and provide dedication and commitment
  • Topic covered:-
  • Your career values and drivers
  • Your personality structure
  • Your journey in life
  • Your strengths and weaknesses
  • Personal assessment and analysis

*as consequence, the career design will...
  • Present you with a framework for your personal and career reflections
  • Give you more insight into who you are, what you value, what you are skilled at, and what your major goals are
  • Encourage you to plan your next professional steps and motivate you to stick to your timelines and achievable items
  • Guide you to the right decisions for you

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Post time 20-10-2011 02:24 AM | Show all posts
You ask, I answer

Q: Where can I find a schedule for these Courses?

A: You can make your own schedule! The Swiss E-Learning Institute does not have a fixed schedule for the offered Courses because they are tailored according to your own schedule. Think you might miss a class or even get lost in the lessons? Fear not! With your own schedule, you are able to learn at your own pace, and in your own time!Q: How much time does it take to complete a Course?
A: There’s no time limit on this. All Courses are built on a modular design that allows for a flexible and self-paced progress through the individual chapters or topics. Upon investing around eight hours of study a week, the average Course duration will be around eight weeks. But if you’re a faster learner, you might take less than eight weeks. And if you’re busy with your business and other things, it’s possible that you may take more time to complete Courses.

Q: How am I graded on my Course?
A: You will be graded on your Course once you have completed the quiz at the end of the Course. Grades will be shown based on the number of questions you’ve answered correctly in the form of Weighted Total out of Total Possible Points.

Q: Is the Course certificate a degree or a diploma?
A: The Courses at Swiss E-Learning Institute are non-academic courses. Though the Course certificate is not a degree or a diploma, your enrolment will enhance your skill in the respective fields for which you have signed up.

Q: With which University is the Swiss E-learning Institute affiliated?
A: Courses at the Swiss E-Learning Institute are skillfully created by European academics and field professionals from Switzerland’s leading Online University to provide you with first-hand skills and tools to improve your professional foundation in the respective fields.

Q: How much is the price for Swiss E-learning Institute's courses?
A: RM2000.00 per courses which everyone can afford it. Think about it, getting a new certificate and learn new things which can improve your performance during your work, does it worth for it?

For any inquiry, Sir/Madam may contact me, Justin Lim, 016-9270069 or through email, [email protected]

Use magic Report

Post time 21-10-2011 11:30 AM | Show all posts

Kpd yg berkenaan

Salam sejahtera..

samada yg br nk join bisnes internet atau dh otai pasal nitak kiralah bisnes apapun korang buat asalkan melalui internet..ingin akukongsikan menda alah ni..

Download laporan percuma rahsia atau strategi pemasaranonline

Semoga laporan ini memberi manfaat kpd anda utk mengenalidunia sebenar pemasaran internet..have fun yaa…


Use magic Report

Post time 6-11-2011 02:10 AM | Show all posts

Mencari contact agen Nestle (milo/nescaffe), Ayam brand

Salam semua

Ada sesiapa blh tlg bagi ctc no utk salesman brg2 terutama produk Nestle (Milo/Nescaffe), Maggi, ayambrand ,Adabi ? Sy memerlukan ctc agen tersebut memandangkan agak kerap penggunaan produk2 di atas...

Mohon kerjasama ye sapa yg tau...

terima kasih byk2....

Use magic Report


Post time 6-11-2011 02:11 AM | Show all posts
Reply 1# bungazaleha

    lagi satu,klu ada ctc no brg2 frozen spt Ayamas/Ramly dan Saudi pon ok juga...

Use magic Report

Post time 6-11-2011 02:47 PM | Show all posts
Reply 1# bungazaleha

tuk nestle / milo- check pm k

Use magic Report

Post time 6-11-2011 07:11 PM | Show all posts

Use magic Report

Post time 9-11-2011 06:13 PM | Show all posts

Pakej bajet ke Korea untuk orang Melaka^^


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