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Author: Punat_button

[Tempatan] Loh (Hindu) menang perintah Mahkamah hak penjagaan anak-anak mualaf

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Post time 22-2-2022 07:23 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Skuau replied at 22-2-2022 07:18 PM
Biar jer la Loh tu dgn anak2nya...jgn sibok ngn drng lg..drng kayo rayo ke,papa kedana ke,terpaling  ...

Sape yang kacau?

Ada ke sape2 yang halang? Ada yang culik ke?

Pandai betul putar belit

Yang pasti, anak2 si loh ni dah masuk islam dah

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Post time 22-2-2022 07:23 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Sempat jugak sekor setan menjalankan tugas dekat thread ni hahhahahaha

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Post time 22-2-2022 07:28 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
kemaruk replied at 22-2-2022 07:23 PM
Sape yang kacau?

Ada ke sape2 yang halang? Ada yang culik ke?

bior jer la 'setakat ni jer'....jgn amik peduli lg...x serik3 isle 'kena' ka???

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Post time 22-2-2022 08:00 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Edited by tripleid at 22-2-2022 08:01 PM

Rindu kemeriahan padang merbok zaman 22bulan ph..


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Post time 22-2-2022 08:05 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Skuau replied at 22-2-2022 07:28 PM
bior jer la 'setakat ni jer'....jgn amik peduli lg...x serik3 isle 'kena' ka???

Eh ko cakap ape ni?

Jawab la.. ada sape2 yang nak rebut anak dia ke?

Yang pasti, anak2 dia dah diislamkan.. so itu yang paling penting

Elok lah mak dia jaga anak2 dia ni setelah sekian lama dijaga oleh orang lain

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Post time 22-2-2022 08:35 PM | Show all posts
Decaffeinated replied at 22-2-2022 07:05 PM
Datuk Seri Panglima Abdul Azeez bin Abdul Rahim (Jawi: عبدالعزيز بن عبدالرحيم, ...

Mamat Azeez ni sebelum masuk melayu adalah kelly ng

Sebelum masuk UMNO (party asobiyyah) , beliau adalah penjual kereta terpakai & pastu tetiba dapat MBA dari Preston University USA (yang dah tutup kedai kat USA)

Soalan untuk geng party asobiyyah : camno mamat ni boleh jadik melayu , jadik MP untuk party asobiyyah?

Bukan ke dia kelly ng yang seperti didakwa ... kaki putar alam

Bukan ke ia bercanggah dengan perlembagaan party asobiyyah yang hanya terima kaum bumiputera ...


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Post time 22-2-2022 09:22 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Edited by Skuau at 22-2-2022 09:25 PM
kemaruk replied at 22-2-2022 08:05 PM
Eh ko cakap ape ni?

Jawab la.. ada sape2 yang nak rebut anak dia ke?

aku bgtau..apa berlaku kat 'dia dan anak dia'...SELEPAS INI(anak dia dh dia yg jaga.. duduk@tnggal serumah)....jgn peduli,jgn menyibok lg...bior jer...ore lain jgn msk campur..Loh kan ada..uruskan.Bior jer..

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Post time 22-2-2022 10:38 PM | Show all posts
sam1528 replied at 22-2-2022 08:35 PM
Mamat Azeez ni sebelum masuk melayu adalah kelly ng

Sebelum masuk UMNO (party asobiyyah) , beliau  ...

Aku cuma bagi dia contoh masuk melayu tu possible jangan dia tak tau sambil membodoh2kan orang. Mungkin dia percaya memanggil org lain bodoh boleh membuatkan dia nampak pandai

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Post time 22-2-2022 11:04 PM | Show all posts
sebiji macam perangai orang putih kristian di us dan canada dulu2

amik anak orang native american secara paksa, pisahkan, kristiankan, renamekan
dengan alasan  education and what not
sama di australia


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 Author| Post time 22-2-2022 11:18 PM | Show all posts
xAthenax replied at 22-2-2022 11:04 PM
sebiji macam perangai orang putih kristian di us dan canada dulu2

amik anak orang native american s ...

yang itu berbaloi lah jugak dek fefeeling kokesen


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 Author| Post time 23-2-2022 01:55 PM | Show all posts
ABIM & Perlis mufti give Islam a bad name. Do they think that might is right?
Mariam Mokhtar

Excerpt from the Malaysiakini news report. (Here is the link.)

The Muslim Youth Movement of Malaysia (Abim) has called on the government to ensure that single mother Loh Siew Hong is given the opportunity to see her three children as often as possible.

Its president Muhammad Faisal Abdul Aziz, in a statement today, said the issue of custody of children and unilateral conversion had dragged on for so long and that a thorough solution is needed.

“Abim believes that we must provide the flexibility for mothers who have not yet converted to Islam to meet their children as often as possible.

“A mother’s love for her child is a nature bestowed by God, which no one has the right to violate,” said Faisal.

My questions:

What does Muhammad Faisal mean by “…mothers who have not yet converted to Islam…”?

Why does he think that Loh should convert to Islam? Why should she?

What happened to Article 11 of the Federal Constitution?

Why can’t Muhammad Faizal understand that the conversion of Loh’s children to Islam was illegal?

Children who are to be converted, can only be done with the consent of both mother and father.

Whilst Loh was hospitalised after her former husband hit her head with a hammer and broke her arms and legs, he abducted their children and converted them without her knowledge.

When she was discharged and sought shelter in a home for women who are victims of domestic violence, she tried to trace the whereabouts of her children but had no success.

Her husband’s family would not tell her where the children were.

After her former husband converted the children, he dumped his teenage twin daughters into a home for converts.

Why did he do this? Why can’t the children and mother be reunited?

Loh’s 10 year-old son was enrolled into a tahfiz school.

The tahfiz school provides limited intellectual development. A child needs a proper education.

As a chef who operated her own food stall, Loh was financially able to take care of her children.

On the other hand, her husband had an affair with an Indian Muslim woman, had no job, dabbled in drugs, and beat her up regularly. He was subsequently jailed for drug related offences.

When Loh filed for divorce, the court gave her full custody of the children. Can ABIM not understand this? Loh was given sole custody of her children, folloing her divorce.

Why should Loh now be dragged through the legal mess and spend more money to get her children back, just because her husband, and his family, were shameful, despicable and immoral to destroy Loh and her children’s futures?

MAZA’s role using Islam to destroy a family

The other vile element to this sorry story is the role played by the Perlis mufti, Mohd Asri Zainul Abidin, aka MAZA

He wades in, then claims that Loh’s children did not want to see their mother and would rather remain as Muslims?

Religious men like MAZA do more damage to the nation, to the family institution and to 15lam in Malaysia.


MAZA is dangerous. He like many others in Malaysia, use 15lam to promote themselves, to mislead Muslims and to destroy the harmony of a multicultural nation.

How dare he poison the minds of Loh’s children and the rakyat?

He is catapulted onto the scene, with photographers taking pictures of him and Loh’s twins daughters being wined and dined on satay, then insults both the children and Loh. He ignores how Loh was attacked by her former husband with a hammer, how the convert threatened his former wife and children, and how the children were illegally converted.

MAZA then claims that in Perlis, the law says that children need only the consent of one parent to be converted.

How convenient

THis is the pathetic syariah law in Malaysia, where Federal law means diddly squat but state law takes precedence.

This is how gatal husbands take on wives no 2,3,4 etc by providing an addess in another state to the oneo he lives in, where the permission of the first wife is not necessary for him to commit polygamy.

No wonder syariah law in Malaysia is a mess. Ask the many thousands of divorced Muslim women who were let down by the system

And now, add to that the lives of young children who are forced into a tug-of-war by the religious authorites who are irresponsible and callous.

For them the mufti and the religios authorities, conversion is a numbers game. They could not care less if the convert does it because he is interested in knowing and understanding Islam.

If allegations are to be beleived, there is also a financial inventive involved.

No wonder 15lam is brought into disrepute by those who should know better.

Where are the voices of the guardians of Islam in the state?

Penang mufti developed cold feet.

Just when we thought all hell had broken loose in Malaysia and all hope was lost, one ray of hope emerged.

The Penang Mufti, Wan Salim Wan Mohd Noor, spoke up for Loh and said a mother should not be separated from her children

A few days ago, Wan Salim highlighted the importance of a relationship between a mother and her child. He said, “I call on the authorities to find a way so that the children can meet their parents as often as possible despite their different religions.

“We should prove that Malaysians of various races, religions and cultures are people who always love peace and well-being and respect each other.”

Penang mufti

He spoke too soon because the following day, he was pressured into making an apology. He apologised and said that the children should remain Muslim but the mother can have custody.

This is the Malaysia we have inherited. A place where logic and right thinking, law-abiding citizens are brushed aside by the bigots and the munafiks (hypocrites)

Can Wan Salim also not understand that the children were converted without the mother’s permission?

What is wrong with the bigots?What sort of Islam is being practised in Malaysia?

The bullying kind?

The one which says that might is right, just because 60% of the population is Muslim?

Trust the muftis in Malaysia to give 15lam a bad name in Malaysia.

This is what happens when you mix religion and politics

This is the madness that the country is saddled with when clerics and bigots are allowed to hold the whole nation to ramson.

Everyone is afraid of speaking the truth.

Everyone is afraid that the bigots and extremist will go on the rampage.

And so, the whole nation is held to ransom by these vile extremists, because the authorities are too cowardly to act and are reluctant to uphold law and order.

The whole nation suffers.

Islam takes a severe bashing.

The lives of innocent people are destroyed.

Families are broken up.

Divide and conquer rule.

Only the evil bigots triumph.


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Post time 24-2-2022 11:11 AM | Show all posts
nolya replied at 21-2-2022 10:32 PM
"Mujur jadi kes ni masa kerajaan PN Melayu Islam. Kita tak leh nak cakap apa."

betul nolya. 100% setuju dengan pandangan tu, realistik dan sensible.

Saya saje nk bandingkan dgn kes Almarhum Adib yang jadi masa bawah kerjaan PH. Hangit forum cari ni salahkan PH. UMNO dgn PAS lagi la, tiap kali PRN akan muncul gambar Almarhum Adib utk attack PH. If nak pikir logic, kes to more to re-check bomba SOP or silap step. Orang tengah gila riot, nape la bomba nak pegi padam api dulu. Tunggu la FRU polis datang dulu utk stabilkan keadaan. Lagipun kes tu, developer yg upah gangster melayu utk harass kuil haram tu dulu kan.

Sekadar pandangan mungkin saya salah.

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Post time 24-2-2022 12:52 PM | Show all posts
EncikH replied at 24-2-2022 11:11 AM
betul nolya. 100% setuju dengan pandangan tu, realistik dan sensible.

Saya saje nk bandingkan dgn ...

Betul, menyentuh isu ALlahyarham Adib dulu mmg nmpk SOP yg tidak diikuti. Xder keperluan pun untuk padamkan api tu oleh pihak BOMBA. Sepatutnya FRU yg masuk untuk leraikan keadaan, bila dah keadaan terkawal baru BOMBA masuk utk setelkan kebakaran.

Dekat situlah kesilapan kes terbabit.

Tp benda bleh buat peluru brader, kalau PH pembangkang pun akan goreng isu tu sampai hangit.

Sepatutnya kita yg bawah2 nih yg xder keuntungan apa pun pikir dgn rasional xyah nka membabi buta

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Post time 24-2-2022 01:46 PM | Show all posts
sejahtera replied at 22-2-2022 10:44 AM
susulan perintah mahkamah,

ada individu2 dan pihak2 tak happy cam tersinggung

Apa alasan kukuh bagi orang2 yg tak happy dn spt tersinggung?
Adakah tak happy anak2 berbalik kpd ibunya semata2  kerana anak tu sudah terIslam sedangkan ibunya beragama Hindu.
Tersinggung? Dari sudut mana tersinggungnya?  Ghalat dn khuatir, TAKUT anak2 Loh tinggalkan Islam @murtad dn ikut agama asal mereka? So, apa usaha dn tindakan yg wajar diambil bagi MEMASTIKAN keIslaman anak2 yg berkaitan. Rombak semulakah keputusan mahkamah dn anak2 diambil paksa oleh JKM semata2 kerana mereka Islam dn emaknya Hindu?

Kenapa tidak para aktivis Islam cari satu pendekatan yg bersahabat terhadap Loh dn anak2nya bagi meluruskan keadaan begini.  Ini tidak, semua bertindak menyalah, menyerang dn cuba membina tembok pemisah antara ibu dgn anak, antara Islam dn bukan Islam. Barangkali pihak2 yg berpeluang memantau dn mendekati anak2 ini boleh memberi motivasi agar mereka tetap menjadi muslim. Tetapi selama mana pantauan trs boleh diteruskan?

Maaf, kalau saya tetiba teringat kpd Ustad Farid Ravi Abdullah, apakah beliau tidak boleh dijemput untuk memberi motivasi kpd anak2 Loh dn/atau Mdm Loh sendiri untuk lebih mengenali Islam. Untuk mengekalkan keimanan Islam bagi golongan bukan Islam/mualaf bukan satu hal yg mudah. Harus ada satu kekuatan, kesabaran dn keyakinan yg kukuh untuk terus menjadi muslim. Pendekatan yg ramah, bersilaturahim, tiada paksaan, berteloransi semoga dpt dijadikan satu imej untuk mereka lebih tertarik kpd Islam. Siapa tahu kalau Loh dpt melihat keindahan Islam mll anak2nya maka Loh juga akhirnya memeluk Islam. Tidak mustahil bila hidayah Allah beri.

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