Reply #48 sitilina's post
oo.. baru grad dua tahun da kawin. .
untung la klu student uni lain.. 2nd year
boleh kawin doh |
nasihat aku ko amik chemical Eng....
sbb nya...ni la most versertile eng in world-->kata2 lecture aku Dr azimuddin
and aku setuju..chemi covers everything dr upstream smpai dwstream...
aku pun dak utp...
and amik chemi.... |
siape tau channel mane forum tentang engineering???
siape tau channel mane forum tentang engineering??? |
Originally posted by payrol at 24-3-2007 07:32 PM
kt situ ade bhgn engineering under world forum...kalo ko student architecture pun digalakkan join forum to
saya mechanical engineer......... |
Reply #3 wei_loon5063's post
hhm..mechi..in that case i cant help you sinced im a civil eng myself...and kat site i bagi tuh more to civil engineering...hhm..why dun u google ...sure bnyk forum psl mechanical ni... |
Reply #52 hamrie's post
sme pon lecturer akan ckp cemtuh.
anyway civil lg cover banyak. upstream, downstream, even facilities & services.
tak kisah la amik apa2 course pon. just nak igtkan, kalo ko skolar petronas, pasrah aje la. ko amik EE ke ME ke CV ke CE ke nanti keje suka2 hati je derang nk sumbat ko kat mana. |
Software engineering
aku taw career prospect software engineering kat mesia susah. So, maybe aku kena target keje aku kat luar negara. So, aku rasew certificate aku sebagai higher national diploma holder yang aku akan amik kat Kolej Legenda nih dikenali worldwide, lagi2 certificate tuh awarded by university of east london.
kat sini ade tak sape2 yang amik software engine? camnew ko rasew blaja mende alah nih? susah tak?
aku punya skill lebih kepada web designing, developing networking ngan programming. Aku nak pastikan aku tak wat kesilapan jew.
ape korunk rasew pasal software engineering. Anyhing about it.... ![](static/image/smiley/default/tongue.gif) |
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rasanya lagi baik ambik certificate microsoft macam MCSE, MCSA, MCDBA, Cisco's CCNA
yg ni lagi well known bg industry.. |
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Reply #2 padlie's post
a'ah cm padlie ckp bek amek cert2 nie...
aku dlu comp. science, pas abis blaja, xde keje...
pas aku amek MCSE alhamdulillah rezeki mencurah2... |
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Kalo nak amik cert tuh ttp syarat kena ada degree kalo tak silap aku.
Aku amik comp sc major SE kat IPTA. So far alhamdulillah aku nganggur dlm 4 bulan jer. Tapi kena usahalaaa mintak kerja. Bkn harap kerja carik kita.Kalo kata prospek kat m'sia takder, tak boleh jugak. So far almost semua geng2 aku dah kerja. Kalo major SE nih byk software house yg nak amik...bkn takat software house, kilang pon berebut nak.
Bg aku, Cert tuh cuma penambah perisa utk gaji up jer.
Kalo suker n mmg terer ngan programming mmg sesuai laa amik SE...tapi time aku blaja tuh dier tak tekankan sgt dgn programming. tapi lebih kepada 'how to be a project manager'. More to system developement and system design...pasal yg nih lg penting dari programming. Kalo time nih tak identify betul2, system bole jd scrap. |
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Reply #4 aks_berhad's post
xyah ade degree pn xpe, asalkn ko ader duit nk amek kelas dier...
cert dr microsoft,cisco xde ajar programming tp byk kpd nk maintain server, network |
Hmmmmm, ok gakz denga2 korunk cakap.
camnew ngan tahap pembelajaran dia. i mean, for anyone yang berminat sure senang kan. kalo takat cgpa 3.5 musti lam tangan kan? korunk rasew camtu ke?
Lagi satu banyak gakz denga hal2 tak ok pasal kolej legenda. Tapi aku rasew pandangan yang diberi tuh takdew penjelasan rasional. So aku menanti fakta2 jelas yang address anything bad about that college.
Software engineering nih, mmg sure seseorang tuh wat software ke kalo dah grad. i mean first year pun dah bole kot. camnew ngan kalo keje dia, kalo kat pasaran keje takkan keje cenderung ke arah maintainence ajew. musti ade terlibat ngan projek2 besa ke hapew ke... ade tak sapew2 penah terlibat? |
Pengalam plg penting...kalo lepas2 grad slalunyer company bg part software maintainence and software enhancement jer. Masih tak terlibat dgn software developement. Tapi kena tgk company apa yg kita kerja laa...kalo software house mmg akan buat sistem or software. Tapi kalo duk kat company besar mmg byk kena wat maintainence coz diorag dah ada sistem yg canggih manggih. Kalo nak upgarde kos yg maha besar... beside kena tau recent programming language kena gak tau yg languange yg lama2...cth COBOL.
Best sebenarnyer kalo jadik software engineer. coz bg aku, aku ckup bebangga kalo benda yg aku cipta tuh org guna n berpuas hati. Cam architect rumah jugak laa. |
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korg blaja engineering/kejuruteraan nih susah n pressure tak?
ape yg susah n pressure tu? meh kongsi bersama. ![](http://forum.cari.com.my/images/smilies/biggrin.gif) |
Reply #1 XkostonX's post
Pressure belajar tu sikit je kalau nak banding pressure masa kerja nanti... |
Originally posted by padlie at 9-4-2007 07:58 AM
Pressure belajar tu sikit je kalau nak banding pressure masa kerja nanti...
spot on bro...ape yang kita belajar dulu time amik degree engineering takkan sama ape yg belajar...pressure study tuh kira kacang je kalo nak compare ngn kejer...pressure kejer nanti bukan semua org bleh handle..silap2 sure cabut mintak kejer laen..aku bukan nak takutkan ke ape..just based on aku nyer experience... |
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Originally posted by payrol at 9-4-2007 09:22 AM
spot on bro...ape yang kita belajar dulu time amik degree engineering takkan sama ape yg belajar...pressure study tuh kira kacang je kalo nak compare ngn kejer...pressure kejer nanti bukan se ...
btol gk tu. tapi aku skg nih tgh pressure ngn fyp aku gk. esok presentation. haha..
dan2 time2 nk present nih ade byk plak problem. rs cm nk sepak je projek aku tu. :@ hahaha
ko engineer ape encik payrol? |
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