Adm_Cheng_Ho This user has been deleted
So why is the PA manifesto still claiming the whole of Israel?
That's right Debmey. They want from river to sea; i.e Jordan River to the Mediterranean Sea - all of Israel. Kinda same as Hamas manifesto which means no peace until Israel is totally destroyed. Thus, Israel's refusal to withdraw as Palestinians failed to compromise with Resolution 242 & 338. |
lilrosie = Debmey = SFETalk = bla bla bla... an idiota suffering of Multiple Personality Disorder disease.
Debmey.... I pity yu for such desperate attempt yu made, but sorry, yu fail again... yu can't disguise yuorself.. I know yu.. for instance yu can't cheat on your "yu" trademark.. :pompom::pompom::pompom::pompom: |
"The term Allah had not even come into existence back then."
This is exactly what Debmey said in another post in the past... I have strong memory, can't bluff me !
lilrosie? LOL... nice nick |
Adm_Cheng_Ho This user has been deleted
Kid & Whitepig,
I think both of you have mistaken Lilrosie's identity. Please read again carefully. Lilrosie copied Debmey's statement in order to reply. The word 'yu' is not even used by the little ones.
Also, Lilrosie is speaking critically of Israel in favour of Palestine. |
Originally posted by Adm_Cheng_Ho at 19-6-2004 08:35 AM:
Kid & Whitepig,
I think both of you have mistaken Lilrosie's identity. Please read again carefully. Lilrosie copied Debmey's statement in order to reply. The word 'yu' is not even use ...
Yes... the word yu is not used only by Debmey.. but also used by SFE... SFETalk, and other multiple personalities of Debmey.... in other word it is used by one person!... if you think the word is used by many... please show proof.
Suddenlly someone come here jump into the topic and talking like him/her... and seeing his track record it doesn't impress me. |
Adm_Cheng_Ho This user has been deleted
it also did not tell yu that the so called Palestinians today never existed until the 60s.
The state of Israel existed after they self claimed...
This is what I mean. Lilrosie is doing like what I'm trying to do in the above quote except she didn't make it obvious. The purple statements are Debmey's quote Lilrosie wants to reply. The Pink statement is her replies to Debmey.
Hope that clears the confusion.
Side note: SFETalk was banned. Thus he came with Debmey. Later the ban was lifted. Thus he has 2. Is that so? Not sure abt it. |
Originally posted by lilrosie at 2004-6-18 07:13 PM:
What that site didn't tell yu is that Muslims do not want to recognise a Jewsih state
No body said that. Actually, Arafat himself has publically recognised the state of Israel. The Palestinians know that it is no use to cry over spilt milk, what they want is a state of their own which was proposed in the peace process being the West Bank and Gaza (land for peace). Unfortunately, Israel keep building the illegal settlements in these areas and have been giving money as encouragement to the settlers to settle there.
thats wot have been tellin bro deb***sfe. its HARDproven by history too. but he wouldnt listen. he thinks PALESTINIANS abuse the jews not the other way round
peace |
Originally posted by lilrosie at 2004-6-18 07:35 PM:
it also did not tell yu that the so called Palestinians today never existed until the 60s.
The state of Israel existed after they self claimed independence when the UN partitioned Palestine into Jews and Arab state. The reason the Arabs rejected the plan was because at that time the Jewish people were only a minority living in about 6-7% in the whole Palestine. With the partition the Jews were given more than 50% than required, that means the Arabs already living in the area given to the Jews have to either live there or move out. Of course, Palmach, Haganah, Irgun, the Stern gang have decided the Arabs move out.
If the Palestine have only existed in the 60s, then the British Mandate Balfour Declaration dated in 1917, the San Remo agreement 1920 and the British White Paper 1922 have been all using a name of a country that was non-existent when they became symphatetic to the Jews and let them migrate to this mid east place.
u talk sense kiddo. jews supporters r struck dumb by ur HARDfacts. thats right. if PALESTINE dont exist, then exactly wot did un divide so that israel can exist? :hmm: |
Originally posted by lilrosie at 2004-6-18 08:04 PM:
Christians in Palestine are diminishing. Bethlehem is the stronghold of Christian population but not anymore. It is declining and fast going extinct under PA rule.
Actually, you are mistaken. Israel sees Arabs as Arabs no matter if they are Muslims or Christians, or Bahai or Zorostians. The Arab Christians are being lumped into the Arab Palestines and as a result they get the same mistreatment. The founder of PFLP was an Arab Christian, George Habash, the Palestinian movement opposed to political settlement with Israel.
With Israel occupying Jerusalem and Betlehem, Arab Christians are prevented to go to these holy places for praying by the IDF.
thats right kiddo.
jews couldnt or wouldnt wanna c that arabs could be muslims (majority), christians even judaism followers. likewise PALESTINIANS could be muslims, jews, christians etc.
likewise jews supporters wanna deceive emselves that arabs r muslims n muslims hate jews. period. they dont wanna c its jews whos rapin PALESTINIANS by genocide em along with hamas, buildin 200 illegal settlements, erectin 600 kilo apartheid wall in the occupied PALESTINIAN territories
likewise superdonkey bush wanna deceive himself that muslims r terrorists n they need to be slaughtered as wot he did aginst PALESTINE, then afghan, then iraq, then iran etc. n poor stooge oil wealthy saudi arabia, they dunno or dont wanna know superdonkey bush is abusin em. |
Originally posted by whitepig at 2004-6-18 08:36 PM:
Little Rosie - you're not Debbie are you?
you post like debbie.
dont think hes bro deb***sfe junior. he dont bray n he talks based on HARDfacts
peace |
Originally posted by Debmey at 2004-6-18 10:27 PM:
Really? So why is the PA manifesto still claiming the whole of Israel?
any HARDevidence? otherwise u're liar. simple ;) |
Originally posted by Adm_Cheng_Ho at 2004-6-18 10:30 PM:
His recognition of The State of Israel as a precondition to kickstart the process of Oslo Accords was jeopardised by his walking out of Camp David and started the Intifada. He was ch ...
know why all those peace talks were flushed down the toilet bowl? simple. coz they dont take into account the millions PALESTINIANS who became refugees even before un divided PALESTINE so that israel can exist. read history with ur brain up there not down there watson :no: |
Originally posted by Debmey at 2004-6-18 10:33 PM:
The state of Israel existed three thousand years ago.
Many of the Arab were living illegally on Jewish land back in the 40s. The Jews have the title rights to those land, thats why they were ac ...
deceptive talk watson. PALESTINE is owned by the cannaites, then jebusites, then PHILLISTINS, then arabs be they muslims, christians, judaism etc. jews may have owned PALESTINE at ONE time. now its owned by PALESTINIANS. only by un donkey grace israel is able to exist by dividin PALESTINE. read history with ur brain up there n not down there watson
[ Last edited by sonny~~ on 19-6-2004 at 10:59 AM ] |
Originally posted by Adm_Cheng_Ho at 2004-6-18 10:33 PM:
That's right Debmey. They want from river to sea; i.e Jordan River to the Mediterranean Sea - all of Israel. Kinda same as Hamas manifesto which means no peace until Israel is totally destroyed. ...
donkey talk watson. shame on u for supportin ur deceptive mentor bro deb***sfes lies :no: |
Originally posted by kid at 2004-6-19 01:57 AM:
lilrosie = Debmey = SFETalk = bla bla bla... an idiota suffering of Multiple Personality Disorder disease.
Debmey.... I pity yu for such desperate attempt yu made, but sorry, yu fail again... y ...
methinks u're wrong kiddo. methinks bro deb***sfe = ADMIRAL. its more like it :kant: |
The fact remains. there was never a palestinian state nor palestinians to begin with. The whole concept of Palestinians is a lousy hoax. |
the HARDfact remains donkey un divided a nation so that israel can exist. n that nation is PALESTINE. read history watson
peace |
history showed tt palestinians didn't exist. |
PALESTINE for PALESTINIANS. israel for imported outcast jews. donkey un divided PALESTINE so that israel can exist. that simple
peace |
But there was never any Palestinians in the first place. |
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