Istana Bawang 2 : Kate Middleton vs Meghan Markle
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andromeda84623 replied at 9-3-2019 11:33 AM
I nyampah sangat uou, dah la this is the second time dia jejak kaki kat uni i.
Nasib lepas in QE ...
king's college tinggi prestigenya no wonderla byk kali QE ke sana.. bravoo  |
chip92 replied at 9-3-2019 11:35 AM
Berisi bantal ke tuu, tapi kaki keding
dia mengamal yoga apa eiks.. kaki tangan keding masa ngandung.. boleh lompat lompat dan lari lari anak lagi  |
namieamuro replied at 9-3-2019 01:26 PM
wpn mcm2 bukti terpapar wallis fake pregnancy sheols tp i cobe lagi nk sangke die pregnan tp saje pa ...
katanya 22 April nnt bb keluar..
eva replied at 9-3-2019 01:20 AM
dia duduk silang kaki hingga nak nampak dia punya butt cheek kan. mmg btol2 all out against protoc ...
Cross leg ni xpyh nk blaja protokol sgt pun boleh tau..commoner pun ramai yg tau..dia yg kununnya intensif 6mnths protokol training takkan tak tau..dengan dress pendek mcm tu..sndiri mengundang kecaman..pastu nanti ckp org nitpicking on her..wth |
rosewhite replied at 9-3-2019 07:02 AM
The Duchess of Sussex took part in a panel discussion which marked International Women's Day. The ev ...
Singkatnya baju.. Tak malu ek megot orang telek celah kangkang u? Atas berjaket bagai bajet winter, bawah singkat terdedah macam time summer.. Tak pahamlah |
perut satu hal... yang pi silang kaki camtu dah kenapa...
rosewhite replied at 9-3-2019 07:02 AM
The Duchess of Sussex took part in a panel discussion which marked International Women's Day. The ev ...
Eh menyampah la tgk all these pictures.... Too much exposure on her works. Kalau tgk kat atas stage tu panellist ramai but suprisingly spotlight tu kat atas kepala dia je. Cam saje nak focus on her alone. |
bioessence replied at 9-3-2019 03:54 PM
Baby dia bole acrobat la
This action kan kalau real life n real situation buat gini gaya mau senak baby dlm perut... Ibu nya pun mengah x leh nak bernafas sbb baby dah menyengkak. Hahaha ayat iolss very d makcik2 |
KakaKiah replied at 9-3-2019 06:53 PM
Cross leg ni xpyh nk blaja protokol sgt pun boleh tau..commoner pun ramai yg tau..dia yg kununnya ...
kenapanx pakai dress mini putih je kan sis..
dah la penal dia hebat hebat, tetiba dia berpakaian gitu dan doing all this thing
sebiji mcm Sharon Stone dlm cerita Basic Instinct. dia mmg mengundang kemarahan..
apa pun,xsopan perempuan mengandung duduk mcm tu |
Bosan betul tgk ig these past few days. Meh nya PR is doing a massive effort to really put her into spotlight. Really overshadowing other RF nye work.
Iolls tgk documentary will n harry abt diana. Ada satu klip tu will was saying about how dangerous it is to be playing with the media ( paparazi press and so on) as it can become out of controlled. I guess maybe itu become sebahagian nasihat will pd harry kot when they discussed abt meh. Will just nak protect harry from all the limelight like what happened to diana but harry is too blinded too see things through. Cinta buta pd meh. |
Bosan betul tgk ig these past few days. Meh nya PR is doing a massive effort to really put her into spotlight. Really overshadowing other RF nye work.
Iolls tgk documentary will n harry abt diana. Ada satu klip tu will was saying about how dangerous it is to be playing with the media ( paparazi press and so on) as it can become out of controlled. I guess maybe itu become sebahagian nasihat will pd harry kot when they discussed abt meh. Will just nak protect harry from all the limelight like what happened to diana but harry is too blinded too see things through. Cinta buta pd meh. |
Knp messytheduchess punya post x de ek |
Edited by 234126 at 9-3-2019 10:26 PM
eva replied at 9-3-2019 09:42 AM
rose, you jumpa video perut meggot berlipat masa dia duduk tu?
I found yesterday kat twitter, ...
Dah 7-8 months mcm tu IMPOSSIBLE boleh silang kaki. Dia kantoikan diri sendiri mengandung bantal. Sugar2 dia yang tgh preggy cuba la try, if in denial lagi tolong pegi seek help sebab clearly ada masalah otak / mental.
Yoga tak yoga there is NO WAY u can duduk silang kaki with perut 7-8 bulan mengandung. Dalam tu manusia bukan belon, its solid and anatomy badan manusia mmg takkan make it possible. Sure sakit kat bahagian ari2 and u cant even breathe properly let alone to talk / have a conversation inikan nak berdiscussion  |
eyansss replied at 9-3-2019 07:35 PM
perut satu hal... yang pi silang kaki camtu dah kenapa...
kan... tu la sis..
dia nak org kecam puas puas pastu kat media nnt dia kata dia kena cyber bully..
I yg dh mengandung dan bersalin tiga anak rasa MM ni xpreggy pun. My weight increases 10kgs, 5 kgs, 4 kgs respectively during each pregnancies. Naik 4 kgs pun cannot crouch down like her. Apatah lg nak berlari2 anak mcm tu. Doesnt she feels tired of all the acting and faking |
kellykemah replied at 9-3-2019 09:59 PM
Bosan betul tgk ig these past few days. Meh nya PR is doing a massive effort to really put her into ...
jom bc twitter.. x bosan bc dorg punya cerita |
Oroi8887 replied at 9-3-2019 10:08 PM
Knp messytheduchess punya post x de ek
Tinggal sparkle markle je kan dgn wcgwcd apa tah tu lupa |
eva replied at 9-3-2019 10:26 PM
jom bc twitter.. x bosan bc dorg punya cerita
What twithandle ye? boleh share? Hehehe |
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