hi yorobun
sian jay, be strong!:pompom:
dgr cite smpi skip meals? me pon smpi x slera nk mkn
dh sign that petition to show support to leadja
lega dgr jay will stick wit 2pm tp schedule2 cancel katanya?
abih tu wild bunny 8 ade ke x eh
sure rindu giler kt dorg, junsu xde kt wbunny pon dh rindu
eh byk lak tulih slalu sr jek huhu
hi yorobun
sian jay, be strong!
dgr cite smpi skip meals? me pon smpi x slera nk mkn
dh sign that petition to show support to leadja
lega dgr jay will stick wit 2pm tp schedule2 cancel katanya?
abih tu wild bunny 8 ade ke x eh
sure rindu giler kt dorg, junsu xde kt wbunny pon dh rindu
eh byk lak tulih slalu sr jek huhu
luvpierre Post at 7-9-2009 20:41
annyeong luv...arnab lior utk last ep mmg ader sbb tuh pre-recorded...tuh last show utk 2pm wat maser nih...andwea...skg pon seben dgn hottest dh setat windu kt dowang...mintak jay bwk byk2 bersabo...jay musti tabah...2pm has to stand as one! decision jyp utk kekalkn jay dlm 2pm mmg sgt2 dihargai...cam nk polok jay skg jgk and comfort him...sedey ngenangkn nasib dia...uwaaa...';( neway, komawo sbb sepot sign petisen tuh...susu 2pm!
ade one of korean kat soshified ckp,since 2pm naik melonjak glamer ni,mmg memacam yg 2pm kene.....
netizen asik carik silap diorg je...
n case jay ni mmg paling dahsyat r....thats y heboh gle~
so,kite harus sesame telan ngan dak2 2pm r...
diorgnye keglameran ni cam cpt,so ramai r yg dengki....
clip hana ngan seben~
wakaka....mmg xleh lupe kedorkian jay disitu...haha
esok wb last epi....mmg nexwk akan lebey rindu ngan diorg....
we lack of entertainment oredi.....TT
wwuwuwu sobangnim umah sebelah support abe Jay.. wuwuw bangganyerrrr... ledja ni lawok tul sangtae dia hehehe... tp mmg alert aje ngan other member... born to be a leader...
I know that antis can be a bit vicious, but this is way over the top.
It has recently been revealed that 2PM's leader Jaebeom will no longer be on Nodaji and will stop all activities until his Myspace controversy clears. But apparently, that wasn't enough for angry netizens. Some antis wanted him to quit show biz altogether, some wanted him out of 2PM, and then there are those antis just wanted him to disappear...
...And thus, a petition titled "Jaebeom Should Commit Suicide" was created on Agora, one of Daum's portal sites . Over 3000 people have signed this petition, leaving comments such as "Go back to America", "I'm disgusted by you", and "Jaebeom will be the next Yoo Seung-joon" before it was taken down on September 7, around 4PM (Korean time).
But things seem to be looking up, because another petition entitled "Please Forgive Our Jaebeom Just This Once" on Agora replaced the other hate-filled one and has gained over 6,000 signatures in two days.
All I can say is, I truly hope that things work out for Jaebeom. He even released a heartfelt apology to the public about this controversy. This kind of hatred is too bitter and no one deserves it. If you wish to support him, there's an online petition going around. Also check out the 2OneDay Forums.