oOoo...MMC tu ke
ingatkan MMC deret petronas tuh...kuikuikui |
MMC deret petonas?..yg maner nie...owh..: ..tue aper..kedai pc..mengong ah..hahahah |
Naper laks kalo kat mlk?..ko kat saner ker Ax?..alamak..kantoi kang.. |
Originally posted by Mily at 17-8-2006 12:29 PM
MMC deret petonas?..yg maner nie...owh..: ..tue aper..kedai pc..mengong ah..hahahah
muahahaha..aku dok ingat MMC tu la...sowie ar milly..mengong sket ah |
Originally posted by Mily at 17-8-2006 12:30 PM
Naper laks kalo kat mlk?..ko kat saner ker Ax?..alamak..kantoi kang..
syp2 dah ler
heheheheheheeheheehehhe |
pakupayung21..heheh..nandemonai..taper2..sib baik aku paham..
Ax..owh..diam2 eh kiter..alamak..jgn bising dah ler kay.. |
Originally posted by ecomoda012 at 17-8-2006 01:05 AM
sian kat diorg yg tak kluar gambar mase amik scroll
ala dlu convo thn 2003 lg seday..bdk2 diploma dah la xde jubah xkasi naik pentas lak tue...bengang giler..cian bdk2 yg xsambung degree ntah bile lg rasa nak naik pentas :geram::geram: 1st batch la ms tue...nasib baik dpt sambung nie..:pray:
xtau la skg bdk2 dip kt mmu tue dah ade jubah.. |
Originally posted by kepito at 18-8-2006 05:06 PM
ala dlu convo thn 2003 lg seday..bdk2 diploma dah la xde jubah xkasi naik pentas lak tue...bengang giler..cian bdk2 yg xsambung degree ntah bile lg rasa nak naik pentas :geram::geram: 1st batc ...
batch aku diploma 2003-2005.time aku konvo taun lepas dpt naik pentas.cuma tadek jubah je.konvo taun ni pon sama...ntah bila le ye dak dip nak merasa pki jubah..huhu |
kat buletin board ade ALtera offer jobs tuu..lumayan gaji beb..
dari sumber yg dipercayai.. gaji fresh grad adalah 2900+ tak campur bonus..tapi kat penang aaa...
arap arap laa taun depan dier offer lagi.. kata altera nak expand lagii.. mesti nak banyak lagi engineer dlm software and related nii..ehehe
1. Venue: STAD Building, Bilik Seminar
2. Time: 9am to 5pm
9am & 2pm : ?ntroduction to Altera? Presentation
9.30am?5pm : Technical Assessment. Students are allowed to attend at any time before 4pm
3. Date: 6th September, Wednesday
4. Technical assessment consists of about 10 technical questions (1 hour only).
Students will be evaluated on the following:
? C/ C++/ C#/ VHDL/ Verilog HDL
? Query, HTML codes, Javascript, functions
? Common programming Concept/ Algorithmic
5. Final year students who meet the requirements below are encouraged to come:
? CGPA 2.8 and above.
? Degree in Software Engineering
? Those who attend on 6th September will be given priority in their applications.
6. Job vacancies; For Job descriptions, please visit: www.altera.com/corporate/jobs
? Intellectual Property Design Engineers
? Software Engineers
? CAD Methodology Engineers
? Software Systems Development Engineers
? Software Tools Development Engineers
7. Please be prepared with:
? Resume
? Photocopy of SPM/ STPM and latest result slip
[ Last edited by LimpBizkutMerri at 18-8-2006 07:31 PM ] |
altera ni slalu je ade offer kat bebdk mmu eh. intel pon same. |
sbb derang ader connection..hehe..internet?.. |
altera penyumbang papan tanda wet floor kaler kuning kt mmu tuh . |
Originally posted by Ax at 21-8-2006 11:38 PM
altera penyumbang papan tanda wet floor kaler kuning kt mmu tuh .
observant nyer ko Ax.......:lol |
papan tanda wet floor jer?..hek ele..heheheh.. |
Originally posted by Mily at 22-8-2006 09:21 AM
papan tanda wet floor jer?..hek ele..heheheh..
tul dooo
tu aku ponah nmpk
tu lom campo bhn2 lain kt mmu lg
byk sumbangan die
trmsk fire extinguisher kt mmu |
ye ker??? sungguh peka koooo.. ahaha
company ape lagi sponsorrrrrrr?? |
hahaha..taper ah..sekurang2nyer MMU x ah penat nak carik vendor utk bayo brg2 tue..sumer sponser..jimat2.. |
| |
Category: Belia & Informasi