boleh ke macam tu? nanti i try and report back. |
ni aku nak share dengan korang, reply dari FO boeing 777 MAS:
1. Can u tell me what are the differences between descend/climb using VNAV, vertical speed change and FLCH?
2. During descending from CRZ alt to alt below 10000 feet, do u reduce the speed first?
Or do u reduce speed to 250 knots only after the plane reaches 10000 feet?
3. For all the landings that u did, did u align the plane with runway using the help of ILS or 100 percents visual?
4. Is it true that for ILS landing, the ILS frequency can be detected automatically by the FMC?
Do you have to tune the NAV frequencies manually into the pedestal panel?
1) too complicated to answer, you have to consult the boeing manuals for that.
2) usually reduce to 250 as you neared 10000ft. if by 10000ft speed is still more than 250, aircraft will level off at that height until speed is 250 knot, but only if you are in VNAV mode.
3) using ILS 99.9% of the time. 737 operations are different though. maybe 70% of the time.
4) yes, it's true. But for 777 only. for 737 have to tune manually. for other aircrafts i'm not sure.
tak bole tahan, pilot pun tak dapat jawab soalan no 1 tu...
[ Last edited by don_naza at 19-4-2009 15:03 ] |
pilot tu malas je... hehe |
Balas #1304 tossee\ catat
apasal air laut ko warna coklat.....tengah2 sikit jer biru. |
wilco 777 ke?? |
teluk nipah,
ko orang batu 9 ke?
dekat giler dengan umah aku, jom lepak minum!! |
azuan_az..ko nyer romeo hotel tuh best la..aku mmg suke b777.
tossee tossee aku rindu la kat ko hahahaha. |
a'ah romeo hotel milk Wilco 777, senang and pantas nak terbangg, tak payah baca manual hehehe |
Originally posted by don_naza at 17-4-2009 22:46
susah payah ko jawab soalan aku. thanks a lot!
tapikan, berkenaan dengan soalan 3 dengan 4 tu (ILS), i thought bukanke kalau kita takde file SID dengan STAR kita still kena manually addfrekuensi dekat pedestal panel?
pastu, pasal VNAV pulak, aku tak tau dia akan descend sendiri bilasampai T/D point, sebab kadang2 bila dah dekat airport, flight akupunya descend rate sangatlah perlahan sampai tinggi sangat nak land.
biasanya, masa flight aku buat camni:
1. takeoff. lepas 1000 ft, autopilot. tekan VNAV dengan LNAV.
2. biasa aku set initial altitude 5000 ft. dah cecah 5000, aku setFL100. bila dah cecah FL 100, dia akan set speed sendiri, mode ECON taksilap aku.
3. around 60nm dari dest airport, aku dah start descend from FL100. aku set alt 2500 ft so aku bole intercept localizer.
4. sambil descend to 2500, aku intercept vector. dah intercept, aku tekan button APP.
5. pastu dia auto follow glide path dgn glide slope. 200ft sebelumtouch down, disengage AP, autothrottle. wajib ke off autothrottlesebenarnye? sebab sebelum ni kalau aku x off, tak bole idle kan engine.bukan ke kalau kita disengage AP maknanya kita nak semua manual?
6. touchdown, reverse thrust, spoiler armed.
aku nye FL100 je sebab dekat, penang sampai KL. kalo tinggi sangattakut tak sempat nak turun. betul ke aku nye proses kat atas tu?
it's ok... xla nyusahkan sgt nk jwb soklan ko tu... tp elok jugak at least aku dpt revise balik ttg topik tu sumer...
ttg SID & STAR entry... kalu xde file yg bersangkutan, FMC automatically guna (enter/pakai) alternate frequency ILS/VOR yg appropriate utk tujuan landing, so kalu u pakai FMC (autopilot/) it will enter the frequency automatically kedlm pedestal... or otherwise kalu u manually landing the aircraft then u have to enter the frequency manually... MHO
psl VNAV descent automatically bila smpi kt T/D point... yg nih is very crucial, I would advise within 20-30 nm from ur T/D point, always observe ur FMC... like I said, auto descent (VNAV descent might NOT available) kalu ur MCP altitude x direset oleh FMC secara automatic, in this happened u have to reset ur MCP altitude manually upon realized that the FMC didn't reset the altitude automatically...
Ok psl ur flight procedure tuh…
Step 1 & 2... is very acceptable!
Step 3… as u are still in VNAV mode, I would suggest refer to ur FMC bila nk mula descent, cari info psl ur TOD (top-of-descent) point…
I can't find anything bout VNAV descent dlm wilco B777 manual, but if u refer to PMDG B747 FMC user's manual, kt situ ada detail info psl VNAV descent (read FMC USER’S MANUAL 12 - 51) cari topik psl DES Page
Step 4...correct! that is the appropriate altitude utk intercept glide path/slope
Step 5... kalu real world mmg camtu laa… kena offkan sumer autopilot function sblum touch down!
but to be on a safe side (since dlm FS kite takde CO-Pilot) so aku selalu activate my AP time nk touchdown , so it can handle my autothrottle, autobrakes & reverse thrust
btw... aku selalu activate my spoiler armed sblum touchdown lagi... to make sure supaya aku xkan TERlufa |
Originally posted by errol at 1-5-2009 02:24
azuan_az..ko nyer romeo hotel tuh best la..aku mmg suke b777.
tossee tossee aku rindu la kat ko hahahaha.
nko dah bersara dah ke drpd dunia flightsim nih errol?? |
Reply #1319 emmo's post
Bukan Cera punye emmo....kalo aku cakap nko mesti terkejut....heli Bell 412 tuh adalah freeware drpd Hovercontrol Team.....mantap derang punye design...skali tgk boleh kalah Cera Simulations... |
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