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nanti jgn lupe tepek kt sini.... me yg xreti tgk running man akan gigih tgk running man demi menyokong penuh dan padu pada tabi dan jidi.... serta adik2 ipar yg len....  |
SUKA! S ...
stanum123 Post at 20-2-2012 19:59 
tabi xnk sorok rambut ke? striking sangat tuh..leh gang ngan 2 cameraman pmpuan tu, apa ke nama nickname diorang?  |
korg, iols nak tanye skit..RM yg kt SBS tu dh episod bape ek?
iols tanye sbb iols nak tgk RM BB kt tv jer.. |
Yeorobun, Healing Camp feat GD and Daesung is premiering in SBS Korea right now.. They talked about the mishap they faced last year. Follow please follow @big_seunghyun on twitter for live translations. I've tried to get the live streaming but couldnt get through... here is the link http://www.online-tv-channel.net ... tb-sbs-live-tv.html |
Reply 1286# amemiya
kalau kat one hd...dah sampai ep 66 |
Reply amemiya
kalau kat one hd...dah sampai ep 66
honey_jelly Post at 20-2-2012 22:46 
ohhh ok..thanks.. so lmbt lg la kan nak kuar kt tv..huhu |
Yeorobun, Healing Camp feat GD and Daesung is premiering in SBS Korea right now.. They talked about ...
ejamaris Post at 20-2-2012 22:34 
Dear, the link didn't work la..I pun try tadi..GAGAL! Then I changed to another stream line..baru hokeh... |
Post Last Edit by stanum123 at 21-2-2012 00:20
Yorobun!!! SBS Healing Camp sebentar tadi adalah sgt syahdu!! Uwaaa....iollz stream live SBS and follow twitter translation at the same time..naik biol kepala I dibuatnyer..tp BIGBANG pya pasal haku gagahkan jua! Maklum le iollz ni mmg kurengs sabor sket nak tggu complete sub...sanggop dgr diorg ckp dlm hanggul wp x paham..kekeke.. Suka sgt dgr hubby2 kita gelak ketawa mcm dulu2...Dae Dae sempat nyanyi lagu Daebak gia!! MC Lee Kyungyu tu suka giler! hehe..Welkam back uri smiling angel..huk2! Paling tak tahan tgk muka hubby I si Jiyong yg makin chubby tu..chumil oii!!! nak2 pulak ms dia wat pouty mouth dia tu time tgh pk nak jwb soklan...owh!! tido kang mimpi uri Jiyong la jawabnyer..ehem... ..
Ni serba sket yg iollz tgk tadi utk dikongsi bersama...
- Daesung story balik apa yg terjadi ms mlm eksiden tu..sama mcm apa yg kita pnh baca dulu..pastu GD kata mula2 Seungri suh dia tgk tenet psl accident Dae, dia plak terpanic igt Dae yg mati..pastu GD kene tggu lama sgt baru Dae nak cakap dgn dia..plg sedey bila Dae kata dia baca kt tenet org panggil dia murderer...uwaaa!!!!!!!!!!
- GD pun story balik kes marijuana dia tuh..mcm mana dia kene pnggil polis wat drug test tu..dia selambe je sbb dia rs dia x salah pun..bila result kuar positip, baru la dia rasa dunia ni gelap..huk2..then, maknae nangis giler2 disbbkan GD..sampai Taeyang naik bengang sbb maknae emo sgt..kekeke...nyongtory katakan... Bila MC tu tnya dia "so, u r not lying?" dia tarik nafas, then cakap.."gotjimal aniyo"..Uwaa!! but both Dae & GD said incident ni rapatkan diorg dgn family diorg balik...{:4_227:}
- Paling best ms Tabi, Riri & TY wat surprise masak utk GD & Dae! Kya!! so sweet!!
- They spoke about winning MTV EMA, beating Britney (GD siap wat ucapan utk Brit2 in Korean, ajak pi mkn2 nxt time sbb BB dh kalahkan dia..mmg mengong!! hehehe), then Seungri bg tau organizer dh pesan speech in English only, tp si GD bantai cakap korea jugaks ms diorg mng, TAPI dlm slang English!! (yg mcm yg dia selalu rap tuh...) gila2 semua member gelak... Masa ni iollz pun emo gak bila tgk balik clip MTV EMA yg kita2 dok spazzing dulu tuh!
- BB members teased Daesung so much about his sexy body! and he knows he has a sexy body too coz he's alwiz showing them off here & there..kekeke...ms kat epot tu, security suh dia tanggal jeket security scanning, rupa2nya kt dlm dia x pakai shirt pun...t'paksa la dia half naked kejap kt situ..Wakakakaka...{:4_502:}{:4_502:} (p/s: sib baik kita takde kat situ time tu ekk...)
- And of coz, they also talked about relationship & dating stuffs...hehehe..yg byk kene aim si Jiyong la..and he admit he's been in a relationship, but he wanna keep it/her a secret..owh! I ler yg dimaksudkan ittew... (LARIKKSS!!{:4_245:}) tak lupa diorg dok sebok tanya bila la si Taeyang ni nk tukar status 'never been in a relationship' dia tuh...alahai, TY, susah2 jer..kan ramai minik2 kat sini..pilih je yg mana u nak... 
Okay la, I bet esok uollz dah leh baca details or tgk subbed video from bbupdates or soompi..It's really a good comeback, this time! Till then, adios!! |
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aku jumpe ni..hehe
Seungri on G-Dragon's scandal, “cried for 20 minutes”
On the February 20th installment of SBS’s ‘Healing Camp’, Seungri revealed “I trusted and really liked Jiyong hyung.”
Seungri shared, “With such an unpleasant thing happening, it just hurt. I even drank and when I saw Jiyong hyung, just felt so sad. I cried for 20 minutes.”
As Seungri confessed to his tears, Taeyang added, “Honestly I was annoyed. The longer he cried, the more I was annoyed”, and had everyone laugh.
Source: Nate, kpopfever.com
haha taeyang sabo je la.. |
dh ade blum? tepek je la yer..
cr : high-lite.co.kr via BBupdates |
Reply 1295# amemiya
mesti magnae ober...plus nanges2 tambah skali drama die... |
Reply 1285# honey_jelly
yg penting..sakanlah running man member tuh sendri... mesti ober gler..tetambah jaesuk.. |
Reply amemiya
mesti magnae ober...plus nanges2 tambah skali drama die...
skymania Post at 21-2-2012 11:36 
haha aku tgh bayangkan ni..tu yg taeyang menyampah tu kot.. |
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