hehehe...kak zue, i tak kesah gamba i kena tepek kat sini sbb i tak menyinggah kat umah lain selain BB and 2ne1. so rasanye takde sape yg kenal i and nak sabotaj i. tapi kalo rasa tak sesuai ditepekkan kat sini or ALM, cik stan kita kena cantas sume gamba tu. tq kak zue, elok beringat sebelum terkena.
pasal gathering...okies, kita buat lepas raya nanti. syiok!
koraaaaannnngggg....i dunno y but i feel kinda relief lepas baca kesah diorang neh...tak sangka! at least, there's a light at the end of the tunnel for our daedae dear...
Actor and singer Ryu Si Won (many of you may know him through the 2009 drama ‘Style’) was nicknamed “Ryucifer” (Ryu+Lucifer) because he killed a person back in 1995; he accidentally knocked down a pedestrian while he was driving his Le Mans late at night. He was investigated but did not get charged against any crimes as he made a settlement with the victim’s family, but the tag of a murderer still follows him. Ryu is an amateur car racer and still enjoys his hobby to this date, which only fuels people’s accusations against him.
Actor and comedian Jo Hyung Ki who frequents variety shows these days with his image as a funny old man is known as “Killer Jo” because of the crime he committed back in 1991. He killed a woman in her 30s while driving under the influence of alcohol. What makes his case much more serious than it already is, is the fact that he took the dead body and dumped it somewhere else in an attempt to conceal his crime – ironically, he was caught red handed because he fell asleep in the car right beside where he hid the body. He served one year before being released, and his case is one of the landmark cases that law students come across in their studies as a drunk driving murderer being released after one year which remains highly controversial till this day. He began appearing in dramas right after he was released.
According to this article, Ryu Siwon killed a person when he hit a pedestrian with his car. It seems he is still active because he recently appeared as the main character in the 2009 drama "Style."
Jo Hyungki also killed a person while driving under the influence of alcohol. But I see him all the time on Sebakwi aka Quiz That Changes the World. I don't know how long Ryu Siwon was inactive, but Jo Hyungki was active right after he was released from prison. And Jo Hyungki's crime was much, much, much worse than Daesung's because he drove while under the influence AND he tried to conceal his crime.
The most recent police reports have confirmed that the motorcyclist died because of Daesung's car accident.
Source: http://www.allkpop.c...on-with-daesung
However, I think he will be able to promote with Big Bang and appear on broadcasts in the future. After all, the other two celebrities that have killed people because of their car accidents are still active today. I think Daesung will spend a year or two reflecting and resting. I don't think he'll be arrested, or at least I hope so. So let's pay our respects to the deceased and patiently wait for Daesung's return. For now, all we can do is silently support him.
Instinct stanum mmg kuat mengatakan penalty yg bakal dikenakan pada Dae Dae adalah fine & community service je..sbb dh byk contoh retis2 lain kene benda yg sama xde le smpai msk jail pun..plus, the deceased himself was under the influenced of alcohol..But yg risau nye this experience will definately scarred our smiling angle forever..that is the saddest part kan..
Ehhh, korg dh tgk Infinity Challenge - GD part?? owhh...silalah tgk....sgt funny sampai sakit perot okehh...semua IC member suka GD sampai Park Myeong Soo 2 kali tergolek dog kene tolak! Ji Yong aaah!! How u can be so cute, smexy and funny at the same time??? Wae???!!! U r driving noona stanum crazzyyy....
P/S: Sushi..psl YG Halo Event tu, i dh take out gambor yg nmpk muka2 kita yg jelita ni as per K.zue's advice..ngeh3x...enjoy the pics @ FB sudaa...
Aiyok! mmg I dh tepek siap2 sbb bideo ni hidden..kalau browse kat u-tube mmg x jumpa...tapi tak nampak ekk? sengal betoi la..dun wori, I edit semula lepas office hour nnti ekk...sila maapkan noona yg x brapa celik IT ni yer yorobun...hehehe...
enjoy the pics @ FB sudaa.
stanum123 Post at 29-6-2011 09:44 AM
motip tanak share ngan akak kat fb??? plssss add akak... emel akak guna id kat cari ni + @yahoo.com
tak tgk lg IC tu.... aaaaaaaaaa... lame giler chy bg link... tak tgk2 lg... oh my!!!
Instinct stanum mmg kuat mengatakan penalty yg bakal dikenakan pada Dae Dae adal ...
stanum123 Post at 29-6-2011 09:44
IC jidi ada sub ke....ada nmpak ari tu tp xbukak lagi...mls nk tgk youtube tp link donlod xde plak ari tu tgk IC bigbang...daebak ar!!walaupon maen rock,paper,scissors je...serius suspen...
hoccaysss...finally, Jibe Gajima baybeyyyyhhh....
setelah sekian lama menunggu...kuar jugak MV nih. i loike! really, really loike it. very lalalalala!
yorobun, enjoy!
hoccaysss...finally, Jibe Gajima baybeyyyyhhh....
setelah sekian lama ...
luvsushi Post at 29-6-2011 17:35
da donlod ni tgh donlod yg IC plak..abes donlod nk rempit...da lama xmanjekan diri tgk bideo2 bigbang btw,aritu baru je wat wish kt papa YG yg time lucky draw tuh ckp bile nk kuarkan mv jibe gajima nih...tetibe da ada org tepek dari bigshow dvd
Cik Sushi...motipp la sgt stanum asik gagal tepek menepek bideo nih???:@ padahal AM dh ajar byk kali..uwaaa....menciknyer!!!
Sila la tgk IC-GD cuts yg sushi tepek tuh..yg tu ada english sub...lawak siot!
Opps!!! hehehe...Stanum dh add k.zue....sila approve yer...btw, IC Big Bang tu best k.zue..ye-ye-o jer Big Bang jd gangster...last2 kalah disebabkan TOP...larikss!!
Cik Sushi...motipp la sgt stanum asik gagal tepek menepek bideo nih??? padahal AM dh ajar byk kal ...
stanum123 Post at 29-6-2011 18:24
kak stenem kene study hard cmne nk tepek bideo la AM tgh donlod yg part 2 punye...mlm ni nk tgk pueh2
haa...sape yg order dvd bigshow tu dpt la.....aaaa bestnye dpt layan mv nih ngan secret bigbang kt tibi.....part top kiss seungri msti xde edit..msti die tunjuk closeup
Adikku, I will never give up! utk Big Bang terchenta akak akan study hard sampai pandai...hoyyeah!!
Owwh, sepatutnya MV Jibe Gajima ni sebelum MV Baby Good Night rupa2 nya...tp MV Jibe Gajima kene ban awal2 aritu....perghh...so the creative la ini YG Family...me loike!! I suka MV ni sbb model x lawa...so I xde la jeles sgt...
Adikku, I will never give up! utk Big Bang terchenta akak akan study hard sampa ...
stanum123 Post at 29-6-2011 18:56
hahaha...jahat u...sbb model xlawa plak kan jidi + top + kwon twins = adeh,time jidi nk kiss,pastu tirai tutup tu xpepasal AM jerit sorang2....ish2....