Originally posted by emmo at 13-4-2009 17:53
aku xberani ckp ur FS ada masalah ke x, sbb aku xpernah guna features instant replay tu...
n ckp psl call out announcement.. so far aku x pernah jumpe features tu kt aku punye wilc ...
ouh, okay thanks emmo atas penjelasan yang sangat berguna dan panjang lebar...
nampaknya aku akan fly wilco jela sepanjang hayat...takpun pasni aku fly 747 jela, PMDG punya. |
Originally posted by tossee at 13-4-2009 20:42
Kan aku dah cakap kat nko Emmo...tanpa jiran sebelah kite masih boleh melakukan yg terbaik....kalo derang nampak " Pulau Layang-Layang X " nih kecur air liur derang....belum lagi tgk airport ...
tossee seriously, aku mmg teruja tgk PLL yg ko buat tu, I wish nk dptkan solution psl texture gap tu ASAP.. so that senang nnt u distribute scenery tu sblum aku menghilangkan diri dlm waktu yg terdekat nie
Tossee... anggaplah scenery tu ko yg punye, aku cume tlg tunaikan hajat ko jer... that's all
nk share EZ Scenery objects??? a bit complicated bro! u only can use it for ur own utilize...
kalo nk share jugak... then u kena tau kt mane u amik object yg ko pakai tu (maksud aku dia punye .bgl file)... then most importantly the texture (.bmp) file
biasa method yg aku guna utk sharing EZ Scenery objects...
1. memula kena identify .bgl scenery yg nk di pakai... normally EZ Scenery (.bgl) is a collection of FS objects (library files)... dia x sama dgn scenery biasa yg ada scenery language (structural codes).
2. once u identify the .bgl file, then u kena de-compile scenery tu (.bgl file) pakai memane scenery decompiler such as bglxml.exe, Bgl2Xml.exe, NewBglAnalyze.exe, atau Bgl2XmlGUI.exe
This process is very essential, sbb kite nk pick-up object yg kite guna jer, pastu identify dia punye individual texture... proses nk identify texture nie lah yg paling sukar sekali it need determinations and ofcoz special tools... aku guna Library Object Manager by Jon Masterson available at www.scruffyduckscenery.co.uk
3. so if u get all the objects & texture, then kena recompile semula your new scenery library objects tu pakai Library Creator XML by Arno Gerretsen & bglcomp.exe (FS2004 BGLComp SDK)... then once u have your own EZ Scenery object library (.bgl file) then senang lah nnt u distribute ur scenery without fuzz
Aku pun bersemangat nak tolong nko buat scenery...kalaulah aku terer guna semua scenery tools tuh kan best...baruler kite boleh buat team flytampa asia lak...
tulah yg aku nk dengar we team-up together, baru senang wat keje...
so cmne... sanggup tak terima cabaran tu! I know u can do it... |
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Originally posted by tossee at 14-4-2009 10:51
Alaa...emmo...semua nih disbbkan nko punye PLL yg hebat tuh la...aku hanya menambah rempah ratus sesedap rase jek.... ...aku ingat bile aku dah complete semua cisco certifications aku nakbelajar buat scenery la....baru ler best nnt makin ramai scenerydesigner...cam limtat kat MS tuh...dlm diam2 terer gak dia....terimakasih emmo diatas segala ilmu yg nko curahkan...tanpa ilmu drpdnko.....aku takkan sampai ke tahap nih....
yelah... yg tu aku tau, tp skrang nie dia dh jd hak mutlak ko... sama spt kalo kite menempah barang, bila siap barang tempahan tu... kemudian d serahkan pada kite, so dgn sndirinya barang itu dh jd milik kite sepenuhnye... x gitewww kannn Tossee
kalu ko nk blaja wat scenery cm limtat tu ko kena mula dr area yg ko minat dulu, as u know FS scenery nie area dia byk...
dari semudah AFCAD smpilah serumit 3D modeling... kalo ko nk mula, aku suggest ko blaja wat scenery pakai Sbuilder, kt situ byk scenery area yg ko bleh focus, anything yg ko xphm aku sedia bantu seterdaya & termampu ...
dgn SBuilder ko bleh buat...
Mesh Scenery
Land and Water Class Scenery
Photo Scenery
LWM masks and Flattens
VTP polygons and VTP lines
Exclude Regions
Exclusion Rectangles
Objects and Macros
aku tgk ramai simmers2 kite yg berminat nk buat scenery, tp sedihnye dorg x cukup explore n x berani tanya... tulah masalahnye..
contohnye... member kite kt MS tu, dia pass problem kt ko semata-mata nk dismpikan kt aku cmni susah laa, nk blaja kena rajin & jgn malu utk bertanya, aku akan tlg sesape jer selagi aku ada kudrat utk tlg org... ilmu tu kite kena share, baru ada berkatnya... InsyaAllah |
emmo, aku ada soalan nak tanya, pasal autopilot. sebenarnya soalan ni aku email kat pilot 777, tapi agaknya dia busy sangat tak sempat nak jawab kut. kalo ada sesape yang lain rajin nak jawabkan, dialu-alukan...
soalan seperti di bawah:
1. Can u tell me what are the differences between descend/climb using VNAV, vertical speed change and FLCH?
2. During descending from CRZ alt to alt below 10000 feet, do u reduce the speed first?
Or do u reduce speed to 250 knots only after the plane reaches 10000 feet?
3. For all the landings that u did, did u align the plane with runway using the help of ILS or 100 percents visual?
4. Is it true that for ILS landing, the ILS frequency can be detected automatically by the FMC?
Do you have to tune the NAV frequencies manually into the pedestal panel?
sekian sahaja buat masa ni. soalan aku ni based on Wilco punya spek. so, selamat menjawab! |
emmo...kalau nk rendah kan kat ujung runway klia 32L tu mcm mane ek..kan mcm runway tu elevated skit ke atas..
hihi nk try abort take-off then overshoot runway..pastu tercungkit crash.. |
emmo, aku ada soalan nak tanya, pasal autopilot. sebenarnya soalan ni aku email kat pilot 777, tapi agaknya dia busy sangat tak sempat nak jawab kut. kalo ada sesape yang lain rajin nak jawabkan, dialu-alukan... <br /><br />soalan seperti di bawah:<br /><br />1. Can u tell me what are the differences between descend/climb using VNAV, vertical speed change and FLCH?<br /><br />2. During descending from CRZ alt to alt below 10000 feet, do u reduce the speed first?<br />Or do u reduce speed to 250 knots only after the plane reaches 10000 feet?<br /><br />3. For all the landings that u did, did u align the plane with runway using the help of ILS or 100 percents visual?<br /><br />4. Is it true that for ILS landing, the ILS frequency can be detected automatically by the FMC?<br />Do you have to tune the NAV frequencies manually into the pedestal panel? <br /><br /><br />sekian sahaja buat masa ni. soalan aku ni based on Wilco punya spek. so, selamat menjawab!
Don Naza,
Emmo, Hope you don't mind if i reply, will reply in English. Lebih senang maaa..
If you want a proper 777, close to real life i recommened you to use PSS 777, the wilco 777 is a lite version, does not depict the real operations of a 777. PSS on the other hand, is like PMDG, but not that good. But its the best 777 out there if you want to fly realistically.
1. VNAV is the most appropriate function for climbing and descend, because it alters the speed/thrust/pitch angle to maximise fuel economy. VNAV will work with the CLB/DES data in your FMS.
FLCH: climb/descent while maintaining constant speed, in other words it would use pitch to descent/climb while maintaining airspeed. But using this, you will notice the climb rate will suffer as you go hiigher.
V/S: Self explanatory, it will descent based on your V/S setting. But this is kind off messy as you will need to manipulate your power to keep up with your airspeed. Chances are you will go too fast during descent.
2. I think if you use VNAV, the FMS will take care of that. From what i notice on the airbus, it will hold at 10k, reduce to 240 then continue descent. But i reckon all these can be done at your own discretion, as long as you obey the 250kts below 10k rule. But the rule can be overridden also, in not so crowded airspace, if you decide to go on a highspeed climb, highspeed approach. Test of your piloting skills.
3. Subjective, depending on weather conditions and runway facility. I think ILS will be much preferred if it is available. If doing visuals, they will always use g/s and localiser as reference. If without g/s / loc facility i think a full visual will be required, like kaitak IGS13
4. If you use your FMS correctly, you will be inputing the landing runway and STAR in the ARR page, this way most of the time it will auto tune the ILS Freq and the runway heading. Crosscheck and make sure, if it doesn't just punch in.
Wilco 777 is crap to be honest, PSS is better
[ Last edited by db07mufan at 15-4-2009 12:35 ] |
thanks atas penjelasan yang sangat informative dan bermakna..
berkenaan dengan V/S, i pernah guna sekali. tapi once i set dia untuk descend, dia descend non stop sampailah crash. memang macam tu ke?
pasal SID dengan STAR pulak, macam mana nak dapatkan file2 tu? dia spesifik untuk setiap model i.e wilco and PSS ada respective file sendiri atau boleh masuk mana-mana model aircraft?
so, Wilco atau PSS yang lebih better? |
v/s, kalau tak silap you put in altitude, and set the vert speed. Cam -2800feet/min. Normally it will stop descending and level at your set altitude (at ur MCP). Ideally it should happen this way.
SID STAR, seperate file for different model, you got it right. Wilco ada file sendiri, PSS ada file sendiri.
If you're talking about 777, PSS is better. Wilco punye system pun tak macam 777 betul, die kira light version for beginners. PSS is slightly deeper like PMDG, but not as good as PMDG. I pentingkan panel, so i will go for PSS> |
i ingat Wilco pun dah macam bagus sangat. nanti i try beli PSS pulak.
1. untuk V/S tu, lepas i set altitude dekat MCP, kena press button HOLD tak?
2. regarding FLCH, i thought kalau kita pakai FLCH dia akan descend dengan power yang IDLE. betul ke? |
Originally posted by alphalfa at 15-4-2009 03:28
[quote] emmo, aku ada soalan nak tanya, pasal autopilot. sebenarnya soalan ni aku email kat pilot 777, tapi agaknya dia busy sangat tak sempat nak jawab kut. kalo ada sesape yang lain rajin nak jawabkan, dialu-alukan...
soalan seperti di bawah:
1. Can u tell me what are the differences between descend/climb using VNAV, vertical speed change and FLCH?
VNAV or Vertical Navigation, as the name applies fungsi dia adalah menyediakan profile penerbangan dlm keadaan vertical... naik dari bawah (climb), cruise (semasa dlm pelayaran) dan menurun dari atas (descent), yg nie termasuklah mengawal laluan (path) & kelajuan (speed) supaya ur flight will comply dgn waypoints crossing restrictions yg u dh set lebih awal dlm LEGS page (CDU/FMC) semasa on ground.
VNAV Climb...
VNAV climb biasanya menggunakan VNAV SPD (speed profile) maksudnya kelajuan yg digunakan semasa dlm default climb atau kelajuan yg dh diset supaya speed tuh tetap didlm kelajuan & altitude yg dibenarkan, esp kalo u climb dlm SID active route, normally VNAV SPD uses selected climb thrust limit (Autothrottle)... semua nih sbnrnya dikendalikan secara automatik oleh CDU/FMC (autopilot mode)
semasa NAV climb, VNAV akan sentiasa dlm mode VNAV PTH... that is remain dlm departure atau waypoint restrictions, manakala kelajuan (speed) ditetapkan dlm procedure based speed restriction, waypoint speed restriction, default VNAV climb speed atau u bleh manually entered climb speed as long as u enter particulars tuh x melebehi dari speed & altitude yg tlh ditetapkan...
VNAV Descent...
VNAV Descent ialah path descent (normally ia active secara automatic) that is... jaraknya dikira dari touch down (T/D) point, nih membolehkan ur MCP altitude direset secara automatic by FMC, bermakna u aircraft bersedia utk descent... kalu descent x bermula dari T/D point, kemungkin besar 'path descent' tu x bleh diperolehi dlm CDU/FMC, sbb FMC command idle thrust dan pitch kena ikut 'descent path' yg mane descent tu msti comply dgn waypoint altitude restrictions...
normally sblum TOD (Top of Descent), FMC masih dlm keadaan cruise mode, that is dlm VNAV PTH & ECON cruise speed... selepas TOD, FMC immediately shift to descent mode, dan VNAV bertukar kpd economy descent speed seterusnya descent dlm VNAV SPD (speed profile)...
spt VNAV Climb, VNAV Descent jugak akan melalui proses... what is call Speed Restriction Deceleration... maksudnye sblum speed restriction altitude, VNAV decelerates to commanded speed thru VNAV SPD (speed profile), then bila smpi ke tahaf restricted speed, VNAV commands decreased pitch dan descends juga dlm VNAV SPD mode...
more definition term ttg VNAV SPD, VNAV PTH, ECON & etc ... pls consult ur PMDG or WILCO pilot's manual handbook...
Vertical Speed change...
Ok... u probably notice that dlm VNAV SPD mode, vertical speed selalunye x constant...rite! well this is it...
normally dlm VNAV SPD mode u will get (either semasa climb/descent) ur VS selalu berubah sbb ur aircraft need to achieve the target airspeed for the thrust setting in use & calculated by FMC, biasanya at a very light weights, u will have tremendous climb rates and at a heavy weights u will have a lower climb rates, but most importantly u can be assured that ur climb rate is optimal for the thrust/speed assignments made to VNAV via the FMC...
this also happen kalu u ever experience to fly any aircraft dlm autopilot mode guna FS Navigator FMS (Flight Management System)
Flight Level Change atau FLCH provide ur flight path commands sama ada u nk climb atau descent according to ur speed selected dlm MCP... in some case as u fly dlm FLCP mode, APP (Approach) and SPD use a combination of engine power, roll and pitch utk nk achieve the desired results... so as u are in FLCH u kena focus at ur MCP, sbb u kena manage pitch, roll and thrust individually.... means that dlm FLCH mode, kalu u nk buat a small flight level changes u need the auto throttle command thrust in order to maintain a steadily rate based on ur vertical speed dlm MCP... that's it
2. During descending from CRZ alt to alt below 10000 feet, do u reduce the speed first?
Or do u reduce speed to 250 knots only after the plane reaches 10000 feet?
as u are talking about autopilot dlm FMC, then u may refer balik to my explaination tang VNAV Descent...
to make it simple... sbnrnya everything is handle and calculated by FMC, dlm kata lain u don't have to worry pasal bila nak buat speed reduction unless u fly manually...
kalu u fly manually while u are in cruise altitude, then waktu bila u kena descent, the simple & rough calculation is... take ur cruise altitude divide by 100, that result of that calculation is the appropriate distance in (nm) on bila u kena mula descent, say FL330... that is 33,000/1000... so u kena mula descent 33 nm dari destination airport... this is only a rough calculations, other factor u kena tgk ur flight configurations, airspeed, vertical speed & rate of descents...
remember kalu u fly in manual modes... start to reduce ur speed bila time u nk mula descents (bkn time descent), first reduce ur speed to idle then descent slightly, adjust ur vertical speed and rate of descents, masa descent try to get a speed sekitar 250-280 knots sblum reaches 10,000 ft.
3. For all the landings that u did, did u align the plane with runway using the help of ILS or 100 percents visual?
depend on weather... personally I prefer landing without help of auto ILS, but yet I still need my ILS navigational for reference (if available)... and try to get other alternative reference as well, such as VASI or PAPI, so it is a mix-up of visual & instrumental references... kalu poor visual then kena guna instruments 100% esp glide slope & localizer...
4. Is it true that for ILS landing, the ILS frequency can be detected automatically by the FMC?
on many circumstances... yes it is, but first u kena enter the appropriate (designated ILS RWY) kedlm FMC... make sure u have the right runway (ILS)
Do you have to tune the NAV frequencies manually into the pedestal panel?
not necessary... everything is done by ur autopilot (FMC) unless u fly in manual mode... but if u are in autopilot mode (FMC) it is VERY advisable u always make crosschecks on all instruments while still on final...
hope my explanations helps... |
Originally posted by don_naza at 14-4-2009 20:44
emmo, aku ada soalan nak tanya, pasal autopilot. sebenarnya soalan ni aku email kat pilot 777, tapi agaknya dia busy sangat tak sempat nak jawab kut. kalo ada sesape yang lain rajin nak jawabkan, ...
xde masalah sbnrnya, it can be done ... tp dgn kaedah lain yg lebih complex , maksud aku x guna AFCAD atau technically x guna LWM mask flatten, tp natijah nya ialah... ia memerlukan byk rujukan dan yg paling penting data & resources tu msti terperinci, u can't just say kt ujung runway 32L tu is a bit elevated, tp tadak reference nk dirujuk tang maklumat tu... so kite nk data yg precise.
like I said kalu nk buat elevated runway... kite x guna LWM mask flatten, alternatively kite guna mesh data, this is very essential, KLIA blueprints yg ada kt aku skang nie mmg xde info pasal runway 32L yg elavated tuh, tp kalu ada mesh terrain data then nothing is impossible... maksud aku a very fine mesh terrain data...
BTW... what exactly is mesh terrain???
Dlm FS... mesh terrain is a basic ground for any scenery placement, very technically... mesh terrain adalah 'mesh of points' ia disusun dlm bentuk segi empat yg tepat (square), yg mane tiap2 point dlm square tuh terdapat elevation data nya yg tersndiri, dan setiap sisi (side) square tuh menetapkan (defines) mesh resolution... so kalu nk mesh yg lebih detail (fine mesh) setiap sisi (side) hendaklah menepati (sukatan) dlm sekitar 30 meter... kurang detail dlm sekitar 50 meter.. sedihnye kebanyakkan mesh yg kite pakai dlm FS cume dlm sekitar 70 meter sja... so inilah rasionalnya knapa scenery2 yg berupa 'end elevated runway' ni x byk diterjemahkan dlm bentuk FS scenery, kalu pun ada ia cume dlm bentuk payware scenery basis (rare) sbb kemungkinan secara lojiknya, resources & data yg terlalu detail tuh biasanya bkn didpti secara percuma...
nk buat mesh terrain, kite kena ada DEM data (Digital Elevation Model)... DEM resources yg paling popular digunakan dlm FS dan senang diperolehi secara percuma ialah DEM data dari SRTM (Shuttle Radar Topography Mission), malangnya SRTM data yg ada skang nih masih byk kekurangan dan keterbatasannya, x cukup detail, data (validation) dia byk yg hilang (lossless/void), significantly resolution dia masih ditahap rendah... more info pasal SRTM ftp://e0srp01u.ecs.nasa.gov/srtm/
end elevated runway... mcm yg aku ckp, can be done... using 3D modeling software (FSDS, Gmax atau 3DS Max or probably modeling software yg lain spt Maya)... but yet without proper data & resources yg cukup, pepe keje pun mmg mustahil nk kite dptkan output yg btul2 kite harapkan
FYI... example scenery yg guna method 'end elevate runway' nih... u can refer to VNL2 Lukla, Mount Everest by Aerosoft
thnx for asking! |
susah payah ko jawab soalan aku. thanks a lot!
tapikan, berkenaan dengan soalan 3 dengan 4 tu (ILS), i thought bukan ke kalau kita takde file SID dengan STAR kita still kena manually add frekuensi dekat pedestal panel?
pastu, pasal VNAV pulak, aku tak tau dia akan descend sendiri bila sampai T/D point, sebab kadang2 bila dah dekat airport, flight aku punya descend rate sangatlah perlahan sampai tinggi sangat nak land.
biasanya, masa flight aku buat camni:
1. takeoff. lepas 1000 ft, autopilot. tekan VNAV dengan LNAV.
2. biasa aku set initial altitude 5000 ft. dah cecah 5000, aku set FL100. bila dah cecah FL 100, dia akan set speed sendiri, mode ECON tak silap aku.
3. around 60nm dari dest airport, aku dah start descend from FL100. aku set alt 2500 ft so aku bole intercept localizer.
4. sambil descend to 2500, aku intercept vector. dah intercept, aku tekan button APP.
5. pastu dia auto follow glide path dgn glide slope. 200ft sebelum touch down, disengage AP, autothrottle. wajib ke off autothrottle sebenarnye? sebab sebelum ni kalau aku x off, tak bole idle kan engine. bukan ke kalau kita disengage AP maknanya kita nak semua manual?
6. touchdown, reverse thrust, spoiler armed.
aku nye FL100 je sebab dekat, penang sampai KL. kalo tinggi sangat takut tak sempat nak turun. betul ke aku nye proses kat atas tu? |
Kalau takde SID STAR pun, you can input your landing runway into the FMGC, it will autotune the ILS freq that way, and cross check! |
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