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True-X posted on 23-3-2014 08:08 PM 
Sedap dok hotel kot....makan minum pon ditanggung kan...
Aku lebih rela tengok pacit selamat duduk hotel dari rakyat China berkenaan 
Anden posted on 23-3-2014 08:11 PM 
Aviation experts still think MH370 was hijacked, says report
ioll pon rasa aust buying time untuk US..dah lah..tak ada nya dkt hindi ocean tu..
Drpd baca post makcik2 yg byk sembang out of topic dlm thread ni..rasa cam buang masa aku belek satu pg ke satu pg cari update berguna..
Meh aku tepek update..
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Malaysia says new French satellite images show potential debris in the "southern corridor" being searched for Malaysia Airlines flight MH370Reconnaissance planes have flown up to 2,500km (1,550 miles) from Perth in western Australia to reach the search area in the Indian OceanHMAS Success, an Australian navy ship, is also taking part. Two Chinese aircraft have arrived in Perth, but will not join the operation until MondayThe Australian Maritime Safety Authority refined the search based on a Chinese satellite image of a 22m-long (72ft) object published on SaturdayAlthough the object has not been sighted, Australian Prime Minister Tony Abbott says there is "increasing hope" of a breakthroughAll times in GMT (AWST/MYT -8)
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Reporting avid GrittenRavin Sampat
Despite the third set of satellite photos of objects in the southern Indian Ocean, the BBC's Jennifer Pak in Kuala Lumpur says the families of the passengers are still hoping that the plane landed safely somewhere.
Andrea Hayward-Maher, a spokeswoman for the Australian Maritime Safety Authority (Amsa), has confirmed that Australia has received the new satellite images, according to the Associated Press.
The official, who declined to be named, said one of the objects was estimated to be about the same size as an object spotted on Tuesday by a Chinese satellite that appeared to be 22m (72ft) by 13m (43ft). However, the official urged caution, saying that the French satellite image was fuzzy and very unclear, making it difficult to determine the exact dimensions.
A Malaysian official involved in the search mission tells the Associated Press that the new French satellite image was captured on Friday and showed potential objects about 930km (575 miles) north of where the objects reported by the Australian and Chinese authorities were seen.
Malaysian police have dismissed as mere speculation a report by the UK's Daily Mail newspaper that the captain of Flight MH370 received a call shortly before take-off from a woman using a mobile phone number obtained under a false identity,according to The Star Online. A spokeswoman was quoted as saying the information "originates from unnamed and unverified sources".
The Associated Press reports that officials in Australia could not immediately confirm they had received the new satellite images.
The BBC's Lucy Williamson in Kuala Lumpur says no further details have been released about the new French satellite images mentioned by the Malaysian transport ministry. But, our correspondent adds, the fact that something may have been spotted will be of great interest to the search teams and the relatives of the 239 passengers and crew on board flight MH370, who have been waiting for weeks for answers about their fate.
EMAILSimon Robertson-Kay,Harrow, UK
emails: Would it be helpful if the Hubble telescope could be utilised to search the vast areas of ocean for some significant light coloured particles which may indicate plane debris? Surely the applications may be similar for searching for light sources that are trillions of light years away and may be able to complete the search much sooner.
The ministry also says a high-level Malaysian team held a briefing in Beijing for relatives of those on board flight MH370 on Sunday. The meeting lasted more than 6 hours, it adds. The families of passengers, 153 of whom were Chinese, have expressed growing frustration at the progress of the search and the information that has been released by the Malaysian authorities.
One of the Chinese passengers' relatives spoke to reporters after meeting the Malaysian representatives
Australia, China and France have now released satellite images that show potential objects which may be related to flight MH370. "All this information has been forwarded to Australia, as the lead country in the area of concern," the Malaysian transport ministry statement adds.
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revolusi_30 posted on 23-3-2014 08:09 PM 
Bukti apa sis.
kat TV3 tadi melaporkan ... debris yang dijumpai oleh satelite CHN dan AUS kat Lautan Hindi tu most probably belong to MH370 ... 
camrey posted on 23-3-2014 08:13 PM
Aku lebih rela tengok pacit selamat duduk hotel dari rakyat China berkenaan
Makan masa benda ni nak cari dah jumpa nak verify dan analysis..pastu nak collobrate..pulak...
Baik balik rumah buat aktiviti yg patut...
Pakcik ni cam ambil kesempatan jugak nampaknye.. |
Pssst...org kampung Sg.Pinang kata ..family kapten zahri berkampung balik ke rumah ..mak pak depa..
Anden posted on 23-3-2014 08:18 PM 
Makan masa benda ni nak cari dah jumpa nak verify dan analysis..pastu nak collobrate..pulak...
Biarkan pacit duduk situ hingga rakyat China semua balik 
MissNigga posted on 23-3-2014 08:17 PM
kat TV3 tadi melaporkan ... debris yang dijumpai oleh satelite CHN dan AUS kat Lautan Hindi tu mo ...
Berani nye tv3 merapu..ingat senang je nak verify..analysis ..collabrate..baru umum..kalau betul... |
Australian Maritime Safety Authority has confirmed that Australia has received the new satellite images - @APvia @BBCBreaking
MissNigga posted on 23-3-2014 08:17 PM
kat TV3 tadi melaporkan ... debris yang dijumpai oleh satelite CHN dan AUS kat Lautan Hindi tu mo ...
Alahai... Debris tu dah jumpa ka sis ... Or maseh mencari ..  |
tadi tak de pc kah?? |
New French satellite images show possible debris from the missing MAS jetliner deep in the southern Indian Ocean. pic.twitter.com/b0oNzzdX6u
Anden posted on 23-3-2014 08:21 PM 
Berani nye tv3 merapu..ingat senang je nak verify..analysis ..collabrate..baru umum..kalau betul.. ...
mereka sekadar melaporkan analisa yang dibuat oleh para penyiasat yang diberi kuasa utk menyiasat kehilangan MH370 ... bukan mengesahkan tetapi most probably belong to MH370 |
camrey posted on 23-3-2014 08:21 PM 
Sedih nya
berdoa ler kaka agar finding tu tak betul ... tapi hati iols kuat menyatakan yg MH370 mmg dah terhempas ..
kalo betul ler dah terhempas kat lautan hindi... jauh tol lokasi dia terhempas ...
revolusi_30 posted on 23-3-2014 08:24 PM 
Alahai... Debris tu dah jumpa ka sis ... Or maseh mencari ..
yg dijumpai palet kayu ngan tali pinggang yang selalu digunakan dalam pesawat ...
siasatan debris yang detected by AUS n CHN based on picture captured by satelite ..
Anden posted on 23-3-2014 08:11 PM 
Aviation experts still think MH370 was hijacked, says report
Mmg pun ... expert rasa MH370 dah terhempas. Kenalan I ramai dr golongan ni pun kata benda yg sama... be it the engineers and the pilots..yg bawak dan kendali passenger jets
kazaraf posted on 23-3-2014 06:39 PM
kalau betul crash kt situ.. ko jgn anggap lokasi crash tu tmpat yg satelit nampak serpihan kt bara ...
Iyer la mungkin area diego tu or even area maldives or other remote areas...or even di andaman tu....tp masih musykil why the plane able to fly that far... |
MinnieNini posted on 23-3-2014 08:03 PM 
pakcik selamat ni mmg legend... rela duk hotel tunggu berita dari balik rumah.. ke rumah pakcik se ...
tadi aku ada tgk awani. dorang gi rumah kat pahang temubual wife pak selamat. ok je makcik tu bercakap. siap kata kat mana pon xpe, kat kl ke kat rumah pon tetap blh dpt berita. dorang dihubungi sehari 3kali utk sampaikan update. pak selamat je la yg gigih sgt wife dia x kesah pon tggu dri rmh
Musykil... Jauh nau mh370 lencong sana klo ya la...apakah terjadi sesuatu yg maha dasat? |
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