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Author: cassiopeia

♥♥ Rain ♥♥

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Post time 22-3-2007 09:42 PM | Show all posts

Reply #1198 Ley's post

citer meteor garden ni citer taiwan...F4 Yang berlakon....

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Post time 23-3-2007 09:15 AM | Show all posts

Reply #1200 errasazza's post

yolah, yolah..
masuk nie dah kali ke-2 ko mentioned kat aku kat cnie tau!

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Post time 23-3-2007 09:24 AM | Show all posts

Reply #1198 Ley's post

kesian tul kat ko coz x nah tau pesal meteor garden nie!!
FYI, meteor garden nie is a HYD=Hana Yori Dango, tp ver. tw..
kalu yg nippon nyer ver. laks dia nyer sequel, HYD2, baru jerk habish tunjuk kat nippon last week, matsujun from Arashi & mao-chan yg jadik hero & heroin..
kalu naks tau lebih lanjut gi kat SOP board..
jgn asyik doks melepaks kat board cnie jerk!

[ Last edited by  Yuni at 23-3-2007 09:25 AM ]

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Post time 23-3-2007 09:53 AM | Show all posts

Reply #1203 Yuni's post

crite taiwan rupanyer...bab2 crite taiwan ni aku tak minat langsung lah
nape ko minat sgt ke crite taiwan????

[ Last edited by  Ley at 23-3-2007 10:41 AM ]

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Post time 23-3-2007 12:46 PM | Show all posts
aku pun tak pernah layan lagi citer taiwan..nanti skali-skala try nengok la

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Post time 23-3-2007 02:15 PM | Show all posts

Reply #1197 Yuni's post

kesian kat aku, aku mmg dh lama ketinggalan psl bi ni, even nak pi konsert die pon tak leh ari tu...byk komitmen la katakann....
ntahla..aku mmg suka beno ngan bi dlm iklan ni...nampak ntahla..susah nak xplain ...even anak sedara aku pon leh ajuk gaya bi dlm iklan tu...
lagi satu, kalau booth korea tu ade bi, aku gerenti, booth lain habes runtuh sbb ramai fans nak ke booth korea tu sbb nak tgk bi...(termasuk aku le tuh... )

aku pon mcm ko gak dulu, memula tak minat citer2 taiwan, but then aku ske plak tgk citer taiwan...meteor garden punya pasalla ni...

pakwe ko mmg ensem pon... ..tapi aku lagi suka tgk jari jemari die...kalau aku dpt jari2 die, aku nak framekan n n gantung kat umah..buat hiasan...kekekeke.....

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Post time 23-3-2007 03:20 PM | Show all posts

Reply #1206 KatakPisang's post

masa kat sekolah menengah dulu aku minat drama taiwan ngan hk
skrg aku tak minat langsung lah..bosan

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Post time 23-3-2007 04:55 PM | Show all posts

Reply #1204 Ley's post

kalu diberi pilihan, dlm2 byk dramas bet. Jap/Kor/Tw/Pinoy, aku plg suka jap doramas aahh..
jdoramas slalunyer straight 2 the point, simple & x meleret2 mcm kdramas..
mcm drama2 dari tw & pinoy (phils) mmg slalunyer pjg2..
tp actually all those countries dramas ada gaks pros & cons nyer..
aku apa2 hal pun, yg plg penting utk aku nengoks 1-1 citer 2 aku kena nengoks dulu:

1. hero & heroin sapa
2. the storyline
3. reviews
4. rating

heh heh..
tp "meteor garden" bagi aku, is the most unbeatable tw dramas yg aku pernah nengoks! :cak:
aku suka sesgt citer 2, suka, suka, suka.. :love:
dah berbelas2 kali (senang2) rasanya aku nengoks citer 2, tp x nah muak & buhsan pun..    
tp kalu "meteor garden 2" mmg x best aahh, aku x suka..
kalu aku nengoks blk pun aku just tgk cd1, pas2 trus jumpa ke cd28-31..

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Post time 23-3-2007 05:03 PM | Show all posts

Reply #1206 KatakPisang's post

2 kan aku dah kasik info. & link kat pg. sebelah, so ko leh pi check kat si2 aahh beb kalu naks nengoks pics. "mesra & malu2" biKyo 2 hah!!
kat thread nie pun si errasazza ada post gaks biKyo nyer pics., so ko rajin2lah menyelak & membelek 1-1 pg. blakang2 2 eks??
pesal korea's booth 2 laks, lawaks aahh ko beb!
nasib baik gaks x, kalu ada, aku x taulah naks kata apa..ntah2 siap ada org amik pic. laiks ngan model bi 2 hah!!

:dia: aku pon mcm ko gak dulu, memula tak minat citer2 taiwan, but then aku ske plak tgk citer taiwan...meteor garden punya pasalla ni... --> :setuju: sesgt tang nie, ko sama cam aku gaks!!

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Post time 23-3-2007 05:13 PM | Show all posts

Reply #1208 Yuni's post

aku sebenonye jeles kalau bi ngan pemuan lain mesra2 yg cek geram nih..kekekke
baik ko jual aje cd mg2 punya cd kat aku...kekekek...
aku mmg nak belek blakang2 tu, tapi masa membataskan aktiviti selak menyelak nih..kekekek...nanti2la..kalau aku rajin tahap tepu, aku selak la blakang2 tu...
ko tatau ka, aku ni mmg lawak sebenonyer..kekekekek...

psstt...aku mmg gile tgk meteor garden..hampeh tul...

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Post time 23-3-2007 08:34 PM | Show all posts

Reply # 1208 Yuni's post

ya btooool ......aku setuju ngan ko pasal jdorama
yg lain aku x minat langsung..honestly kdrama yg aku layan ws jer..
skrg ni x bape minat lak..tapi kalu crite nyer bagus ...pelakon pon bagus rating nyer ok... aku layan la

tapi kalu bab crite taiwan... mmg aku x minat langsung
sbb aku dah puas nengok crite2 taiwan ngan hk waktu aku zaman sekolah dolo2

[ Last edited by  Ley at 23-3-2007 08:37 PM ]

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Post time 23-3-2007 09:11 PM | Show all posts

Reply #1202 Yuni's post

aik marah...jgn marah...nnt kena jual...hehehe...

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Post time 23-3-2007 09:12 PM | Show all posts
ello KP...aku bukan je jari jemari rain suka...malah semo sekali...tak kira...hehehe

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Post time 25-3-2007 10:19 AM | Show all posts
[Park Jin Young, "I leave the decision to Rain if he will re-sign the contract"]

Park Jin Young talked about Rain at the MBC variety program "Goldfish" on March 14.

"I consider him as a brother but when it comes on stage, he is my rival. With regard to Rain's re-signing of the contract, it has been rumored that he was offered 5,000,000,000 won. If he does choose to transfer to another agency, I would like to have the same relationship with him like what we have now. Rain should have his freedom to decide", said Park.

Park Jin Young also expressed that his responsibility as a manager is big but he would like to return as a singer.

When asked about his dream, he said that before dying, he would like to sing on stage.

Credits ~ KBS World Radio + + Kanpooh + noV@Kpop Kingdom

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Post time 25-3-2007 05:34 PM | Show all posts
News on Rain's Coming concert....

Rain's world tour in Vietnam won good comments and the audience's responses were unexpectedly GOOD!!

Rain's Vietnam concerts was unexpectedly successful!! Rain held two concerts at Military Zone 7 Stadium, Ho Chi Min on March 10 and 11. There were about 15k - 25k audience in each concert and more than 100 media followed up to report his world tour.

Rain had a 19-min short performance in S-fone concert held in Vietnam last June. Although more than 20k audience, most of them are Korean. However in this Vietnam world tour, Rain attracted fans from different Asian countries. There were quite a number of Vietnam fans who couldn't afford the tickets, but they still gathered outside the stadium and cheered for Rain. In overall, audience gave good comments that the concerts were wonderful~ Every song was quite impressive and Rain's charisma on the stage was fabulous! Vietnamese media commented that Rain's dancing skill is comparable to MJ and among all foreign singers, Rain is the most popular.

Vietnamese official media highly praised Hallyu and promoted more learnings from Korea, such as how Korea promotes their cultural values in overseas. This is one of the grand concerts held in Vietnam, it is undoubtedly excellent in terms of costumes, props, dances, lightning, etc.

In his two-hour concert, Rain sang 21 songs including <I'm Coming> <It's Raining> <Touch Ya and I like you again>. Before this, he mentioned his intention "Try Vietnamese bihoon" and gave the locals a good impression. More than 1000 security guards and bodyguards were hired for these concerts. The concert equipment is more than 50 tonnes in total in order to create the desired visual and audio effects.

Source: Tom Entertainment
Posted by cutie@rainhk
Translation by jjbug@rain-malaysia

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Post time 27-3-2007 05:20 PM | Show all posts
[Rain抯 World Tour, added a concert in Australia]

On April 7, Rain will be holding a concert in Sydney, Australia.

"There were a lot of invitations for me to perform in Australia but transporting 28 tons of equipment is hard so we just had to deal with that problem first before finally pushing through with the concert

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Post time 28-3-2007 10:40 PM | Show all posts
07.03.27 Hollywood movies invite Rain

Movie producers from Hollywood show great interest to invite Rain for filming~

Will Rain spend his efforts in movies?

Rain is damn HOT now! According to Rain's agency, JYPE, they received a lot of invitations from Hollywood film producers. The actual invitations and details will not be disclosed at this moment. However, the JYPE spokesman revealed that the invitations for movie filming come from everywhere including Hollywood, and some of them approached JYPE through Korean film agencies.

Rain feels honoured to be invited by Hollywood film makers, yet it's getting harder for him to make the decision. According to the plan, his new album should be launched in USA in this autumn to enter musical market, which he has spent lots of efforts into it. Meanwhile, his world tour is still on-going that he may not have the time for Hollywood movies now.

Source: Wen Hui Bao
Posted by natlau@rainhk
Translation by jjbug@rain-malaysia

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Post time 28-3-2007 10:46 PM | Show all posts
Rain Refreshes Harvard High-Flyers After Chosun Ilbo Visit

Some 60 students of Harvard University's Kennedy School of Government stomp and whistle, while several shout in Korean, "I love you!" and "You are gorgeous!" They are responding to the image of their hero, the workaholic Korean superstar, on the screen. A shot of the singer抯 six-pack prompts some female students to sigh, "Oh, my god." All of them laugh. Twenty minutes later Rain, in a beige jacket and jeans, appears on the podium and the room erupts in a blizzard of flashlights.

"Nice to meet you all from Harvard University's Kennedy School of Government," Rain says in English before answering questions from students for 20 minutes. Asked, "What's the difference between before and after becoming a star?" Rain answers, "When I was a trainee, I practiced dancing and singing over and over without eating, sleeping and washing for six days. At that time, I danced and sang songs to make a living, but now I sing songs for my fans." Rain plans to give concerts in New York, Los Angeles and San Francisco in June. 揑'd like to invite you all,

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Post time 29-3-2007 07:58 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by Yuni at 21-3-2007 06:28 PM
murah ke brg2 kat hangul 2?? :hmm:
member mak aku pi sana time CNY bln 2 dulu pun kata brg2 kat sana mahallah, camner laks ko leh kata murah nie?? :stp:
tp kalu ko byk duit, mmglah ko kata mura ...

  kalo ikut kualiti n barang2 tu mmg takde jual kat mesia mmg berbaloi ler beli kalo mahal skit   ... aku pun dah 7 thn keje baru dapat ke sana maaa... tp ntah ler.. aku bawak RM1500 utk shopping n bayo segala mende ade spare lagi RM700 .. padahal sampai terpaksa beli satu beg besor utk isi souvenir yg melambak2.. murah ler kot tp kena pandai pilih n tawar ler...

@ katak pisang
manyak cantik muke ko nak tuko avatar.. aku pun dpt dari cik Yuni

  jepun n korea,..jepun lagi mahal giler2 lah.. aku tak taw bila lak aku mampu utk ke sana... apa2 pun satu dari impian aku dah pun tercapai

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Post time 29-3-2007 09:04 AM | Show all posts

Reply #1219 Hana_Hirokawa's post

bgus tu dah dpt pegi kat sana
impian sama ngan aku ..aku pon nak pegi gak tapiiiiiiiiii
aku nak pegi nihon dulu ...tak tau la bile ek....bila la aku dpt pegi:cry:

habih ko x nak pegi nihon ke??:cak:

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