Istana Bawang 2 : Kate Middleton vs Meghan Markle
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haaa.. OMG mmg kena setepek kan atas muka si meghan ni.. padan muka dia.. i suka tht IG sparklemarkle tu.. mexit dh xde. messytheduchess ada lg kot.. mmg malu lah kalau sampai PC n PW ckp mcm tu dkt dia kan
ajuliana replied at 6-3-2019 05:49 PM
haaa.. OMG mmg kena setepek kan atas muka si meghan ni.. padan muka dia.. i suka tht IG sparklemar ...
ig I sll pergi tp twitter ni I think juicy lagi hahahaha.. tp the fact I x suka on ig,
dorg megxit tengoj video tu berulang2, dorg kata charles kata you stand there kat meggot , bukan sekali tu, pastu cam ada arahan dia bg..
pastu.. okla.. dorg kata juga kan meggot dan ph ikut 2 org pengiring, tapi meggot nak jln cepat dan mendahului qe.. wahh.. time tu ph cuba stop c meggot, pastu Kate dan QE tengok apa yg meggot buat, PC pun sama.. so dorg berdua kena stop dan biarkan Sr.Royals pergi first.
Meggot ingat QE amused by dia punya perangai? haaa.. I wonder apa la dorg kata kat ph n mm. yg penting dorg kata masa lagu God Save The Queen tu, muka PH cam stoned je dan c meggot matanya terkebil2 cam menahan tangis  |
satu donia tengok mcmana dia x hormat BRF.. lagi sugars nak poja dia? |
chip92 replied at 6-3-2019 01:19 PM
cantik hapee baju mcm kain alas meja je buta kot sugars ni takreti menilai, mcm baru tau kewuju ...
I nak speku diorg detect dress megot tu tak ssuai dipakai kat event tu..maybe sleveless or wat...lantas dia diarah agar tidak menanggalkan kot tersebut..giteww  |
rosewhite replied at 6-3-2019 04:52 AM
Prince Charles has now officially been the Prince of Wales for half a century. On March 5, the Queen ...
meggot copy baju diana
I dunno how to post the picture, I think u can click to the link below
The black guy in uniform is queen's equerry.. Only senior BRF je ada equerry and they are selected from senior armed force.
Klu dh queen's assistant si mejar col yg usher megy dgn PH speaks for itself la. The sign tooooo big to be ignored eap by megsy and sugah
Pi la google psl equerry ni if nak tau lebihh lanjut |
primadonia replied at 6-3-2019 07:35 PM
The black guy in uniform is queen's equerry.. Only senior BRF je ada equerry and they are selected f ...
woooiw.. juicyyyyy hahahha
is this the "grey men" yg dorg sll ckp tu sis?? mati frog la mcm ni.. mmg mcm tu sekali security measure diaa... sugah x gugup ke? Queen Semut dorg betul2 dlm perhatian. Ini sehari selepas KP keluarkan guideline mcmana berinteraksi dgn KP. Org kata guideline tu keluar angkara si Meggot |
Botox kah makcik??? Whats with the hair duchess??
Harry jemput meghan ats stage. Sugars gelakkan haters. Meggot boleh berlari yer naik stage. Perut makin mengecil nampaknya |
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lotionmilo replied at 6-3-2019 08:36 PM
Botox kah makcik??? Whats with the hair duchess??
Harry jemput meghan ats stage. Sugars gelakk ...
hurm kalau nak ckp women empowermwnr x payah cari american yg pernah berlakon adegan x senonoh, pernah jd eskot, pernah kahwinncerai utk berckp psl empowerment bagai... kat brf lagi banyak members yg hebat2 utk bckp abt women power.. QE, Queen Mother, Queen Marry, Queen Victoria and long list lagi... MM just a has been tv actress who gave up her career sbb nak kawin dgn PH. x layak nak ckp psl pompuan hebat pon. |
rosewhite replied at 6-3-2019 09:31 PM
tq sis..
mmg dia copy diana kan. |
lotionmilo replied at 6-3-2019 08:36 PM
Botox kah makcik??? Whats with the hair duchess??
Harry jemput meghan ats stage. Sugars gelakk ...
Just because PW & KM, and PH ada event today, meggot pun taknak kena outshine jugak lah. Tambah2 lagi semalam kan dah kena isolated terang2an dgn brf. This cunning woman mmg bersungguh2 nak limelight la.. |
primadonia replied at 6-3-2019 07:35 PM
The black guy in uniform is queen's equerry.. Only senior BRF je ada equerry and they are selected f ...
Kannnnn.. sah2 even HMTQ pun dah tau si meggot ni mcm mana kan.
Meols perasan, muka kate mcm terkejut tgk diorang dua kena ushered. Mcm “why cant you just stand behind and listen to PC and follow the protocols?” |
lotionmilo replied at 6-3-2019 08:36 PM
Botox kah makcik??? Whats with the hair duchess??
Harry jemput meghan ats stage. Sugars gelakk ...
kisahnya kata ummah twitter mungkin mlm td dia ngamok sbb kena shun oleh senior royals.. so hari ni nak hiburkan hati maka harry bw dia ke majlis...
napa minah tu x sedar sedar jugak? |
emptybotol replied at 6-3-2019 09:39 PM
Just because PW & KM, and PH ada event today, meggot pun taknak kena outshine jugak lah. Tambah2 l ...
klau dia nak sgt limelight, bg dia masuk Big Brother Celebrity UK, itu pun kalau rancangan tu masih ada.. 24/7 tu camera everywhere even nak nak mandi ka.. nak popo ke semua kamera ada..boleh jd glamer dan giler taw  |
dia tiru pesen rambut Kate la pulak .. |
talia replied at 5-3-2019 02:31 PM
I thought temporarily jer hilang, rupanya gone for good. Theroyaltea tu memang best. Btw thx I dah ...
lega ada sparklemarkle tu sebab she seems more direct and faster in news than the other 2 yg still exist kan? |
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