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Author: Bobola

SNSD a.k.a Girls Generation

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 Author| Post time 13-8-2011 03:43 AM | Show all posts
xde movement yg memorable kecuali random nari ramai2 mase nk dkt hujung lagu tu
serius m ...
wordlife Post at 13-8-2011 02:26

well bagi aku yg suka menari aku suka bad girl sebab tak byk block and counting.. apa xmemorable.. aku ske je starting tu haha.. oh well taste ko n aku lain

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Post time 13-8-2011 11:21 AM | Show all posts
Reply  wordlife

mmg pun...

Bad Girl vs Run Devil Run

cr: tumblr
kiku_zakura Post at 12-8-2011 06:31

lol agak sebijik..aku tk prasan pun sblum ni

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Post time 13-8-2011 10:28 PM | Show all posts
Post Last Edit by lilymaylily at 13-8-2011 22:59

Rindu tengok gambar-gambar event mcm ni <3

p/s : Yuri sgt tanned, sgt chocolate lol

Our gorgeous MCs Yulti!


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Post time 13-8-2011 10:41 PM | Show all posts
Post Last Edit by lilymaylily at 13-8-2011 22:47


Sooyoung tekan invisible button atas kepala Jessica LOL

Yuri's tongue + Hyo dan nak nampak butt cheek dah

Spazz sorang sorang malam Sabtu ni T_T

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Post time 13-8-2011 10:48 PM | Show all posts
Rindu tengok gambar-gambar event mcm ni <3

p/s : Yuri sgt tanned, sgt chocolate lol
lilymaylily Post at 13-8-2011 22:28

kekeke..betul3!! die makin itam sejak balik bercuti tuh..
lama sgt kot dok tepi pantai main dgn sooyoung & taeng
and i lieeekk her chubby cheek!
dah lama kan tak nampak yuri senyum sepenuh hati mcm ni
harap2 die da ok la..
sedih tgk die gloomy je since fanmeeting kat beijing tu


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Post time 13-8-2011 10:56 PM | Show all posts
Reply 104# lilymaylily

wakakakaka!! tunggu je la SONE yg rajin wat macro.. gerenti pecah pewot!
btw, kite da lama notice, outfit hyo kan selalu lain dari yg lain..
kalo yg lain pakai ala2 skirt e.g outfit hoot, hyo punye mesti short..
cukupla tgk diorg masa zaman lagu oppa oppa tu..pakai short short sampai nampak..
oufit genie gak yg terbaek!!

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Post time 13-8-2011 11:07 PM | Show all posts
Betul. Yg org perasan selalu Hyo dgn Fany punya shorts sgt sgt pendek compared to the others. Tak tau kenapa.

Tu la, hrp comeback ni takda pakai shorts sbb mcm dah boring sikit. Tapi kalau dah konsep fairytale (kalau betul la) sure diaorg pakai dresses ye tak? Kalau konsep diaorg bukan fairytale harap pakai skinny jeans ke apa ala Gee. Serious boring tengok group lain tayang kaki ja

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Post time 13-8-2011 11:17 PM | Show all posts
Reply 107# lilymaylily

kalau sooyoung punye short yg jadi makin leh faham la kenapa
ni yg danshin kot..suar pendek sgt
tu la.. harap2 xde la lagi pakai short nih..
outfit yg mata masih selesa nak pandang: genie, RDR, GEE... kissing you? (xtahan tgk lollipop) OTL

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Post time 13-8-2011 11:29 PM | Show all posts
Unicef event semalam - I just wanna say I'm so happy for maknae!!! Dpt jumpa idol dia, mesti rasa best sgt.

Am I lagging your computer? LOL sorry.

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Post time 14-8-2011 12:13 AM | Show all posts
pssttt... noona lily dah pakai avatar lah
patut la rasa lain je bila tgk, baru terbuka pintu hati ek nak pakai

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Post time 14-8-2011 12:18 AM | Show all posts
Post Last Edit by wordlife at 14-8-2011 00:38

outfit recycle Hoot tu lagi..
muak tgk

tgk baju dah tau dorang perform lagu apa
eh.. ada drama ke dkt Konsert tadi?
terdetik hati nak bukak twitter, sekali tgk byk tweet pasal chaotic yg k-sone buat

aku tak tau sebab apa k-sone dgn slumber blah time oppars nak start nyanyi..
try to create more fanwars after this? errr

well.. mesti ada sebab, aku tak rasa dorang buat mcm tu sesaje.. :re:
kalo takde sebab pun, biar fandom2 yg kerap boikot org tu rasa apa rasa kena boikot


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Post time 14-8-2011 12:46 AM | Show all posts
Hahaha baru rajin nak tukar avatar hahahaha =P

Ha ah org pun baru baca psl k-sones. Knp la korang nak memusnahkan nama baik sones T_T tak dapat fikir apa sebab diaorg buat gitu. Kalau org lain buat kat kita tau pulak marah. Kdg kdg sones ni pelik la. Malu la. Carik bahaya pun ada sbb other fandoms ada modal nak attack kita.

Hoot tu mcm dah lama ja T_T agak muak tgk tapi rasanya diaorg ada alter kut mcm baju Taeyeon dulu ada sleeves skrg takda. Cepat la comeback. Nak tengok baju baru LOL

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Post time 14-8-2011 01:12 AM | Show all posts
Post Last Edit by wordlife at 14-8-2011 01:27
Hahaha baru rajin nak tukar avatar hahahaha =P

Ha ah org pun baru baca psl k-sones. Knp la korang ...
lilymaylily Post at 14-8-2011 00:46

oleh sebab aku tak berpuas hati dgn apa yg berlaku malam ni, gegeh nk siasat punca apa yg sebenarnya terjadi

jom kita cuba tgk video fancam ni


rasanya ini dari side shawol sebab nampak belon hijau
katanya elf & shawol really cheered for everyone
tapi kan,takde sorakan pun time ni, senyap je dorang bila SNSD perform.. :re:
tak betul la cakap sokong semua tu
maybe sebab tu Sone balas balik kot?

tak payah la dorang nak bising2 lepas ni ;)
bukan sekali Sone kena, hampir setiap konsert, event, etc dorang kena this type of "support" katanya
serve them right lah

katanya Sone hanya support f(x) saja. mcm tak logik kata Sone blah awal sebab MC kan Yulti . ke ade tokok tambah dlm cite ni

p/s selagi takde pengesahan tentang apa yg berlaku, kita tak boleh buat andaian melulu. so aku tggu silisnoy or yurui supaya tampil beri keterangan

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Post time 14-8-2011 11:11 AM | Show all posts
motip mereka nak kecik ati kalo betul k-SONEs blah awal???
aku rasa dieorg patut lagi taw camne rasa kalo ade org wat camni kat diorg kan?
after all..dieorg ni la MASTER dlm boycotting other group

tapi the actual incident bukan la mcm g dieorg dok hebohkan..
die saja nak bagi nama SONE buruk lagi..
yeah typical budak biru...

ni silis7noy dah explain..sila baca:

ugh what is this thing people telling me about Ksones not cheering for other artists in the Hallyu concert today. It's not true
I won't post this in the SNSD thread for now because that would make more fuss. Can you put this on twitter and send to people on twitter who needs to see it?

There is a rumor going on saying that Ksones didn't cheer for other artists in the hallyu concert today. It's a false rumor. To be honest it's not like 100% of Ksones cheered passionately all night for all stages but that's the same for any fanclub today. Some fanclubs more enthusiastic than others but overall no real problem about cheerings in todays concert. If Ksone's behavior was problematic it would have been a topic on many Korean sites but there is no such thing going on in Korea, it is only a random rumor that has popped up among international sites

I've been given a link to a person saying he/she went to the concert and saw Ksones not cheering for other artists. In a big concert like this it is impossible for one person sitting in one place to determine what happened among the whole audience, it is easy to be mislead. That's why we need to hear from many fan accounts for cases like this. The person for example says "Sones" didn't cheer for Shinee but what he/she saw was just a small part around him/her, and that should not be used to put a label on whole Sone.

Here's what actual Shawols have said about Sones in today's concert:;=
"... I was in the Sone section... going totally crazy when Shinee came out hehe the Soshi fanboys from the back were doing the Lucifer cheer like crazy keke";=
"The Sones in the back knew how to do Shinee cheers well";=
"I sat in the Sone section and the Sones behind me knew the Shinee cheers even better than me.... insane cheering... their voices real loud so crazy"

This cheering business has complex dynamics that is really hard to understand unless you've been a part of the actual scene for long time. You can't understand everything just because you attended one concert. It's too much to explain everything here but the bottom line is that today's concert was incident free and non of the fandoms mentioned anything about any problem with Ksones or any other fanclubs today. Earlier people from some fanclub fabricated rumors about Ksones in the concert but Ksones are not making a big deal of it.

An unnecessary rumor like today's should not be started among international fans like this. Always wait for reliable sources and multiple confirmations.


Please RT!

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Post time 14-8-2011 11:34 AM | Show all posts
Post Last Edit by outLAw at 14-8-2011 11:36

OMG yuri..sgt..gorjess!!



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Post time 15-8-2011 01:00 AM | Show all posts
Gorgeous sungguh T_T


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Post time 15-8-2011 01:32 AM | Show all posts
motip mereka nak kecik ati kalo betul k-SONEs blah awal???
aku rasa dieorg patut lagi taw camne ras ...
outLAw Post at 14-8-2011 11:11

i knew it :re:
nasib baek silisnoy dah bagi keterangan, damn those ppl yg suka spread rumors :@
stop making drama please, ugh~

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Post time 15-8-2011 02:04 AM | Show all posts
lupakan aja drama dkt konsert tuh, moh kite layan fancams

cr : kimtw01

the good things about this video is totally CONTRADICT from what the rumors is totally about
LOL at the loud K-Sone who did crazy fanchants!
K-Sone & fanchants is

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 Author| Post time 15-8-2011 03:43 AM | Show all posts
kekekee.... ckp pasal chanting mmg best

Time Wondegel aritu leps konsert ktorang semua pecah anak tokak seriously . Tupon Wondegel xbyk chant.. ni time SNSD ni aku rasa kene prepare ubat tekak sekotak lepas tu

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Post time 15-8-2011 08:14 PM | Show all posts
Reply 116# lilymaylily bias tuh

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