Professor Jurgen Moltmann in his ___ "The Crucified God", says: "The death of Jesus ( Peace be upon him ) on the cross is the centre of all Christian theology …………… All Christian statements about God, about creation, about sin and death have their focal point in the crucified Christ. All Christian statements about history, about the church, about faith and sanctification, about the future and about hot stem from the crucified Christ"
This is why they highly speak of crucifixion, there is another cause of making propaganda of crucifixion, that they have nothing to present before a Muslim except it. Because Islam is a complete code of life so they can not try to teach us hospitality; for we are the most hospitable of people. Not about ethics or morality; for we are the most moral people ___ i.e. we don't drink, we don't gamble, we don't date, court or dance, we pray five times a day, we fast for one whole month, during the Muslim Holy Month of Ramadaan and we take pleasure in being a charitable people. Despite any of our shortcomings, we venture to suggest that there is no another group of people that can, "show a candle" to us in brotherhood, in piety or in sobriety. So there remains only one thing that a Christian can endeavor to teach us which is crucifixion, because, according to Christian, there is no salvation without belief in crucifixion. But a Muslim can not believe in crucifixion because it is against the teachings of Allah Almighty which he had taught in the Holy Qur'an. As mentioned below:
" And they said (in boast), we killed Christ Jesus ( Peace be upon him ), the son of Mary ( May Allah happy with her ), the apostle of God. But they killed him not, nor crucified him. But it was made to appear to them so, and those who differ therein are full of doubts; with no (certain) knowledge, But they follow conjecture. For a surety they killed him not." (Holy Qur'an 4:15 )
We Muslims believe this categorical Qur'anic statement to be from God. Hence we need not any proof. Had the Christians accepted the Holy Qur'an as the word of God, the problem of crucifixion would never have arisen.
They vehemently oppose the Qur'anic teachings and attack everything Islamic. In the words of Thomas Carlyle --- "They (Christians) have been trained to hate the man Muhammad ( May Blessing and Peace be upon him ) and his religion." Whatsoever we can not believe in crucifixion without proof, while Christians have nothing to present as a proof but Bible. But the Bible can't be a proof because it is not an authentic book, the amazing thing about Christian sworn affidavits (Writings attributed to Matthew, Mark, Luke and John) is that not a single one of them is duly attested, a single one bears the signature, mark or thumbprint of its author in the so called originals. They now boast of being in possession of over 5000 ( five thousands ) "originals" of which no two "originals" are identical. Amazing! Little wonder the Christians them selves label their Gospels as ___ "The Gospel according to St. Matthew", The Gospel according to St. Mark," "the Gospel according to St. Luke," and "The Gospel according to St. John."
When Christian scholars are asked why the words, "according to", are repeated at the beginning of every Gospel, the obvious implication is that they are not autographed it is only assumed that they are authored by the names of the Gospels carry today. The translators of the "New international Version" have unceremoniously expunged the "According to's" from the four Gospels in their latest translation of the alleged Gospel writers, Viz., Matthew, Mark, Luke and John it can be categorically stated that 50% were not even the elected twelve Disciples of Jesus ( Peace be upon him ). I dare humbly claim that such unattested documents would be thrown out of hand, in any court of law, in any civilized country, in just two minutes. Further more, one of the alleged witnesses, St. Mark tells us that at the most critical juncture in the life of Jesus ( Peace be upon him ) ___ "All his disciples forsook him and fled." (Mark 14:50) So the so-called eye-witness were not really eye-witnesses to the happenings, unless St. Mark is not telling us the whole truth, the "Gospel truth". Yet he is supposed to be speaking under oath. You will agree that a case based on such hearsay evidence would be thrown out of court, twice in two minutes, in any court of law, in any civilized country, that is twice in just 120 seconds flat! Jesus ( Peace be upon him ) himself assured his disciple that he was not crucified by proving his material life.
"Look at my hands and my feet, and see that. It is I myself, feel me and you will know for a ghost does not have flesh and bones as you can see I have. He said this and showed them his hands and his feets. They still could not believe, they were so full of joy and wonder, so he asked them, " have you anything here to eat". They gave him a piece of cooked fish which he took and ate in their presence." (Luke 24:39,40)
The above statement narrates the fact that Jesus ( Peace be upon him ) was neither crucified nor resurrected. But his disciples were taking him a spirit, a ghost, so he made them assured, that he is not a ghost, by showing his hands and eating fish and telling that a ghost does not have flesh and bones because a resurrected body becomes spiritualised so that does not eat and can't be touched.
There is another point which proves that the whole story of crucifixion of Jesus ( Peace be upon him ) is a blasphemy. According to Bible, Jesus ( Peace be upon him ) had to appear after three days, "The messiah must suffer and must rise from death, three days later". (Luke 24:45) . But according to the so-called eye witnesses he appeared before three days because, according to the Bible, He ( Peace be upon him ) was hanged in night before Sabbath (Saturday) and buried in the same night. Suppose he remained in his grave a complete day and night of Saturday. But on Sunday morning he was not found in his grave. If you calculate the time it can't be more then two nights (night before Saturday and night after the day a Saturday) and one day (the day time of Saturday). It can never, never, never be the three days and three nights as Jesus had himself fore told, "according to the scriptures". Even Einstein the master mathematician can't help Christian world for this.
From above discussion you would have to admit that the crucifixion of Christ ( Peace be upon him ) is nothing but the doctrine of false propaganda that no honest person who deals with evidence of history could accept it.
If you are still in a doubt then I tell you another point which will assure you that Jesus ( Peace be upon him ) was neither crucified nor was resurrected.
According to Bible, "You ask me for a miracle? No! The only miracle you will be given is the miracle of the prophet Jonah ( Peace be upon him ). In the same way that Jonah ( Peace be upon him ) spent three days and nights in the big fish. So will be the son of man, spent three days and nights in the depths of the earth." (Matthew 12:39,40)
It proves that Jesus ( Peace be upon him ) did not die as like as Jonah ( Peace be upon him ) did not die because he had given same miracle as was given to Jonah ( Peace be upon him ). This whole discussion , my dear, proves that the doctrine of crucifixion is nothing but a false story. But Christian world will not accept it because the base of their religion depends upon crucifixion.
You wrote that "the character of Jesus ( Peace be upon him ) as manifested in his beautiful sermon on the mount, impressed you:. |
I inform you that the character of a man can be known by his practical life only and you can't get a complete knowledge about the practical life of Jesus ( Peace be upon him ) except a few events which have bee mentioned in Bible. So it is not right to say that the character of Jesus ( Peace be upon him ) impressed you, but you would be correct, if you say that his teachings impressed you. I advise you to compare it with teachings of Islam, when you will compare the teachings of Jesus ( Peace be upon him ), which have been mentioned in the sermon on mount with the teachings of the last Prophet of Allah Muhammad ( May Blessing and Peace be upon him ) will come to know that the teachings of Jesus ( Peace be upon him ) is a little part of the teachings of the last Prophet of Allah ( May Blessing and Peace be upon him ) and it is noteworthy that Jesus ( Peace be upon him ) taught his followers by sayings only while the Prophet Muhammad ( May Blessing and Peace be upon him ) taught his followers not by tongue only but within a practical manner too.
Here I am writing a few sayings of Prophet ( May Blessing and Peace be upon him ) from various sermons so that you could compare it with the teachings of Jesus ( Peace be upon him ).
He says "O ye people Allah says; O people we created you from one male and one female and made you into tribes and nations so that you are known to one another. Verily in the sight of Allah, the most honoured amongst you is the one who is the most God fearing." There is no superiority for an Arab over a non-Arab and for a non-Arab over an Arab, nor for the white over the black, nor for the black over the white except in piety. All mankind is the progeny of Adam ( Peace be upon him ) and Adam ( Peace be upon him ) was fashioned out of clay.
Behold! Every claim of privilege whether that of blood or property, is under my feet except that of custody of Allah's house (Ka'ba) and supplying of waters to the pilgrimage.
Behold! All practices of the days of ignorance are now under my feet. The blood revenges of the days of ignorance are remitted. All interest and usurious dues accuring from the age of ignorance stand wiped out.
O, people! Verily you have got certain rights over your women and your women have certain rights over you. It is your right upon them that they must not allow anybody save to you to come to your bed and admit non to enter your homes whom you don't like but with your permission. And it for them not to commit acts of impropriety, which if they do, you are authorised by Allah to separate them from your beds and chastise them , but not severely, and if they refrain, then clothe and feed them properly.
Behold! It is not permissible for a woman to give anything from the wealth of her husband to anyone but with his consent.
Treat the women kindly, since they are your helper and are not in a position to manage their affairs themselves. Fear Allah concerning them, for verily you have taken them on the security of Allah, and have made their persons lawful unto you by words of Allah.
All debts must be repaid, all borrowed property must be returned, gift should be reciprocated.
Beware! No one committing a crime is responsible for it but himself. Neither the child is responsible for the crime of his father, nor the father is responsible for the crime of his child.
O, people! Every Muslim is the brother of other Muslim and all the Muslims form are brotherhood. Blessed is he, too, who busied himself in finding his own faults rather than finding faults with others. And blessed is he, too, who spent from what he earned by lawful means, who set in the company of the people endowed with wisdom and religious insight, and who associated with the poor and down-trodden.
Fortune is he, who kept his word decorum pure and good; adorned his heart with piety and kept the people protected of his mischief.
Glad tidings are for him who protected his tongue from loose talk; who always acted according to the sunnah and was never actuated by an innovation.
Beware! All the food and wholesomeness with all of its species lie in paradise; and verily all wickedness along with its various branches rest in Hell.
O,'people, I get you inclined to what Allah, the Honored and Glorified, hath got inclined and forbad you from what Allah hath forbidden. Verily the Honored and Glorified, whose Dignity is great enjoins truth and loves truthfulness. He bestows position near to him upon those who do right and so are they being mentioned and keep on gaining attainments."
I have brought before you a drop from huge ocean of the teachings of the last Prophet Muhammad ( May Blessing and Peace be upon him ). You will not find any difference between the teachings of Jesus ( Peace be upon him ), sermon on mount, and the teachings of the Holy Prophet ( May Blessing and Peace be upon him ). A noble man who have an eye of just, will immediately accept the teachings of Prophet Muhammad ( May Blessing and Peace be upon him ) instead of rejection. Because he guided mankind in every walk of life, whether you are a father or a son, a mother or a daughter, a husband or a wife, whatever you are, the teachings of the Prophet ( May Blessing and Peace be upon him ) guide you according to the requirements of your field, as a minaret of light, in such a beautiful manner that an observer will, surely, appreciate you.
Now I want to draw your attention to the sermon of Jesus ( Peace be upon him ), that is the sermon on mount: "Be on your guard against false prophets, they come to you looking like sheep on the outside but on the inside ………………………… . A healthy tree bears good fruit but a poor tree bears bad fruit …………………….. . So then you will know the false Prophets by what they do." (Matthew, 7:15 to 20)
Please consider in this passage with a deep sight being away from narrow-mindedness, you will come to know that Jesus ( Peace be upon him ) himself prophecies about a prophet that will come after him as well as he is giving a criterion to make differentiate between a false prophet and a true one, by telling that hence healthy tree bears good fruit, so a true prophet must have good character and good teachings.
If you examine the teachings and character of Prophet Muhammad ( May Blessing and Peace be upon him ) in this criterion, given by Jesus ( Peace be upon him ), you will know that the Prophet Muhammad ( May Blessing and Peace be upon him ) is the only person who fulfills this prophecy. Don't bother about the trouble of examining the character and the teachings of the Holy Prophet Muhammad ( May Blessing and Peace be upon him ), we have a lot of witnesses who testify that the personality of Muhammad ( May Blessing and Peace be upon him ) is the greatest of all and his teachings are the best of all other religious leaders.
First of all, I give you the testimony of Allah, the creator of the universe, the All knowing, the All seeing and the All hearing. He says in his last scripture :
Now read the coming lines. "And surely you are exalted to a high and noble character."
Encyclopedia Britanica testifies the Holy Prophet ( May Blessing and Peace be upon him ) in these words, "Most Successful of all religious personalities." |
" In all things Muhammad ( May Blessing and Peace be upon him ) was profoundly practical. When his beloved son Ibrahim died, an eclipse occurred, and rumors of God's personal condolence quickly arose. Whereupon Muhammad ( May Blessing and Peace be upon him ) is said to have announced, "An eclipse is phenomenon of nature. It is foolish to attribute such things to the death or birth of a human being." (James A. Michemer, op. Cit )
" His creed ……….. necessarily connotes the existence of a universal empire." (Joseph J. Nunan : Islam and European Civilization, Demerara 1412.P.37)
"The nobility and broad tolerance of this creed, which accepts as God-inspired all the real religions of the world, will always be a glorious heritage for mankind. On it could indeed be built a perfect world religion." (Duncan Greenless : The Gospel of Islam. Adyar 1948, P.27)
"More pure than the system of zoroaster, more liberal than the law of Moses ( Peace be upon him ), the religion of Mahomet might seem less inconsistent with reason than the creed of mystery and superstition which, in the seventh century, disgraced the simplicity of the gospels." (Edward Gibbon : The History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire vol. V,P.487)
"Islam had the power of peacefully conquering souls by the simplicity of its theology, the clearness of its dogma and principles, and the definite number of the practices which it demands. In contrast to Christianity which has been undergoing continual transformation since its origin, Islam has remained identical with itself." (Jean L'heureux : Etude sur L'Islamisme, P.35)
"As a religion the Mohamedan religion, it must be confessed, is more suited to Africa than is the Christian religion: indeed, I would even say that it is more suited to the world as a whole …………….. (Italics are the present writer's) ………The achievement of the moslam faith enjoys, I maintain, a definite superiority, in proof of which may be cited moslem abstinence, sense of fraternity, condemnation of usury, and recognition of prophets other than its own. Its quality may be summed up by saying that it takes a man as he is, and white it does not pretend to make a good out of him, it seeks to regulate his conduct so that at least he shall become a good neighbor." (Lancelot Lawton : The sphere, London, 12th may, 1928)
"The Muhammadan law which is binding on all from the crowned head to the meanest subject is a law interwoven with a system of the wisest, the most learned and the most enlightened jurisprudence that ever existed in the world." (Edmund Burke : in his (Impeachment of Warren Hastings")
Since I have proved by the testimonies of the various well known personalities, belonging to different religions, that the Holy Prophet Muhammad ( May Blessing and Peace be upon him ) is the only personality who can be called a "healthy tree which bears good fruit". So you should believe in him otherwise Jesus ( Peace be upon him ) himself will reject you and you would not be given any part from heavenly kingdom, as Jesus ( Peace be upon him ) warns clearly, "Not everyone who called me Lord, Lord! Will enter the kingdom of heaven, ……… ………………, when judgment day comes, may will say to me, Lord, Lord! In your name we spoke God's massage, by your name we drove out many demons and performed many miracles! Then I will say to them. I never know you. Get away from me, you wicked people. (Matthew 7 : 21 to 23)
It would happen only because of you don't practice his teachings, and reject the last Prophet Muhammad ( May Blessing and Peace be upon him ) about whom he foretold you. According to the new testament Jesus ( Peace be upon him ) says :
"The helper will come the spirit who reveals the truth about God and who comes from the father. I will send him to you from the father. And will speak about me." (John , 15:26)
This passage, clearly, emphasises on coming of a Prophet after Jesus ( Peace be upon him ) who will help Jesus in his mission to convey the message of Allah Almighty to his creature as Jesus ( Peace be upon him ) has done. This prophet, the helper, will reveal the true attributes of God, as Muhammad ( May Blessing and Peace be upon him ) has done by teaching mankind i.e. he is the one and only. Allah is independent of all and all are dependent upon Him. Neither has He an offspring nor is he the offspring of anyone and non is like unto Him." (Al-Qur'an 12) |
The last Prophet Muhammad ( May Blessing and Peace be upon him ) will speak about Jesus ( Peace be upon him ) too, introducing him, that Jesus ( Peace be upon him ) is nothing but a man and messenger of Allah like other prophets ( Peace be upon them ) were.
Because Jesus Christ ( Peace be upon him ) further says:
"It is better for you that I go away, because if I don't go, the Helper will not come to you, …………………. . And when he comes, he will prove to the people of the world that they are wrong about sin and what is right and God's judgment. They are wrong about sin because they don't believe in me, they are wrong about what is right, because I am going to father and you will not see me anymore because they are wrong about judgment, the ruler of this world has already been judged." (John 16 : 7 to 11)
I can say with confidence that nobody deserves the title of "Helper", except, the Holy Prophet Muhammad ( May Blessing and Peace be upon him ), because he is the one after Jesus ( Peace be upon him ) who told the people real meaning of "What is sin and what is right" and what is judgment of Allah. According to the teachings of Christianity, the sin of Adam ( Peace be upon him ) and Eve was not forgiven. Hence every child is born in sin while according to teachings of Muhammad ( May Blessing and Peace be upon him ) the sin of Adam ( Peace be upon him ) and Eve was forgiven. Every child is born in sinless. Sin is an acquisition and not a heritage as Jesus ( Peace be upon him ) says :
"You can be sure that on judgment day everyone will have to give account of useless word, he has ever spoken. Your word will be used to judge you - to declare that you either innocent or guilty." (Matthew 12 : 36,37)
Hence in this way, the Helper of Jesus ( Peace be upon him ), Muhammad ( May Blessing and Peace be upon him ) tells you the real meanings of sin. According to the teachings of Christianity Jesus ( Peace be upon him ) was crucified, in order to remove the sin of mankind and he arisen after three days and met his disciples and the others.
While, according the teachings of the helper, Muhammad ( May Blessing and Peace be upon him ), Jesus was neither crucified nor resurrected. But he was uplifted to the sky and he will return as a man before dooms day, as Holy Qur'an proclaims:
"But they killed him not. Nor crucified him. But it was made to appear to them."
In the same way Jesus ( Peace be upon him ) denies his resurrection. He says :
"I am going to father and you will not see me any more." (John 16:10)
Hence according to the teachings of helper, Muhammad ( May Blessing and Peace be upon him), Jesus ( Peace be upon him ) had finished his work, as Jesus ( Peace be upon him ) says :
"I have finished the work, you gave me to do". (John 17:4) and he was uplifted to the skies before his natural death so he will return to the earth to pass his natural life as a man not as prophet, as Jesus (Peace be upon him ) himself says:
"In a little while you would not see me any more, and then a little while later you will see me." (John 16:16)
In this above extract form John 16:16, the words "a little while" need explanation, because it is controversial between Muslims and Christians. According to Christians, these words mean three days, in order to prove the dogma of resurrection, but resurrection is too a false story as I have mentioned it earlier, while. according to the Muslims, these words (a little while) cover the time period of centuries. Let us examine that who is right in understanding the correct meaning of "a little while later" in the light of facts. If these words are taken as three days, according to the Christians, then it, ultimately, falsifies the prophecy of Jesus ( Peace be upon him ) about the coming of a helper after him, because there came no prophet, who had to come to after Jesus ( Peace be upon him ) in three days after the so-called crucifixion of Jesus ( Peace be upon him ). So in this way, Christians theirself falsify the words of Jesus ( Peace be upon him ). Because neither Bible nor Christians proclaim about a prophet who came in these three days. On the other hand, if it is taken according to the Islamic point of view, it will prove the prophecy of Jesus ( Peace be upon him ) as well as no one can dare to blame Jesus ( Peace be upon him ) of telling a lie.
I have explicitly explained the words "a little while later" and mentioned its real meaning in the light of strong and undeniable arguments. |
Now there are two points of view before you, and you have to choose either one, Islamic point of view or Christian's dogma. If you choose later, you will blame Jesus ( Peace be upon him ) for telling a lie. And however, if you love Jesus ( Peace be upon him ), you will choose the former one because it is against the mannerism of love to put a charge on his own beloved one.
In short, the above discussion results that Jesus ( Peace be upon him ) completed his work and he conveyed the message of Allah to mankind. He taught the people unity of God and that he was a prophet of God, in these words:
"And this is life eternal, that they might know that the only true God and Jesus Christ ( Peace be upon him ), whom thou hast sent." (John 17:3, 1978 Edition)
Qur'an also testifies him. He (i.e. Jesus Peace be upon him ) spoke "Lo," I am the slave of God. He hath given me the scripture appointed me a prophet." He informed the people about the coming of a helper, the prophet in these words"
"When, however, the spirit comes, who reveals the truth about God, he will lead you into all the truth about God." (John 16:13)
The Holy Qur'an also testifies the words of Jesus ( Peace be upon him ) in these words:
"and bringing good tidings of a messenger who cometh after me whose name is "Praised one." (Qur'an 61:6)
"The praised" is very meaning of name Muhammad ( May Blessing and Peace be upon him ).
Jesus ( Peace be upon him ) did not tell only the coming of a prophet after him but also mentioned his Characteristics that:
"He will not speak on his own authority, but he will speak of what hears, and will tell you of things to come." (John 16:13)
The Holy Qur'an also testifies the Jesus ( Peace be upon him ) about mentioning the properties of the Prophet i.e. Muhammad ( May Blessing and Peace be upon him ) in these words:
"He does not speak of his own desire. It is but a revelation which is sent down to him. One mighty in power has taught him." (Qur'an 53:3)
"And he is not stingy in the matter of conveying the knowledge of the unseen." (Qur'an 81:24)
That whole discussion clearly proves that the foretold prophet, by the Jesus ( Peace be upon him ), is Muhammad ( May Blessing and Peace be upon him ). If you don't believe in Muhammad ( May Blessing and Peace be upon him ) having read these all references from the Holy Qur'an and Bible, then I write for you, what Jesus ( Peace be upon him ) told about the people like you, because there is no real remedy for such people.
"Seeing they see not, and hearing they hear not, neither do they understand." (Matthew 13:13)
The Holy Qur'an also testifies this statement about such people in these words:
"Deaf, dumb, and blind, they will not return to the path." (Qur'an 2: )
Before going to discuss about the prophesies, which you have quoted from old testament, I want to clear that, we Muslims, believe in the Holy Qur'an, and according to the teachings of Qur'an, every country of the world had its divine messengers, who were one and all, human beings, and who were sent to mankind, at different periods of history, ever since the first beginnings of human life on earth.
Jesus ( Peace be upon him ) was also one among them. Belief in all of them is an article of Islamic faith. The religion preached by all those messengers or prophets ( Peace be upon them ) was the same, namely, Islam (Little submission to the will of God), though it received its perfection of form in the Qur'anic Revelation. Therefore all the divinely inspired teachers of mankind are the prophets of a Muslim. The Holy Prophet Muhammad ( May Blessing and Peace be upon him ) being the last and final one. As Muslim believes in all the revealed scripture, though he follows only the Qur'an, firstly, it claims to attain the authentic teachings given in all the former scriptures, and secondly, because none of the former scriptures exists in its original and pure form. Such a case concerns to the Bible also. It has also lost its authenticity and integrity. But Christians offirm that their religion is based upon the New-Testament i.e. Christianity is revealed religion. But I say, it is merely a proclamation without proof. A revealed religion, in order to establish its claim, must produce a book revealed by God to the founder of that religion. But Jesus ( Peace be upon him ) gave no book to his followers. The New testament is only a collection of four incomplete narrations of his earthly sojourn by four individuals, two of them St. Mark nd St. Luke were not his dispels, the acts of apostles, some Epistle - majority of them by St. Paul, who had not seen him, and revelation of St. John.
The question remains, where is book complied by the founder of religion? Alas! Christianity is a religion without a revealed book. To the lump excuse, that the four Gospels were revealed to the synoptists and St. John by God. I would resort that :
St. Luke accept that it is not a revelation by God, but a compiled biography of Jesus ( Peace be upon him ) from hearsay. He Says:
"Many people have done their best to write a report of things that have taken place among us ……………… it would be good to write an orderly account for you. I do this……………….. . (Luke 1:1 to 4)
This preface by St. Luke proves that Jesus ( Peace be upon him ) left no book behind him, so his followers took upon themselves that task of setting forth a declaration of things most surely believed among them.
Why did God recall His words to these four writers and why did he not reveal to the founder Himself?
But the difficulty does not end here. Even the books written by Jesus followers lost to us for good. Hence no reliance can be placed upon these beautifully bound copies of the "Authorised Version" and the "Revised Version" in English and their multilingual translations in other languages. Their reversed version is an improvement upon the "authorised version" and this is the translation of certain Greek MSS. Viz., Codex Veticanus, Codex Alexandrines, Codex Ephraem and Codex Benzac, supposed to have been scribed during fifth and sixth century after Christ.
Taking for granted that the original MS, was in Greek, the question arises how to account for the wide gap of five centuries between the original text and its existing copies mentioned above? How can it be proved that Codex Veticanus is the faithful copy of the original text?
Where is the original text written during the life time of original writers or compilers of the New testaments? |
Is there any evidence available that these Greek MSS. Are genuine or authentic production of the original?
These books could not be in Greek because Jesus ( May Blessing and Peace be upon him ) was a Jew, he born in a Jewish family, he preached Jews and his earliest converts were Jews, he spoke Aramic - as it is evident from his last words on the cross, "Eli, Eli, Lama Sabachthani.. Under these circumstances, it is impossible that Jesus ( Peace be upon him ) and his disciples spoke and wrote in Greek - a language quite foreign to the Jews.
All commentators have agreed upon the fact that Matthew wrote his Gospel in Hebrew, but the text has been lost to us, for good. Now arises the pertinent question, who can prove that these existing Greek MSS, are faithful translation of the original Hebrew Gospel which is now no more to be seen in the world?
Thus I say with confidence that Christianity is a religion without any revealed book.
One more question, and I will bring this tragic story to close. According to all church historians of repute, says Mr. Mosheim in his "Ecclesiastical History", there were current in Christendom no less than 133 Gospels during the first three centuries after Christ.
In this connection, one would venture to ask the following questions:
1.Who selected these four out of 133 Gospels, which were current in the Christian world?
2.What authority had he? What section lay behind the selection?
3.Was it one individual or a body who did it?
4.What criterion did he keep before him in making this selection made?
The authenticity of the Qur'an:
We, Muslim, do not believe in translations or versions or recensions or editions. We are justly proud of possessing the entire word of God, revealed to the Holy Prophet ( May Blessing and Peace be upon him ) by Allah Himself in its original purity and pristine glory, in the very language which the Holy Prophet ( May Blessing and Peace be upon him ) and his blessed companions ( May Allah happy with them ) spoke. From China to Morocco, one and the same Qur'an is recited by the faithful in mosques and at home. No doubt, we have translated it into so many languages and dialects, but we always recite in Arabic - the original tongue in our daily prayers.
There is preserved in Baroda State Library, a MS of Holy Qur'an compiled in 143 A.H., Two others and more ancient are preserved in Constantinople, and one in Tashkent, the capital city of Uzbikistan, written during the caliphate of Hazrat Usman ( May Allah happy with him ), only eighteen or twenty years after the death of the Holy Prophet ( May Blessing and Peace be upon him ) and these M.S. of Qur'an are exactly the same as the one lying on my table at this moment. The copies of the Qur'an current during the caliphate of Usman ( Peace be upon him ) were made out of the text preserved by Hazrat Abu-Bakar Siddiq ( May Allah happy with her ), and his text was collected by him during the life time of the Holy Prophet ( May Blessing and Peace be upon him ) and was approved by him in explicit terms. Its authenticity, integrity and genuineness were infect guaranteed by the Holy Prophet ( May Blessing and Peace be upon him ). He actually supervised the task of compilation and during the last Ramadaan of his life, he recited the whole of the Qur'an from beginning to the end in the presence of the faithfuls, he recited the Qur'an twice before Gabriel ( Peace be upon him ).
Moreover, there were more than five score companions of the Prophet ( May Blessing and Peace be upon him ), who could recite the Holy Qur'an by heart. In the short, the Qur'an which we read is not even an iota different from the one recited by the companions of the Holy Prophet ( May Blessing and Peace be upon him ).
Finally, the Qur'an has always been free from variations in the text as well as interpolations of all sort which have crept into the text of the New testament. Even the so-called original Greek MSS differ from one another in many places and in the absence of the genuine text, it is quite impossible now to determine the genuineness of the verses in question. But in the words of Sir S. Muir, except the Qur'an, "there is no other book under the sun, which for the last twelve centuries has remained with so pure a text". (Vide Life of Muhammad ( May Blessing and Peace be upon him ) - Introduction - by Sir W. Muir published 1858)
Now, let us come to analyse the first prophecy which you have quoted from Isa, 7:14 :
"Therefore, the Lord himself will give you a sign, the virgin will be with child …………………… …………. Will call him Immanuel." |
In this extract, the word "virgin" is translation of the Hebrew word of a'lmah. The word a'lmah does not mean "virgin" as generally interpreted by the Christian theologians and therefore applied to the virgin Mary, but it signifies "a marriageable woman, maiden, demsel". Now Christians also have accepted this, you can see this in the revised version of Bible, and you will find there "a young woman, who is pregnant." But it is still wrong because the Hebrew word for virgin, is "bthula". So you can't use the word "a'lmah" which means a marriageable woman, for Mary ( May Allah happy with her ), the mother of Jesus ( Peace be upon him ). Then the child's name is to be Emanuel, which means "God is with us". There are hundreds of Hebrew names, which are composed of "el" and another noun, which terms either the first or the last syllable of such compound nouns. Neither Isaih nor King Ahaz, nor any Jew, ever thought that the newly born infant would be himself "God-with-us". They never thought anything else but that his name only would be as such. But the text expressly says that it was Ahaz (who seems to have known the maiden with child), that would give the boy that name. Ahaz was in danger his enemies were pressing hard against Jerusalem, and this promise was made to him by showing him a sign, namely, a pregnant maiden, and not a virgin Mary ( May Allah happy with her ), that would come into the world more than seven hundred years later. This simple prediction of child, that would be born during the reign of Ahaz was equally misunderstood by the writer of the gospel of Matthew. (Matthew 1:23)
"The name "Jesus" was given by the Angel Gabriel" (Matthew 1:21) and he was never called "Emanuel". Is it not scandalous to take this name as an argument and proof of the Christian doctrine of the "Incarration".
The second extract from Isa : chapter 9 indicates towards a person who would be sent to an earth, full of ignorance. This sign tells that Jesus ( Peace be upon him ) can't fulfill this prophecy because he was not sent to the earth of ignorance and death. But he came to an earth which was already illuminated by different prophets like John Boptist, Zacharia and Eliah ( Peace be upon them ). Secondly, we come to know, in the light of Bible, that only 12 persons accepted him but they also left him in difficulty, when he was taken to cross. So he does not deserve the title of wonderful counselor. Thirdly he can't be Mighty God. Because he taught, according to Bible, his followers, the unity of God.
The scripture says, "worship the Lord, your God, and serve Him only." (Matthew 4:10)
Fourthly he had no any kingdom. So he can't be a prince. Fifthly he had no any government to rule. So how could he run it? Your Bible is also quite about his government and ruling authority. So he does not deserve this prophecy. On the contrary, if we see the life of the Holy Prophet Muhammad ( May Blessing and Peace be upon him ), he really deserves this prophecy. Anybody who knows the life history of Muhammad ( May Blessing and Peace be upon him ), he will testify that he was a wonderful counselor , and an everlasting spiritual father of the mankind, because he changed the life of uncounted people by his teaching. He was not only a prince of peace but a symbol of peace, who forgave his bitter enemies when he conquered the Holy Macca, when he established the government of Islam in Madina even a single drop of blood did not shed. There is no end to his government, you can see that there are so many countries in the world are called Islamic republican. He also fulfills the former part for this prophecy. Hence, he is the one, who was sent to the Arabs, who were the people of darkness. No prophet came there after Isamil ( Peace be upon him ), then Muhammad ( May Blessing and Peace be upon him ) was sent to them and he was given birth by a married woman of Abdullah ( May Allah happy with them ), and he illuminated them by the light of revelation.
In the last lines, you wrote that you accepted Christianity and became a Christian. After reading your story, I think you came to trust in Christianity only, because these prophesies which are found in the old testament, though, you admitted that Bible was not reliable for you. Then how did you know its integrity and how did you come to know that Bible including both old testament and New testament are not corrupted, unchanged and interpolated book. I, on your behalf, to write briefly some points which will prove the old testament is also an unreliable book and it can never be, in this current state, words of God. There are a lot of discrepancies and contradictions in Bible, so it is not trustworthy and reliable. I write a few discrepancies and contradictions, you will find that the authors of the books of "Chronicles" and of "Samuel" are telling us the same story about David ( Peace be upon him ) a census of Jews. Where did David ( Peace be upon him ) get his inspiration to do this novel deed? The author of two "Samuel" (24:1) says that it was the "Lord", God who moved (RSV. Incited) David, but the author of "Chronicles" (21:1) says that it was satan, who provoked (RSV. Incited) David to such a dastradly thing! How could the Almighty God have been the source of these contradictory "inspiration"? is it a God or Satan? In which religion God is synonymous with Davil.
Read it :
II Samuel 24
"And again the anger of the Lord was kindled against Israel and he moved David to say, go, number Israel and Judah."
I Chronicles 21
" And satan stood up against Israel and provoked David to number Israel."
Read coming extracts and see the discrepancy in both :
The writer of the II Samuel, anonymous,, writes, "So God came to David, and told him and said unto him, shall seven years of famine come unto thee in thy Lord; or wilt thou flee three months before thine enemies, while they peruse thee? (II Samuel 24:13)
(I Chronicles 21:11)
" 11 - So Gad came to David, and said to him, thus saith the Lord, Choose thee 12 - Either three years famine; or three months to be destroyed before thy foes, while that the sword of thine enemies overtaketh thee
How Old Was JEHOIACHIN? 8 or 18
"Jehoiachin was eight years old when he began to reign, and he reigned three months and ten days in Jerusalem : and he did that which was evil in the sight of the Lord." (II Chronicles 36:9)
"Jehoiachin was eighteen years old when he began to reign, and he reigned in Jerusalem three months. And his mother's name was Elnathan of Jerusalem." (II Kings 24:8)
700 or 7000 ?
" 18 And the Syrians fled before Israel; and David slew the men of Seven hundred horsemen, and smote Shobach the captain of their host, who died there." (II Samuel 10)
" 18 Nut the Syrians fled before Israel : and David Slew of Syrians Seven thousands footmen and killed Shopach the captain of the host." (I Chronicles 19)
" 26 And it was an hand breadth thick, and the brim thereof was wrought like the brim of a cup, with flowers of lilies : it contained two thousands flowers." (I Kings 7)
" 5 And the thickness of it was an handbreadth, and the brim of it like the brim of a cup, with flowers of lilies : and it received and held three thousand baths." (II Chronicles 4)
" And Solomon had four thousand stalls of horses and chariots, and twelve thousand horsemen; whom he bestowed in the chariot cities, and with the king at Jerusalem." (II Chronicles, chapter 9:25)
IS ONLY 36000!
"And Solomon had forty thousand stalls of horses for his chariots, and twelve thousand horsemen." (I Kings, Chapter 4:26)
Bible is such an immodest, immoral and sexual book that it can't be called the word of God. It can't be given to the children and noble men for study.
See following chapters :
"Genesis chapter 19 from 30 to the end."
"Genesis chapter 38"
"II Samuel chapter 11."
I want to draw your attention to the most amazing thing, that according to the genealogy of Jesus ( Peace be upon him ) , given by St. Matthew and St. Luke, six adulteres and offspring of incest have been imposed upon this Holy Man Prophet of Allah. So according to the teachings of old testament, he can't be a prophet as Moses ( Peace be upon him ) says:
"No one born out of wedlock or any descendent of such a person, even in the tength generation may included among the Lord's people." (Due 23:2) |
Note :- According to the Islamic belief Jesus ( Peace be upon him ) is a prophet of God.
If, you still don't reject Bible, having read all of these proofs then I prove the prophethood of the Holy Prophet Muhammad ( May Blessing and Peace be upon him ) from your believed and trustful book, old testament.
Moses ( Peace be upon him ) prophases about the promised prophet in these words:
"The Lord came from Sinai, and rase up from seir unto them, he shined forth form mount Paran and he came with ten thousands of saints from his right hand, went a fiery law yea, he loved the people, all his saints are in thy hand and they sent down at thy feet, everyone shall receive of thy words." (Due 33:2,3)
(It is very shameful for Christians that they have tried to change this prophecy in the edition 1979 and they have changed the word "saints" into angels.) and in urdu version it has been replaced by "a million of angels-"
In these words, the Lord has been compared with the sun. he comes from Sinai, he rises from sier, but he shines in his full glory from Paran, the Mecca mountain, where he had to appear with ten thousands of saints with a fiery law in his right hand. None of Israelites, including Jesus ( Peace be upon him ), had anything to do with Paran, the Macca mountain Hager ( May Allah happy with her ) with her son Ismael ( Peace be upon him ) wondered in the wilderness of Beirsheba, who afterwards dwell in the wilderness of Paran, and he was Ismael ( Peace be upon him ) who was promised by God, that he will make him a great nation. See Genesis; chapter 21
"for I will make him a great nation." (Genesis 21:18)
Read this quotation about his dwelling in the wilderness of Paran.
"And he dwelt in the wilderness of Paran and his mother took him a wife out of the land of Egypt." (Genesis 21:21)
He married an Egyptian woman, and through his first born, Kedar, gave descend to the Arabs who from that time till now are dwellers of the wilderness of Paran. And if Muhammad ( May Blessing and Peace be upon him ) admittedly on all hands traces his descent to Ismael ( Peace be upon him ) through Kedar and he appeared as prophet in the wilderness of Paran and re-entered Mecca with ten thousands saints and gave a fiery law to his people, is not the prophecy above mentioned fulfilled to its very letter? The words of prophecy in Habakkuk are especially noteworthy. His (the Holy one from Paran) glory covered the heavens and the earth was full of his praise. The word "praise" is very significant, as very name Muhammad ( May Blessing and Peace be upon him ) literally means, "the praised one".
In connection with it, there are two other prophecies worthy of note where references has been made to Kedar, the father of Arab.
The one runs thus in chapter 60 of Isaiah:
"Arise, shine; for the light is come, and the glory of the Lord is risen upon thee. For, behold, the darkness shall cover the earth, and gross darkness the people. But the Lord shall arise upon thee, and his glory shall be seen upon thee. And the Gentiles shall come to they light, and kings to the brightness of they rising ………… …… …………………. . All the flocks of Kedar shall be gathered together unto thee, the rams of Nebaioth shall minister unto thee: they shall come up with acceptance on mine alter, and I will glorify the house of my glory." (Isaiah 60: 1 to 8)
the other prophecy is again in Isaiah :
"For thus hath the Lord said unto me, within year, according to the years of a hireling, and all the glory of Kedar shall fail.
Ant the residue of the number of archers, the mighty men of the children of Kedar, shall be diminished: for the Lord God Israel hath spoken it." (Isaiah 21:16,17)
Read this prophecy in Isaiah in the light of one in duetronomy which speaks of the shining forth of God from Paran. If Ismael inhabited the wilderness of Paran, where he gave birth to Kedar, who is the ancestor of Arab, and if the son of Kedar had to receive revelation from God. If the flocks of Kedar had to come up with acceptance to a divine alter to glorify the house of my glory, where the darkness had to cover the earth for some centuries and that very land had to receive light from God, and if all the glory of Kedar had to fail and number of archers, the mighty men of children of Kedar, had to diminish within a year after the one fled from the swords and from the bent bows the Holy one from Paran." (Hab: 3:20) Is no one else than Muhammad ( May Blessing and Peace be upon him ). Muhammad ( May Blessing and Peace be upon him ) is the holy offspring of Ismael ( Peace be upon him ) through Kedar, who settled in the wilderness of Paran. Muhammad ( May Blessing and Peace be upon him ) is the only Prophet through whom the Arabs received revelation at the time when the darkness had cover the earth. Through him God shone form Paran, and Mecca is the only place where the house of God is glorified and the flocks of Kedar came up with acceptance on its alter. Muhammad ( May Blessing and Peace be upon him ) was persecuted by his people and had to leave Mecca. He was thirsty and fled from drawn sword and the bent bow, and within a year after his light the descendants of Kedar meet him at Badar, the place of the first battle between the Meccans and the Prophet, the children of Kedar and their number of archers diminish and all the glory of Kedar fails. If the Holy Prophet ( May Blessing and Peace be upon him ) is not to be accepted as the fulfillment of all these prophecies, they will still remain unfulfilled. "The House of my Glory" referred to in Isaiah chapter 60 is the house of God at Mecca and not the Church of Christ as thought by Christian commentators. The flocks of Kedar, as mentioned in verse 7, had never come to the Church of Christ, and it is a fact that the village of Kedar and their in habitants are the only people in the whole world who have remained unpenetrable to any influence of the Church of Christ. Again, the mention of 10,000 saints in deutronomy chapter 33 is very significant.
"He (God) shined forth from Paran, and he came with 10,000 saints" |
Read the whole history of the wilderness of Paran and you find no other event but when Mecca was conquered by the Prophet ( May Blessing and Peace be upon him ). He came with 10,000 followers from Madina and re-enters "The house of my Glory". He gives the fiery law to the world, which reduced to ashes all other laws. The comforter – the spirit of Truth - spoken of by Jesus ( Peace be upon him ) was no other than Muhammad ( May Blessing and Peace be upon him ) himself. It can't be taken as the Holy Ghost, as the Church theology says, "It is the expedient for you that I go away, " says Jesus ( Peace be upon him ), "for if I go not away the comforter will not come unto you, but if I depart, I will send unto you" The words clearly show that the comforter had to come after the departure of Jesus ( Peace be upon him ), and was not with him, when he uttered these words. Are we to presume that Jesus was deviod ( Peace be upon him ), besides, the way in which Jesus ( Peace be upon him ) describes him makes him a human being not a ghost. "He shall not speak of himself, but whatsoever he shall hear that he shall speak". Should we presume that the Holy Ghost and God are two distinct entities and that the Holy Ghost speaks of himself and also what he hear from God? The words of Jesus ( Peace be upon him ) clearly refer to some messenger from God. He calls him the spirit of truth, and so the Qur'an speaks of Muhammad ( May Blessing and Peace be upon him ), "Nay, he has come with the truth and verified the apostles".
There are too many prophecies which are found in Bible about Muhammad ( May Blessing and Peace be upon him ). But I write only one on your behalf that you may achieve the light of guidance.
There is a prophecy in Duetronomy in these words:
" I will raise them up a prophet from among their brethren, like unto thee, and I will put my words in his mouth; and he shall speak unto them all that I shall command him." (Deu 18:18)
The Christian commentators proclaim that this prophecy refers Jesus and they try to prove resemblance between jesus and Moses ( Peace be upon him ) on the base of two points, firstly Moses ( Peace be upon him ) was Jew, and jesus was also a jew secondly Moses ( Peace be upon him ) was a prophet and Jesus ( Peace be upon him ) was also a prophet, so Jesus ( Peace be upon him ) was like Moses ( Peace be upon him ). But I say that, on the basis of these two points, this resemblance can be proved, very easily, for other persons also like David, solomon and Zacharia ( Peace be upon them ); because all of them were Jews as well as prophets. Thus it is not a real criterion to prove the resemblance between Moses and Jesus ( Peace be upon them ). On the contrary, I tell you that Jesus ( Peace be upon him ) was not like Moses ( Peace be upon him ), firstly, according to you - Jesus ( Peace be upon him ) is a God, but Moses ( Peace be upon him ) is not a God, therefore Jesus ( Peace be upon him ) is not like Moses ( Peace be upon him ). Secondly, according to you - Jesus ( Peace be upon him ) died for the sins of the world, but Moses ( Peace be upon him ) did not have to die for the sins of the world, therefore Jesus ( Peace be upon him ) is not like Moses ( Peace be upon him ). Thirdly, according to you - Jesus ( Peace be upon him ) went to Hell for three days, but Moses ( Peace be upon him ) did not have to go there; therefore Jesus ( Peace be upon him ) is not like Moses ( Peace be upon him ).
Now I show you that Muhammad ( May Blessing and Peace be upon him ) is a only person who fulfills the requirements of this prophecy, because:
1. Moses ( Peace be upon him ) had a father and mother. Muhammad ( May Blessing and Peace be upon him ) also had father and mother. But Jesus ( Peace be upon him ) had only a mother, and no human father, therefore Jesus ( Peace be upon him ) is not like Moses ( Peace be upon him ), but Muhammad ( May Blessing and Peace be upon him ) is like Moses ( Peace be upon him ).
2. Moses ( Peace be upon him ) and Muhammad ( May Blessing and Peace be upon him ) were born in the normal, natural course, i.e. the physical association of man and woman, but Jesus ( Peace be upon him ) was created by a special miracle, you can see it in the Gospel of St. Matthew, it mentions:
"…………….. before they came together, she was found with child by the Holy Ghost." (1:18)
Therefore Jesus ( Peace be upon him ) is not like Moses ( Peace be upon him ), but Muhammad ( May Blessing and Peace be upon him ) is like Moses ( Peace be upon him ). |
3. Moses and Muhammad ( Peace be upon them ) married and begot children, but Jesus ( Peace be upon him ) remained a bachelor all of his life. Therefore Jesus ( Peace be upon him ) is not like Moses ( Peace be upon him ), but Muhammad ( May Blessing and Peace be upon him ) is like Moses ( Peace be upon him ).
4. Moses and Muhammad ( Peace be upon them ) were accepted as prophets by their people in their very life time. No doubt the Jews gave endless troubles to Moses ( Peace be upon him ), but as a nation they acknowledged that Moses ( Peace be upon him ) was a messenger of God sent to them. In the same way, Muhammad ( May Blessing and Peace be upon him ) also suffered very badly by the Arabs. But before his demise, the Arab nation as a whole accepted him as a messenger of Allah.
But, according to the Bible: "He came unto his own, but his own received him not." (John 1:11)
Therefore Jesus ( Peace be upon him ) is not like Moses (Peace be upon him), but Muhammad (May Blessing and Peace be upon him ) is like Moses (Peace be upon him).
5. Moses and Muhammad ( May Blessing and Peace be upon them ) were prophets as well as kings. By king, I mean a person who has the power of life and death over his people. It is immaterial whether he was ever addressed as king or monarch. If the man has the prerogative of inflicting capital punishment, he is a king.
Moses ( Peace be upon him ) possessed such a power. As the Bible testifies that "a Israelite who was found picking up fire wood on Sabbath day, and Moses ( Peace be upon him ) had him stoned to death. (Numbers 15:36)
There are many other crimes also mentioned in Bible for which capital punishment was inflicted on the Jews at the behest of Moses ( Peace be upon him ). Muhammad ( May Blessing and Peace be upon him ), too, had the power of life and death over his people. But the Holy Prophet Jesus (Peace be upon him ) could only deliver message, but could not enforce the law, like lot, Jonah, Daniel and John the Baptist ( Peace be upon them ). The Christian Gospel confirms this, when Jesus ( Peace be upon him ) was dragged the Roman governor, Pontius Pilate, charged for sedition, Jesus (Peace be upon him ) made a conveneing point in his defence to refute the false charge. Jesus (Peace be upon him ) answered :
"My kingdom is not of this world; if my kingdom were of this world, that would my servants fight, that I should not be delivered to the Jews, But now is my kingdom not from hence." (John 18:36)
This extract clearly proves that Jesus ( Peace be upon him ) had a spiritual kingdom only. In other words he was a prophet only. Therefore Jesus ( Peace be upon him ) is not like Moses ( Peace be upon him ), but Muhammad ( May Blessing and Peace be upon him ) is like Moses ( Peace be upon him ).
6. Moses & Muhammad ( May Blessing and Peace be upon them ) brought new laws and new regulations for their people. As regards Jesus ( Peace be upon him ), when the Jews felt suspicious of him that he might be an impostor with designs to pervert their teachings, Jesus ( Peace be upon him ) took pains to assure them that he had not come with a new religion. I quote his own words"
"Think not that I am come to destroy the law, or the prophets. I am not come to destroy, but to fulfill. For verily, I say unto you, till heaven and earth pass, one jot or title shall in no wise pass from the law, till all be fulfilled." (Matthew 5:17,18)
in other words he had not come with any new laws and regulations, he came only to fulfill old law. Therefore Jesus ( Peace be upon him ) is not like Moses ( Peace be upon him ), but Muhammad ( May Blessing and Peace be upon him ) is like Moses ( Peace be upon him ). |
7. Both Moses and Muhammad ( May Blessing and Peace be upon them ) was died natural deaths, but according to Christianity, Jesus ( Peace be upon him ) violently killed on the cross. Therefore Jesus ( Peace be upon him ) is not like Moses ( Peace be upon him ), but Muhammad ( May Blessing and Peace be upon him ) is like Moses ( Peace be upon him ).
Note :- According to the Holy Qur'an Jesus ( Peace be upon him ) was not crossified, but he was uplifted to the skies and he is still alive.
8. Moses and Muhammad ( May Blessing and Peace be upon him ) both lie buried in earth, but Jesus ( Peace be upon him ) rests in heaven. Therefore Jesus ( Peace be upon him ) is not like Moses ( Peace be upon him ), but Muhammad ( May Blessing and Peace be upon him ) is like Moses ( Peace be upon him ).
What I have written up to now, from one to eight, is to prove only one point out of the whole prophecy --- that is proving the phrase "Like unto thee"----- like you -----like Moses ( Peace be upon him ). This prophecy is much more than this single phrase which reads as follows :
"I will raise them up a prophet from among their brethren like unto thee ………………"
The emphasis is on the words --- "From among their brethren". Moses ( Peace be upon him ) and his people, the Jews, are here addressed as a reeial entity and as such their brethren would undoubtedly be the Arabia. You see, the Holy Bible speaks of Abraham ( Peace be upon him ) as the "Friend of God". Abraham ( Peace be upon him ) had two wives, Sarah and Hagar ( May Allah happy with them ), Hagar ( May Allah happy with her ) bore Abrham ( Peace be upon him ) a son, his first born. "……………….. And Abraham ( Peace be upon him ) called his son's name which Hagar ( May Allah happy with her ) bore, Ismael ( Peace be upon him )." (Genesis, 16:15)
"And Ismael, his son was thirteen years after the birth of Ismael ( Peace be upon him ) God granted Abraham ( Peace be upon him ) another son through Sarah ( May Allah happy with her ), named Isaac ( Peace be upon him ). Hence children of one father are the brethren of each other, so the children of the one are the brethren of the children of the other. The children of Isaac ( Peace be upon him ) are the Jews and the children of Ismael ( Peace be upon him ) are the Arabs. So they are brethren to one another Bible affirms:
" And he Ismael ( Peace be upon him ) shall dwell in the presence of all his brethren." (genesis 16:12)
"And he died in the presence of all his brethren." (Genesis 25:18)
The children of Isaac ( Peace be upon him ) are the brethren of the Ismaelites in the same manner Muhammad ( May Blessing and Peace be upon him ) is from among the brethren of the Israelites, because he was a descendent of Ismael ( Peace be upon him ), the son of Abraham ( Peace be upon him ). This is exactly as the prophecy has it:
From among there brethren" (Due 18:18) |
There the prophecy distinctly mentions that the coming prophet who would be like Moses ( Peace be upon him ), must arise not from the "children of Israel" or "from among themselves" but from among their brethren Muhammad ( May Blessing and Peace be upon him ), therefore was among their brethren.
The prophecy precedes further, "……………. And I will put my words into his mouth". It, clearly, means that the coming prophet will not utter his own words but he will imitate and repeat the words of God. You can see this thing in case of Prophet Muhammad ( May Blessing and Peace be upon him ) when he received first revelation, the Archangel Gabriel ( Peace be upon him ) asked him to read but he refused him saying that I am not learned. The angel commanded him a second time with the same result. For the third time the angel continued.
"Read in the name of thy Lord and cherisher, who created." (Holy Qur'an 96:1)
Then Muhammad ( May Blessing and Peace be upon him ) grasped that what was required of him was to repeat to rehearse. And he repeated the words as they were put into his mouth. You can see such a particular style at so many places in the Holy Qur'an. I am writing for you a few examples, in chapter 112, Allah Almighty reveals his last prophet:
"Say; He is Allah the one." In chapter 113, Allah Almighty orders his prophet Muhammad ( May Blessing and Peace be upon him ),
"Say; I seek refuge in the Lord of day break." In chapter 114, Allah Almighty addresses his prophet in the same manner of "putting words into his mouth":
"Say; I seek refuge in the Lord of mankind." During the twenty three years of revelation, words were put into his mouth and he uttered them, this was exactly as foretold in the prophecy under discussion:
"And I will put my words in his mouth." (Deu 18:18) Muhammad ( May Blessing and Peace be upon him ) experience in the cave of Hira, later to be known as Jabal-un-Noor "The Mount of Light" and his response to that revelation is the exact fulfillment of another Biblical prophecy. In the book of Isaiah; chapter 24, verse 12, we read:
"And the book (Al-Kitab, Al-Qur'an, - The reading; the recitation) is delivered to him that is not learned."
[(An-nabi-Al-Ummi) The unlettered prophet, Holy Qur'an 7:158] "saying read this I pray thee" (the words "I pray thee" are not in the Hebrew manuscripts; compare with Roman Catholics "Douay version and also with the revised standard version")
"And he saith I am not learned" (I am not learned is the exact translation of the words " Ma Ana bi qari in " which words Muhammad ( May Blessing and Peace be upon him ) uttered twice to the Holy Ghost-Archangel Gabriel ( Peace be upon him ) when he was commanded " Iqra " "Read". Let me quote the verse in full without a break as found in the king James version or the Authorised version as it is more popularly known"
"And the book is delivered to him that is not learned, saying, read this, I pray thee, and he saith, I am not learned." (Isaiah 29:12)
( Note :- This prophecy also has been changed in the re-revised version of 1979 like other prophecies).
It may be noted that there were no Arabic Bibles in existence in the 6th century of the Christian Era when Muhammad ( May Blessing and Peace be upon him ) lived and preached, besides, he was absolutely unlettered and unlearned. No human had ever taught him a word. His teacher was his creator.
"He does not speak (ought) of his own desire. It is no less than inspiration sent down to him." (Holy Qur'an 53:3,4)
What I have written up to now, it is enough for a searcher of guidance. I have proved the prophethood of Muhammad ( May Blessing and Peace be upon him ) from the New Testament as well as from the Old Testament. Now it is your duty to accept the shinning truth, otherwise read the coming passage what does Jesus ( Peace be upon him ) warn you:
"When judgment day comes, many will say to me, Lord, Lord! In your name we spoke God's message, by your name we drove out many demons and performed many miracles. Then I will say to them, I never knew you, Get away from me, you wicked people." (Matthew 7:22)
Do you consider that why will he reject his lovers and believers in him? I tell you that it would happen only because of disobeying his teachings about God and the coming prophet who had been foretold you. My dear! If you want to save yourself from the wrath of Jesus ( Peace be upon him ) and his God, then accept the true message of Jesus ( Peace be upon him ) about the foretold prophet, the helper, the good tree who bears good fruit i.e. Muhammad ( May Blessing and Peace be upon him ). The Holy Qur'an also invites to the right path of God in this beautiful style :
"Those who follow the messengers, the prophet who can neither read, nor write, when they will find described in Torah and the Gospel (which are) with them he will enjoin on them that which is the right and forbid them which is wrong. He will make lawful for them all good things and prohibit for them only the foul and he ill relieve them of their burden and the fatters that they used to wear. Then those who believe in him and honour him and help him and follow the light which is sent down with him, they are the successful." (Al-Qur'an 7:157)
In the last lines of your letter you wrote:
"I decided to dedicate my entire life to promote the Good News of Christ among Muslims and especially the people of my own country." You further wrote that you received your graduate degree in Bible and Theological Studies.
My dear! I became quite surprised after reading these lines, because according to your Bible, Christianity is not for the whole mankind but it is limited for the scattered sheep of son's of Israel ( Peace be upon him ).
I write it for you from Bible:
"Go not into the way of the Gentiles and into any city of Samaritans an enter ye not but go rather to the lost sheep of the house of Israel ( Peace be upon him )." (Matthew 10:5,6)
You can't show even a single sentence of Jesus ( Peace be upon him ) in which he claimed that he is a prophet for whole mankind, then why do you preach others. This message was only for Israelites, not for the whole mankind. If you preach it to other nations, you will oppose the orders of Jesus ( Peace be upon him ). On the contrary, a Muslim can preach others because Islam is the only religion which has been endowed by Allah |Almighty for the whole mankind, as the Holy Qur'an mentions:
"Say! O, Muhammad ( May Blessing and Peace be upon him ) ! O' mankind! Lo I am the messenger of Allah to you all (the messenger Him) unto whom belongeth, the sovereignty of the heavens and the earth, there is no God save Him. He quickenth and the giveth death. So believe in Allah and his messenger, the prophet, who can neither read nor write, who believeth in Allah and in His words and follow him that haply ye may be led aright." (Qur'an 7:158) So, my dear! I call you from the core of my heart to the true guidance of Allah Almighty i.e. ISLAM.
Allah Knows Best...
Peace yall.... |
Missionary Traps for Muslims
by Macksood Aftab
Managing Editor of The Islamic Herald
The Islamic Herald, April 1996
Part 1: Faith and Works
One of the basic arguments raised by non-Muslims, especially Christians, against Islam concerns the concept of salvation. They say that in Christianity, one is saved by faith, whereas in Islam one must earn their salvation through good deeds.
Unfortunately, many Muslims fall into the trap of defending the position imposed on them by these non-Muslims. This then provides the Christians with a basis for their entire Jesus-Father-Crucifixion-Salvation framework. They then go on to argue that salvation is a gift from God that cannot be earned. But if the true Islamic concept is made clear, the Christian has no basis to attack Islam.
Many times, Muslims fail to realize that the Islamic concept of salvation is not based upon good deeds, but is based primarily upon faith.
In the dozens of times Allah (SWT) talks in the Quran about salvation, he always states, "Those who believe and do good deeds."
Belief is always mentioned before deeds or works.
When one converts to Islam, one does not do it by doing some good work but rather through realizing and believing that there is but one God and Muhammed (SAW) is his last messenger.
Non-Muslims may perform good works as well, but what sets them apart from Muslims is their lack of iman, or belief. The reason that the good works of the non-believers are worthless in the hereafter is because of their disbelief. Unless a person's iman or aqeedah is not correct, all his good deeds are worthless.
One of the more popular hadiths of the Prophet (SAW) states, "All actions are based upon intentions," implying that the purpose, intent, or iman behind your action is what you get rewarded for; the actual action is really a consequence of the belief.
Another hadith states,
"A man came to the Prophet (SAW) and asked,
'When will the day of judgment come?'
The Prophet (SAW) replied, 'What have you prepared for the judgment day that you are so concerned for it?'
He replied, 'I do not have any good deeds in my account, but I do have one thing: I love Allah and His Messenger (SAW).'
The Prophet (SAW) then said, 'In that case, do not worry; you will be with those whom you love.'" (Agreed Upon).
This hadith also confirms the Islamic position of placing aqeedah and belief before actions. For example, Allah (SWT) says in various parts of the Quran, "The believers you will find praying..."
He does not say the people who are praying are believers. It is the belief that brings about the action, but the converse is not always true. Another hadith of the Prophet (SAW) states, "Unless one loves Allah and Allah's Messenger more than one's own self his iman is not complete."
Part 2: The Bible
Another misunderstanding Muslims often fall into concerns the Bible. Christian missionaries in almost every discussion of the Quran assert that the Quran asks Muslims to believe in the Bible as a revelation of God.
Many Muslims tend to fall into this trap by saying that "we believe in the Bible as revealed book."
Once the Muslim accepts this fact, the evangelist can point out that the Bible contradicts the Quran and that since the Bible has precedence over the Quran and since Muslims are required to believe in it, it therefore logically follows that the Bible is right and the Quran is wrong.
But the Quran says no such thing. There is no reference to the Bible in the Quran whatsoever.
The Quran mentions the Taurat and the Injil.
The Taurat is the book given to prophet Moses. This is not the equivalent of the Torah/Pentateuch of the Jews and Christians, since much of it was not written by prophet Moses. And the Taurat is definitely not the Old Testament since the OT includes dozens of books attributed to other prophets before Jesus.
The Injil is translated as the Gospel revealed to prophet Jesus. This is not the New Testament. The New Testament is a collection of 4 biographies of Christ, 27 epistles of St. Paul, and other books on the lives and adventures on the followers of Christ.
There is no record of a book revealed to Jesus. Perhaps the closest to it are the words of Jesus himself, which constitues less than 10% of the NT. Therefore to say that Christians changed the Bible is an inaccurate statement, and can cause trouble in a discussion, because the Christian can then ask questions such as: Who changed the Bible? When exactly was it changed? How do you know it was changed if you don't have a copy of the original?
The Bible, or at least the New Testament, cannot be an altered copy of the Injil because it is a completely different book. In fact, the original Bible or New Testament (the very first one) did not correspond to the Injil, Taurat, or Zabur in the first place. It doesn't matter how unreliably it was transmitted; the Bible does not correspond to the Quranic Injil.
It is not that the Christians have changed the original, but rather they have the wrong book, altogether. The words of Christ are possibly the closest thing to the Injil. The recently discovered Gospel of Thomas, which is nothing but a list of sayings of Jesus, is even closer to the Islamic concept of Injil.
Therefore, it should be kept in mind in discussion with Christians that the Bible has not been changed, but rather the original documents chosen as the word of God were incorrect.
Allah Knows Best...
Peace Yall.... |
http://www.themodernreligion.com ... le_questionair2.htm
Give this question to the missionaries!!!!im sure they will go away from u...:lol
Convert me!
By Cygnus
Under no circumstances will "The LORD works in mysterious ways" or other arguments in that vein be acceptable. If a question does not apply to your particular sect, please explain why.
Explain why God's only son had to die so we can go to magic happy land when we croak.
Did everyone who died before Jesus died go to Hell? Justify your answer.
If a Catholic, justify the Inquisition and other persecutions of "heretics" throughout the centuries, concentrating on why the Pelagianists, the Priscillianists, and the Manichaeans were persecuted; if a Protestant, justify the witch trials and the way that Protestants constantly hunted down native Americans until there were so few that the government could simply take their land; if a member of an Eastern Orthodox church, justify the persecutions of the Old Believers after the reforms of the seventeenth century.
Explain why your sect (whether Catholic, Protestant, or Eastern Orthodox) pursued, tortured, and killed people who were not Christian.
Explain why your sect (whether Catholic, Protestant, or Eastern Orthodox) pursued, tortured, and killed people who were not members of your particular sect.
Explain why I should believe that your god is all-good when the only real information we have about him is the Bible, which clearly describes him as both good and evil. (See Isaiah 30:32, Luke 14:26, Numbers 31:17-18, Matthew 10:34, Amos 3:6, Deuteronomy 18:8, Deuteronomy 20:16, Exodus 20:5, Exodus 32:27, Isaiah 45:7, Psalms 52:5, Luke 22:36, and Jeremiah 18:11 for a small sample of Biblical passages which describe Jehovah as having an evil morality at times).
Explain why children should submit to their parents' decisions even when those decisions are clearly evil. Answering this question entails refuting Deuteronomy 21:18-21, Proverbs 13:24, and Hebrews 12:7-8.
Explain why, if God loves us all, more than half of us are going to Hell after we die. Specifically, refute or explain the following words of Christ, as presented in the New Testament: "Many are called but few are chosen," and "Straight is the gate, and narrow is the way that leadeth unto salvation, and few there be that find it." If your god loves all of us, couldn't he find a better way?
Explain what type of offense could possibly justify eternal, unbearable torture in Hell; if your sect does not believe in Hell, then refute every passage in the Old and New Testaments which describes Hell (such as 2 Thessalonians 1:8-9 and Revelation 20:15).
Explain why possession by demons and/or other evil spirits was common during the time of Jesus, but hardly mentioned in the Old Testament, and apparently has been explained completely away today by things such as epilepsy and schizophrenia.
What is Heaven like?
What is Hell like?
Explain why getting dunked in or sprinkled with water will prevent me from being eternally tortured for the original sin.
Explain why some people (James, Peter, Paul, Thomas, etc.) should get convincing physical proof of miracles, while the rest of us are supposed to take these happenings on faith.
Why are the stories of the resurrection inconsistent?
If you are a Protestant or a member of an Eastern Orthodox church, explain why you are still using the Catholic Bible, which was formalized by a vote among (supposedly divinely inspired) cardinals and bishops in the fourth century CE, when you disagree with the idea that the Pope, who is higher in the Catholic hierarchy, is divinely inspired; if a Catholic, explain why your church accepts the canonical Bible while rejecting the Apocrypha (do not use the "divinely inspired" argument).
If Judas was willing to go to Hell for humanity (see #31), didn't he make more of a sacrifice than Jesus, who spent only three hours in pain? Shouldn't you then be worshipping Judas?
Why should we accept the words of the gospel writers as truth when they are known to be liars? (See Romans 3:7).
Do you believe that God is anti-homosexual? Refute or explain away Leviticus 20:13 and Romans 1:26-27.
According to the Gospels, from the Christian standpoint, Jesus was the most important person to ever live. From the Roman standpoint, Jesus was an annoyance because of his political activities. Explain why nothing was written about his life for over thirty years after his death, and nothing except the Gospels was written until the third century CE.
Define the word "Christ," including references to the pagan origins and meaning of the word.
Explain why Jesus, who was anti-Gentile (see Mark 7:25-29) and anti-sex (see Luke 14:26 and Matthew 19:12), would want to be anointed with oil in a pagan sexual rite after his death.
In light of Matthew 10:34, explain why Jesus is called the Prince of Peace.
The name "Jesus" has been anglicized. What was the original (Hebrew) name of Jesus? Where did you get this information?
Why is it that the life of Jesus was so similar to the lives of pagan Christs, particularly Herakles, Dionysios, and Asklepios?
If God requires that people believe in him and follow his orders through their own free will, why do Christians push their views on public policy?
Explain why being a good Christian requires you to push your beliefs on others. If you do not believe that you have to push your views on others (no matter how much this annoys them), explain why you do not believe this despite the fact that the New Testament seems to suggest that you must do this to get to Heaven (for instance, in Matthew 28:19-20).
Explain why spreading the "truth of Christ" requires you to spread lies about other religions, such as the idea that Wiccans (so-called "white witches") worship the Christian devil. (Incidentally, they don't, and this rumor has been persistently spread by Christians since the second century CE). Why is it not wrong for Christians to spread rumours that Muslims are essentially terrorists inspired by the devil?
At no point in the four Gospels did Jesus claim to be the son of your god. (He said "son of man" quite frequently, and at one point referred to himself as "a son of God," but that was a common Hebrew expression at the time. Someone who was "a son of god" was a Jew. This reflected the Israelites' belief that they were the chosen people of God. See Job 1:6). Why, then, do you believe that Jesus was divine? If you don't believe that Jesus was divine, then why do you call yourself a Christian?
Given the fact that Jesus did not say anything original (the Golden Rule and the "turn the other cheek" idea were from Buddhism, and Jesus clearer said he has come to reiterate the message of the Old Testament; and the Beatitudes were common in the Jewish devotional literature at the time), why do you see Jesus as such a great thinker/ philosopher/ ethicist?
When Jesus said, "Resist not evil: but whosoever shall smite thee on thy right cheek, turn to him the other also," why do you suppose that most Christians fight for their rights? To put it another way, why don't we, as a country of 85% Christians, let the government abuse us?
Why are so many Christian holidays on the same day as Pagan holidays? Couldn't the early Church fathers have converted pagans only by appealing to their reason and/or faith if Christianity is the true religion?
Explain how God can be "just and merciful" in light of Exodus 20:5.
Do you believe that the Old Testament should be accepted as part of Christian theology? If so, explain how you can worship such cruelness (see Numbers 31:17-18, Deuteronomy 20:16, Proverbs 20:30, Amos 3:6, Deuteronomy 13:8, Psalms 3:7, Psalms 52:5, etc.); if not, explain how you can believe that Jesus is the promised savior sent by God without the messianic prophecies and the ruling rights of the line of David, both of which are in the Old Testament in books such as Isaiah, Zechariah, Daniel, Psalms, etc.
Explain why a "just and merciful" God sent bears to kill forty-two children who called his prophet Elisha "baldhead." (See 2 Kings 2:23-24).
If prostitution is wrong, why are there so many examples of it in Genesis? (For instance, Gen 19:8, where Lot offers his daughters to a mob so that his guests can avoid gang rape).
What is the sin that people committed that is so incredibly bad that God had to become flesh and die to correct?
Are all members of other faiths bad? Are they all damned to Hell? Justify your answer with quotes from the Bible.
Are all atheists/agnostics/humanists bad? Are they all damned to Hell? Justify your answer with quotes from the Bible.
Explain how you can believe in Satan when your faith is directly descended from the Jewish faith, when the Jews did not even believe in Satan until they absorbed the Egyptian god Set while they were captives in Egypt.
If Jesus is perfect, justify the parable of the fig tree (Matthew 21:17-19, Mark 11:14-20).
Explain why Christians (that includes all branches of Christianity) have spread the lie that Jews put Jesus to death when, in actuality, it was the Romans who put Jesus to death. (For a good example of New Testament anti-semetism, see 1 Thessalonians 2:15).
If we are created in God's image and likeness (Gen 1:27), how can we also be imperfect? |
Why would God confuse people? (See 1 Sam 7:10 and Gen 11:9). Isn't life confusing enough already?
Why would God want to damn people by making them believe false things? (See 2 Thessalonians 2:11-12).
Should the book of Revelation be taken literally? Explain your answer.
Would it be good for men to castrate themselves? Justify your answer, taking Matthew 19:12 into account.
All of the various Christian sects ignore parts of the Bible, usually because those parts of the Bible are inconvenient. Explain which parts of the Bible your sect ignores, and explain why it is OK to ignore those parts of the Bible.
If Jesus and his father are one (John 10:30), then why does Jesus have to pray (i.e. Matthew 26:39)?
Explain your belief in heaven in light of Job 7:9 and Ecclesiastes 9:5.
Christ giving himself up on the cross was a great gesture, true, but wouldn't it have been more sensible for him to continue spreading his message until he died a natural death?
What is your interpretation of the temptation of Christ by Satan in the desert (Matthew 4:5-8, Luke 4:5-9)?
In view of Matthew 6:5-6, shouldn't prayer in public schools be discouraged? Support your answer with scripture quotes.
Do you feel that the last words of Christ were significant? If so, why do the four gospels attribute three different sentences to Christ as his last? (Matthew 27:46 and Mark 15:34: "My God, My God, why hast thou forsaken me?"; Luke 23:46: "Father, into thy hands I commend my spirit"; John 19:30: "It is finished").
Matthew and Mark say that the last words of Christ were, in Hebrew, "Eloi, Eloi, lama sabachthani?" This has traditionally been translated as, "My God, My God, why hast thou forsaken me?" However, a more accurate translation would be, "My El, My El, why has thou forsaken me?" El is the name of a specific pagan god. Why would Jesus call out to a pagan god at the moment of his death?
The Bible constantly describes God as male. In view of the fact that your god supposedly created everything, and creation is very much a female function, isn't this at least a little bit absurd? Justify your answer. If God is all mighty and above mankind, why does he have to have a gender?
In light of the Trinity, angels, the Virgin Mary, etc., isn't Christianity polytheistic? If the Trinity is three who are one, why the three names? Justify your answer.
Have you read the entire Bible? If not, how can you be devoted enough to try and convert me to a religion that you don't know that much about? Isn't knowing as much as possible about something necessary to understanding it? Isn't understanding something necessary to being completely devoted to it?
Why is 2 Kings 19 exactly identical to Isaiah 37?
Is Jesus's three days in Hell really an ultimate sacrifice, when more than half of humanity going to spend eternity there?
If your sect considers the King James Bible to be the official and/or authoritative translation, justify this in light of the fact that when King James commissioned his translation to be poetic rather than accurate. How can you possibly use an inaccurate translation as your reference for what is/is not the word of God? If your sect does not use the King James Bible, what translation do they use? Justify the use of that particular translation.
If it was foretold that Jesus was to be crucified, and if he knew this, and if he was the son of God, why did he do everything he could to avoid being crucified? (See, for instance, Matthew 26:39).
If the Holy Spirit/Ghost is the father of Jesus (Luke 1:35), then why is the central figure of your trinity called God the Father?
The original Hebrew word for the Holy Ghost/Spirit includes the idea that the Holy Spirit/Ghost is female in gender. Isn't this rather silly when you consider the fact that the Holy Ghost/Spirit is actually the father of Jesus (Luke 1:35)?
Matthew 28:11-15 contains an account of a conspiracy between the Jews and the Roman soldiers to spread the story that the disciples stole the body of Christ. How could Matthew have known about this, since no Jews or Romans would have admitted to it? If it was such a transparent conspiracy that an outsider could have seen it, why didn't the other three gospels mention it? Why didn't the Roman soldiers get into trouble?
Jews believe that people are basically good people and can work to overcome their sinful tendencies. Most Christian sects, following the teaching of Psalm 51:5, 1 Kings 8:46, Ezekiel 18:4, Isaiah 59:2, and Psalm 143:2, believe that people are completely debased and hopelessly lost in sin, and that only God can lift us out of this state if he decides to bestow his gift of grace on us? Isn't this an incredibly negative view of people? Aren't Judaism and Islam more mature faiths just for this reason? |
How do you, as an individual, feel about Psalm 51:5?
What does your sect teach about Psalm 51:5 (and 1 Kings 8:46, etc.), predestination, and similar matters?
Revelation 22:16 says that Jesus is the "offspring of David." Mary was not descended from David, but Joseph was. Doesn't this mean that Jesus wasn't the son of God at all, but the (mortal and not divine) son of Joseph?
What would the correct thing to do be if God gave you a command that was harmful and/or destructive to you? A common argument, which comes from Paul, states that because clay pots don't complain about what the potter does with them, people shouldn't complain about what their maker (supposedly, God) does with them, but this completely ignores the vitally important argument that clay pots have no sense of self-awareness and cannot think or feel love, pain, anger, etc. If you want to make this argument, you have to deal with this difference.
What (or who) does your sect believe the number 666 represents? Justify your answer.
If your god is "just and merciful," why would he take Solomon's kingdom away from Solomon's son while not punishing Solomon, when it was Solomon himself who committed the sin of idolatry? What did Solomon's son do to deserve punishment? (See 1 Kings 11:12).
Why is Solomon commonly considered to be the paragon of wisdom by many Christians, when he constantly sinned against God (1 Kings 11:4-10, etc.)?
Don't you think that an anti-sex position (see question #22) is a rather silly position for your sect to take when the biblical book "Song of Solomon" is a piece of erotic poetry? (For instance, in Song of Solomon 8:2, the bridegroom proposes to "drink of spiced wine of the juice of the pomegranate." The pomegranate was a symbol of the female genitalia, and the "spiced wine" represented menstrual blood).
Does it bother you that the cross, supposedly a Christian symbol, was actually stolen from the Egyptians? Why or why not? (The Egyptian cross, the ankh, was a male-female symbol similar in concept to the yin-yang. When the Christians stole the ankh from the Egyptians, they removed the female symbol, or yoni, leaving only the masculine symbol-- a subtle way of reinforcing the idea that women are lesser beings).
How do you explain that Christians are twice as likely to have sadomasochistic tendencies as non-christians?
What is the incredibly important doctrinal difference that requires the fighting between Catholics and Protestants in Ireland?
What do you think the word "Satanist" means?
How do you explain the fact that the word "blood" occurs over 400 times in the Bible? Isn't this a rather savage way to write a book that is supposed to be at the center of an ethical system?
Throughout the Bible, God commands his followers to wage merciless war on unbelievers (Luke 22:36, Deuteronomy 13:8, Exodus 20:23-25, Deuteronomy 20:16, Matthew 10:34, Numbers 31:17-18, etc). If you are one of his followers, why aren't you out waging merciless war on unbelievers?
Numbers 23:21 says that God "has not seen wickedness in Israel." If this is so, explain why your god burned Israelites for complaining (Num 11:1), sent a plague against them for eating the meat he had given them (Num 11:33), why he burned people for using incense (Num 16:35), why he sent a plague against the Israelites who accused Moses of wrongdoing (Num 16:44-49), and why he sent fiery snakes among the Israelites (Num 21:5). Is the Bible inplying that God lies when it is a matter of convenience?
How do you explain that Matthew and Luke give different genealogies for Jesus?
Matthew says that the prophecy given in Matthew 27:9 was given by Jeremiah. How do you explain that this prophecy was not given by Jeremiah at all, but by Zechariah (in Zech 11:12)?
Matthew says (in Matt 2:21) that Jesus dealt in Nazareth so that he could fulfill a prophecy stating that the Messiah would be called a Nazarene. Where is this prophecy in the Old Testament?
Matthew says that on the triumphant entry into Jerusalem, Jesus was riding on an ass and a colt (Matt 21:7). How do you explain that the original prophecy (Zech 9:9) stated that Jesus would be riding on only one ass, and the other gospel writers place Jesus only on one ass (Mark 11:7, Luke 19:35, and John 12:15)?
In Matthew 1:23, Matthew has the angel say that Jesus would be born of a virgin. However, the prophecy that Matthew is referring to, Isaiah 7:14, uses the Hebrew word almah, which simply means a young woman. It has nothing to do with sexual purity; the Hebrew word for virgin is bethulah. How do you explain this?
Isaiah 7:16 seems to say that before Jesus had reached the age of maturity, both of the Jewish countries would be destroyed. Where is the fulfillment of this prophecy in the New Testament?
Matthew 1:23 says that Jesus would be called Immanuel, which means "God with us." Why does no one (not even his parents) call him Immanuel at any point in the New Testament?
How many inconsistencies in the Bible, other than those mentioned in this paper, do you know of? Cite chapter and verse.
If even the contemplation of sinning is a sin (i.e. "sinning in your heart"; see, for example, Matthew 5:28) and if Jesus was tempted by Satan in the desert (Matthew 4:5-8, Luke 4:5-9), how can you say that Jesus was without sin?
What does your sect think of the government? Read Paul's letter to the Romans, chapter 13. Now what do you think of the government? If necessary, reconcile the two views.
What is your definition of the word Christian?
Why do you think it is that the ancient Greeks, who had a very liberal sexual morality, had many fewer sex crimes (compared to the population) than the United States, which is 85% Christian?
What are the requirements for being saved? Some sects says that faith alone is enough; others say that faith without works is dead. The Bible supports both these viewpoints. What does your sect think?
What is the name of your sect?
How is your sect organized?
How can I get in touch with a priest (minister, etc.) of your sect?
Allah Knows Best...
Peace Yall.... |
unfortunately, nobody reads the posts by anenemy7, not even aenemy7 himself. He jyust cuts and pastes. Ahahahahahahahahaha...................
cheers |
yes they are...keep in touch!!:lol
Allah Knows Best...
Peace Yall.... |
nahh.... i don't read it at all. If yu check teh old threads, I've debunked it all.
There is nothing new you can post here.
cheers |
no force at all...u can read or choose not to read,that's ur right anyway :lol :lol :lol , see ya..keep in touch!!!
Allah Knows Best..
Peace yall... |
| |