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Author: Cari-Azza

Selalu Bikin Kontroversi, Rupa-Rupanya Alicia Amin Dilanda Gangguan Mental. Tak

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Post time 11-9-2019 01:17 PM | Show all posts
Menarik ni untuk pengetahuan


322 million people worldwide live with depression.*
*Source: Our World Data

Losing a loved one, getting fired from a job, going through a divorce, and other difficult situations can lead a person to feel sad, lonely and scared. These feelings are normal reactions to life's stressors. Most people feel low and sad at times. However, in the case of individuals who are diagnosed with depression as a psychiatric disorder, the manifestations of the low mood are much more severe and they tend to persist.

Depression occurs more often in women than men. Some differences in the manner in which the depressed mood manifests has been found based on sex and age. In men it manifests often as tiredness, irritability and anger. They may show more reckless behavior and abuse drugs and alcohol. They also tend to not recognize that they are depressed and fail to seek help. In women depression tends to manifest as sadness, worthlessness, and guilt. In younger children depression is more likely to manifest as school refusal, anxiety when separated from parents, and worry about parents dying. Depressed teenagers tend to be irritable, sulky, and get into trouble in school. They also frequently have co-morbid anxiety, eating disorders, or substance abuse. In older adults depression may manifest more subtly as they tend to be less likely to admit to feelings of sadness or grief and medical illnesses which are more common in this population also contributes or causes the depression.  

Types of Depression

There are different types of depressive disorders, and while there are many similarities among them, each depressive disorder has its own unique set of symptoms.

The most commonly diagnosed form of depression is Major Depressive Disorder. In 2015, around 16.1 million adults aged 18 years or older in the U.S. had experienced at least one major depressive episode in the last year, which represented 6.7 percent of all American adults. Depression is the leading cause of disability in the United States among people ages 15-44.  View the NIMH website for statistics from the 2016 National Survey on Drug Use and Health

Major depression is characterized by at least five of the diagnostic symptoms of which at least one of the symptoms is either an overwhelming feeling of sadness or a loss of interest and pleasure in most usual activities. The other symptoms that are associated with major depression include decrease or increase in appetite, insomnia or hypersomnia, psycho motor agitation or retardation, constant fatigue, feelings of worthlessness or excessive and inappropriate guilt, recurrent thoughts of death and suicidal ideation with or without specific plans for committing suicide, and cognitive difficulties, such as, diminished ability to think, concentrate and take decisions. The symptoms persist for two weeks or longer and represent a significant change from previous functioning. Social, occupational, educational, or other important functioning is also impacted. For instance, the person may start missing work or school, or stop going to classes or their usual social activities.

Another type of depression is called Persistent depressive disorder (dysthymia). The essential feature of this mood disorder is a low, dark or sad mood that is persistently present for most of the day and on most days, for at least 2 years (children and adolescents may experience predominantly irritability and the mood persist for at least 1 year). For the individual to receive the diagnosis of persistent depressive disorder they should also have two of the diagnostic symptoms which include poor appetite or overeating, insomnia or hypersomnia, low energy or fatigue, low self-esteem, poor concentration, difficulty making decisions, or feelings of hopelessness. During this period, any symptom-free intervals last no longer than two months. The symptoms are not as severe as with major depression. Major depression may precede persistent depressive disorder, and major depressive episodes may also occur during persistent depressive disorder.

Premenstrual dysphoric disorder is another manifestation of depression which is a severe and sometimes disabling extension of premenstrual syndrome (PMS). Although regular PMS and Premenstrual dysphoric disorder (PMDD) both have physical and emotional symptoms, the mood changes in PMDD are much more severe and can disrupt social, occupational, and other important areas of functioning. In both PMDD and PMS, symptoms usually begin seven to 10 days before the start of a menstrual period and continue for the first few days of the period. Both PMDD and PMS may also cause breast tenderness, bloating, fatigue, and changes in sleep and eating habits. PMDD is characterized by emotional and behavioral symptoms that are more severe, such as sadness or hopelessness, anxiety or tension, extreme moodiness, irritability or anger.

Some medical conditions can trigger depressive symptoms in individuals. This is called depressive disorder due to another medical condition. Endocrine and reproductive system disorders are commonly associated with depressive symptoms. For example, people with low levels of the thyroid hormone (hypothyroidism) often experience fatigue, weight gain, irritability, memory loss, and low mood. When the hypothyroidism is treated it usually reduces the depression. Cushing's syndrome is another hormonal disorder caused by high levels of the hormone cortisol which can also cause depressive symptoms. Other conditions that have been found to cause depression include conditions such as HIV/AIDS, diabetes, strokes, Parkinson’s disease etc.

Adjustment Disorder with Depressed Mood is diagnosed when symptoms of depression are triggered within 3 months of onset of a stressor. The stressor usually involves a change of some kind in the life of the individual which he/she finds stressful. Sometimes the stressor can even be a positive event such as a new job, marriage, or baby which is nevertheless stressful for the individual. The distress is typically out of proportion to the expected reaction and the symptoms cause significant distress and impairment in functioning. The symptoms typically resolve within 6 months when the person begins to cope and adapt to the stressor or the stressor is removed. Treatment tends to be time limited and relatively simple since some additional support during the stressful period helps the person recover and adapt.

Another type of depression is related to changes in the length of days or seasonality. This type of depression is called Seasonal affective disorder (SAD). People with SAD suffer the symptoms of a Major Depressive Disorder only during a specific time of year, usually winter. This appears to be related to the shorter days of winter, and the lack of sunlight in many parts of the country.

Tapi depression dan anxiety x sama

Depression and Anxiety Disorders: Not the Same

Depression and anxiety disorders are different, but people with depression often experience symptoms similar to those of an anxiety disorder, such as nervousness, irritability, and problems sleeping and concentrating. But each disorder has its own causes and its own emotional and behavioral symptoms.

Many people who develop depression have a history of an anxiety disorder earlier in life. There is no evidence one disorder causes the other, but there is clear evidence that many people suffer from both disorders.

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Post time 11-9-2019 02:56 PM | Show all posts
i percaya juga based on my personal experience.  Bayangkan I dah hidup selama almost 35 tahun kat dunia ni baru pertama kali kena anxiety. Rasa dia macam anxious, jantung berdegup kencang and you feel like death is near.  Nak keluar rumah pun asyik mengucap 2 kalimah syahadah just in case. Tengah drive tiba2 ketakutan rasa macam what if ada lori langgar or ada batu bata jatuh hempap kepala. Seminggu juga rasa begitu then tiba-tiba hilang jer (i rasa trigger factor stress kerja kerna lepas kerja selesai anxiety pun hilang) susah nak explain kenapa ia tiba2 muncul.

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Post time 11-9-2019 04:11 PM | Show all posts
gideoncross replied at 8-9-2019 02:10 AM
Tu lah, susah jdi pompuan ni, asek nak kena jdi perfect je. Klau c perfect mmg kna lahar.

ahhahahahah sehabis baikk da niee jaga diri xmo bg kne lahar, tp sejenis modern woman mcm AA nie,, mmg xleh dukk kg. di lahar dek seluruhhhh kampung people

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Post time 11-9-2019 04:24 PM | Show all posts
bila dia x mekap mengarut,  nampak cantik jgk dia ni

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Post time 11-9-2019 06:17 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
TabletSusu replied at 11-9-2019 04:24 PM
bila dia x mekap mengarut,  nampak cantik jgk dia ni

muka dia ni mmg exotic look macam jessica alba ... despite of perangai pelik dia

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Post time 11-9-2019 06:20 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Zumbajunkie replied at 11-9-2019 02:56 PM
i percaya juga based on my personal experience.  Bayangkan I dah hidup selama almost 35 tahun kat du ...

jom sharing .. PM

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Post time 13-9-2019 10:28 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
kualibesi replied at 6-9-2019 03:56 PM
skrg rmi da retis msia berani tunjukkkk tatuuuu di badan even muslimm. dulu2 kemain sorok risau kne  ...

Sapa lagi yg lain?

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Post time 13-9-2019 11:55 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Knowlee replied at 13-9-2019 10:28 PM
Sapa lagi yg lain?

Si miller khan tu. Retis laa kan. Hahahahha cuma xpemes di msia. Pemes di yindon

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Post time 14-9-2019 06:55 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
kualibesi replied at 13-9-2019 11:55 PM
Si miller khan tu. Retis laa kan. Hahahahha cuma xpemes di msia. Pemes di yindon

Ooo. Dia tu mmg dah lama dah tayang.

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Post time 14-9-2019 09:38 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Asal ada kontroversi je..alasan gangguan mental..cliche sgt.

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Post time 14-9-2019 01:33 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Gangguan mental lalu membawa ke arah jadi fomfuan syundell. KOTOR hokehh dengan tattoo2

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Post time 14-9-2019 04:11 PM | Show all posts
kualibesi replied at 11-9-2019 04:11 PM
ahhahahahah sehabis baikk da niee jaga diri xmo bg kne lahar, tp sejenis modern woman mcm AA nie,, ...

Haha lol, tpi zman dh moden, so xkisah lh klau org nak mngata prmpuan ni itu lh ini lh sbab kita lbih tahu tntng siapa diri kita yg sbnarnya, just live up ur life kekdahnya. Tringat lak kat sorg jate yg iols knal thun lpas, dia kta mak dia cuma nak pompuan yg tahu mmasak & pndai brgaul dgn family klau nak jadi bini dia HAHA lawak nak mamps klau d fikirkan balik, xde pun prmpuan yg perfect dlm dunia ni mlainkan kita cuba utk mngubah diri kita tpi xmungkin jdi perfect sbb dh mmg fitrah manusia ni xde yg perfect. Tu lh kan, mak pihak llaki kemain nak mnantu prmpuan yg perfect tip top 101% tpi xprnah nak sedar yg anak llaki dorg lagi xguna.


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Post time 14-9-2019 06:36 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Senang jdi athiest, xtahan kena kecam terus claim sakit mental

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Post time 15-9-2019 04:25 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
yuki812 replied at 6-9-2019 04:00 PM
diorg ni kan..asal kepala hotak tu tingtong..semua nak claim sakit mental.
walhal hati tu yg tak b ...

Betul sangat

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Post time 18-9-2019 09:14 AM | Show all posts
gideoncross replied at 14-9-2019 04:11 PM
Haha lol, tpi zman dh moden, so xkisah lh klau org nak mngata prmpuan ni itu lh ini lh sbab kita l ...

betul sis; bila da masukkk keluarga beliauuu, memandaii laa nk adjust n follow kehidupannnn mereka.. mak pakkk kita xsama besarkan kita ng depaaaa. nk yg gitu,, didik laa anak merekaa pun begituuu.

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Post time 19-9-2019 12:13 AM | Show all posts
kualibesi replied at 18-9-2019 09:14 AM
betul sis; bila da masukkk keluarga beliauuu, memandaii laa nk adjust n follow kehidupannnn mereka ...

Pling mnyampah klau anak prmpuan dorg xtolong buat krja rumah & rumah kotor, mnantu prmpuan lak yg d salahkn. Ank prmpuan sndri pmalas xlak mak mertua kisah, bullcrap.


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Post time 20-10-2019 12:41 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Zaman sekaranv senang nak hidup. Kalau kau bodoh dan bangang, atau buat benda bukan2 atau buat jenayah, up status atau ckp kat media "sebenarnya sy ada sakit mental". Confirm ramai bekap kau.

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Post time 24-10-2019 03:58 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
gideoncross replied at 7-9-2019 05:19 PM
Mak mertua sblah llaki haruslh nak bakal mnantu pompuan yg baik2 wlaupun anak llaki sndri mcm taik ...

Setuju. Balik2 perempuan y kena elok barulah Di pandang

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Post time 24-10-2019 05:59 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Yelah...mmg x sangka

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Post time 25-10-2019 01:50 AM | Show all posts
LoveliesHate replied at 24-10-2019 03:58 PM
Setuju. Balik2 perempuan y kena elok barulah Di pandang

Iol bukan nya nak doakan yg jahat2 ye tpi harap2 lh, mak mertua yg jnis nak mnantu prmpuan perfect tiptop 101% biar mnantu kegemaran dorg tu brubah 101% lps jdi mnantu dorg, bru pdn muka mak mertua ni & bru dorg tahu yg kita x boleh judge someone by looks.


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