Reply #1165 jac_diehard_fan's post
10q.musti vast & malatops jac mlm 2 nanti.hu hu.... |
Korang masuk website tu, and klik waktu Finals. Bleh tgk finalis2 nyanyi lagu Anak. Best siot!!!!!!!!!!  |
Reply #1178 Rhyno's post
sume finalist nyanyi lagu anak ke  |
Yezza...klik kat Awarding.  |
agak2 vina da sampai malaysia blom yer  |
gudluck mesia~~ :pompom::pompom::pompom::pompom::pompom: |
aku da tgk skarlet td... cam tak btol je ala2 kak eton sket  |
All da best to Jac n OAG..!! :pompom: |
goooooooooooooooo JACCCCCCCCCCC ...hold the ASEAN ICON title! wooo  |
:pompom: :pompom: :pompom: |
malaygoblok This user has been deleted
Loh kok Indonesia kelihatannya tidak serius mengikuti IKON Asean ini ....
Mengapa mereka hanya mengirim Judika dan Tahta untuk bersaing dengan Malaysia dan Filipina...
Apakah Indonesia menganggap acara IKON ini tidak bermutu dan "no added value" for them ??? |
Reply #1187 malaygoblok's post
ur nickname  |
Reply #1187 malaygoblok's post
Hahaha..bace post dr malaygoblok nih aku rase dpt agak kalu Jac or OAG menang IKON nih musti Indon claim diorg x hantar their best artists..so Jac's or OAG's winning means nothing to them..  |
Reply #1190 karlreef's post
sombongnye tak gud lak utk jac pon  |
Reply #1189 MsJaneDoe's post
diorang tu bodoh sombong..  |
malaygoblok This user has been deleted
Reply #1193 malaygoblok's post
oo you're the goblock malay itu ya..haha.. |
Reply #1196 Naru's post
Stuju giler ngan ko... !!! |
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