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Reply #1118 miss_mulan77's post
hyuk beria nangis smpai part popping chest pon xmo join~~lol
aku suke sound sore diorg time only for you tuh, jantan btol bunyi nyeww~~hehe |
Yurabun......cd dah settle....esok diaorg post dr Korea........
Hopefully spai on friday...kekekekekeke giler x ssbo...ekekekek |
Reply #1124 jeanlouisfinch's post
kkekeke akupun sama....kekekeke |
Reply #1125 aima87's post
yg diorg block tuh katne?
ko lepak kat medic neh~~xde block rasenye~~sbb smlm member aku donlod movie, elok jeww katenye~~haha
kot xdpt, kene refresh bnyk kali wsss~~try la~~hehe
aku pon dh ade yg kene pkai kad, hengat ape~~>.<
tp ofis aku x pyh gune kad tuh, cume kat crtain area jeww~~hee
mehla dtg~studnet xde pon~tp ko lepak kat gazebo jela~hukhuk
wireless dengo nyee laju gak sini~ |
Reply #1126 hadiff05's post
ko pasan kan yg tmpt cd tuh, ade tgn kyu~~so, bukak2 nnti sure nmpk die dolu~~wahahaha
xsabo acik dah neh!!!:pompom: :pompom: :pompom: dhla bnyk spamming gmbr suju kat inki sgale nnti~~yay!!!
dgn tulisan diorg sindri~ekeke |
Reply #1128 jeanlouisfinch's post
aku x pasan..pun...masa nk emel kan gbr cover album tu 1st time actually aku tau tu gbr cover..ekekekek....sebab duk tgk byk gbr..aku confius..mana stau cover dia..siap call mulan tanya...kekekkeke takut salah beli....  |
Reply #1127 jeanlouisfinch's post
uspot... deorg dh blok...
menci tol...
medic? x pnh ak g fak 2..
skdr lalu sbb dlu ak salo g kt k17...
nyamph tol..
kt fak ak pntu depan knci..
pntu blkng gne kad..
fak buruk pn nk kad bagai-bagai..
menci fak pertanian:@ :@ |
Reply #1131 jeanlouisfinch's post
ni SK yg ada sungmin.....
[HQ] Star King (2009-05-16).avi [766.0 MB]
EunHyuk & SungMin & YeSung & KangIn (Super Junior), Nichkhun (2PM), Jo Kwon & Jung Jin Woon (2AM), After School, Kim Hye Yeon, Jung Ga Eun, Boom, Solbi, Yoo Chae Yeon, Kim Ji Sun & Park Sang Myun
http://down.clubbox.co.kr/codndwh00/mo3802 |
Ni yg link yg lain2....
Episode 116 090516
Guests: Kim Hye Yeon, Super Junior (Eun Hyuk, Sung Min, Ye Sung & Kang In), 2AM (Jo Kwon & Jung Jin Woon), After School, Jung Ga Eun, Nich Khun (2PM), Boom, Solbi, Yoo Chae Yeon, Kim Ji Sun & Park Sang Myun
HQ: http://www.megaupload.com/?d=DBAWR2MH (Aigo-Media)
http://www.mediafire.com/?sharekey=6f96a3b...91d958bc9cd4259 (Aigo-Media)
http://www.box.net/shared/p4y1hvj90t (cute girl) |
Reply #1132 jeanlouisfinch's post
nth la....
kalo fak ko 2 ok la..
neh fak ak..
brg2 pn buruk... |

kim ki , he funny in 2PM and 11 PM ,just cute and handsume in OZ print making ^^
090525 OZ pring Making_kim ki bum.flv [2.08MB] download |
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