aku dpt bygkan tb2 morishin bakal lagik glamer dari abg die sbb movie nih kan tayang globally... nnti jadik mcm shida mirai sumer leh gi tayangan perdana kat hollywood...
"School Kakumei!" (17 May, 2009) Yamada's excuse & Chinen's proposal
Length: 2 mins 42 secs
Size: 10 MB
Starring: Chinen Yuri & Yamada Ryosuke (Hey!Say!JUMP)
Highlights: Yamada has to make up an excuse when he is caught cheating on his girlfriend. His excuse was pretty hilarious! And then Chinen has to propose to a lady. His choice of words were so sweet & shocking that you could hear everyone gasp and look shell-shocked~!
lama x masuk...wah..hebat2 junior skarang ni..nakayama yuma dah blakon gi..tp x tgk2 gi cerita battery tu sbb ari tu nak beli dvd lain, budget utk 5 dvd jer,tp nampaknya tpaksa lah beli before cerita br ni mula tp memang ramai budak2 jaduh ati dgn yuma lepas tgk dia blakon..hehehe...ni yg rasa diri ni dah tua ni..apasal budak2 ni x lahir awal sikit..terserlah ke byuntae-an ku..
shintaro pun nak blakon..tp lebih suka kat ryutaro sbnrnya..hehehe
yg kat yokohama tuh mmg live... derang tak prektis, lagipun lame gak tour derang kali nih, tak abis2, so dh biase la... summer nnti pun sambung lagik... tahun nih derang yg plg byk tmpt gi...
uols dh tgk yg yamada nanges kat wrap up scrap teacher tuh? cumil jer die nanges...
Nakayama Yuma with B.I. Shadow major debut
Debut single "Akuma na Koi" releases July 15th; it will be the theme for the NHK drama Koi Shite Akuma ~Vampire☆Boy~.
The group will appear on Music Station on the 5th and perform at a Jr. concert on the 7th.
Johnny said he sees in Yuma leadership qualities like those of Takki.
Yuma said, "When I found out about doing the theme song and releasing a CD it felt unreal. When I first heard the song I thought, 'this is really good!' I also really like the lyrics so please listen carefully to them."
the best part is... they KICKED Misaki out of B.I Shadow and put Yugo in it... yep... they kicked that cool, evil kid in Scrap Teacher !!! Scrap Teacher won't be the same without Misaki.
Yuma Nakayama, B.I.Shadow debut for "Koishite Akuma"
Early last month, it was announced that Kansai Johnny's Jr. member Yuma Nakayama (15) is starring in a new drama series on Fuji TV. Details about the story have now been revealed.
The drama is titled "Koishite Akuma ~ Vampire Boy." Nakayama stars as a young vampire named Ruka who has entered the human world. Although he hates humans, he begins attending high school and falls for his homeroom teacher, played by Rosa Kato (23). Masahiko Kondo (44) has been cast as another vampire, who serves as Ruka's "chaperone." Johnny's Jr. member, Shintaro Morimoto (11), will also appear in the series.
Nakayama will also be singing the theme song as part of a new Johnny's group, called "Yuma Nakayama with B.I.Shadow." The five members have an average age of 14.4 years old, surpassing Hey! Say! JUMP as the youngest Johnny's group at the time of their major label debut.
B.I.Shadow is a Johnny's Jr. unit that formed last year. Their members are Kento Nakajima (15), Fuma Kikuchi (14), Hokuto Matsumura (13), and Yugo Kochi (15). Together with Nakayama, they will release the single "Akuma na Koi" on July 15.
The "Koishite Akuma" drama series will air on Tuesdays at 10:00pm, beginning on July 7.
aku rasa macam CD debut je, bukan betul2 debut...ala2 Ya-ya-yah dulu masa release CD, masa tu semua media pun cakap diorg debut padahal bukan debut pun...dah la byk salah dlm news tu, drama tu drama FujiTV bukannya drama NHK...semua media pun report benda ni as drama announcement, bukan Johnny's debut announcement...kalau betul Johnnys debut, takkan la Johnnys pun tak release apa2 yg official...so kena tunggu concert Jrs Sabtu ni baru tau...
mmg tuhla harapan aku... punyela konfem grup lain patut debut, tibe2 kuar news nih...
tp klu betul, mmg siapla... aku tak kira thn dpn kisumai sumer hatachi, klu tak debut jugak... mmgla... tgkla con kattun nge eito, brp ramai fans kisumai gi... jerit punyela kuat same naik nge main artist...
hari nih demo nih gi music station, nati tgk ade ape2 announcement ke tak...