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Author: skymania


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Post time 17-6-2011 12:35 PM | Show all posts
kes daesung ni nmpk mcm makin berat jer...
hohohoo... risau tul ako ngan bb ni....
ako hrp diaorg  ...
ako_chan Post at 16-6-2011 21:51

mmg sekarang i pun risau gile kat daedae. as for BB's future i tak risau sangat, just that whether daedae is strong enuff to be with BB in the future, itu yg merisaukan i. they won't disband, that i'm pretty sure. i believe in papa YG. dia yg train and didik daedae, hence he won't let daedae tenggelam dlm emotional distress dia cenggitu je. i'm pretty sure all the BB members and YG family tgh usaha keras nak pulihkan semula semangat daedae. cuma hal ni surely akan amik masa yg agak panjang.

sekarang ni i bosan gile baca kat kpop nye entertainment website. very little news on BB. tak fun sungguh! dah takde sparks. everything seems so dull

but then, since BB are back in hiatus for the time being, i tunggu 2ne1 lak. can't wait for their explosive comeback

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Post time 17-6-2011 02:13 PM | Show all posts
Yorobun! Anyeong haseyo!! gosh..I miss this thread so much!! br je sampai umh pg td from Jakarta, masuk opis pun lewat..first thing is bukak umah BB la..hehehe...gigih Iollz baca posting VIP pasal Dae Dae, rupa2nya nan hado..boleh delay la pulaks nk release report...saja je diorg ni..keji betul mainkan perasaan VIP camni..sian our Dae Dae tau!! :@

To Sushi, AM, Ako Chan : Jgn sedey2...let us keep supporting our beloved Dae Dae okeh..cewah!
To Kak Zue : Stanum tlg ameenkan doa kak zue yer...AMEEN...Insyaallah Dae Dae di pihak yg benar...cewah!

Okeh, jom  cuci mata sket dgn bias memasing di bawah ini..

omona!! Dae Dae! how can u be so hawt??? owh..we've missed you very2 strong..

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Post time 17-6-2011 02:18 PM | Show all posts
Annyung aku ada ambik order utk Bigbang Bigshow dvd concert..RM110 due date 20 jun bayo 26 jun spe2  ...
hadiff05 Post at 15-6-2011 20:56

Owh dear! count me in jugaks! Yg ni ada eng sub rite??? pom pom pom! nnti kita ber pm-pm yer how to pay and deliver..sbb stanum ni dok Perak...hadiff leh pos kan ker??

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Post time 17-6-2011 02:30 PM | Show all posts
Owh dear!  count me in jugaks! Yg ni ada eng sub rite??? pom pom pom!  n ...
stanum123 Post at 17-6-2011 14:18

   laa...hakak stenem dok perak ke...AM pon... nk beli tp xde bajet

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Post time 17-6-2011 02:49 PM | Show all posts
laa...hakak stenem dok perak ke...AM pon... nk beli tp xde bajet
adikmanis Post at 17-6-2011 14:30

Laa...iyaa dong...senegeri rupanya kita!! hidup Big Bang! eh..vollehh?? hihihi...AM mmg org perak ke study je kat Perak?? akak ni mmg asal and kerja kat perak ni..kat Batu Gajah jer..wah! camni senang la kita nk gi 'mengelejat' kalau ada event BB!

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Post time 17-6-2011 02:55 PM | Show all posts
Post Last Edit by nzhass79 at 17-6-2011 14:57

@stanum... sama2 kita doa yer
Laa...iyaa dong...senegeri rupanya kita!

waaaahhhhh.. jejak kasih

@AM... bg akak kalo rm110 quite ok utk dvd cons with subs... sangat2 ok... ni pengalaman beli thn lps le... giler giler.. sampai kawan akak yg tak minat ngan BB pon leh start suka lps dia pinjam BS dari akak thn lps....
ye la mgkn sbb akak ni biased BB, so ape aja dari YG n BB, sumer daebak.. seme mantap.... hehehehehe... btw, this is 1st time akak mmg puas hati giler .. n harap thn ni mcm tu jgk...
AM still study ek??? seb bek dvd kuar sblm nk guna duit tuk raya... kalo cam thn lps, terpaksa bahagi2... masa tu elok je nk raya papa kuarkan dvd... sempot den.. tp beli gak... ms tu la 1st time beli dvd diarang .... thn 2009 nye BS, akak tak beli.... si CHYNEZ burnkan... ye la msa tu kan tak kenal BB lg... hehehehe....

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Post time 17-6-2011 03:05 PM | Show all posts
Laa...iyaa dong...senegeri rupanya kita!! hidup Big Bang! eh..vollehh?? hihihi...AM mmg org pera ...
stanum123 Post at 17-6-2011 14:49

   iols study sini...batu gajah???iols kat utp...hohoho da dekat sangat tuh

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Post time 17-6-2011 03:13 PM | Show all posts
@stanum... sama2 kita doa yer

waaaahhhhh.. jejak kasih

@AM... bg akak kalo rm110 quite ok u ...
nzhass79 Post at 17-6-2011 14:55

   hahaha...xsgka dekat ngan kak stenem brg2 bb yg AM da beli baru cd latest ni ngan making of vworld..tu pon sesak gak kmpul duit..sbb harapkan duit scholar je,kene la ikat perut skt...yg ni mhl skt..huhu mebi AM tggu link sajork..pastu donlod tp feeling ngan beli sndiri tu lain sangat kan...klau beli sndiri tu rasa heaven gile
kak zu ada mn ghupernye...apakah mn uols?

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Post time 17-6-2011 03:18 PM | Show all posts
@stanum... sama2 kita doa yer

waaaahhhhh.. jejak kasih

@AM... bg akak kalo rm110 quite ok u ...
nzhass79 Post at 17-6-2011 14:55

Tu diaaa. aihh..kak zue dah pomot DVD Big Bang dah!!! caiyuk2!! stanum pun ala2 bangkrap x sedar diri ni nk beli DVD demi BB, ku sanggop berkorban...kwang3x..1st time nk beli far tgk yg dekat yutiub pun mmg dah best giloss...ini kan pulak tgk DVD muka diorg besor2 depan tibi..nnti iollz nk meroyan sensorg, konon2 iollz ada kt kuria la tgh tgk concert BB...vollehh??

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Post time 17-6-2011 03:21 PM | Show all posts
Reply 1089# adikmanis

Ya ampunn...dekat sajork!! my nephew pun br je enroll UTP last month..freshman gittew..takpe AM..atleast u dh ada sket merchandise BB...akak ni br hegeh2 nk beli...aiyok!
p/s: mn tu apa daa?? apsal kak zue nk tukor id plaks??? iollz ngak ngerti kok...cer citer..cer citer...

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Post time 17-6-2011 03:45 PM | Show all posts
stanum n AM...

bg akak kan, antara singles/albums/dvd.. akak more to dvd..akak akan berusaha berhempas pulas tuk dptkan dvd... kalo takat single/album tu tak beli pon takpe sbb kita still leh donlot.. kalo dvd donlot.... kualiti n feel tak sama kalo kita tgk kat tv.. even akak bkk kat pc pon still tak feel.. nk kena tgk kat tb.. ms tu mmg gempak habisss... with sub lak tu... mane nk dpt?? hah!!!!!

sal MN tu, akak salah post..ingat umah borak

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Post time 17-6-2011 04:30 PM | Show all posts
stanum n AM...

bg akak kan, antara singles/albums/dvd.. akak more to dvd..akak akan berusaha berh ...
nzhass79 Post at 17-6-2011 15:45

Betul2! sokong kak zue!   masa stanum konon2 nk beli album  br diorg aritu, ada rs mcm 50-50 sbb most of their songs udah ku donlod secara x sah..(mamfuss akuh!)..hihi...last2 x jadi bajet telah di carry forward utk beli DVD..yeay!!  tapi kt mana plak nk carik crown lights BB yg kaler kuning tuh?? br lbtoi2 mcm tgk concert gittew...

Alamak...yg kak zue suggest tgk concert BB dulu2 tu pun stanum lom berjaya lagi..banyak gilos nk catch up nih! maklum le i kan VIP ketinggalan ketapi gittew...BB documentary, parody, come to play, BB 2d1N, mnet special ler, aiyooo...x sempat nk khatam semua tuh!! tulunnn!!      

p/s: hohohoho...sekali moderator sudaa terbabas daa...ngeee...

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Post time 17-6-2011 06:18 PM | Show all posts
Reply  adikmanis

Ya ampunn...dekat sajork!! my nephew pun br je enroll UTP last month..freshman  ...
stanum123 Post at 17-6-2011 15:21

   {:1_126:} keciknye dunie.... xpe,nnti hakak beli,pastu burn pas kat AM...da dekat je nih...

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Post time 17-6-2011 06:20 PM | Show all posts
stanum n AM...

bg akak kan, antara singles/albums/dvd.. akak more to dvd..akak akan berusaha berh ...
nzhass79 Post at 17-6-2011 15:45

   yeay..sokong3...aritu beli cd tu coz pes time beli...nk rasa keexcitedan membeli brg2 bb lagi2 after comeback diorang pastu beli vworld tu sbb da lama aim da..even tgk teaser pon da royan2... yg ni nmpknye melepas la.... tp dvd bigshow ada selit making of x??

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Post time 17-6-2011 06:48 PM | Show all posts
Yorobun! Anyeong haseyo!! gosh..I miss this thread so much!! br je sampai umh pg td from Jakarta, ma ...
stanum123 Post at 17-6-2011 14:13

   hd version klik sini.. da slamat jadi wallpaper AM

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Post time 18-6-2011 12:37 AM | Show all posts
updates for Halo! YG Day - Dance Competition

Date: 25 June 2011
Time: 2pm - 5pm
Venue: One Utama New Wing, Main Entrance Ground Floor (near A|X)

Event Highlight:
- Halo! YG - Dance Competition - chance to win 2 passes to watch BIGBANG & 2NE1 LIVE performance in Singapore+RM2000 cash+Halo Music Hamper worth RM500
- Lucky Draw - chance to win away YG merchandise and SE7EN, BIGBANG's signature Greeting Card
- Pop Quiz
- We will set up a video booth and message board so you can leave a message and enthusiastic support for the YG Family with us. The video and signing board will act as a 'petition' to get the YG Family here to Malaysia!

Show your support to YG family! Come and join us at Halo! YG Day.

For more information, follow us at
Halo Music Facebook
Halo Music Twitter!/HaloMusicMsia

source: HaloMusicMalaysia @ yt

klau tgk video tu,tae ckp see you diorang xdtg kot... but ada petition nk bwk YG Family datang Msia!! sape nk pegi nih??ikutt3!!

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Post time 19-6-2011 08:44 AM | Show all posts
Yorobun! Anyeong haseyo!! gosh..I miss this thread so much!! br je sampai umh pg td from Jakarta, ma ...
stanum123 Post at 17-6-2011 14:13

stanum...heeee....memang meroyan tgk gamba DAZED nih! GD dah macam legolas + vampire... i loike! TOP lak hot, hot, hot as usual...keningnya...wah! daedae...sweet and innocent...sob! sob! tengok gambo dia je sedey.... baby panda lak..nampak witty je. taeyang baby...smexy!
limited edition le pulak mag ni. mmg tak sempat nak mintak tolong sesapa kat seoul grab nih. agaknya, diorang letak je kat newstand terus abis licin

stanum and AM - jejak kasih. le...oghang perak ghopenye... teman duduk PJ tapi kampung kat perak. senegeri le kite...nyehehe!

kak zue - ana baru dapat dvd YG Family from hadiff last friday. ni sampai ke hari ni tak abis2 lagi tgk. ntah dah berapa kali khatam. betol kata hadiff, mmg best gile! they are truly great performers. quality dvd mmg jgn cakap la. awesome! cuma sayangnya, ada part masa concert tu yg takde dlm dvd. especially part sesorang nyanyi solo. well, understood lah... kalo tak gi sendiri tgk concert mmg le tak dpt tgk full.

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Post time 19-6-2011 08:47 AM | Show all posts
updates for Halo! YG Day - Dance Competition

source: HaloMusicMalaysia @ yt

klau ...
adikmanis Post at 18-6-2011 00:37

AM...i'm sooo going! even kalo i ada meeting pun weekend tu, akan i postpone kan! (fangirling overload, help!)

kena berkampung kat OU nih. tak sabar nak leave message for BB. sah2 diorang tgk nye kan!

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Post time 19-6-2011 10:55 AM | Show all posts
Reply 1080# nzhass79
emm... tu r after kes SS trus ako b'tukar ke BB...antara reasons nye...
1) BB sgt2 outstanding...(perubahan image dr memula diaorg debute, until now mmg mantap especially taeyang, dae, n gd.. time ni  ako tgk diaorg ni antara yg serabai r tuk image idol... especially si taeyang)
2) lagu2 diaorg sgt2 best... (compose sendri ngan mengharap ihsan org lain, sgt xfeel kot)
3) diaorg b'jaya ngan solo memasing (bg ako, if one day diaorg disband pon kite still akan sokong semua, xmcm SS)
4) ako suke tgk diaorg atas stage, sgt2 enjoy....even any variety show pon sgt best, xde nk kaver2 macho ker ape...
5) MV diaorg sgt cool...
6) lagu2 diaorg xpernah mengecewakan ako
7) parody diorang yg mmg m'jadi la...

well, ada sesapa kat sini ada cite i am sam x?? yg top b'lakon 1st drama??
ako dah puas cari tp mmbr xde r...

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Post time 19-6-2011 11:05 AM | Show all posts
Yorobun! Anyeong haseyo!! gosh..I miss this thread so much!! br je sampai umh pg td from Jakarta, ma ...
stanum123 Post at 17-6-2011 14:13

huhuu... sonok nye nengok gambo ni... hensem nye top oppa...
gambr taeyang tu nape ada marker line ek??? mcm pelik jer...
gd... suke tgk dia nye subang... safety pin kat telinge but still look good on you...
klu xsilap dlm mv love song pon dia pakai anting2 safety pin ni kan??
daesung lak sgt cool... nmpk sgt2 matang....
seungri lak, nmpk manly sgt....

well, this magazine tuk bulan june ada five different cover ek??

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