It seems that Big Bangs activities in New York are causing chaos right now,we have been told that Big bangs Management have politely asked fans not to disrupt their hotel or Shooting Locations.
Because of this we have decided to stop sharing any further rumours, tweets or photos unless they have come from YG, or Big Bang themselves.
This is in no way ‘Hiding’ info, as there will still be sources for this should you know where to find them.
Please also be aware that the HD cams from both JFK & Big Bangs Hotel have been taken by an Amateur Paparazzi Team, and NOT by fans.
We hope you would understand and respect the decision we have made and we would encourage all fansites to consider doing the same so that Big Bang can not only enjoy their time in New York, but also get on with the job they are there to do with minimal disruption.
Credit: UKBigBang@twitter
chaosnye kt NY..smpai manager diorang tpaksa suruh fan balik n jmpa bb isnin nnt
AM stil pcaya yg pink tu beanie jidi jer ouh, seungri rambut pendek la..apakah dia btul2 nk tunjukkan imej big boy dia tuh? short hair ngan piercing segala (xleh nk marah hubby lelama..tpaksa trime knyataan)
dah knapa AM cm xbrapa suke je konsep baru diorang nih.. xpe...xkenal maka xcinta....ugh ni la jadinye klau jiwa kacau...nk spazzing bb pn xbrapa best da
kita serupa....maklumlah dah taraf unnie..kalau based on your id kita sama usia ai ni kadang2 otak mereng gak..totally mmg tak boleh pakai
tabi nih bukan setakat model karipap, tuuuuuuu je buleh buat miniks semput..jadi model sabun pun mesti merembes......aura apa yg ko pakai nih tabi woiiiii....pening bini ko yg no ........ (isi sendiri..aku lah tuh..tak tau jatuh no berapa..sekali lagi aku dah mereng)
diorg suci tang mana? nak tau jugak..
wow..diorg mmg daebakkkkkkk sampai chaos kat nuyok terpaksa bersabar kalau nk tau apa2 updates ttg diorg kat sana..demi keselamatan hubby2 terchenta..kawan2...relakan sahaja ek
bestnya meroyan kat sini yg sama spesis..i likeeeee
Admin Leslie from Soompi posted t ...
stanum123 Post at 10-2-2012 21:39
i salute same ini minah...berusaha kejar DaeDae tu...TOP si rmbut biru pun die xnmpk da...{:4_241:}{:4_241:}adakah diriku akn begitu juga kalu jumpe DaeDae??
alo, alo honey jelly...
luvsushi in da house
i ni sebaya cik stan kite. kitorang ni pangkat adek ngan kak zue. so kitorang panggey kat zue, kak zue heheheh!
so, since u sebaya dgn kak u want us to kol u kak lea or lea je?