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Author: xyla73

[tvN/Netflix] Alchemy of Souls - Lee Jae Wook, Jung So Min, Go Youn Jung

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Post time 29-8-2022 07:58 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
CP go won.. my Cp...
Is there no way to salvage this man from turning into a bad guy? I want him to stay by ukie side as the best king...* cry a river*.
He try so hard to be level headed. He thwart jinmu attempt to poison his mind twice. He was broken hearted, he can last only a little.
There so much going on about the king star, ice stone, mudeok naksu, janguk that he is not well informed. The other have their reason. But i can understand him..he is a proud man...he had nothing to be ashamed of but to know that people around him that he trust hiding big secret must be a a big let down. But for the other to let him into the secret pun not a good choice because jinmu present around him and as his master. But i am glad that he is not the one who inform jinmu that mudeok is naksu even though he already caught on to it. Thank you for that.
I really hope season 2 he will redeem himself. I havent put him into the bad side yet. Hoping for some miracle.

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Post time 29-8-2022 08:53 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Edited by sitisbp at 29-8-2022 09:41 AM

Jin Bu yeon.
This is another janggang. Janggang no 2.
It was obvious they omitted a lot about buyeon. Sama ada sbb mmg her character is just supporting instead of main or mcm jin woo tak la yg easily discarded or nak simpan for season 2.

As i mentioned before...we do not know where her soul reside after the ice stone change it form to become a barrier around jeongjingak. We knew in many occasions she protect her body while allowing naksu take command. She shown herself only when the situation is dire multiple times. But why she's absent when jinmu attack? Absent or defeated??
Defeated is very unlikely isnt it?

Tapi mudeok naksu with buyeon pernah injured quite badly once. Masa lepas gilju n janguk aos confrontation, seo yul did a number on her. Thats the only time she get injured due to spell/ energy attack. Seo yul saved her by giving his energy i think to close up the wound n stop the bleeding. His hand shows some damage afterwards. Mcm melecur gitu.  Tp masa tu her energy was not leaking. No sign of petrification. We assumed that was because buyeon devinition power as part of ice stone that prevent it from petrification.
Incident with eunuch kim also shows that buyeon can turned the table around when situation is dire.

So why this time jinmu can easily push his energy into mudeok? Yes no one has attempt it before...janguk dont have enough energy to do so. Seo yul doesnt know thats what it take to bring back naksu energy. Even if he knows it i dont think he has enough to share with naksu. Other senior mages will try to kill her on the spot instead of helping her regained her energy because she is a soul shifter.
No one will give her a 2nd chance.

Earlier i pernah make a theory that buyeon soul merge with the icestone n janguk n mudeok will be the protector because both has already proven they will not using the ice stone power. Buyeon pun initially mmg a dead soul... so she should stay dead. Also possibility her soul is seolran soul is still valid.

So continuing my theory tu..... i think buyeon soul no longer in her body after the icestone changed it form in epi 19.

If buyeon soul not in her body, then it  explained why she could not protect it.
Remember naksu soul is like a prisoner.  She did not trapped naksu soul to protect naksu. She trapped naksu soul to protect others FROM naksu. Since she already render naksu soul useless in her body, she left her be. Or so she tought. We knew that the useless soul of naksu does not remain that way if she was surrounded by vast energy that she can feed on. Lake Gyeongcheondaeho and inside the icestone barrier is proof for that. Even janggang in the late king body is also a proof for that. Jinmu feed the energy enough for the body to regain its strength and the trapped soul to fully recover just as it was in the lake n inside the icestone.

Sapa tak paham....seo yul manage to treat her injury by giving her small energy.
She was well afterward. We are talking about physical body. This is the limitation. Weak body but housing a powerfull soul. Fix the body n the soul will flourish.

But this time without buyeon existance, it cannot stop from being petrified. She is a soul shifter not a hwansu practitioner.  Thus her fate is the same as other soul shifter...tambah pulak a curse already in place where whoever have that stupid powder n bell can executed or activate the spell.
Well well... its JINMU againnn.
@kartieka @kartieka

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Post time 29-8-2022 08:55 AM | Show all posts
Edited by kartieka at 29-8-2022 09:05 AM

selamat pagi uols semua..lh tdo ke idok smalam

iols dgn ini secara rasminya mengumumkan, iols so x sabar n nk tgk sgt2 AOS part 2 ya...

ending smalam meremang bulu roma yaaaaaaaaaaaa...

walau byk x terjawab n akn ada byk teori baru, iols puas atiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii...


ok jp lg iols meroyan psl epi 20 k..iols puas ati sgt2 sbb ada part 2 nnt, n iols konpiden level dewataraya ada jung so min dlm part 2..iols x dulik nk jugak ckp ada jung so min part 2 nnt..mmg dorangs aje secretive psl ni sbb nk bg impak kebabom dr part 1...

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Post time 29-8-2022 09:08 AM | Show all posts
lynn_dmm replied at 29-8-2022 12:02 AM
Air mata x abis lagi ni..20min sblm abis mmg berdebar2...huhuhu

10 minit terakhir tu, iols rsa mcm masa kecemasan sgt..n sedeh giler...cian kim don ju...

rsa gelap terus mcm masa jang uk kna bakar mlm2 tu, suram jek rsa..sekali amek ko api jd api biru..dgn master lee muka tenang je n dh lh jangka, iols terkesima ya jang uk bangkit dr kuburan tu...harap org sume x kata dia hantu la sbb bgn2 terus muke siyes gitu..ala2 kna pnggil dgn liceng jin mu lak..choiii

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Post time 29-8-2022 09:10 AM | Show all posts
apa jd kat seo yul ek..dia ank sulung keluarga seo yg blh di harap, ada lk cacing jht dlm bdn, n dia x tau lk cane nk cure bila ubt soli bg tu abes nnt...sedeh la...harap part 2 bkn ckp psl kisah lalu je, psl kisah skang gk sbb kalau x, jang uk n ice stone jd tukun je la nnt...

park jin rambut pendek x ensem la masa muda

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Post time 29-8-2022 09:19 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Edited by sitisbp at 29-8-2022 09:21 AM
kartieka replied at 29-8-2022 08:55 AM
selamat pagi uols semua..lh tdo ke idok smalam

iols dgn ini secara rasminya mengumumkan, iols so  ...

Wslm hehe. Nak lelap lambat gak la sbb my brain working overdrive. But happy.
I dpt rasa u pun suka ending ni hahaha.  

Janguk oh janguk...the chosen one who was born under the king star. So fitting the grand exit from the cremation fire tu. Love that scene to bit. Sesuai sgt dgn tema fantasi tuh haha. I dah post some  of my review n teori. Will talk about janguk later. Nak catch up dgn house chores kejap hahah

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Post time 29-8-2022 09:24 AM | Show all posts
iols cuma x paham skang, keluarga jang kira mcm vanish abes ni nama dia, dr bapak tara guna bwa ke anak (kes dia rahsia kan psl naksu)...

n songrim jugak yg di kata subahat..isshhh..awat la nk part 2, samb je la terus 30 cam plan asal pn xde..rehat jap 2 mnggu pastu samb la blk (gituh iols jd lalang kjp nk prt 2 kejap x yh )

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Post time 29-8-2022 09:31 AM | Show all posts
sitisbp replied at 28-8-2022 12:03 PM
Ok now lets go back to the cacing scene.

Soli stop talking so what can the cacing do to save seo y ...

iols mmg xpuas ati part cacing ni...fine if niat sol-i tu nk bg tenaga/kuasa jin dlm cacing ke yul tuk bertahan n cpt baik..tapiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii, cacing tu makan host dia kn...even tgn sol-i yg kuar kan cacing pn x baik2 lg n x kn baik iols rsa...satu sbb dia xde kuasa n dia org biasa jd kesan dia mungkin less sikt dr mc org tkr si cho yon xde lak sakit2 ek padahal cacing tu masuk dia dlu kan...gituh byk nyer iols berpikir...

tibeeehhh rsa part 2 ada 1- epi je x cukup (read: tamak)

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Post time 29-8-2022 09:34 AM | Show all posts
sitisbp replied at 28-8-2022 12:21 PM
Lepas janguk release the icestone energy, change the form into rain..the stone tu jd king star n s ...

patut gini la..kemas sket now, ala2 buyeon mage terhebat pn cam kna telan bumi, apa pn x blh buat sedang kn hebat nyer dia smpai dia yg blh pilih soul naksu tuk trap dlm bdn mudeok tu..jim mu guna loceng je pn lh control mudeok...padahal serbuk spell tu sume shaman choii yg pya, tp sng jek jin mu hembus2 main loceng lh control sume soul shifter...

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Post time 29-8-2022 09:39 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
kartieka replied at 29-8-2022 09:34 AM
patut gini la..kemas sket now, ala2 buyeon mage terhebat pn cam kna telan bumi, apa pn x ...

U cer baca my teori yg i post pg tadi tu. Pasal buyeon. What do u think? Is it plausible? I tak reti plak nak tag u. I try edit to tag ur name.

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Post time 29-8-2022 09:50 AM | Show all posts
mbhcsf replied at 28-8-2022 09:54 PM
messy ending. kalau part 2  pun bettr depa wrap up bebetul . stupid drama kalau nak sampai ep 30 bu ...

hahahahhaa..kan...lari dr jongjinak, lh curik2 masuk rumah keluarga jin pastu hilang blk pas bg ubt kat kekasih hati..sng btl buat kisah dia..iols rsa nnt hjg2 dia mati gk kesan dr ilmu hitam tu, dia mmg xlh di guna kn lg dh skang...

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Post time 29-8-2022 10:05 AM | Show all posts
mbhcsf replied at 28-8-2022 10:00 PM
naksu jadi soul shifter tapi tengoklah ending lassssst sekali ....apa makna tatau.

i tak dapat na ...

master seo lahir dgn tanda bintang tp dia x guna ice stone tu n bg soel ran tp seol ran pn x guna sdh nyer rebut la reramai kat anak cucu...tu org tua2 kata, xde rete pn ssh ada rete pn ssh bila dh mati, tiberrrrrrrrrrrrr

kes jang uk, mungkin dia atas dr level master seo sbb tu ice stone now dlm bdn dia..gituh iols berteori konspirasi..

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Post time 29-8-2022 10:11 AM | Show all posts
mbhcsf replied at 28-8-2022 10:04 PM
it 's pretty stupid of song rim or the king of cheong bugwan house  to let jinmu ...jinmu ni we are  ...

x paham knape jin mu kebal..ala2 x lh jatuh hukum kalau wat salah...watak dia x relevant dh sbb kesalahan dia terang2 kot..even CP pn dh confront dia ckp serah diri sbb dia x nk paksa sbb jin mu tu master jinmu ni suk anaaaaa putar belit ayat n buat org pk dia ckp tu mnde btl..mcm bisiskan syaitoonn dia mmg syaiton..

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Post time 29-8-2022 10:20 AM | Show all posts
lynn_dmm replied at 29-8-2022 12:05 AM
Mcm org jinyowon ke yg selaamtkan body mudeok tu??

kalau ikut baju tu, bkn org chongbungwan jinmu tu...

tgn cam tgn perempuan, so i assume org keluarga jin tapiiiii, bodyguard keluarga jin pkai baju gelap..nk kata org song rim xmungkin sbb dorang pn xtau kat mana mudeok n x lh wat apa2 dh skang

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Post time 29-8-2022 10:39 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Edited by sitisbp at 29-8-2022 10:47 AM
mbhcsf replied at 28-8-2022 10:00 PM
naksu jadi soul shifter tapi tengoklah ending lassssst sekali ....apa makna tatau.

i tak dapat na ...

Ya..thats why la epi 19 tu i kata frame cut dia messy. It caused confusion. Tp i think i dpt paham sikit.
Continuity scene dkt realm icestone epi 19 dgn 20 tak smooth.
Ada scene janguk pegang icestone je n scene dia try call forth his energy kat tgn tu tak keluar.
Teori i is derang cut kat situ. Sbb maybe nak fill it with more detail scene in season 2.
Ice stone tu boleh masuk je dlm badan mcm eunuch kim so its not impossible masuk dlm badan janguk. Derang blh tambah apparition buyeon masa ni....sama mcm masa aos dgn gilju.

Now it is confirmed janguk mmg ada icestone dlm badan bila master lee tanya2 tu masa derang fishing.
So how dia dpt icestone? Recall balik masa epi 19,  cahaya yg naik ke langit n org nampak as king star tu i believe janguk energy.
He keep the icestone for mudeok he trade it with his energy. Remember pesanan buyeon. You get one thing u will lose another.
Nnt citer mcm mana janguk dpt balik energy dia.
And ingat janguk bg pesanan kat master lee, when come the time that naksu need his help, he ask master lee to help him out.

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Post time 29-8-2022 10:39 AM | Show all posts
lynn_dmm replied at 29-8-2022 12:08 AM
Bersabarla kita menanti december ni...nsb gak la december...lau thn depan merana...mcm tgu kingdom y ...

i is x zabaarrrr pas ending dia bg lg kebabom dr part 1 dia nk kasi..kalau x kebabom siap dorang...dh tertunggeng dh ni pas abes 20 epi ni

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Post time 29-8-2022 10:43 AM | Show all posts
sitisbp replied at 29-8-2022 12:08 AM
If you mcm i u will definitely love the ending.
Omaigaddd...its genius.
Yes lots of issues...but t ...

i lovethe ending...dia pya impak to be continued tuuuuuuuuuuu....peerrghhh....lupa jp flaws awal2 tu....

tp mudeok x mati kn u..sbb dia x petrified sepenuhnya pun....jin mu lh guna loceng bodo tu lg kot control dia...

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Post time 29-8-2022 10:43 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
mbhcsf replied at 28-8-2022 09:54 PM
messy ending. kalau part 2  pun bettr depa wrap up bebetul . stupid drama kalau nak sampai ep 30 bu ...

Dah mcm trademark dah karya hong sister...awal2 dabomm..ujung2 bersepah.

I ok ja nak sambung s2 kan .. nak setting tu jgn la nampak cheap sgt kan.

Nasib baik la mmg dah agak so i tak surprised.  Kira tilam tebal yg i prepare cukup la

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Post time 29-8-2022 10:45 AM | Show all posts
lolipopmanish replied at 29-8-2022 12:25 AM
Baru lepas layan ep20, tp someone boleh explain tak mana pegi buyeon?
Ingatkan dia boleh trap soul  ...

buyeon tu x tau tetiba hilang tanpa explanation pas ice stone dh kat dlm jang uk..ala2 soul dia pn hilang or apa pn tatau la sbb masa jang uk dlm ice stone realm tu ada dia dgn ice stone jek...

mencik la hanging part la punca2 iols ckp part 2 pn ada so min gak..sbb x setel lg psl buyeo ni

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 Author| Post time 29-8-2022 10:53 AM | Show all posts
kartieka replied at 29-8-2022 09:24 AM
iols cuma x paham skang, keluarga jang kira mcm vanish abes ni nama dia, dr bapak tara guna bwa ke a ...

sebab belum siap yg lagi 10 episod tu that's why dia bagi dulu 20 epi letak kat part 1...
yg lagi 10 episod tu saja nak bagi viewers anticipate utk tgk part 2...
xtaulah kot ni derang punya marketing strategy for both tvN and Netflix...


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