Reply 973# sphinx
as salam to you...
sorry ek...nie soalan terjah .... iols nak gi london nanti 4 org... tp takpe ke if i book bilik..through booking.com tue
ya..it's ok kalau you book thru booking.com..takder masalah..ramai yg guna booking.com..
tp amik bilik yg utk 3 org..
yes.. mmg ada bilek utk 3 org.. you just click dekat triple room to see availability dan berapa harga utk satu mlm..
ke hotels kat sana very fussy n strict... takut nanti bile dah arrive..kena tukar bilik plak and bayar extra...
yg ni saya kurang faham..maksud you, you nak book a smaller room tapi nak ddk ramai2 lam satu bilek ker?
kalau mcm tu saya rasa you kena gamble laa.. personally I dont advice you to do that..if you book for 3 then utk 3 org lah..
most landlord/owner mmg particular pasal ni.. they dont fancy accommodating 3 person when you ask for double..
tetapi ada juga landlord/owner yg boleh accommodate...they might or might not ask you to pay extra..
lebih baik you beli bilek/studio yg boleh ddk ramai2..
if budget is yr concern maybe hostel would be a better option..
just my humble opinion..
as-salam |
salam uolss...
sorry ek...nie soalan terjah .... iols nak gi london nanti 4 org... tp takpe ke if ...
sphinx Post at 7-12-2011 16:01
rasanya boocik kot yg bagi tips regarding to this matter, ke sapa ntah, dah lupa
so kalau in that case, u kena masuk asing asing la
jgn terjah 4 org skaligus kat receptionist tu |
korang, i nak tanya soalan off topic sket
ada tak sesapa kat sini pernah gi US?
i tgk benang US dah lama mati, posting i pon takde org reply huhu |
Reply 981# LelaRentaka7
thanks for the reply...
we all satu family, dlm 4 org... but i booked one-bedroom apartment, kalau ikut description they all provide satu double bed and satu sofa bed, which i think should be enough for the four of us...
cuma ada stated yg bilik tu tak boleh muat extra bed, but rasanya we all pun x akan request extra bed tue...
tapi gamble juga nie..sbb baca reviews ada yg kata bilik tu kecik...even for 3 adults...but then again, yg bagi review tu pun mat salleh2 from UK gak... sah2 size berbeza dgn we all asians nie khenn... adik bongsu tu kecik je sizenya...kalau dia gulung2 badan dia masuk dlm beg pun muat... |
rasanya boocik kot yg bagi tips regarding to this matter, ke sapa ntah, dah lupa
so kala ...
_ina_ Post at 7-12-2011 19:32
owh..gitu eh... pernah gak baca sumwhere yg they all very strict... tu yg takut skit tue....
nampaknya kena guna cara nie lar.... biar dah lepas check in everything..baru semua masuk bilik khen.... |
Reply 984# sphinx
saya baru teringat pasal rumah encik ahmad...
tapi rumah dia kat willesden nun..
mungkin nnt kita boleh tanya mizz sbb rasanya mizz ada book rumah encik ahmad the last time she was in london...
((((calling for mizzsued)))))
Reply 977# LelaRentaka7
lela,tu la yg aii tye kt liverpool street alih2 I dh booking kt southwark as boocik suggest dulu...
all info yg boocik bg dulu utk ke southwark travelodge mmg aii dah take note but tu masa AAX landed kt standsted airport now they are dh tukar kt gatwick airport so aii a bit confuse...sbb aii mmg nk take easy bus which much cut cost....pls,any advice camner nk ke sana....from gatwick airport aii took easybus ke travelodge southwark....
anyway info yg U bg abt paris tu sgt2 membantu lela....aii decide ambik eurostar la kan...dlm bper jam ye...2 jam ada? |
nurazza, pasal souvenir kat liverpool street tu, yes, kat situ paling murah i jumpa
tp masa sunday market la
fridge magnet, keychain seme tu 1 pound je |
Reply sphinx
saya baru teringat pasal rumah encik ahmad...
tapi rumah dia kat will ...
LelaRentaka7 Post at 7-12-2011 20:10
Lela, last time i called en ahmad, dia kata dah tak buat lagi bisnes tu
ada lagi satu kalau sesapa nak try, rumah Dr rasol
kalau tak silap, website dia - cuti-cuti to london |
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Reply sphinx
saya baru teringat pasal rumah encik ahmad...
tapi rumah dia kat will ...
LelaRentaka7 Post at 7-12-2011 20:10
en ahmad dah out of business.... x buat dah rasanya...dengar dari org kata lar.... i dah tanye other homestays tp semua dah fully booked for our trip...tu yg terpaksa amik hotel gak...but luckily one of the homestay owner tu ada provide airport transfer..since nie first time jejak kaki kat london, better we all amik transport tue khen...at least dpt jumpe fellow malaysians...buat time susah2 or apa2 ke ada gak ler pohon utk dipaut... |
Reply 989# _ina_
Lela, last time i called en ahmad, dia kata dah tak buat lagi bisnes tu
ada lagi satu kalau sesapa nak try, rumah Dr rasol
kalau tak silap, website dia - cuti-cuti to london
ina..TQ for sharing the info...
a oneliner from you could do alot for them yg mencari tempat tido di london ni.. |
Lela, more infos pasal Gatwick please
last time landing kat stansted, this time kat Gatwick plak |
en ahmad dah out of business.... x buat dah rasanya...dengar dari org kata lar.... i dah tanye o ...
sphinx Post at 7-12-2011 20:26
yer..kalau you rasa selesa nak ambil airport transfer tu go for it..
tapi nak ambil tube pon ok jer sphinx.. terpulanglah..kadang2 kita kena opt for something yg kita comfortable...
lela tak tahu yg en ahmad dah tak buat lodging lagi.. maaf yer sphinx kerana info lela tak tepat..{:3_84:} |
Lela, more infos pasal Gatwick please
last time landing kat stansted, this time kat Gatwick plak
_ina_ Post at 7-12-2011 20:38
easybus from gatwick ke central akan turun di earls court..
bus ni berhenti dekat dengan earls court exhibition centre.. ni housing area dan banyak BB kat sini..
dr earls court nnt ina go to earls court underground dan ambil tube ke destinasi seterusnya..
di earls court ada 2 line, district (warna hijau) dan circle (warna kuning)..
you need to walk for about 10 minutes from drop off point to earls court station..
yg dr heathrow mmg senang sbb hanya perlu naik picadilly line saja terus ke central.. |
Reply 990# sphinx
at least dpt jumpe fellow malaysians...buat time susah2 or apa2 ke ada gak ler pohon utk dipaut...
ayat ini sangat sayu saya mendengarnya sbb saya selalu baca kat sini yg mengatakan org malaysia di london sombong{:3_83:}
tidak sombong la.. kalau tak percaya cuba tegur.. |
Reply 955# Mizzsued
Longchamp memang mahal, my wife said price in brussel is much cheaper than london. She bought 1 which is less RM100 than the one i saw in london.
Burberry macam menarik, ingat nak pergi factory outlet dia. |
Reply sphinx
ayat ini sangat sayu saya mendengarnya sbb saya selalu baca kat sini yg mengat ...
LelaRentaka7 Post at 7-12-2011 20:57
Lela, yg i pernah jumpa, memang sombong huhu sorry ye...
ke sebab kita yg tak tegur??entah la... tp dia buat dunno je bila tgk kita
i yg nak senyum pon dah tak jadi... |
Reply 994# LelaRentaka7
it's ok Lela
mula2 ingat nak amik tube gak..tp bile dicongak2 harga...cam lebih kurang je harga transport tu ngan tube price for 4... tu yg amik transport jek...
tp kan...nak tanya skit... for oyster card tue... u rasa better beli siap2 time we all arrive ke or bile nak keluar jenjalan baru beli...
and then nak minta pendapat gak lar... for budget travellers lar kan...apa yg best boleh dibuat kat london tue... yg kiranya x pakai duit byk... dulu pernah baca satu artikel psl activities yg tak keluarkan modal kalau jejalan kat london tp tak jumpe dah artikel tue... salah satu cadangan from that article is to visit museum etc...we all will be staying for 4 nights... sampai 13hb nie then depart on 17th..
kalau Lela ke sape2 bleh bg cadangan...much appreciated |
Reply 991# LelaRentaka7
HAHAHA.... Aii pun nk gelak tgk u gelak sakan eay..hi3
aii smpai dlm kol 2.40 ptg camtu so boleh la pkai u nye info tu kan...
ni yg nk g paris if I took pakej aviator leh jimat bnyk ke dari aii ambik 10 carnet ticket and ambik plak eurostar asing2?
10 carnet tickets as kak boocik bgtau tu kan...camner sbnrnye eay... |
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