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Author: skymania


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Post time 1-6-2011 10:54 AM | Show all posts
sis, juz ignore heshe  di mana ada sekai, di situ kak bebed bertapak  ayat2 die mmg h ...
adikmanis Post at 1-6-2011 10:01

   nok VIP tu apow? kaedahnye mak nie bab2 fan retis korea neh tak tinggi ilmu gitew.. mohon penjelasan 5 pages

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Post time 1-6-2011 10:55 AM | Show all posts
Reply  luvsushi
Tak yah layan si samdol ni sushi...wat semak je.. Baik kita fokus pada Dae Sung, ...
stanum123 Post at 1-6-2011 09:35

   fokus jgn tak fokus.. jgn lupa add pesbuk mak

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Post time 1-6-2011 10:55 AM | Show all posts
motif kak bed buat onar kat sini..

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Post time 1-6-2011 10:57 AM | Show all posts
motif kak bed buat onar kat sini..
Nadia90 Post at 1-6-2011 10:55

   nad.. kak bed sekadar di pinggiran gitew... mana tahu dpt ngap sekor dua anak ikan korea pulak lps nie

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Post time 1-6-2011 11:18 AM | Show all posts
nad.. kak bed sekadar di pinggiran gitew... mana tahu dpt ngap sekor dua anak ikan korea pu ...
ZabedAmin Post at 1-6-2011 10:57

Ala kak bed, jgn la wat onar kat umah BB ni..we all sumer tgh bersedih ni sbb retis kesayangan we all di timpa musibah..  TAPI, kalau kak bed nk cari anak ikan korea bebudak BB ni sesuwei la sgttt..meh join kami meh..jadi VIP sekali (VIP: fans Big Bang all around the globe)..jgn mare ye kak bed.. Big Bang hwaiting!

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Post time 1-6-2011 11:25 AM | Show all posts
Ala kak bed, jgn la wat onar kat umah BB ni..we all sumer tgh bersedih ni sbb retis kesayangan we  ...
stanum123 Post at 1-6-2011 11:18

   hehehe ok la nak cabut dulu... bye...
am sorry

*doakan kebahagiaan kak bed dan sekai..

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Post time 1-6-2011 12:29 PM | Show all posts
Post Last Edit by luvsushi at 1-6-2011 12:37
Reply  luvsushi
Tak yah layan si samdol ni sushi...wat semak je.. Baik kita fokus pada Dae Sung, ...
stanum123 Post at 1-6-2011 09:35

okies, noted

btw, i wonder how's daedae's doing hari ni. mesti mata sembap je. takleh tido, asyik nangis 24/7. lagi le sepet mata dia. shian...

Inside Daesung’s Car
Photos — 01 June 2011

Inside Daesung’s car, they found pack of gum, a Korean Bible, Daesung’s iphone and a box for Jo Malone candles.

The news article stated:
Daesung was carrying a bible in his car because he is really faithful thanks to his father’s teachings. Yang Hyun Suk spoke about Daesung’s state again, “Daesung was in a big shock from this accident and he cried a lot. Apart from whether it was his fault or not, grieving for the death of the motorcycle driver is much harder for him.”
Source: Daum and as tagged via teambigbang

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Post time 1-6-2011 12:51 PM | Show all posts
hehehe ok la nak cabut dulu... bye...
am sorry

*doakan kebahagiaan kak bed dan sek ...
ZabedAmin Post at 1-6-2011 11:25

   nak cabut da kaka?? iols tau niat uols baik nk ceriakan hati weols yg sedang dirundung duke ini (bsangka baik noks)
p/s:motip kt sini btudung tutup sgala, kt pesbuk dedah aurat sana sini

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Post time 1-6-2011 01:30 PM | Show all posts
autopsy utk the deceased victim, hyun was carried out this morning dlm kol 9am. tapi result autopsy utk overall investigation ni will only be out dalam masa setengah bulan. kata polis, if there is any further interogation/discussion needed, dae will be brought in again. shian daedae... mangsa keadaan.

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Post time 1-6-2011 02:11 PM | Show all posts
autopsy utk the deceased victim, hyun was carried out this morning dlm kol 9am. tapi result autopsy  ...
luvsushi Post at 1-6-2011 13:30

   smlm kata 7-10 ni half month pulak bigbang msti stop diorang punye xtiviti slagi kes ni kene hold..or diorang wat without AM rasa 1st probability tu lg tinggi... ouh dae...sabor la ye...tggu je kputusan dari autopsi tuh...jgn la ni rasa nk nyanyi je lagu dae, baby dont cry ngan try smiling kt penyanyi asalnye gituh..

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Post time 1-6-2011 05:26 PM | Show all posts
Yorobun! more updates on Dae Sung accident case..Taxi driver yg ada di tempay kejadian bg statement kat media sbb ramai yg salah sangka and blame our beloved Dae Sung!

Tweet Taxi Driver from Daesung's Accident Shares His Side Of The Story [NEWS]

Amidst the many speculations that are taking place following Daesung’s car accident, Dispatch received the opportunity of interviewing the sole witness, taxi driver Kim (45), at the hospital.

Although he’s still being treated from the accident, Kim emphasized, “I have to correct everything that’s being wrongly reported.”

Various rumors arose after it was discovered that the motorcyclist’s vehicle was in decent condition, and therefore the rider couldn’t have been involved in an accident prior to his collision with Daesung. Kim, on the other hand, stated, “Hyun (the motorcyclist) was bleeding very much already. I think that there definitely was a very big accident that occurred before ours.”

Check out the full interview below.

Q. “At this time, the motorcyclist has deceased and the attention is now being focused on whether his death was caused by Daesung’s collision or not.”

Kim: “Daesung is also a victim in this case. It seems that the motorcyclist already received much injury from a previous accident. He was discovered 30m away from his motorcycle and you could tell how bad his condition was with the naked eye. There was a lot of blood where he was laying and his head was also bleeding profusely. Maybe its because of the shock from the impact, but his helmet was also nowhere to be seen. The police later discovered it, and, it too, was badly damaged.”

Q. “You checked for the condition of the motorcyclist but Daesung was unable to. Eventually, he passed Hyun and collided with the taxi.”

Kim: “There is a reason why Daesung could not have avoided Hyun. There was another car in front of Daesung. To put it simply, I put up my emergency lights after discovering the motorcyclist and stopping on the road. Just before I was about to call the police, another car discovered Hyun and swerved to the next lane. The car following him was Daesung’s. Although the first car was able to swerve and avoid an accident, I don’t think Daesung could see what was going on. Usually, when the first car swerves, the car behind it can’t catch what he’s swerving away from. Daesung was in that exact situation.”

Read more:

Wah! sunggoh verani pakcik ini membacking Dae Sung wp kes masih dlm siasatan pak polisi! I lap u la pakcik Kim!! Anywho, I can see the light at the end of the tunnel..Be strong Dae Sung

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Post time 1-6-2011 05:44 PM | Show all posts
i can't help from feeling sorry for daedae. dari semalam sampai ke hari ni asyik risau je. seriously, i'm worried for him. antis and haters...jahat mulut tak hengat! i'm afraid in a long term, if people keep on blaming him, this will cause a huge phychological impacts for him. i just hope all BB members and YG family will always give their very best moral supports utk daedae. kita yg jauh ni apa sangatlah yg mampu buat selain bagi kata2 semangat thru websites, tweet, fb, etc.
just pray hard for his emotional well-being. sian budak baik ni. this is certainly a great ordeal yg dia kena lalui sepanjang hidupnya. i feel for u dae.

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Post time 1-6-2011 05:45 PM | Show all posts
Yorobun! more updates on Dae Sung accident case..Taxi driver yg ada di tempay kejadian bg statement  ...
stanum123 Post at 1-6-2011 17:26

   thx last, some good news yg memihak pada dae police pn mebi da stat investigate sape yg langgar lari mr hyun tuh..hope article ni dpt clearkan sume salah faham org len slama nih

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Post time 1-6-2011 05:46 PM | Show all posts
i can't help from feeling sorry for daedae. dari semalam sampai ke hari ni asyik risau je. seriously ...
luvsushi Post at 1-6-2011 17:44

   AM da mls nk bc komen2 haters kt akp tuh..skarang ni update dari ibigbang ngan bbupdates je

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Post time 1-6-2011 05:52 PM | Show all posts
AM da mls nk bc komen2 haters kt akp tuh..skarang ni update dari ibigbang ngan bbupdates je
adikmanis Post at 1-6-2011 17:46

tu lah...i masuk gak kat allkpop sbb nak tgk apa yg diorang syok sgt nak mengata kat dia. somebody needs to straighten things out...meredakan suasana. kalo tak, syok la diorang bermaharajalela mengutuk daedae.

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Post time 1-6-2011 06:34 PM | Show all posts
tu lah...i masuk gak kat allkpop sbb nak tgk apa yg diorang syok sgt nak mengata kat dia. some ...
luvsushi Post at 1-6-2011 17:52

   ada je VIP bekap kt kalau da smpai kutuk mengutuk,maki memaki..AM tutup trus la...kosser nk baca..:re: mcm budak2 nk gadoh2 bagai..xpela,yg penting VIPs trus support bigbang n especially dae right now...yg lain tu gasak diorang la

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Post time 1-6-2011 06:54 PM | Show all posts
Huhu..stanum pun nervous jugeks..almaklum la retis korea ni ramai yg amek jalan singkat by ending their own life bila x tahan dgn tekanan sekeliling..Our Dae Dae needs all the love and support from ppl around him now..But I''m sure papa YG, Big Bang, YG family akan protect dia..including us, VIP..I mmg x faham apa masalah all the haters nih?? x suka Big Bang is one thing la but hoping for the worst for him?? That's just sick dude! Padahal group Kpop yg diorg minat tu pun semua baik dgn Dae Sung..dia ni kan smiling angle gittew...bukan jenis sombong dan bongkak (ceh, mcm member stanum plak si Dae Dae ni..) I bercakap based on pembacaan la far x pnh baca yg x baik psl Dae Dae ni..

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Post time 1-6-2011 10:08 PM | Show all posts
YG Entertainment Reveals Daesung is Still Upset and Crying [NEWS]

Days after Big Bang’s Daesung was reported to have been in a car accident, YG Entertainment has revealed that Daesung is currently in his dorm, in a state of great stress and tears.

Through Star News, representatives commented on June 1st, “Daesung received a big shock because of this accident and is in a very difficult time. He’s in Big Bang’s dorm in Sangsoo-dong, Seoul, and is crying in agony. We will be complying with everything the police asks of us. They have told us that he will be contacted should additional investigations be necessary.”

Yang Hyun Suk commented, “What Daesung is upset over isn’t whether or not he is innocent, but rather he feels sorrow for the deceased. He is more concerned over the motorcyclist and is still crying heavily.

Source + Photos: Star News via Nate

translation: AKP

daeeee nape sampai jadi cmni please....dont blame yourself anymore....

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 Author| Post time 1-6-2011 10:19 PM | Show all posts
Reply 991# stanum123

   ai lap u taxi ajunshi!!~ daesung still salahkan diri sendri..pas neh sure die fobia nak drive...
poor daesungie..

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Post time 2-6-2011 09:41 AM | Show all posts
fobia nak drive tu, mesti. he'll definitely take the burden for the rest of his life (tho terang-terang bukan 100% salah dia pun). i pun sebenarnya takut gak kalo dia terpk nak amik jalan singkat. nauzubillah, mintak dijauhkan.
btw, here's another update.

Victim Hyun’s Family Speaks Out on Daesung’s AccidentNews — 02 June 2011

Following the unfortunate news of Big Bang Daesung’s accident and motorcyclist Hyun’s (30) death, family members of Hyun gathered today for his funeral.

On the afternoon of June 1st, Hyun’s family gathered at a funeral home in Seoul in remembrance of their beloved family member. The scene was reported to have been sorrowful as siblings, friends and relatives mourned over their loss.

Meanwhile, Hyun’s accident was first revealed through a relative of his, who will be referenced throughout the rest of this article as Person A. Person A agreed to an interview with ‘Dispatch‘ in which he stated, “After I initially got word of the accident, I was extremely shocked… Ever since he [Hyun] was little, I regarded him as my own child. To hear that he left this world at such a young age… my heart broke.”

Hyun’s older brother was also seen at the funeral. He was described as being speechless. His family stated, “He grew up with his younger brother. We brought him here to the funeral home this morning. Hyun was his only sibling so this is a major loss for him.”

It has also been revealed that Hyun’s parents have yet to be informed of their son’s death. The family stated, “His parents’ health is not stable right now. Their health is unstable to the point that everyday tasks are difficult… We think that they will go into shock if they hear about their son’s death, so we have not informed them yet.”

In regards to Daesung’s involvement in the accident, the family stated, "We have seen Daesung on TV a lot and are big fans… While the loss of a family member is hard on us, it breaks our heart to know that a young friend [Daesung] is going through such a hardship right now. We’re not sure what kind of destiny this is.”And while Hyun’s family have not come in contact with Daesung’s side, they added, “We have not come in contact with his people. Neither have they come in contact with us… We have only heard stories from police investigations and insurance companies. Because it is a hard situation for both of us, there has been no business sentiment.”

Hyun’s family also spoke out against current speculations and rumors pertaining to the accident. They said, “The autopsy results have not accurately come out yet. Also, because the CCTV has not been thoroughly evaluated yet, speculations and rumors make the situation harder… We understand that there are various stories being spread regarding the accident; however, we wish that until the results are accurately posted, that everyone will watch the situation quietly.”

As a final response, the family stated, “This whole situation is the only thing on our minds right now. We hope that when the results of the investigation are released, no one becomes victimized, including Daesung. We hope to wrap up this incident with no chagrin; that is our family’s last thoughts.”

Source: Dispatch via Nate News

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