Reply #979 smith14's post
akak rasa sekarang ni akak normal.... but kalau dah jumpa geng yg sama taiko twilight.. for sure penyakit tu semakin menjadi2..... sampai leh imagine yg kita ni sparkling kalau terkena panas matahari!
Reply #981 ladydolph's post
hahaha.. Kalo yg tu,x dapat sy nak tolong!hehe.. |
Reply #978 smith14's post & Reply #980 smith14's post
no prob., small matter! ;) hehe.. 2lah byk sgt terms2 niekan, so apa2 jerklah asalkan kita paham udah! actually yg kita leh rasa nak tepek benda alah 2 kat cnie sal naks kaitkan yg u citer sal vid/clip YT yg rob kissed "jessica" 2 smlm :bg: - rob is a charmer kan bak kata si fe itu! kesimpulannya, we're definitely & completely insane bout tis RobSten/RK!! aahh betul kot spelling mamat 2 mcm gitu tp kalu kita, x naks aahh sign mamat 2.. naks sign RobSten/RK jugak2!!
scene @ part kissu2 sumer pun bkn di bwh umur, itu sudah pasti! naks tgk lagi, lagi & lagi aahh kor ver. nie sgt2 grand tp td baca katanya ada gaks yg diorg buat guna CGI, so ramai fans yg x puas hati.. eh! apa nie? JOM aahh lepaks kat sana gaks! tp kejap! jap! MG mmg best giler2 aahh pada kita :victory:pada kita citer 2 ada sentimental value! kita suka sgt2 chemistry jerry-barbie 2, mmg suit & comel jerk ber2 kalu jpn ver. pun hero & heroin best, suit & comel (naper x tgk yg jpn ver. nyer? ) cuma yg kor ver. nie, heroin dia kita x prefer sgt.. my friend kata muka dia lawaks.. kita rasa comel gaks, just kalu ada yg better lagi dari dia lagi bagus kot? + she looks old! eh! JOM! JOM! pi continue kat sana  |
something that made me smile this morning........ from Layniegossip.com...
About Rob and Kristen
So Twilight was in Toronto on Saturday for an interview up with us at eTalk before heading downstairs to MuchMusic. Robert Pattinson, Kristen Stewart, Rachelle Lefevre, and Nikki Reed were greeted by hundreds of hysterical teens and moms drunk on Stephenie Meyer抯 shitty ass writing?br />
To see more pictures from MuchMusic click here.
In case you haven抰 heard, the movie opens Friday. Ugh. I will see it. I have to see it. I am filled with self loathing.
Having said that, it is our hope that the film will be better than the books, simply because Stephenie Meyer抯 grating, vain, obnoxious obvious cheese might not be all over it.
In fact, some of the lines were so ridiculous, Kristen Stewart refused to say them, prompting edits and adjustments to the dialogue thereby, hopefully, taking away some of the sickening Rossum that spewed forth from Stephenie抯 pen.
What does translate however is the chemistry between the two leads, Edward and Bella, and it抯 a theme that has been widely publicised throughout this promotional whirlwind ?Rob Pattinson and Kristen Stewart together are magic. Magic.
But what about in real life?
In real life on Saturday he was lovely, consistent with what we observed in April when I was on set with the cast in Oregon. Click here to read the article. He is friendly, he has great manners, he approaches on his own, unprompted 揌i, I抦 Rob?without the usual reluctance towards the media so commonly found among his peers. Totally overwhelmed with the attention, he told our producers he抯 still unprepared for the orgiastic reactions but is also still able to joke around about his new fame, self deprecating about his heartthrob status.
Our offices are bordered by glass windows that look out over the street. When he was at eTalk, the crowd was already in a frenzy. And he remembered a recent appearance where the venue manager, for liability reasons, begged him not to go near the glass.
Our team did not have such concerns. A production member actually dared him to do it, and so he did. He stood at the window and waited for them to notice. And they noticed. And they went batshit. And he and the rest of his castmates ran around up and down like that for a while until they became self conscious of our cameras shooting them.
So about Rob and Kristen. Rob has been very gracious in answering questions about his perceived 搈ethod?crush on Kristen during filming. Apparently he抎 propose to her all the time and she抎 blow him off ?something he has openly acknowledged, something he laughs about, something he抣l roll with just because he抯 amused by it too.
The buzz around them is that when they are interviewed alone, without each other, they are completely natural, totally eat ease, and speak wonderfully of each other. However when they are together it gets weird and awkward. Weird and awkward. Everyone抯 observation on Saturday was weird and awkward.
On Saturday during our interview, Kristen could not look at Rob. She was so nervous, she was trembling, she was blushing, she was painfully uncomfortable. Off camera it was all she could do to stay away from him, clinging to Rachelle and Nikki, almost afraid to be left alone with him.
Then there was that moment when we were rolling and she was asked about Rob抯 audition, when she knew that he was Edward. It took place on the director抯 bed. Needless to say ?it was a hot situation. While describing her chemistry with Rob and why she enjoys working with them and why he was such a great partner, as he looked on beside her intently waiting for her answers, she stumbled and stammered, becoming more and more embarrassed, still incapable of meeting his eyes, especially when he jokingly pressed her on her explanation that 揜ob for the most part cannot lie?
In analysing it afterwards, and watching back the tape, to us it was the textbook behaviour of a girl ?to borrow from Stephenie Meyer ?in love with a guy trying desperately not to show it. Finally they changed the subject.
Of course it was adorable.
But ?br />
She didn抰 think so. For whatever reason, she was mortified about those few minutes. And I can tell you exclusively that immediately after the interview, she requested that the segment be removed from the cut piece. Which means it will not air.
If there抯 nothing there, why get rid of it, right?
Kristen has a boyfriend. She抯 been with him forever. Photo attached of the two together back in LA this weekend. But to all those Twilight superfans who are pining for a real life romance between the actors playing Edward and Bella, it抯 probably not a stretch to believe in the possibility.
And if I were to indulge in a little squealing myself, they would totally make a great couple.
Saturday night they went for dinner at Nota Bene on Queen, all of them taking ciggie breaks together every half an hour, before piling into a limo at 11:30pm, super chill vibe卼hough not the case the next day.
Sunday they flew from Toronto to LA all four of them together seated in executive class. When word got out to the people in coach that the Twilight cast was up in the front, those kids were actually bombarded with autograph requests almost the entire flight.
Like厀ould you ever???
Rush first class to harass a celebrity???
Reply #984 wankeyrel's post
apasal? lawaks ke posting aku kat atas 2? @ sal aku sokmo ter OFF TOPIC?  |
Reply #987 ladydolph's post
hik hik.. so comel!! mmg senyum jerk lepas baca benda alah nie :bg: come on guys! apa yg ditunggu2 lagi? make it OFFICIAL lorr, pls!!! |
Reply #988 pavlova's post
oh ok.. nway, ko ada ternampaks x any twilight merchandises time ko doks round2 kat lam MPH 2?  |
Reply #993 Kia_picanto's post
takyah sign up pun dpt beb... but kalau nak signup pun tak salah... free jerk... or u want me to email it to u?
PM me ur email...hheehe....
as long as it's relating to twilight ... i'll be glad to help......
Reply #992 Yuni's post
Unfortunately xde la pulak.. 
tp jap lg kite try survey lagi sekali..
nak beli dvd special edition tu.. mane nak dpt ye? |
Reply #991 Yuni's post
kan???? geram nyer..... hehehhe...... kalau takder aper nak disecret.. wat per nak buang2 kan???? ni mesti ade ape2 ni....
Reply #996 ladydolph's post
most probably RobSten/RK nie mmg betul2 ada sumthing fishy bet. them & apa yg fans around the world doks speku sal diorg ber2 nie sumernyer mmg betul + tepat belaka, x yg x betul!  |
LipGloss beard gets rejected, Robert chained
Source: http://www.laineygossip.com/Vane ... spx?CatID=0&CelID=0
Twilight super losers had whipped themselves into a frenzy earlier this week when it was announced that Vanessa Hudgens had auditioned for a part in the sequel. LipGloss抯 beard was said to have been coveting the role of Leah, the only lady wolf in the story.
Tricky, non?
LipGloss is jealous of Robert Pattinson and his girlfriend could be supporting Rob抯 rise over her own man?
Summit and Hudgens have both instructed their people to clarify the story
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