Suami Isteri Dipercayai Ejen Mossad Rupa-Rupanya Ahli PKR?
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mojarean_X replied at 20-10-2022 12:01 AM
So apa penjelasan sbnr?
Penjelasan dia ucapan si haramjadah ka jadahharam ka apa ka Bangnon ka apa ka tu diambil sekerat, mmg itu antara statement dia. Tapi, ada penambahan dan sokongan hak terhadap Israel datang dgn syarat hak dan kedaulatan Palestine turut terjamin..
Itulah yg dinamakan sbg Two States Solution
Ni penjelasan WSJ be serta ucapan sambungan yg tidak dipetik sekali:
In a recent interview with the Wall Street Journal, Mr. Anwar responded to the question of whether he would open diplomatic ties with Israel by stating his “support” for “efforts to protect the security of the state of Israel,” while at the same time backing the “legitimate rights of the Palestinians.” He stopped short of saying he would establish diplomatic relations between the two states – what he describes as a “tricky” issue – and stated that any change to the status quo would remain contingent on Israel recognizing the aspirations of the Palestinians.
“Some refuse to recognize the state of Israel,” he said, “but I think our policy should be clear – protect the security [of Israel] but you must be as firm in protecting the legitimate interests of the Palestinians.”
The comments triggered a storm of debate and criticism, with members of the ruling United Malays National Organization (UMNO) and other groups accusing the leader of abandoning the Palestinian cause – an emotive cause long-supported in the majority-Muslim Southeast Asian nation.
Lawmakers called on Mr. Anwar’s opposition coalition to release an official statement on the issue, while president of the right-wing Malay group Perkasa Ibrahim Ali said he would raise the issue in Parliament.
Mr. Anwar responded by saying he supported a “two-state solution” with Palestine, a policy he said was no different from the official stance adopted by the United Nations and Malaysia itself. |
Highflyer19 replied at 19-10-2022 04:19 PM
Sebab kena kat batsng sendiri cepat2 kena nafi...tak gitu pkr/pakatan
Parti yang dah biasa menipu. |
macam biasalah
acik2 forum ingat dekat malaysia je terjadi budaya sub-sub dan alibaba nih
berkawanlah dengan orang luar.. tak jauh, thailand atau indon je
dorang lagi terok budaya sub2 ni
singapore pun ada tauuuuuuuuu |
lol! kaka cili tak penah mengecewakan 
kemaruk replied at 20-10-2022 01:59 AM
macam biasalah
acik2 forum ingat dekat malaysia je terjadi budaya sub-sub dan alibaba nih
Singapore jadi negara maju lebai umno xnak ikut singapore sub sub nak ikut. Benda buruk je nak ikut. Bodoh macam nombor ramalan 4d.
Ni lah bala corruption.nama islam halal haram ketepi |
DeLuna85 replied at 19-10-2022 11:08 PM
Ntah2 ada atasan yang arahkan PDRM utk call reporter.
In our career mission impossible we call it whistle blower or red flags operation.
-mejar bersara sniper pubg- |
PKR ni semua dia nak sapu... Agen mossad, pejuang LGBT, pejuang anti raja, liberal anti agama, pakar teori konspirasi... Macam2.. |
Patutnya mossad hntr mr bean jer, polis nak tngkap pun ingat dia buat lawak... |
fishy.. Majlis tertinggi PKR ada kaitan asenya ni..mungkin perisik jugak |
Edited by meya at 20-10-2022 09:57 AM
Nak dekat pilihanraya ni macam-macam kan. Aku cuma fikir sape yang boleh senangkan hidup nak cari rezeki di Malaysia aje.
Yang boleh kembalikan ekonomi kita stabil, maruah negara kita bersih, sistem pendidikan dan segala sistem kembali bersih takde kroni takde kabel….
Takde fitnah-fitnah takde cerita-cerita yang cuba menakutkan sesuatu bangsa terhadap suatu bangsa kat Malaysia ni. |
sepatutnya rakyat malaysia juga dibenarkan memburu ejen2 mossad dan juga ahli2 mossad sebenar...biar seluruh negara menjadi pemburu mossad... |
benda simple je kan. sebenarnya tiada korelasi positif mahupun kesignifikan <.0001 bahwa serorang agen mossad yg kuat menyokong PKR bermakna PKR itu sendiri mempunyai hubungan rasmi dgn mossad. |
dia ni owner ig bag branded axr luxuxry ke apa namanya. |
CiliPadiSedap replied at 20-10-2022 05:27 AM
Singapore jadi negara maju lebai umno xnak ikut singapore sub sub nak ikut. Benda buruk je nak iku ...
Bila masa pulak umno ikut singapore sub2?
Sub2 ni asal dari singapore ke?
Apa kaitan umno dala isu ni? Bukan ke ejen ni sokong pkr?
Bangkem tak paham logik acik2 porem |
kalo tengok gaya agen mossad ni tak power sgt
agen coway dengan mamasab lagi power, malam malam whatsapp follow up taw |
rosedemon replied at 20-10-2022 10:12 AM
dia ni owner ig bag branded axr luxuxry ke apa namanya.
Covert operations jadi personal shopper katanya. |
Dah lama dia ni kan?
TEngok lah logo parti
Apsal thread mosad ni tak bape meriah??haha..uolls forumer ramai org sana ke.. |
I suke Homeland.. marathon dari first season till the end..
Superbbb...u dah tengok?
Blacklist banyak plot twist...Prison Break pun I suka..
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