"Perlukah Orang Yang Dah Tak Ada Kena-Mengena Dengan Azri Ganggu Hidup Dia?" - Azra Diera Tak Gentar Dituduh 'Scammer'
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iols pun suka layan..selalunya catfish ni semua muka and body nan hadooo
yg nyamar jd jantina lain pun ado, nak balas dendam kat mangsa katanya
ahghgagaga terhibur
ezacbee replied at 22-6-2022 10:45 AM
Elok lah 2-2 dijodohkan cam sekufu je.
Nampak gaya, dua-dua kuat berangan. |
Login_ID replied at 22-6-2022 08:31 AM
tengok postnya en akmal ni, macam muda lagi.
dan en akmal klu tengok2 gambar, mcm musisi indie.
nt ...
kalau camtu akmal ni je la yg mengenali azra macam mana orang nya.. |
laksmanabentan replied at 22-6-2022 04:54 PM
tungggguuuu guyssss besok 23 JUNE 2022
Besok kuar cerita bapak Dr my everything enggan bukak gate. Mak Dr my everything masih Tak sehat.....di postpone.
Pokcik azri Hello sayang eh dah letak mengamuk salahkan netijen
Lily_Elizabeth_ replied at 22-6-2022 03:40 PM
Ini penjelasan mengenai pencipta istilah ini:
Towards the end of the 2010 documentary Catfish, Nev Schulman finally meets the woman with whom he’s carried on a long-term online relationship. She is, he discovers, not young and single, but in her 40s and married. By way of metaphorical explanation, the woman’s husband, Vince Pierce, recounts the following story, which inspired the name of the film:
They used to tank cod from Alaska all the way to China. They’d keep them in vats in the ship. By the time the codfish reached China, the flesh was mush and tasteless. So this guy came up with the idea that if you put these cods in these big vats, put some catfish in with them and the catfish will keep the cod agile. And there are those people who are catfish in life. And they keep you on your toes. They keep you guessing, they keep you thinking, they keep you fresh. And I thank god for the catfish because we would be droll, boring and dull if we didn’t have somebody nipping at our fin.
Sumber: Slate: Who Coined the Term “Catfish”? |
Aku, kuat mengatakan ini catfish.. Manusia tue meme wujud tp segala phd n percapaian mcm woww tue aku rasa mcm ermmm jer.. Kalu beyul pencapain mcm tuetunjukkan bukto come on.. Org ada phd kot.. Otak mesti paham |
Edited by phalanx at 22-6-2022 05:58 PM
rosannazmia replied at 22-6-2022 04:48 PM
Dulu ms pkp ahkak suka tgk MTV catfish, mcm2 depa siasat org yg rase di catfish kan org dlm internet ...
Fun fact: kalau you nak tahu, series catfish tu, kebanyakkannya pemangsa yang call series catfish untuk bgtahu diorg 'catfisher'. Siap ada catfish yg berulang kali masuk series tu sebab suka jd femes. Ni dari Q&A Nev host tu la cakap. Mostly catfish yg contact diorg untuk come clean kononnya, padahal nak secebis kemahsyuran masuk tv. |
uiiissshhh tak sabar kan uooollsss...
jerry mesti tengah berdebar2 kannn... nervous uoolllss...
sabar ya jerry... gitu...
Good luck azra, belum kawen lagi kemahen bekap. Busuk2 ex pun ex tu gak yg kutip acik zeri ni waktu depression dulu. Ambik jela free pakcik zeri ni kalau datang kat iols pun beribu batu iols lari tak koser nak bela bewok kertu takda masa depan ko nak bela, bela jela good luck |
Kemain acik azrah ye
Kalau yg dikejarkan tu kayo rete 7 keturunan tak hbs takpelah, takat pokcik zeri nanhado jah buang masa |
Biarkanlah aje dorang asalkan bahagia |
Lily_Elizabeth_ replied at 22-6-2022 03:40 PM
Catfish = ikan keli |
AHAHAHAHAH aku nampak post yg dia beli air scam ni dah boleh tahu akal dia tahap mana
PhD kononnnnnnnnn
pearl jam kononnnnnnn
Parit.Hilton replied at 22-6-2022 07:24 PM
AHAHAHAHAH aku nampak post yg dia beli air scam ni dah boleh tahu akal dia tahap mana
PhD kononnn ...
Apa benda ni chuols. Aiols tak mengerti. |
Belum apa2 dh bekap over benor |
ambipur replied at 22-6-2022 11:44 AM
apa beza scammer ngn catpish ek?n btol gak scammer or catpish attack org kayo.azri ni bkn ada apo.
Scammer tipu melibatkan duit semua
Catfish melibatkan perasaan hahHha
Tu definition aku je |
Parit.Hilton replied at 22-6-2022 11:24 AM
AHAHAHAHAH aku nampak post yg dia beli air scam ni dah boleh tahu akal dia tahap mana
PhD kononnn ...
Khenssss. Air sihulk? PhD, pearl jam, skrip masuk netflix. Berangan betul. |
laksmanabentan replied at 22-6-2022 10:21 AM
uiiissshhh tak sabar kan uooollsss...
jerry mesti tengah berdebar2 kannn... nervous uoolllss...
sa ...
Agaknya pukul berapa jerry bertolak drp kl? Dgn sapa lagi? Takkan ajak acik F lagi? |
pembacagosip replied at 22-6-2022 10:05 AM
tula dah la cik ellie move on jangan cakap n komen apa2 pasal ex. jadi la classy sikit. biar buat ha ...
Setuju sgt. Xperlu nk simpati empati semua bagai. Just move on dan elak drp mengeluarkan sebarang kenyataan pasal ex dia dh. |
PinkyPie replied at 22-6-2022 04:53 PM
Tangan Dr My Everything
Sasa ya tangan sheols kalau betul itu tangan dia |
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