Meols kerja swasta tp yg konsep berkhidmat utk negara gituh. |
Tak keje... Keje x suka saya
Swasta, retired early & now keje balik |
Edited by green~tea at 26-2-2022 05:39 PM
Tidak lg kerja makan gaji... hohohoho...
Tp tetaplah busy.. routine house chores dan juga lain2... sangat2 membahagiakan dpt enrich family skang ni.. sblm ni payah nak focus bantu family |
otai_g replied at 2-7-2021 09:02 PM
Kalo keje perisik cia dikira apa yer? Yg hired tu kerajaan. Tp kerajaan usa lah.
Fuhyoooo hebat nya |
edayildiz replied at 3-7-2021 03:43 AM
dulu i keja kt dep account..pastu kena jaga urang tua..xdela tua sgt..jd Pa pd one of my boss..xlama ...
Hahaha kelakor |
kerja cari masalah
pastu setelkan masalah tu |
tupai replied at 5-9-2021 12:10 PM
Swasta, retired early & now keje balik
I dah start boring la duduk rumah... hahahhahaha...
Tp masih baru lg kot... |
green~tea replied at 8-3-2022 02:25 PM
I dah start boring la duduk rumah... hahahhahaha...
Tp masih baru lg kot...
I x boring pun masa ‘retired’ 6 bulan tu sbb hari2 busy mcm2 aktiviti i buat even i hv no family to take care hahaha tp i rasa wasted nye ilmu & pengalaman i so i keje blk…now dh keje too busy then xde masa pulak nk enjoy life…haish tu la manusia semua benda ada je x kena ![](static/image/smiley/default/cry.gif) |
green~tea replied at 8-3-2022 02:25 PM
I dah start boring la duduk rumah... hahahhahaha...
Tp masih baru lg kot...
But i teringin nk start or venture into sthg…i kerja now because i love wht im doing tp the workload is damn much…ntah la u, any good advise? Pls share |
Edited by green~tea at 8-3-2022 05:34 PM
i amek unpaid ni sbb i nak prepare myself before i resign next year...
u nak buat apa? business? u nak start consultancy works? become an SME (subject matter expert)? jadi training provider?
either one u nak venturing into, kena ada preparation yang cukup, amek certification ke, building network yang betul2 jaga circle, or kalo nak buat consultancy work, or provide training.. dah kena engage lah and buat syllabus apa yang sesuai... u engage dengan orang HR or capability manager tpt u tu.. tengok apa diorang nak... kalo consultancy plak tengok project apa lah.. jangan terlalu deviate from your current expertise, kena leverage juga dengan ur strength... dont start something yang u unfamiliar with
businesses daily operations i pakai phone je... usually M2U Biz apps je... whatsapp... takde la susah sgt part ni... sambil layan forum
sekadar baru beberapa minggu ni... jadual i simple la
pagi - buat housechores, prepare breakfast, layan anak main.. kemas rumah, laundry... i tak suka belek2 pokok bunga.. kebun sayur & herbs tepi rumah pun sekadar siram and membaja je,.. bab trimming, bersih rumput liar, bersih pokok, upah gardener datang seminggu skali je...
lunchtime - grab food or i masak simple2
afternoon - lepak kat home office.. buat kerja2... paperwork..
masak dinner... or dine out... then bincang2 dengan husband apa nak buat, sometimes i layan youtube pasal benda2 baru nak belajar, new processing yang kitorang kena amek tau... usually i mmg kena allocate dinner time ni utk meeting business partners over dinner kat luar...
selalu juga i mmg kena outstation sbb resort & cafes kat terengganu... plantation kat perak, melaka, negeri 9, terengganu... office plak kat KL (yes i ada ofis shoplot je lah hahahaha)...
Edited by green~tea at 8-3-2022 05:29 PM
mcm i skang mmg focus my businesses lah.. ada a few... and motivation tu betul2 yo-yo sangat... nasib baik ada team (business partner, staff) yang supportive, responsive... started early last year... ada laa i buat usahakan beberapa jenis ladang... ada automation and IoT (precision farming), ada mechanization ladang, both of this dah fly, alhamdulillah... of course la, i bukan buat sorang, i ada busiess partners... this is never a one man show.. ada resort, yang ni pun alhamdulillah semua cashflow dah on track, skang ni nak closure utk LHDN filing utk staff2 plak kena audit EPF socso.. then latest ni tengah renovate cafe's (yang ni baru start lah)...
semua above tu i buat daily operation secara online je, secara jarak jauh... semua la.. invoice, kawtim lorry utk penghantaran hasil tanaman, bayar gaji pekerja... tp i kena ada staff on the ground la.. manual labor ladang, manager ladang, admin resort, supervisor resort, etc..
skang dah automate operation, i mmg empower staff2 je utk urus sbb alhamdulillah, dah dapat rentak yang betul dan maintain pekerja2 yang jujur.. now dah boleh focus utk kembangkan business, paperworks, layan cosec, government agencies, meeting dengan architects etc...
contoh IoT untuk ladang tu kan, is not something new for me lah, sbb dulu i buat advanced process control & automation untuk kilang proses chemical/ petroleum.. then i involved in digitization kilang... so boleh la connect sikit2 from chemical processing ke agriculture skang ni...
things that i love what i am doing now is bertukar dari corporate culture.. kepada business yang very straight forward... doing things more simplified...
cuma kadang2 benda annoyed i kena hadap is contoh la.. kena hadap customer bodo2 belajar tak abis.. seriously buang masa and i kena selalu follow up and push diorang.. oh seriously mencabar kesabaran... |
sometimes nak kena use layman terms, use simple2 analogy... utk berhadapan dengan orang yang i tak biasa... dulu2 zaman keje corporate, hadap EVP, VP, kadang2 mr president.. ok je.. analysis berhari2 malah berbulan2.. skali semata utk menghadap diorang 2-4 jam jurrr....
cuma what gives me peace of mind is.. i no longer terlibat dalam project berbilion2 yang sometimes i know its a failure.. huhuhuhuhuhuhuh.. |
sometimes i rasa bengap la.. banyak betul birokrasi... padahal benda simple je straight forward.. is just economic or tidak lah utk buat benda tu..
now skang sume companies (especially public listed) nak kena ada sustainability agenda.. net zero carbon target... narrative tu kena gempak, padahal implementation tu maybe not economics pun or even biasa2 aja (alah, takat bubuh seketul solar panels, pehtu hang nak gold plating everything?)... yang penting pandai goreng and identify ahhahahaha...
and NO.. so far i didnt miss my old job.. hahahahha...
sebelum i finally dapat settle down quitting my 9-5 job ni.. bertahun2 dah buat financial planning and seriously and patiently implement it.. i attended retirement plan course back in 2017... the best decision ever |
green~tea replied at 8-3-2022 05:32 PM
sometimes i rasa bengap la.. banyak betul birokrasi... padahal benda simple je straight forward.. ...
Exactly semua goreng je lebih to sound gempak pdhal return yilek |
green~tea replied at 8-3-2022 05:39 PM
and NO.. so far i didnt miss my old job.. hahahahha...
sebelum i finally dapat settle down quitting ...
I x penah menyesal leaving my previous job sbb i suke je current one cume workload tu unbearable betul…i cant quit now because i x tau apa i shd di next even i mmg debt free cume i x nak wasted my knowledge & experience lgpun i sejenis x leh dok diam & suka critical thinking |
Edited by green~tea at 8-3-2022 05:59 PM
true.. sometimes kita passionate je buat kerja tu.. yang penat is melayan karenah politics office and perangai orang2 yang pelik..
ada a few my ex colleagues rebah (meninggal, and ada yang hospitalized) sbb stress.. bukan stress keje.. tp stress kena sabotaj
in fact today ada officemate adik i meninggal sbb heart attack.. his colleague is around my age.. kira muda la, anak2 kecik lg..
i rasa tak berbaloi sangat mempertaruh your sanity and your health utk company yang belum tentu appreciates
Edited by green~tea at 8-3-2022 06:14 PM
mind if i ask? workload u teruk tu sbb WFH arrangements ke? ye la kan dulu masa full time office, ok je kita ada masa pergi gym, luncheon ngn kengkawan... ada coffe breaks.. ada training time- self enrichment.. tp masa WFH, no longer 8-5 office time, semua timing kena redah layan kerja office, meeting non stop back to back sampai sakit pinggang, kena beli kerusi mahal ergonomics...
my own experience.... buat paper sampai 1 pagi, 4 pagi.. and kol 7 dah kena present kat bos... huhuhuhuh sbb bos nak prep themselves utk hadap big bosses..
green~tea replied at 8-3-2022 06:11 PM
mind if i ask? workload u teruk tu sbb WFH arrangements ke? ye la kan dulu masa full time office, o ...
I hv no idea because since i join mmg dh kena wfh so siang full of mtg then only mlm baru nk buat keje check email…reporting every week, presentation one after another…working up to 2am is become our habit dh… |
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