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Hi sis Kim how are you? 
Ada searched Haji Saka Myth ni kat google. Memang menarik cerita nya, and very well known. He is the first man that brought civilization to Java, it is believed. I wonder ada movie tak ya, teringin nak tengok.
Same here sis, beat and bruised hehe but I always stand stronger. Things I have been through kalau buat novel pun boleh terbeliak mata hahahaha in fact recently I started writing a memoir, including all my travels, tapi terhenti sekerat jalan as I was busy. I actually took a few years off work to see the world, after a great tragedy in my life. Berhenti kerja, berjalan solo. Only now I'm back to work.

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Post time 23-7-2019 12:49 PM
From the mobile phone
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nurrlisa replied at 10-7-2019 03:53 PM
Apa maksud Kim hindu Tu agama hanif. Tak faham. Hehehe sorry bahasa Kim ni tinggi sangat for me
Asalamualaikum sis my love. Saya baru balik ke ganggang (bod HML) selepas sebulan merempan kat CI dan gossip. Maafkan saya kerana sis tak layak dilayan begitu lama, just kena explain informative sikit kat sini..huhu berat tu history for me. I love you though thank you for letting me go and return. Muaxxx
Agama Hanif ialah agama yang dibawa nabi Ibrahim as. Mengikut orang Hindu, Abrahama, sita hidup zaman tu jadi ramai simpulkan bahawa Abrahama ialah nabi Ibrahim. Lagipun epik Abrahama ni serupa sirah nabi Ibrahim menyembelih anaknya nabi Ismail
Iols tengok movie epik Abrahama tu. Wow banyak sama. Lagipun memang scholars bagitau Hindu ni asal zaman nabi Ibrahim. Itulah pakaiannya. Cuma kitab Veda berjilid tu ditulis dalam beribu ribu tahun. Banyak sudah diseleweng dari ajaran Hanif yang asal menjadi pagan dan bukan lagi monotheism
KIM.K replied at 23-7-2019 12:49 PM
Asalamualaikum sis my love. Saya baru balik ke ganggang (bod HML) selepas sebulan merempan kat CI ...
Wsalam sis. Thanks for your reply. And yes good to see you back. The love is mutual Hehehhe
Interesting Kalau agama hindu Itu asal ajaran Nabi Ibrahim. Plausible. Agama islam juga asal dari ajaran Nabi Ibrahim. Agama monotheism.
Cuma kita mula menyimpang juga dengan mendengar berbagai seruan Selain dari Allah, misalnya bertuhankan ustaz, ulamak Dan sebagainya. Juga menjadi pagan imho |
Ade permintaan dr tt utk merge her thread @winamp05.
Tq Kim for such a good thread |

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Post time 28-7-2019 10:31 PM
From the mobile phone
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noraidil_06 replied at 28-7-2019 10:09 PM
Ade permintaan dr tt utk merge her thread @winamp05.
Tq Kim for such a good thread
Thank you Mak. Id like to make it a humble series <3 |

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Post time 28-7-2019 10:32 PM
From the mobile phone
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Asalamualaikum SM @Winamp05. Saya tengok thread saya susah nak follow. Jadi nak minta jasa baik mod untuk merge dua-dua thread Aji Saka saya
Saya nak tulis lagi insya Allah. Thread ni is a tribute |
KIM.K replied at 28-7-2019 10:32 PM
Asalamualaikum SM @Winamp05. Saya tengok thread saya susah nak follow. Jadi nak minta jasa baik mod ...
Good move Kim. |

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Post time 29-7-2019 01:02 AM
From the mobile phone
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noraidil_06 replied at 29-7-2019 12:24 AM
Good move Kim.
Terima kasih Mak.. <3<3<3 |
hah ko KIM.K, lama mendiam 

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Post time 29-7-2019 02:19 AM
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OttoVonBismark replied at 29-7-2019 01:25 AM
hah ko KIM.K, lama mendiam
Pakcik, miss you!
Pakcik, Kim nak tulis Edisi Jadual Berkala tau..semua saintis dari Antoine Lavoisier sampai Morsely
Boleh ye...<3<3<3 |
hah ! Ko nak start dari unsur hape ? gas ? besi ? cecair ? pastikan tersuson. nanti pakcik suh smod kasik kredit sejuta kat ko ye nak.
done merged. Sori @KIM.K lambat merged. kekeke. |

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Post time 6-8-2019 07:36 PM
From the mobile phone
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Looking forward to more stories Kim. Good for you. I pun bercita cita nak buka thread tapi entah bila lah.

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Post time 6-8-2019 09:27 PM
From the mobile phone
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nurrlisa replied at 6-8-2019 09:03 PM
Looking forward to more stories Kim. Good for you. I pun bercita cita nak buka thread tapi entah b ...
Terima kasih Sis Lisa sayang..
Saya suka dengan penulisan Sis Lisa. Kalau sebilik dapatlah dengar macam-macam cerita sis..
Sis Lisa pakai pseudoname pun boleh..kalau taknak pihak lain mengambil kesempatan atas cerita tersebut. Salam sayang xoxo |
Thanks Kim. I kat board kenamaan ni, ralit tengok gambar dan cerita hehehe.
Thank you for liking my writing, walau pun actually belum ada pun thread I buka, just posts saja. Yes kalau sebilik boleh bercerita hehehee. Kim pun pandai menulis. I'm waiting for your periodic table history. There are many angles you can look at it. Sekarang natural elements perhaps have been fully discovered. Chemists are producing artificials elements, mostly for purposes for example in medical fields, power generations etc. But it will be interesting to see the history, along with developments and how the elements are arranged periodically.
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buka lah satu. aku tunggu. nanti aku bagi kredit sejuta macam pakcik otto 
Menarik..another version of akar keturunan sendiri.
Dlm satu naskah (local indo myth) aku ada baca Nyi Loro Kidul dikata anak Puteri Balqis dgn jin. Since dia halfworlds, dia xberjasad n xboleh hidup dikalangan manusia.. Jadi diletakkan merajai Laut Selatan oleh ayahnya juga yg dikaitkan fitnah yg dibuat oleh mak tiri beliau.
Latar masa sama dgn Nabi Sulaiman. Aku nk suspek dia keturunan kerajaan jin yg di halau ke Lautan Hindi oleh AS 
Lautan Hindi n Laut Selatan plak dihubungkan oleh Selat Sunda..still dlm latar lokasi yg sama.
Tapi sejauh mana kebenaran puteri kerajaan Saba tu kawin dgn jin tu satu soalan.. Hopefully jp lg tido mimpi jumpa Puteri Balqis..boleh aku tanya.
TT mungkin boleh bikin cerita pasal ni. |
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Interesting read. Thanks TT  |
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