Senyap gila thread ni since semua music show kena cancel. Apapun according to rumours ada mini album this year. Now I'm worried. Soshi ni takut terover exposed ja and takut one by one breakdown sbb le ...
lilymaylily Post at 2-4-2010 19:06
mmg nk bagi msuk ICU agaknya dak2 soshi ni
byk lagi retis SM, pomot la dulu
Suju, Shinee, f(x) ckup je smpai end of this year :re:
blum kira lagik retis sedia ade cm T-RAX, Liyin ngn CSJH tuh
retis byk, asik bharap pd soshi jek
nnt sbb over exposed, org naik muak pd soshi
cukup2 la 2 album je, ni smpai 3 album!
SME tamak duit, kejarkan sgt award akhir tahun! :@
Commentary on SNSD Gee's winning KMA Song of the Year: It's a little bit boring that SNSD won this award.
** On Friday 2nd April 2010, @bossa747 said:
Commentary on SNSD Gee's winning KMA Song of the Year:
It's a little bit boring that SNSD won this award. Many people could predict it with ease. In year 2009, 9 girls of SNSD captured people's heart. The word "capture" is not a typical metaphor but an obvious truth. Single "Gee", which was released in January last year, topped every chart for 2009 gross mp3 sales. Mini album "Gee" was sold more than 100,000 copies. Girls were on TV all the time and dance cover videos flooded on the net. It was the same for "소원을 말해봐 (Genie)", which was released in June. Even though Korean music industry is not normal system focused too much on production-made idols, it should be concluded that this kind of syndrome has some symbolic meaning. What do you think the meaning is? I recommend you to enjoy it before interpretation. If there were stockshare in music, 51% belong to mass. Enormous mass chose SNSD. Even haters will remember SNSD's charm when they remember year 2009. This kind of bless is a special experience seldom given to musicians and mass.
written by Choi Jiho
(writer of Music Taste Y, a critic)
translated by bossa747 (thank you)
i believe bossa didn't imply that SNSD is "boring" but indicate that for them to win the KMA--is not a surprise--nothing new, etc
Sica kita da besar kan word
Bobola Post at 3-4-2010 19:10
LOL gelak sakan aku bace yg highlite tuh
aku tak terkejut sbenarnya sbb skang ni mmg sica menyerlah sgt2.
boleh tau dari perf, asik dok dgr org jerit je time dia nyanyi
yg lelain jarang dpt jeritan, dia je terlebih dpt
tp rasanya itu chart lama lah
sbb skang maknae sangat POPULAR ;)
ala2 most wanted gituh
LOL gelak sakan aku bace yg highlite tuh
aku tak terkejut sbenarnya sbb skang ni mmg sica menyerlah sgt2.
boleh tau dari perf, asik dok dgr org jerit je time dia nyanyi
y ...
wordlife Post at 3-4-2010 19:17
ala biarla ayat gitu2 sket
tu ar.. apa yg aku tgk selama ni Sica ramai gila FG and jerita dia antara yg terkuat tp xde sape nak buat poll..
maka poll ni membuktikan dia da top 3..
maknae ,mmg tgh panas2 goreng pisang.. lagi2 lepas WGM hoho~
yg 2nd last tu macam mmg xleh ubah da
ala biarla ayat gitu2 sket
tu ar.. apa yg aku tgk selama ni Sica ramai gila FG and jerita dia antara yg terkuat tp xde sape nak buat poll..
maka poll ni membuktikan dia da ...
Bobola Post at 3-4-2010 19:28
FG dia lebih agresif dr FG Sooyoung
aku tggu mase jek FB lak jerit tuk sica camtuh
sbb aku nk join skalik jerit dpn lappy