Reply #940 Yuni's post
Nvm sis.. Btw,sis ade tgk x vid Rob dlm utube?Yg dia mabuk n jilat muka d girl yg bwk wtk 'Jessica' dlm Twilight? There's a few pics in tht vid..And kalo x silap,ada Nikki gk..But,he ws drunk..nvm lor..I guess..huhu..
[ Last edited by smith14 at 13-1-2009 05:26 PM ] |
Reply #944 Yuni's post
x sure..Mayb..Ok sis..Take care..=D |
Reply #925 Yuni's post
wah3..tercapai gk la ye..senpai amek which shipping?express la tu! |
Reply #929 ladydolph's post
akak lady ni pn amek which shipping?taiko2 twilight ni sume konfem amek express r ni kn..haha
huwaaaa..jelesnye!nk gk.. |
aku suka gila robert ni...hensem plak tu...if dpt dinner dgn dia...mak aih...pengsan aku...
tp kan...aku lg teringin nk naik keta yg dia naik tu...keta robert yg warna silver tu cun gile....
keta apa ek??brapa ek harga... |
Reply #948 drtina86's post
kalo x silap,its 2009 Volvo C30..Price plak x sure.. |
Reply #947 tembikai_bulat's post
hahahah.... akak tak ambik express la dek non! hahaha.... have to jimat...lepas berhabis beli the novels n guide hari tu..... tak leh nak indulge sgt..... but what i did, i chose the cheapest shipping.... tak kisah la... janji benda tu sampai gak.... tak kisah la lambat.. asal selamat.... heheheh... agreed by another fren yg jugak sama2 mengorder.....sabar jer la menanti.... walaupun tau penantian itu satu penyiksaan...
Reply #941 smith14's post
saw that clip..... errrrrrrr......disgusting gak la... masa tu they all mabuk...
Reply #936 smith14's post
the jewellery set ya nang very droolworthy.... but ya la tek... mahal gilak....huhuhu....... kat africa ya sikda ka?
Reply #952 ladydolph's post
Yup.. Kalo dh mabuk,mmg x dpt kawal la.. |
Reply #957 smith14's post
aa'aa...baru je sampai on monday... actually i was on leave that day.... due to golden globes n also bad weather here in kuching..... but my place still safe from the floods....thank God!....
benda tu sampai di ofis.... bila kawan akak bagitau benda tu dah sampai... bedebar2 dah ...... so terus ajak my stucked-in-kuching-due-to-floods fren g ofis sbb tak sabar.... hahhaa... tak sabar lagi tunggu the next day...hehehe....
Reply #958 ladydolph's post
Arghhh!!!saya mahu trading cards ini!!Rasa nya boleh order ker trading cards ni?
[ Last edited by smith14 at 14-1-2009 12:42 PM ] |
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